Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Snowminx
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I do hope you will accept my character! ^-^

Name:Rin Mori.

Personality: Yandere
Bright, young, and open minded are how Rin's very close friends would describe her. Young in the sense of age and the fact that the world is all fresh to her. What most don't know about Rin, is the dark side she hides. With the flip of a light switch her glowing grin turns to dreary grimace. Rin can be seen flicking a lighter on and off during these moods, the control helping to keep the dark demons within from rising to the surface. For fear of hurting another, Rin keeps contact with others limited. She can be seen with a pocket watch draped around her messenger bag, and a stuffed bunny in hand.

History: Rin's mother discovered she was with child at the age of 15. Something unheard of, her parents were completely ashamed. She was sent away to raise the child on her own. Just a year after Rin came into this world, her mother left it. News reports were very askew at the time, and it is not knew whether or not she took her own life or something of darker was at work. The policeman who came to investigate the shack at which they lived in, found Rin sleeping in a cardboard box cuddled with a stuffed bunny the size of herself. His heart sank, and he took the child in as his own. He took her to his home in Yokotama, where they have lived happily since. Though Rin knows that her mother is no longer of this world, she knows not that the man she lives with is not her biological father.

Magic: Discovered at a young age, Rin can transfer her being into the body of her stuffed bunny and control it.

Weapon:Though not a weapon in the traditional sense, Rin is a master at using her pocket watch as flail. The watch itself nearly unbreakable, when swung around by the long attached chain, it can be lethal.

>Appeasing with her words, can talk herself out of almost any situation
>Can solve most machine or electronic problems

>Tends to breakdown in high stress situations
>Sometimes loses touch with reality if extremely over stimulated

Special Notes:
Through her stuffed bunny, she transfer herself to other stuffed animals.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silent Resonance

Silent Resonance

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It is a Lovely character Snowminx :)

Though there is a slight problem. It seems you are saying that her powers developed at a young age. But in this RP our characters aren't born with special powers.

Somehow in our life we have run into some kind of item (Though I don't think it'd be a problem if you found it when you were at a young age). This item, whether found or someone gave to you, is what grants you these special powers. So would maybe the stuffed bunny be that item for you? And you only realized as you got a little older?

Edit: Also, what do you mean that you can transfer your being into the stuffed Bunny? As in your consciousness goes into the bunny? Does that leave your body vulnerable to attacks? Or do you simple infuse the stuffed bunny with your own life essence and you can thus control its actions as if it were alive?

Does anything happen to the stuffed bunny to make it more dangerous? Does it grow in size? Gain any sort of offense or defense? Does the specific type of Stuffed Animal have a specific type of magic it can use?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diminuendo


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Accepted! I was going to do a yandere character, but I really like your character.

@Silent Resonance: Hehe, guess I'm too easygoing...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Snowminx
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I understand the confusion and I apologize ^.^. My character is only 17 years old. She discovered the power only a few years back, I was trying to say that she discovered it earlier than most of the other people with powers. Hmm.. I suppose the bunny could be the source of the magic. However I wanted her to be able to control other stuffed animals as well, I guess I can axe that part of her magic. Thanks for the input :)

Edit: She can infuse her whole self into the stuffed animal, literally becoming the stuffed animal. So there is no body left behind. I don't think the stuffed bunny really needs any special offense skill. It can breathe underwater because it has no lungs, and can squeeze and crawl into almost any location. And be thrown or dropped without much harm. So when I become the stuffed bunny, my character is more of a utility support person. I feel like if I add much more powers to it, it will be overpowered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silent Resonance

Silent Resonance

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Diminuendo said
Accepted! I was going to do a yandere character, but I really like your character.

@Silent Resonance: Hehe, guess I'm too easygoing...

T-T I don' wanna be mean!

*goes in the corner and eat shredded cheese right out of the bad through the tears*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silent Resonance

Silent Resonance

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Snowminx said
I understand the confusion and I apologize ^.^. My character is only 17 years old. She discovered the power only a few years back, I was trying to say that she discovered it earlier than most of the other people with powers. Hmm.. I suppose the bunny could be the source of the magic. However I wanted her to be able to control other stuffed animals as well, I guess I can axe that part of her magic. Thanks for the input :)

Edit: She can infuse her whole self into the stuffed animal, literally becoming the stuffed animal. So there is no body left behind. I don't think the stuffed bunny really needs any special offense skill. It can breathe underwater because it has no lungs, and can squeeze and crawl into almost any location. And be thrown or dropped without much harm. So when I become the stuffed bunny, my character is more of a utility support person. I feel like if I add much more powers to it, it will be overpowered.

That sounds lovely! :D And you don't need to get rid of the other powers silly xP

The Stuffed bunny is simply the SOURCE of your power. Your power could be infusing with stuffed animals. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Snowminx
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I changed my post to clarify my power :) The stuffed bunny is my source of power as you said above :) Thank you
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diminuendo


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I've been thinking that I'd actually like to play an antagonist... Hehe, that would be fun... Mwahahaha- hack
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Snowminx
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

That would be really cool Diminuedno~! You could roleplay right alongside us and we'd never know till you revealed yourself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diminuendo


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Heehee! Dimi is fine. Ugh, I'm beginning to regret making my username so long...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Snowminx
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hehe, I actually wrote Dimi first. I didn't want to be rude and abbreviate it to something you might not like.

Edit: Do we perhaps have a starting date for the RP? :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMadAsshatter
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TheMadAsshatter Guess who's back

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I hate to say it, but I think I'm going to have to withdraw my interest. I've been signing up for more RPs than usual, and I'm worried I'm getting in over my head.

Sorry guys, I won't be joining you. Good luck, though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Someone said we need a pervy old man XD

Name: Mareo Tokuoka
Gender: Male
Age: 71

Personality: He is quite the trouble maker, Hanging around schools and hot springs. He is a really lively old man. Likes to laugh and be a pervy, but can get really serious if the situation is actually sever. He has girls he perves on and girls *and a few boys who greatly dislike the old mans habits) of calling them all '' my ladies'' he is pervy on those too. But if they are in any trouble he goes super protective for them. He caress for them a lot.

Background: He says in his young days he was a pirate, no ones believes him, thinking he is getting senile. But he talks a lot about the time he plundered ships and had a lovely harem of girls and even a few boys. No one actually knows what he did in his young days. The man now lives beside the shrine, and enjoying his life to the fullest.
Who can use him/her?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silent Resonance

Silent Resonance

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lol lovely :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

*hides the typo under the carpet* XP
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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Though I'd add in Ryusuke's younger sister.

Name: Kokoro Takahashi
Gender: Female
Age: 17


Kokoro is small in stature, being only about 5' 2" and coming in at just shy of 100 pounds. She has longish red hair and emerald green eyes. Her wardrobe various a lot, she will wear anything from jeans and tee-shirts, to mini skirts and blouses. Just depending on her mood. Though she does prefer the color red. She likes to keep her hair loose, but will put it in a pony tail when working.

Personality: Kokoro has a light, cheerful nature. There's almost nothing that can wipe that smile off her face. She's got a good head on her shoulders and already has plans for what she wants to do after she's done with school. She's incredibly stubborn, once she has her mind set, there's no stopping her. Surprisingly aggressive, she isn't afraid to get her hands dirty in order to get what she wants. She loves to cook, especially sweet things, and her goal is own her own cafe one day. She has a bit of a brother complex and tends to get jealous if he hangs out with girls other than her for long periods of time. But does not love him in a creepy incest way, she just gets overprotective of him sometimes. She's selfless and likes to make other people happy before she even considers worrying about herself.

Background: Kokoro was into a happy family with loving parents and an older brother. The two siblings instantly hit it off and there was no attempted murders between the two of them. Though she was only three years old when Ryusuke lost the sight in his eye, and she didn't understand what was going on, she still knew that her brother and her parents were upset and did her best to make them happy. She was old enough to understand three years later when her brother lost his eye. It was a bit scary seeing the eye patch, but she still smiled through the whole thing and kept her brother going. She started cooking when she was ten, mostly just stirring things for her mother. But as she got older she started doing more and more. Now she pretty much cooks all their meals. She has extra love for creating sweets though, seeing the happy faces of people when they eat what she creates makes her happy. Her dream is to open up a cafe when she's older and she's currently trying to convince her brother to work for her. Right now works in the kitchen at the same cafe Ryusuke works at.

Who Can Use Him/Her?
Mostly me, I'd like to have control over their sibling relationship. Though you can still use her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Snowminx
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Redwing, How do you feel about me perhaps using your little sister sometimes? My character is also 17 so it would be most likely that they attend the same school and would be friends :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


Member Offline since relaunch

@Snowminx, you can use her all you want. I just want to be in control of her and Ryusuke's relationship, because I have some ideas for it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diminuendo


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I just realized that I haven't written a CS for my character yet... Oops. I'll do that now then. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Snowminx
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Redwing, So would our characters know of each other than?
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