I'd be fine with it if they had popcorn seasoning
Azarthes said
I'll search you invasively, Butter.
Butter said
It has nothing to do with their purpose, is has to do with civili liberty and privacy. I wouldn't want them searching me, even if I had nothing to hide.
Doivid said
ew popcorn seasoningnow kettlecorn, that's good.
Azarthes said
cheddar popcorn seasoning is so good fuck you
idlehands said
Fuck your organic healthy snacks.
Larfleeze said
The only solution is to sneak dirt, seeds and a hoe into the theater and start a farm. Getcha self some pumpkins and melons and shit, aight.
idlehands said
Kettle corn is so good. But cheesy popcorn is, too. Decisions.
Doivid said
idlehands said
And Kuro I almost forgot about your kettlecorn addiction.
ImANargleHunter said
... I thought that was illegal?