"Many great things have been accomplished by the careful combination of keen minds and ardent spirits." ~ Unknown.
After the outbreak of the Jakarta Flu (which killed off eighty percent of the population), the world went into a dark period for five hundred years. It just stopped making inventions, countries didn't expand their land into the new world, it just stopped like the people didn't have a reason to live anymore. Until one day, where a man named, Landen Shelly, started to invent things that used steam. He later invent the first ever paddle steamer, which could cross from his hometown to the nearest city in two days, and it brought back the life into the people and they started to make use of the steamer. He then made the first ever hot balloon and showed it off on a holiday and it even amazed more people. The steam of inventions began to be made, anything from the blimp to the first ever flying ship, it made the world feel like it had a reason to live. It marked the start of an era, where inventions would become the main reason to live and countries would rise to grain the title of "Great Power", it was called: The Golden Era.
The rules are some what simple to follow, but you must obey them no matter what or else:
You must obey the gamemaster's words and they're final. Which means that I'll calm the debates and the fighting down in the OOC section and in the IC, I would make decisions that will impact the country, good or bad.
You're not allow to control the NPN nations. What I found with other NRPs that have NPNs, is the fact that they're target and take down quickly. I wouldn't allow you to declare war on a NPN without a good reason, if you just say, "it's weak and will expand my landmass!" then I will stop you and say no.
Events are triggered by me and they will appear when ever. It can be good events or bad ones to one or more nations, of course, the events will appear based on your decisions.
Character-driven is a must in this RP, which means your posts must be good and detailed. Not to the point of advanced post (I would love you, if you could post advanced posts), but you must be able to post more than one detailed paragraph.
I understand that life gets in the way (I'm in highschool as we speak), but you must tell me if you're going somewhere for a few days or leaving before of real life events. If you don't post in the OOC or IC in the few days, then I must leave you behind and your nation will become a NPC nation.
Grammar and spelling must be readable. If you make any mistakes, you're allowed to edit the post, where you made the mistakes. But you must tell me that you have edited the post.
Nation Sheets must be posted in the Of Steam and Ambition - The Library of Nations in the Character Sheets forum and I will review them here.
The Declarations of War are final, and cannot be taken back, which means that you must make a peace treaty in order to end the war.
The typical RP rules are here and must be followed. Which means no godmodding, power playing, meta-gaming, etc. And If you break them, I'll make such that you're sent back to Roleplaying 101.
The goal of this is to create a fun and good story, not to take over the whole world. Just have fun with your friends and make good stories.
The technology level is late 1800s and that means, if you have nuclear warheads in your army. I'll be very upset and rip you in half.
Nation Sheet
[This is where your flag will be]
Nation's Name
Nation's History
Form of Government
Political Status
Political Overview
Current Political Leader
Notable Figures
Total Population
Employed Population
Military Population
The Specie's Information
Army Overview
Navy Overview
Air Force Overview
Nation's Location
Nation's Geography
Economy Overview
The Map

The Geography Version of the Map

Hello, all! Welcome to the reboot of the Steampunk Nation Roleplay that is "Of Steam and Ambition". This Nation Roleplay aims to be character-driven, events that will change up the game for good or bad, NPC nations that have character and don't feel so 'lame', and many other things that makes a good Steampunk NRP. I'll have a plot, rules, nation sheet, and other things that are needed in a Nation RP, once I get enough people interested in this. Until there, here it is, a way to get back in the Steampunk boat.