Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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His cat-and-mouse playtime wasn't delightful at the very least. Cruz never imagined that the other magician races hated the technomagicians such as the one standing in his tail right at that moment. He had to do all kinds of evasive movements to ensure his safety against the wild fireballs. I... I want to go home...!! This is the worst day I have ever experienced!!, he thought. The other student kept shooting and screaming. "You damned filthy guy!! You're not getting away!!", the other student screamed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Sol heard an explosion upstairs "sorry gotta go" he stated hurridely and sprinted up to the next level he came around the corner in time to see someone he hadn't met yet running from a random student. Sol dashed in and before the chaser could react Sol slammed his sword hilt into the chaser's head and he dropped to the ground. "Ugh I, should go back to Deliliah and make sure this guy is okay." He turned to face the new student, "Hey, i'm Sol, sorry about this bastard chasing you, you must be new here what's your name?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Theo walked in to the principals office and locked the door behind himself. " Hey Theodore nice seeing you here again what can I help you for." The principal said getting out of his chair.
"I want you to check my rank." Theo said sitting in a chair near the principals desk.
"Its 47 Theo I'm sure you would of known that by know." The principal answered sitting on his desk.
"I know that its just.........just."
-Theo's Mind-
"Imp what do I say!"
"Tell him you did some serious training."
" Come on speak up." The principal stated.
"I trained pretty hard the past few days and I was wondering if my rank would have increased at any chance." Theo said scratching his head and smiling.
"Ok follow me to the training room we have in the teachers lounge." The principal replied walking through a door right of his desk.
Theo followed him and the both of them walked into the teachers training room.
"Ok show we what you got." The principal stated sitting on a bench.

-Theo's Mind-
"Ready Imp."

Theo closed his eyes and focused all his power on his magic. A demons tail and horns grew from Theo's head and his eyes became a dark crimson color. Red electricity dance around his body cracking the ground beneath his.feet.
"WOW!' The principal shouted jumping off the bench. "This is impossible!"
"What's my rank now?" Theo asked in a demonic tone of voice.
"Th......th.......thirteen." The principal answered in a disturbed mood.
"Perfect." Theo said powering down and walking out of the teachers lounge with a grin on his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin had by coincidence entered the principals office (the lock was busted) and witnessed most of what happened, and raised a brow. "Well, someone seems to be having a field day," said Meruin, not even the least bothered by his appearance. "You know, as much as I am sure you enjoy using your abilities to scare people into getting a higher rank in this over glorified pissing contest, aren't you here to study?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Studying comes second there's something more important than knowledge at the moment and to obtain that goal I need a vast amount of magic. So that leaves you with three choice , one get out of my way , two I'm gonna have to show in not all talk or three help me defeat a member of the student council."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Slendy said
"Studying comes second there's something more important than knowledge at the moment and to obtain that goal I need a vast amount of magic. So that leaves you with three choice , one get out of my way , two I'm gonna have to show in not all talk or three help me defeat a member of the student council."

Meruin nodded, but wasn't really paying attention anymore. "Well, if you aren't too busy acting like a third-grade delinquent, can you step out of the way? I have questions I need the principal to answer," said the tine magician, completely missing Theo's bustle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Cruz stopped running and looked at Sol. However, he wasn't able to look into Sol's face directly. "Y-Yes, I am... thank you for your aid. I'm Cruz.", he said, completely nervous. Then, he heard a beep coming from his personal terminal. It meaned that Lhermite wanted to speak something and it had to be now. But Cruz had a feeling that if he showed Lhermite to him, Sol would discover that he was a technomage. "U-Umm... I'm sorry, but I gotta go now. Thank you once again for helping me.", he said and walked away.

When he reached another corridor, near to the teacher's lounge, Cruz activated his terminal. "Lord Cruz, are you alright? Did they hurt you?", Lhermite asked as soon as he appeared. "No, I am fine. A student named Sol helped me.", he said. "I was not able to scan him. Is that a problem?", the AI asked. "No, it's not. Lhermite, give me the location of where we are now.", Cruz ordered. Lhermite nodded and started to pinpoint it. "......... Process finished. Location: near the Teacher's Lounge. Awaiting new orders, Lord Cruz.", Lhermite did his usual speak. Cruz nodded and thought for a while. If the principal is here, I can ask about the room now. I will do that., he thought as he walked to the lounge. Then, he saw Meruin and Theodore at the entrance. I will wait a little longer before I can ask..., he thought, stepping back a little.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sol thought it was a little strange that Cruz had been so eager to leave but perhaps there was something going on in the school that he was unaware of. He looked at the guy he had knocked out, he probally wouldn't even have concussion and he didn't feel like dragging him around looking for the nurse so Sol just propped him up against a wall. Sol was really curious about that Cruz student, so he walked around the corner and saw the fragile student, Meruin looking in much better condition, facing off against a student he hadn't seen yet. Sol came just in time to hear what Theodore said about wanting to get onto the student council. He walked up to them, "Well if you want to beat the student council you can try beating me first, I'm almost on the student council myself so you can think of me as a warmup fight." Sol said grinning at the thought of a fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I accept." Theo said gathering electricity in his hands , but something stopped him and he fell to his knees coughing up blood.
-Theo's Mind-
"Darn it Imp your destroying my body!"
"No I'm helping you, killing this one will boost your rank near the student council level."
"I didn't want to fight him! I cant even control my body any more!"
"I'll do all the talking just and enjoy the ride!!!!"
"Arm send my body in shut down mood!!!!! THAT'S AN ORDER!!!!!!!"

(Imp)Theo tried to stand again but the arm sent electrical volts through his body forcing him to spit up more blood and knocking Theo unconscious. Theo's unconscious body falls on the ground in his small puddle of blood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sol watched as Theo collasped into unconcious somewhat dissapointedly, he had only had one good fight since he had arrived here and it hadn't even been with another student. Sol looked around ignoring Meruin because he didn't want put any pressure on her unhealthy body, at least as far as he knew, and spotted Cruz hiding behind the corner. "Hey you," Sol shouted towards him, "Help me pick up this guy and bring him down to the nurse, her office is just downstairs."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dizzydisowned


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(Okay I'm just going to teleport Delilah back to her room. I'm really confused again. That seems to be very common with me.)

Delilah sat in her room, finally taking a break. Students had been in and out of her office all day because of that stupid war. She was totally wiped, Crossing her arms on her desk she laid her head on them and closed her eyes. Her head was pounding and she had tried to take some medicine for it, but she knew that wouldn't help her case. It happened whenever she over used her power like this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tyler had woken up a little bit before the war had started and fought very aggressively in it. After gaining 4 more ranks bringing him to 45, he was very injured, very tired, but most importantly, very happy. He had gained so many ranks over two days, bringing him that much closer to his goal. He watched as people glared at him angrily as he had beaten up a large number of people that day. More than a couple wanted their rank back, but he was more than willing to continue fighting. He stumbled towards his room but fell and coughed up some blood outside of someone's room. He was coughing quite loudly as he passed out for the third time in two days in front of the door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Meruin just watched as Theo collapsed, shaking her head. "Pointless," she stated. "Honestly, there are so much better ways to gather magic. In any case, being obssesive over ranks is childish in and of itself, now if you'll excuse me, I have business."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

-Theo's Mind-
"Welcome to your unconscious world Theodore."
"Imp I said don't hurt anyone when I give you control of my body."
"Rules are made to be broken."
"Yeah your right." Theo started walking closer to Imp.
"What are you doing?"
"Like you said rules are made to be broken , so I decided that I know longer need your services."
"You can't decide that and how are you gonna kill me with out killing yourself.
Theo grinned and said " Forbidden water magic."
"I guess my mother's magic wasn't useless at all. Theo raised his hand to where his palm was facing Imp and began chanting the forbidden water spell.
"Y......your a demon!" Imp shouted backing away in fear of what's to come.
"No , I'm repaying you for your help." Theo pointed his index finger at Imp and then pointed back at him self. Imp's body levitated towards Theo and hovered in front of him.
'Wait before you kill me what does this spell do?"
"Why should you care your gonna die my forbidden spell should be the least of your problems."
"I just wanted to know what spell ended my life."
" ...........Ok the name of this forbidden spell is called blood manipulation. It allows the caster to control the blood in its target. Every element has a forbidden spell so don't think I had to go through great lengths to learn this spell."
Imp laughed insanely "killed by you and this spell of yours yeah right SEE YOU IN HE.........!!!!!" Imp words were cut short from Theo closing his hand imploding Imps body.
"I'm gonna get my arm back my own way."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Sol sighed, it looked like Cruz wasn't gonna help and Meruin probally wouldn't be much help so he carefully hefted Theo up and started walking with him towards the Delilah's room. He knocked on the door and entered, hoping he wasn't interupting anything. Sol saw Delilah with her eyes closed and holding herself like she had a headache and reconsidered. The guy probally wasn't gonna die and he really didn't want to trouble Delilah. Well he would just tell her it was nothing serious and ask her to fix him if she had the time, and so Sol said quitely "Hey Delilah i found this guy and he coughed up blood and fell unconscious but i'm sure its not to serious so you don't have to look at it if you aren't feeling well."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"...uz... Lo... rd Cr... LORD CRUZ!!!", Lhermite screamed. Cruz woke up as he was daydreaming. "Huh?! What is it, Lhermite?!", he asked. "Mr. Sol asked for your help with a student that fell, but you were in a stasis that is called daydream.", the AI answered. Cruz nodded and moved towards the office. "I-I'm sorry for the late answer... I was daydreaming...", he said to Sol, bowing down. He looked at Theo and reminded of him, since he was the student Cruz scanned when he came.

"... Lhermite, full scan!", Cruz said. Using his powers, many screens surrounded Theo as Data energy was gathering around him. Information filled the screens, such as his conditions. Suddenly, the screens spinned and converged into one big screen filled with many algorithms. "....... Process finished. Awaiting new orders, Lord Cruz.", Lhermite said. "... This is not good. This problem is not something that can simply be resolved with medicine or simple healing magic. We can take him to the nurse's office for rest, but we need to activate his arm, for the very least. I have something to help us, just wait a moment.", he said. Using a convergence of Data, Cruz gathered spare parts and at the same time, looked at his book. "Forming new mechanism. Type: Robot. Command: Traspont student to nurse's office... search process and coordinate input complete. Come forth: Gral Drang!", Cruz summoned. From those parts, a light burst revealed a robot that Cruz created with his magic. The robot, without further ado, started to carry Theo towards the nurse's office. "... I have to talk with the Principal now and then I will study a way to awaken his arm. Take this communicator and send me any message if something happens. Now, hurry and go after Gral Drang.", he said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sol would hear intense coughing from nearby and if he looked to the left he would see Tyler's unconscious form on the ground. He would also see blood on the ground and multiple burns on him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Slick arrived back at his dorm, exhausted. "I need to work out more", he said panting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

(Iam jacking your robot)
Sol was suprised when Cruz summoned the robot and figured that either he could use teleportion magic and was a whiz with electronics or was a technomancer, but he would probally find out soon enough without neeeding to pry. Sol followed the robot and a short while afterwards he found another unconcious student. Sol was dissapointed, it seemed as though a whole lot of fighting had gone on while he was gone. He attempted to command the robot figureing it would probally obey him "Gral Derv pick up this student as well and bring him to the nurse's office as well." Sol and the robot made it to Delilah's room and knocked on it "Delilah you in there? I got two injured students out here, neither of them are in critical condition but if you could just give them a lookover that would be great."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

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Slick examined his stomach. "Great, the scales have finally spread to there too! At least it gives me some defense..."
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