Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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I will post the plot here once Demon and I discuss a few things tomorrow. But please go ahead and post your CSs!!

A couple of rules are:

All magic is aloud besides dragonslayer: fire, sky, or, iron. Second generation dragonslayers are aloud as well as third generation dragonslayers.
If you use space and time magics, like my character, make sure that you are not S class powerful nor will you be able to age people or travel in time unless the story deems it so.

Two magics might be aloud as long as one is a Lacrima and the other is natural.

OP characters are kinda hard not to do in a fairy tail rp but I think anyone who watches the show or read the manga should know how to make a character with flaws that will even things out for them not to be stupidly good at everything.

Please post at least once a day if it is your turn or your character is currently in action, two days at most.

Play nice with the other guild members that aren't NPCs! No killing the NPCs but you can fight with them all you want. Any in fighting will be resolved accordingly.

Don't roleplay another person's character for them unless they ask you too or they give you permission too.

Also I and the Co-gm Demon have the rights and ability to change any and all the rules for whatever reason as well as adding any rules that may be needed. This more than likely won't have to happen as long as the rules are respected

Have fun as a new member of fairy tail!!

Character sheets




Magic/s: Give the name of your magic and some examples of what you might be able to do in battle

Appearance: Include where your tattoo is here


Legend and Lore: This section is for if you have any this that you might know about either your magic or something about Earthland. This will be used by me, the co-gm, and you the character to create sub plots that our team can explore at any time. This can range from you once being a dark wizard to knowing the location of an ancient magic weapon to having found a portal to another world somewhere on earthland that you sealed until the right time that it might be needed. In other words have some fun with this because it can be used to create plot twists or something that could lead into a major plot or story turn. Also you may only have two pieces of legend and lore that you might know. One of them can be a really big deal and the other needs to be something that is moderate.

Other notes or sections that I might have forgot:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stranger
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Cassandra Sylas

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Magic/s: Illusion Magic
Illusion Magic is the ability to seize and control in some way the five senses of another being. Although all five senses can be controlled, some are more difficult than others: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch, in order from easiest to hardest. While someone with a creative mind can make incredible use of this magic, it does have several drawbacks:
- Machines are not affected by it. This includes cameras and special equipment that might filter outside stimuli (mechanical masks, headphones, etc.), so someone who knows of this weakness can easily exploit it.
- If the person is aware of the illusion, it will not shatter, but it is still just an illusion.
- Though Cassandra can manipulate a person's sense of feeling, the concentration required means she can only do it to one person at a time (unlike sight, sound, or smell, which can affect multiple people at once), and she is usually unable to sense anything else around her while she uses this power.

Appearance: Cassandra


Personality: Cassandra is a very go-with-the-flow kind of person, sometimes to the point of being downright lazy. However, she usually has a good spirit and will try to help her friends if they need her. Never one for the spotlight, she prefers to stay in the shadows or the rear, manipulating events while remaining unseen. She has an impressive intellect, but is rarely inspired enough to apply it to anything. When in battle, she prefers to toy with her opponents, using illusions and quick wit to mock and make fun of her enemy, angering them into a terrible mistake. If pressed, however, her skills in Illusion are very dangerous. Internally, she still struggles with the demon she used to be, and if a friend's life is ever threatened, she may find releasing it a better option than not...

Legend and Lore: In her many travels, Cassandra once heard of an interesting tale that actually motivated her to follow up on it. According to legend, there exists a mirror somewhere in this world that can show a person as they are. That is, the mirror reflects that person's soul, revealing their inner-most personalities and wishes for all who can view it to see. Though she has yet to uncover any promising leads, she has heard the story enough times that she believes it contains some truth, and she would one day like to see this mirror for herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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Name: Lyren Strider

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Magic/s: Dark Make, it is a magic that manipulates dark energy into the shape that the creator wants. Lyren specializes in using it to create weapons. His two main ones are Dark Blade, which is a short sword and Dark Whip, which should be obvious by the name. But he can create many other weapons as well. He's also pretty good at just shooting out bolts of pure dark energy. A magic rune on his chest makes sure that he can't be taken over by the dark energy. He's been trained since birth to be able to resist the darkness and is almost to the point where he doesn't need the rune anymore it normal situations. But the rune is permanent so he'll always have the extra help.


Lyren has long dark blue hair and silver eyes. He usually wears his hair loose but will occasionally tie it up in a pony tail. He's about 5' 11" and weighs about 146lbs. He has a toned, athletic build, not too much muscle but still a decent amount. He wears the outfit in the picture above usually. He has the long, graceful legs of a dancer and the long, graceful fingers of a pianist. His facial features and elbows are sharp and pointed. His torso is toned and completely void of fat. He does have a bit of a curvy girlish figure, with that and the long hair, he has been mistaken as a girl before. But once you hear him speak there is no question on what his gender is. His voice is deep and rough enough to remove all doubt. His Fairy Tail marking will be on the front forearm of his right arm and will be dark blue in color.

History: Lyren was born to Aiden and Lilly Strider. Lilly died during childbirth so his father raised him. His father is the leader of a Dark Guild called Crimson Tear, he is an expert on wielding dark energy, so it was decided at his birth that Lyren would do the same thing. So about a month after he was born, a magic rune was placed over his heart that would protect him from being taken over by darkness. So no matter how much he trained, he would still keep his mind. He grew up in the Dark Guild so their ways were the only ones he knew. And yet he didn't feel right, or at home among them. His strong sense of justice made it so that he disagreed with almost every one of their ideals. So at the age of fifteen, he told his father this.

The entire guild attacked him, beat the living hell out of him, and left him for dead on the side of the road. His own father had ordered his death. He survived through sheer willpower, dragging himself to the nearest town where he got some help. After recovering he stayed the town for a little while, training himself in his Dark Make and finding a style that worked best for him. About a year later he left, just traveling for a while, searching for guild that would accept them. Now nineteen he's gotten stronger and made quite the name for himself, but he still isn't considered a true wizard since he isn't part of a guild yet. The only guilds he's found that will accept him are Dark Guilds. Fairy Tail is his last hope.

Legend and Lore: Lyren has ties to the Dark Guild Crimson Tear, which is still run by his father. If they were ever to meet again, only one would be walking away. It would be a terrifying match of Dark Manipulation vs. Dark Make.

Other notes or sections that I might have forgot: Because of his relations to a Dark Guild and the fact that he uses dark magic, people find it very hard to trust him.

Personality: If there was such a thing, Lyren would be the poster boy of Bad Boy magazine. He's rebellious and full of attitude. Tough, sarcastic, and stubborn. Stuff too many rules on him and watch out. He has no problem following a few rules, but start restricting everything and he will get his revenge. He's very overprotective of the people he's close to, and just a guardian in general, he'll risk his life for complete strangers without thinking first. Thus making him rather reckless at times. He's a bit to work with because of this, but at the same time can be a valuable ally. He has weird ways of showing affection, ones that may not seem affectionate or loving to someone who doesn't know him. He isn't very good at making friends, but the ones he does make, he keeps. His loyalty is incredible, he would kill or be killed for someone he trusts without a second thought. He's cocky and confident almost to the point of arrogance, but he never lets himself cross that line. He's got a bit of a temper, but would never take it out on someone who doesn't deserve it. He's not the smartest guy around and prefers action to thinking, but can keep a clear head in stressful situations.

Think of him sort of as a melon. He's got that tough outer shell, but a sweet, mushy interior. Under the bad boy toughness and attitude is a caring, emotional guy. You just have to dig deep, deep, down in order to get to it. He isn't afraid to cry every once in a while, as long as it isn't around other people. He likes to keep the tough part of him out when he's around other people. The only part of his soft side that he doesn't mind showing is his sweet tooth. Despite his attitude he's honorable, trustworthy, and has a strong sense of justice. Above all he's a hard worker who won't give in without a fight. He has more energy than he knows what do to with and finds it very hard to sit still for more than a couple of minutes, he tends to be impatient because of this. It also lends itself to his recklessness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

I like it very much. Accepted stranger! reading yours now redwing
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Awesome Redwing! Accepted!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I am interested in joining, but it is to late right now and I shall make my character tomorrow after school.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Right now monkey all the slots are filled unless the other two drop that were on the interest check thread. I will have you on the waiting list and you will be the first on I pm if one of them doesn't post or decides not to play.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sounds good Soren.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goat God

Goat God

Member Offline since relaunch

Goat God wishes to be in fairy tail. May A Goat join?

Edit: oops. So sorry. Didn't know all the slots were filled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goat you shall be put on the waiting list as well
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BrownBear


Member Offline since relaunch

Will think up a character and post it sometime tomorrow
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

BrownBear said
Will think up a character and post it sometime tomorrow

Sorry, but I think the positions are closed.
However, it's likely that soren will put you on the waiting list, though there are 2 other's before you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

soren said

Well now I know what you think.
I'd like to know what my other comrades think :3

On a side note...
We have no female characters o_o
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

So here is the update. As of September 5th, 2014 at 10pm central time. Two spots with open up if the other two people that posted in the interest check do not put up their CSs for approval. At that time MonkeyBusiness and Goat God will be able to put up their CSs for approval. If either one decides to drop or doesn't post a CS by September 7th, 2014 at 10pm central time BrownBear may then post a CS.

Thank you for listening to you local broadcast update!

Also I am not trying to be harsh or anything I understand life happens. Please pm me or demon if something is up or post it here. The time limits are up for the reason of getting the RP started. I am sorry if something happens and you can not make it.

Last note: There is a slight chance that I will be starting a Kingdom Hearts RP. So if you miss the chance at the Fairy Tail RP there is a chance at the other.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Good to see ya got everything handled soren.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stranger
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

If we don't get some females, I'll change Cooper into Cassandra.

Also, your character is cool, Demon. Pun totally intended. =D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Stranger said
If we don't get some females, I'll change Cooper into Cassandra.Also, your character is cool, Demon. Pun totally intended. =D

thank you Stranger :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Oh yes I forgot to say that my character is up. Check under the rules
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