Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yeah, sure, no problem. I'll be sure to run anything by you :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

This sounds cool. I'll work on a CS if you're still accepting. I don't think anyone has claimed Demolitions yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 12 days ago

Demo is stl open as far as I know so go ahead and take it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 11 mos ago

I be air strike, babz.

If you need da SERIOUSLY big guns, feel free to radio me in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Would it be acceptable for my field medic character to have his own small ship for medical purposes? That way if someone is wounded on a planet my character can fly in to help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 12 days ago

I don't see that as a bad thing, but I don't know how often it will come in use. Field Medic is in the field so you won't really have the chance to fly in if your with us
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yeah...nevermind. My brain sort of stopped working for a second. Just forget I said anything. I'm working on the CS now but I'm busy currently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 12 days ago

no worries about it. I made it so our ship had a multi-ship hanger in case people wanted a personal ship to use in the rare cases where they could be used.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Aeakron Viakwe

Alias: Aaron (Aeakron's real name is difficult to pronounce for some humans, so he simply goes by Aaron)

Gender: Male

Species: Hissho

(but with clothing)

Age: 35

Role: Field medic

-Modified Ion ray gun: A previously basic Ion gun that has been modified to allow a target's molecular and atomic structure to be fused back together and/or repaired after being shot by a regular ion gun. There's a dial in the back of the gun that can be turned to switch in between damaging (for combat) and repairing (for medical purposes, if someone gets hurt by an ion weapon).
-Carbon Fiber armour

Aeakron was born on the barren wasteland that is Huygen, the home planet of the Hissho. He'll never forget the red, striped dunes of sand stretching on for infinity beneath the star-spangled night sky. This was because atmosphere of Huygen was fairly shallow, revealing the sharp stars above and allowing the sun's waves ensure everything is scorching hot. Aeakron knew his childhood as only a blur of studies. Schoolwork, intelligence enhancement training, reading, reading, and more reading to advance his knowledge. He, like all Hissho, was born with a competitive spirit and a need to succeed over others. Though most of his kind were focused on physical advancements, Aeakron instead toiled day and night to gain an intellectual advantage over the others of his age. His father was a doctor and his mother an ex-soldier, and hearing about father's medical work and his mother's glorious war stories gave him the drive to become a field medic.

After completing all necessary education, he was finally recruited into military training. The training was long, difficult, and often placed him out of his element when the strict Hissho instructors ordered him to grapple with other students, but despite all this he pressed on and eventually landed a position as one of seven medics in a large military group on the outskirts of Hissho territory. For a while things were easy. He only had work on a few cuts and bruises from fights and training accidents. But then the skirmishes started on the boarder, and cuts and scrapes were replaced with hoards of majorly injured soldiers who made it back from the fighting. After a while he was promoted to being allowed in combat.

He would hang around the back of battles and wait for an ally to fall on the field before rushing forward to give them aid, usually telling them to suck it up and keep fighting. Only on near mortal wounds did he send them back to the base, and he had to put a few out their misery. He knew the battles were brutal, but to him they were completely necessary. If they allowed the SSA to claim these planets, what would they claim next? No matter how many lives were lost or ruined, they couldn't back down or give in. He saw his own kind fall in battle, but many more fell on the side of the SSA (some even by him), and this gave him courage to keep fighting until the war was over. They had won, and he reveled in the victory. He hoped to be moved up in the military, but was more or less just forgotten about. Some soldiers were given awards, public congratulations, so on and so on, but there wasn't any glory for a doctor.

The war was over and there was nothing left for him but more scrapes and bruises (this was still before tensions rose to the point they are at now) so he began to once again crave excitement and the feeling that he was doing something. Almost immediately after his time in the army was finished he packed his few belongings and many supplies and started to seek out mercenary groups where he would be needed. For a good few years he would work in various mercenary groups as "the doctor" when somebody got shot, but they wouldn't let him in on any of the excitement. Eventually someone was impressed with his skills and he was- much to his own surprise- offered a place in the Crimson Legion. He had heard of them before, of course, but he was shocked when he was actually given the opportunity to join. That was a year ago, now, and in his time with the Legion he has developed an even stronger sense of purpose and drive, but he has mixed feeling about new recruits coming in. On one hand, new guys tend to get themselves killed or severely injured. On the other other hand, more newbies getting hurt means he can continue to ply his trade.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Acacia Camellia
Alias: Heretic
Gender: F
Species: Human

Age: 33
Role: Demolitions


Bio: Charon II, a jungle planet on the outer rim. With its harsh environment and deadly wildlife, its colonizers were never meant to survive. Unofficially the colony was a way to dispose of the poor, criminal, insane, and otherwise unwanted. In its early years many people perished whether it be by disease, hunger, or all manner of unclassified alien species. Those who didn't find a way to escape had two choices: get busy living or get busy dying. Overtime Charon was purged of the weak and cowardly, only the strongest, toughest, meanest, and smartest survived. Charon was no longer a colony of outcasts, it became birthplace to the mightiest bounty hunters and mercenaries.

While Charon II was officially part of the SSA, it is less regulated and often overlooked due to its status. Thanks to this and its secluded location the colony has had much more contact with other alien species, especially the Aranites. Thus the people of Charon have more exposure to alien cultures and technology. Saint Lobella was the first human on Charon to master the use of Magica. She is revered for using her power to guide and lead the people of Charon during its dark and chaotic founding. After her death a sect was created in the church, the Order of the Rose. Worship of Saint Lobella became the norm, and she is often looked upon as an angelic almost god-like figure.

Acacia Camellia was born on Charon II and was lucky enough to survive the absurd death rates. Her parents died when she was young due to the war. Death is unfortunate but not uncommon in Charon II. Acacia was taken in by the Sisterhood of Thorns, the right hand of the Order of the Rose. She was taught to worship Saint Lobella and her teachings: kindness through strength. Like all members of the sisterhood she learned the ways of Magica and like all children of Lobella she learned the strength of survival.

Despite their reluctance the Colony of Charon II was forced to get more involved with the war. The small colony didn't add much to the the SSA's numbers, but they were some of the finest warriors. The top 7 members of the Sisterhood, including Acacia, formed an elite task force under the SSA. They were specialists that dealt mostly with Magica related missions, but weren't shy of a suicide mission every now and then. Eventually the war ended, giving Charon II the opportunity to break away from the SSA. But somebody saw Charon's warriors as too valuable to lose. The SSA decided to put pressure on the colony, first by trying to bribe them with supplies. But when that didn't work they obscured Saint Lobella's teachings for their own gain. Things escalated and the 7 Days War started. On one side was the SSA and New Believers, on the other was the True Believers and Sisterhood of Thorns. The war is often thought of as a massacre. The Sisterhood slayed soldier after soldier, and let Charon take the rest. But even with their might they couldn't fight forever. Acacia watched as her sisters fell in battle one by one. Eventually she was they only one left standing. She would've fought to the end, but she was the only person left to carry on the true teachings of Saint Lobella. So she escaped and spent the next few years as a wanderer.

The colony of Domitius Ardita was where Acacia had her first encounter with the Crimson Legion. It was a small back water farming colony with not much too offer beyond produce. Bandits had been raiding the colony regularly to resupply their ships with fresh food, so the colonists hired the Legion of fix their problems. Mercenaries, just faithless heathens who worship credits above all else. That's what Acacia used to think of them until she saw they were actually helping the colonists. So she lent them her steel and helped the Legion fight off the bandits once and for all. Afterwards they were impressed enough to offer Acacia a job. She took the opportunity as a chance to gather her strength so that she may one day return to reclaim her homeworld. Acacia has been with the Legion for a little over a month now and enjoys the luxury of bathing regularly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 12 days ago

Hay guys sorry an IRL problem came up today and I haven't even looked at the CS's ill check them out tomorrow, but in the mean time if Kye would look them over and see if there is anything big that stands out. Otherwise tomorrow ill work on an accepted character list and such like that tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xxTripwire


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Would you still be accepting characters? I would be interested in creating a demolitionist.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xxTripwire


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ah - scratch that, I think I would rather make a scout.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Arthanus said
Hay guys sorry an IRL problem came up today and I haven't even looked at the CS's ill check them out tomorrow, but in the mean time if Kye would look them over and see if there is anything big that stands out. Otherwise tomorrow ill work on an accepted character list and such like that tomorrow.

Yeah sure. I'll look them over
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xxTripwire


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Genesis Sentar'ix

Alias: Genesis, Gen

Gender: Male

Species: Human/Aranite (one of each parent)


Half human, Genesis stands taller than most aranites, but is considered rather small when viewed from the human perspective. Barefoot at 5'6" and weighing in around 140lbs soaking wet, Genesis is not an intimidating being. He lacks the crested skull of his aranite kin and opts to cover a smooth human head with a thick mass of dark, messy hair.

Being of sturdier build than aranites, standing taller, and lacking the distinguishing crest, one might begin to question his heritage - if it weren't for his skin. Coloured a pale but distinctive shade of blue, Genesis stands out in a human crowd. Add to that his ring-laden ears, long and sharply pointed, and it becomes quite obvious he is a hybrid - of some variety or another. The tip of his right ear is slightly tattered and missing a small notch.

Dark eyes, whether black or blue is difficult to discern, peer out from behind scattered strands of his messy hair. Generally, he makes little effort to keep the dark locks out of his face - as if hiding behind them. Deep blue mottling covers the bridge of his nose and cheeks, along with the tops of his shoulders, hands and feet.

Most comfortable concealed in his armor, Genesis is rarely seen without it on (though he finally consented to removing his helmet while aboard the ship). When not clammed up inside layers of carbon fibre, he can be found in a worn, charcoal-coloured jumpsuit. In the unlikely event one would catch him shirtless, they would note many scars, as well as an immense, runic tattoo covering his shoulders and back in brilliant blue ink, supplying a large source of his Magica.

In combat, Genesis relies heavily on agility and speed to get him out of sticky situations. He is a quick-thinker and can make snap decisions and calculations when necessary. While he lacks great physical strength, he compensates with maneuverability and resourcefulness - and, when push comes to shove, will opt to use Magica.

Age: 32

Role: Scout/Mechanic

Equipment: Mag Rail Sniper Rifle "Isabella", Standard Cartridge Pistol, Combat Knife, Rope, Wrenches, Assorted Screwdrivers

Personality: Rather reclusive but not wholly unfriendly, Genesis can be difficult to approach. Somewhat shell-shocked from previous experiences, he possesses a few nervous tics and a mild paranoia that the universe is out to get him, so to speak. Not an overly trusting individual, it is difficult to earn his loyalty and full cooperation, though once gained, is something to be valued. If one can get him started on a topic, he can be a loquacious conversationalist, though he is more apt to be found stashed away somewhere with a book - digital, paper, or otherwise. A crack shot with a sniper rifle, Genesis is rarely caught without his, Isabella, which he often chatters at as though it were another living being. He does not often speak of his past with his father or of his ability to easily wield Magica. Use of this power is quite physically taxing on him and he avoids using it whenever possible.

Sorry for the novella -- let me know if this is alright. ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 12 days ago

Hay guys, sorry again for the delays. My dog got diagnosed with Leukemia and isn't doing well, and work crap. I have some time now so ill look over everything and maybe get us started. again sorry for the delays but ill look over the cs's and all that
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Arthanus oh gosh that's terrible about your dog. Hopefully she makes it. Don't worry we're patient :D i should be able to find weaponry pics by monday
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xxTripwire


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So sorry to hear about your dog - I hope things start looking up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 12 days ago

Hael - The medic looks good Only thing I would like is a little info on your time with the Legion, like how long you have worked with them and all that. Otherwise looks good and when the little bit is added ill be happy to give my stamp of approval.

Konica - Your "Sister of Battle" is missing her power armor! lol but otherwise things look good. All i got is the same as Hael give me a little about your interaction with the Legion and then ill give it my stamp of approval.

xxTripwire - I must say a very well designed character going well beyond my basic cs. All I need is the same as the two above (mainly because I don't want an entire crew of newbies)

Everyone - For characters who have been with the Legion for a while you would have some sort of relation with others who have been with the Legion for a while so feel free to hash out some of those details with each other
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