Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kissshot


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Magik Ther Was

~-~* CLOSED *~-~


Int.Check Rundown

The setting is modern day. The characters must travel throughout the world as it deteriorates, searching for the root of its incoming destruction and hopefully restoring order to the lands. During their travels the characters may be shoved into other dimensional pockets, forced to find a way back out, or pass through magical lands not normally of our world. Anything can happen. The characters will essentially be traveling modern day Earth, however.

There will be an infinite number of magical entities throughout the roleplay -- nevertheless, the average PC will be limited to being a human. Our cast will be forced together through the unified threat of a dying world, but betrayal and romances and parting of ways can happen in the pursuit of our shared goal(s). In the end, however, our characters will find that they're inextricably tied to each other; for better or for worse.

While there will be an overarching conflict that the characters must pursue together, and certain destinations and goals to meet, there will be a lot of leeway and open-world-ness to explore along the way. The RP will be largely character driven, with their choices ultimately leading to most of what happens within the world.
Character Sheet

Occupation: (What did they do before enrolled in the quest of this RP)

I don't really wanna elaborate on this much. It's Advanced, so you should follow the basic "it goes without saying" tenements. Anything besides that are just my casual nitpickings: at least one post a week is what I'd hope to get, though I'm totally understanding. Anything above is obviously doable as well, so long as everyone involved can keep up and is not left behind.

While not necessarily a rule, I will be updating and beautifying the OOC as I can, so always be on the look out for my updates! Currently this is its rough draft form so we can get started!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Necroes
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Name: Rudolph Thomson (Smith)
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Occupation: Accountant/Mercenary
Appearance: 6'4", 240 lbs. All around, he's a big guy. He's white in the extreme, with blond hair and blue eyes. His features are rough, he has perpetual five o'clock shadow, and a large assortment of scars ranging in size, shape, and location.
Personality: He's a smart-ass, a skeptic, and most people find him pretty obnoxious. He's cautious, to an extent, but always ready for a fight, whether or not he actually wants one.
Magic/Abilities: He has a huge amount of experience in almost every field, but mostly in combat. He has access to a small arsenal of weaponry, some of which is magical. The most notable of which is a sword he always carries. The most notable features of the sword are that it's so far proven indestructible, and it's extremely sharp. The hidden aspect of the weapon is that it can absorb the memories and knowledge of those who wield it, as well as impart that knowledge to its wielder. This exchange occurs every time someone new takes possession of the weapon, and the results are permanent.
Bio: Until about ten years ago, Rudolph was a normal guy. He had gone to college, gotten his degree, and found a job in a field he thought he could stand for long enough to make it to retirement. He had a few relationships, had friends, and a number of hobbies. One of those hobbies was collecting weapons. One of those weapons turned out to be a sword which looked like a prop from '300.' In reality, it was the legendary sword of Arise, god of war.
After it became his, things changed. A lot.
He became aware of the existence of magic within the world, as well as a fairly knowledgeable expert on its workings. It tried to use this information to his benefit, but ended up getting himself involved in the magical world at large, and ended up becoming a mercenary for anyone who could find him and offer him a reasonable sum of money. He took up the title 'Smith' because no one took him seriously when he used his real name.
Extra: While most experts agree that the sword has no effect on the personality of a person, imparting only knowledge and not personal habits or the like, Smith is absolutely convinced that he was a much more normal person before he picked up the sword, and without it, would never have made any of the choices he did.


That's a decent rough draft. I can add more, and intend to, but I wanted approval for the over all idea before moving forward.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well, I'll be getting up a CS soon. Saving this spot for mine.
Character Sheet
Name:Clarissa Jarlheim



Occupation: A trainee biologist specializing in the environmental effects on various animals.


Personality:Mostly silent unless talked to, she has a habit of agreeing with anything people said just so they would leave her alone, or staying silent if she does not feel like answering.

Magic/Abilities: Hers is the ability to manipulate the attribute of a given object or concept, be it magnitude direction or whatever else that can constitute a vector, with the exception of living things.

Initially she could manipulate electricity, due to it being abundant in everyday light, being in the form of impulses that move muscles, electricity used almost everywhere in homes, or lightning from the sky itself. Eventually she would move on to direction, magnitude and speed.

Bio: Silent even as a little girl, she had immersed herself in her grandfather's study, listening to his tales of the jungle, his hunts, the animals he had hunted and some strange animals he had claimed to meet on one of his trips. Eventually she moved into his library, immersing herself in all the books he had gathered. What Clarissa had liked was the story, especially when it involved animals, and her grandfather was well aware of that, bringing her books whenever it was her birthday.

And one day, he bought her along on a hunt. Though her grandfather was no longer in his prime, his supreme experience were invaluable, and they took down a lion. From that day on, she firmly decided that she knew what she wanted to do when she grew up. A biologist to study animals, and legally hunt/capture things to study them.

Years passed, and she finally managed to get a degree in biology. Knowing of her intent to move on eventually to a Ph.D in the same field, a research facility took her in as an assistant to an enviromentalist studying the north pole animals for negative signs from global warming.

It was then, during a cold cold night, her heater ran out of power, and she was left in the tent wrapped up in a lot of blankets. Wishing she had power, Clarise, as most would call her there, jokingly pointed at her heater, doing the finger gun as she once saw an anime character wielding lightning did. A deafening crack resounding through the area, as a large bold of electricity hit the heater, exploding her tent around her.

Her heater was promply declared as defective, and another one was bought for her.

As to her newly discovered power, she kept it secret, practicising her control only when she is alone, or to secretly charge her phone when she was too lazy to get out of the blanket to get that charger.

Extra:Has an almost supernatural talent and instinct in cooking, as well as a natural affinity with pets.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Traitor
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Nia Winters
Gender: Female
Occupation: College graduate
Appearance: 5'3 feet, 125lb unremarkable person with nothing really sticking out or catching the eye. Light blue eyes with the faintest hint of turquoise and brown-ish dark/almost black hair round up a face that can be described as amazingly average. Topping off an amazingly average body. The best thing you could say is that she's a little on the skinny side, really.
Personality: Nia is a calm and gentle person. She's not exactly shy, but somewhat reserved around people she doesn't know, specifically crowds. She tends to avoid loud and obnoxious individuals if possible. The girl cherishes a true friendship over everything and is immortally loyal to her close friends but recent happenstances damaged her trust in people significantly, making it difficult for her to connect beyond superficial acquaintanceship. She usually maintains her composure regardless of annoyance or provocation, further reinforcing the impression of a modest and kind, but also slightly dim person - though not actually stupid, Nia can be a bit slow-witted at times.
Magic/Abilities: Her talent for magic is a bit complicated. She's rather inexperienced if not outright untalented in most average and everyday uses of it, anything beyond the scale of sparking a tiny flame already requires a lot of concentration and involves a good chance of fumbling. However, she has developed a real talent for the ability that revealed her affinity to magic initially:
Nia will eventually be able to sense the exact presence and body position of others, provided they are inside a technically confined space. This kind of 'spell' works like a magical version of barometric pressure and temperature monitoring through greatly enhanced perceptive sensitivity of the magic flow. This way she can sense exact body posture and movement which gives her an amazing advantage through highened reflexes and improved reaction times -if- the conditions are met. However, she needs to be in a roughly enclosed space for this ability to work - a house for example, or the inside of a vehicle - and even just opening a window or door to the outside, unenclosed world will swirl the 'magic pressure' (for a lack of better term), completely disabling her ability. This also obviously only works for individuals inside said enclosed space, but it applies to adjacent enclosed rooms, even if there are no direct connections to the room Nia is located in.
Bio: Grown up as a normal girl until recently, Nia never really did or experienced anything extraordinary. For all her life, she was fascinated by fantasy, the idea of magic and the 'supernatural', much like her friends in school. She and her peer spent a good amount of time dreaming about what-if-scenarios and how awesome it would be. Sometime around hitting college she realized the actual magical nature of her talent and upon breaking it to her friends, they rejected her out of envy. During college, with no one sensitive to the mystical world hiding right under everyones noses, she withdrew from most social interaction and graduated with a lack plans or ambitions for the future. Incidentally, this synced chonologically with the world starting to change and she finally came to the conclusion that this must be what fate has designated for her.
Extra:Thus far, her special talent is not fully developed and limited to a certain radius, not really providing the planned advantages in reaction time yet due to the lack of combat experience. Eventually she'll even be able to anticipate movement, making her virtually untouchable under the right circumstances. This is to be considered a highly defensive mechanism with next to no offensive applications, due to reasons that I'm going to withhold for now for the sake of not giving everything away.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kissshot


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Looks good, Necroes. Can't wait to see how he'll get along with the more magical characters.
The CS' good - expand as you wish!

Also looking good, Traitor; looking forward to see her hidden plans . Accepted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

And posted my CS.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amalvi


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

-Name: Maximilliam Kiriakov
-Age: 54
-Gender: male

-Occupation: vice chairman of the Sledkom (Known as the Russian FBI)

-Appearance: Maximilliam stands around 1.80 meters and has an athletic complexion. His shaved face still holds a glimpse of the attractiveness of his youth, but has been eroded with wrinkles with the pass of the years. His dark brown eyes and his former black hair (now white) makes him stand out from the stereotypical blonde slavic and portraying more Germanic traits. While Kiriakov is a very strong man for his age, he is not as good as it used to be and although he is capable of enduring intense exercise, he struggles with keeping up during long periods of time

-Personality: Absolutely lawful, Max's devotion with the communist party previous to the fall of the wall made him into a person who values integrity, sacrifice, stoicism and tenacity the most. He usually displays a calmed and educated attitude and prefers to never speak more than what is necessary, however, everyone who knows Kiriakov in person knows about his violent outburst of anger, which inspire fear to anyone witnessing.

-Abilities: Because of his experience in the army he is instructed in unarmed combat as well as the use of a vast array of weapons and vehicles

-Magic: Maximilliam's powers revolve around the alteration of gravity. Initially the use of this power is to either increase the gravitational effect to pin down objects or to completely nullify it or decrease it to be able to make things float. Eventually he becomes capable of re-arranging gravity so that anything within that area falls towards any designated direction, which also serves to walk on walls and ceilings. Because gravity is not only the attraction of the earth, but a force interacting between any two objects, the possibilities can end up endless if these forces were to be controlled, but it will take a while for Kiriakov to develop such power.


Kiriakov's power awakening was an issue kept secret within the organization at first. However, the jeopardy of the world seemed much of a threat than the security of a single country and Kiriakov had to quit. Every information regarding him or his career was erased and now he has left on a journey to fulfill his duty.

Extra: Kiriakov have never had any romantic relationship in his life. His favorite pastime is reading non-fiction while drinking tonic and gin
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kissshot


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Accepted, GreenGoat and Amalvi.

As a note, it's likely Max wouldn't have left on the greatest of terms (aside from close friends who understand he's just that sort of man), as not many admit the world is actually endangered...yet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amalvi


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kissshot said
Accepted, GreenGoat and Amalvi.As a note, it's likely Max wouldn't have left on the greatest of terms (aside from close friends who understand he's just that sort of man), as not many admit the world is actually endangered...yet.

Nice. For how many people are we waiting to start?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kissshot


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As far as numbers go, I was hoping to start at around 5-6, but accept more if the interest was there.

At the moment I'm just giving people from the Int. check a chance to post up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Razbat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'll have a CS up tonight so please save a spot for me.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kissshot


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No problem!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Necroes
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Member Seen 3 days ago

So, are we going to be aware of each other before this starts, or no?

Because, if not, then I may refrain from reading other's character sheets too indepth-ly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Engel
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Leone Marineau

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Occupation: Saxophone player


Personality: Leone is a dreamer, and has had her head among the clouds for most of her life. Her mother always told her to believe in herself and follow her dreams as she grew up. Of course, that's a lot easier said than actually done, which resulted in Leone being a nice person who refused to give up on anything, but also someone's who has been down on her luck and without a real job for most of her adult life. She loves music and playing the saxophone, even if it's just on a streetcorner of a city. She can be stubborn to a fault.

Magic/Abilities: Leone's magic affinity deals with the manipulation and creation of sound. At first she may be able to silence a small area, mimic a voice she's heard, or create a sound without using any tools. Over time she would learn to adjust the frequency of a sound, where a low frequency could be potientially fatal and a high frequency could be used for sonar effects. Later she would become able to use sound waves as an invisible offensive and defensive weapon, which could travel through a wide variety of mediums as sound vibrations can move through a lot of different things.

Bio: Leone grew up in Paris and has lived there for the majority of her life, even if there were times when she'd take extended road trips with whatever musicians she was currently playing with at that time. Her parents were average people and she was their second child. Her brother was several years older than Leone and started his own business that became relatively successful. Leone was into music already as a young child, and would make all kinds of ruckus wherever she went. Her parents put up with it as well as they could, and thankfully the ruckus was turned into music as she became older and started trying out different kinds of instruments. She eventually chose the saxophone as her favourite, took a lot of courses while in school and practiced whenever possible in her spare time.

Leone graduated from school years later, and went on her first roadtrip with a band, thinking they'd get discovered and signed as they went to different countries to play the streets and events. It didn't happen, and when she returned she lived with a band member until she got kicked out. She performed whatever job she could get, and sometimes she had an apartment, other times she had to spend the night at home or at a friend's. Leone's been homeless and slept outside, but it was during the summer and she wouldn't want to imagine what it would be like during the winter.

She discovered her magic while hungover and walking a busy street, by stopping all the loud noises from entering her ears and making her headache worse. At first she thought she was tripping and that someone might have put something in her drinks, but she silenced and dampened sounds when she tried it again days later. Leone didn't use it for much at first other than enhancing the sound of her saxophone when she played, but later found out about the changes in the world and how she might not be the only one with magic.

Extra: Leone is a great saxophone player, and loves most music which has a good sax player. She prefers older music over what's popular in her day and age. She would never leave her saxophone behind, but it might not actually contribute much to her sound manipulation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kissshot


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Up to you guys; we'll start with the notion that no one knows each other, but if anyone chooses to have some pre-beginning relations, that's cool.

Also, accepted!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

This seems cool. I'll see about getting a CS up this weekend. :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kissshot


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Glad to hear! I'll be closing this soon once our Int Check-ers come over, so any last minute interest should be noted before then!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Book Thief
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Ignore my previous post. I thought it over, and I wish I could join this, it seems very promising. Unfortunately, time is against me, but I shall be stalking this. Best of luck to all of you :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kissshot


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Sad to hear, but good luck with everything else!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Whoop whoop. Now I just wait for the IC
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