Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 6 days ago

Galaxian Alliances is play-by-posts NRP set in a far future Sci-Fi setting.
You're allowed to create your own space civilization down to their society, technology and even biology.
There aren't many restrictions aside from maintaining the relative balance of power.
You can interact with other civilizations (either player-controlled or NPCs).
You can trade with them, ally with them, wage wars and many more.
It all depends on you!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 6 days ago

Civilization Creation Guide

This is more or less a copy-pastable scheme for you to edit and insert the information about your civilization.
IMPORTANT: It's better if you PM me your civilization profile before posting it here.
I'll evaluate it and if there's something off I'll be also giving you advices how to make it better fit.

(the name of your civilization goes here)

Short Bio
(Introduce our civilization in brief. Who are they? What was their history? etc...)

(What are our alien races like? How do they look? What kind of unique features they have? If there are more than one important alien races in your civilization you can detail them all. In case of predominantly human civilization you can neglect this part unless they have something unique.)

(This is what gives the "character" of your civilization. You can describe the government, politics and life in your civilization. This forms the core of how you play this civilization out in the future.)


(Edit this image, draw pointers and boundaries to show where's your civilization is located within the Milky Way.
I don't enforce this strictly but this would determine who are your neighbors and such.)

(How strong is this civilization's economy? What are their main products? etc.)

(Describe the technological level of your civilization and mention at least a few examples what are they capable of. Efficiency of FTL travel can be mentioned here, for example.)

(What kind of military power your civilization represent? How are their weapons? Also it's better to mention examples what your military units are capable of.)

(That's roughly it. If you don't have much to say about a certain category you don't need to. You can just merge it with something concerned with it. I.e. mention that your humans have minor psychic power in the "Short Bio" or "Society" sections.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 6 days ago

Accepted Civilizations

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 6 days ago

The Galaxian Empire

Short Bio

Imperium Galaxia, Galaxireich or as commonly known the Galaxian Empire is an ancient interstellar civilization dating back to a few hundred years after the formulation of the Star Calendar dating system.
[to be continued...]







Even now the Galaxian Empire occupies roughly 1/6th of the entire Milky Way. It has over 10 billion habitable planets and over a trillion colonies spread through space. According to last year's census the Empire has over 27 quintillion citizen. This makes the Galaxian Empire one of the largest if not the largest humanoid civilizations in the galaxy. Whether it's economic, industrial or manpower the Empire has it in abundance. Actually, the Galaxian Empire is struggling with overpopulation which is one of its main driving force to constantly expand.


During its prime the Galaxian Empire was an extremely advanced civilization and creators of miraculous technologies. They developed the Giant Galaxian Gates for safe and fast travel between any of the network of other gates spread through the Milky Way. They were told to have mastered time and space and had plans to conquer the entire universe or what lied beyond. Yet their empire came to an abrupt halt and decay around SC4000, reducing them to a mere shadow of their former splendor.
The exact reason is unknown but the current Empire's technology can be the best surmised as "archaic". Their overall technological level is on par with most major civilizations but their design often prefer style and old values over more practical reasons. Furthermore if we break down their technology to various fields it can be observed that most of them are less sophisticated while certain technologies are considerably beyond the level of their neighbors.
Best example are the Empire's tachyon technology. While the particle is far from alien to other civilizations the Empire regularly employs these in their beam and particle based technology. Similarly most civilizations possess warp, inertial dampening and mass-lightening technology the Empire's Schwere-field is considerably better while combining all 3 functions.
The answer lies within the Standard Template Fabricator Units (STFU) which are ancient machines originating from the Empire' golden age. Standard Template Fabricator Units can produce a limited variety of parts and technology which was supposedly essential for faraway colonies. By owning some of these the Empire can still maintain some of its advanced technology in spite of the fact they no longer understand the science behind it. The various tachyon converter units are these. They are complete black boxes to Imperial scientists, only understanding how to insert these within their equipment. Reflecting the old Empire's pride and arrogance in their technology, these "black boxes" are also sensitive to tampering. Removal of them from Imperial machinery usually results in the "black box" vaporizing. Other black box technologies include zero point energy extractors and the "catalyst" used for forming Durasteel alloys. Standard Template Fabricator Units are the lifeline of the Empire's technology. Millions of imperial explorers spread through the galaxy in order to find more of these miraculous machines but only with extremely minimal success so far.
It also worths noting that the Galaxian Empire has widespread use of cybernetics and regenerative medicines. Albeit the average citizen can never dream to earn enough money for these.


Not counting conscripts the Reichswehrmacht (Imperial Army) has over 172 quadrillion enlisted personnel, making it one of the largest armed forces in the entire galaxy. Their standard infantry wears powered suits reminiscent of knight armors with a skull-shaped mask. These are protected against most technologically inferior infantry weapons while also give the wielder environmental shielding and enhanced strength. The Empire also heavily relies on various vehicles with some of the heavier ones possessing shields.

The Galaxian Empire is estimated to possess over 300 billion warships, easily outnumbering most civilizations. Their standard is the Lohengrin-class Battleship, 711 meters long with the standard crew of 2000. Their primary weapons are rows of tachyon cannons projecting faster-than-light particles in a straight line for vast distances. This weapon ignores classic armors, particle shields and electromagnetic defenses thus eliminating technologically inferior forces with ease. Their critical flaw is in their design which edges most Imperial warships for frontal attacks and leaving them exposed to flanking attempts. Albeit their sheer numbers and a skilled commander can still mitigate that. Battleships also carry several space fighters for rapid strike and escort. They lack FTL capacity but can be launched via Warp Catapults to extreme ranges for surprise attacks.

Overall the Galaxian Empire has frightening military power but their huge size and comparably slow interstellar travel speed makes this force scattered all over its domain.
Albeit it isn't rare to see no less than millions of warships and trillions of soldiers deployed during a larger military champaign.
Also while their ships are slow, they can relocate their armies quickly by using the Giant Galaxian Gate network to travel from one gate to another in an instant.
As such capturing these gates in the enemy territory is always their first objective.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ASTA
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Would post a sheet, but there's just one issue:

If tachyon weapons are considered outdated, I seriously hate to see what 'advanced' weapons are supposed to be like in this RP. Additionally, I'm trying to figure out how a tachyon weapon effectively bypasses an electromagnetic field, a particle shield or 'classic' armor plating, because by this notion, you've effectively rendered most (if not all) standard sci-fi technology obsolete.

I mean off the bat, the GE pretty much sets the standard for this roleplay, and it's already set up to be a powergaming fest to be honest.

And, the resemblance to the IoM is rather similar. Love the IoM personally, but making a copy-cat nation is, for lack of a better term, weaksauce.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 6 days ago

Tachyons are obviously not the standard technology in this setting.
Especially not for a nation which would actually know how to use them aside from as a really-really convenient transmitter/weapon.
Tachyon is basically is a reference to particles moving faster than the speed of light.
As such even though this form of tachyon is rather "tame" compared what could it be, it's still energy and particles moving FTL, meaning electric fields or particles that only approach the speed of light are too slow with their disorderly movement and they don't appear to be an uniform "wall" against an FTL beam like they usually are.
This is why a tachyon beam passes through it with only minimal resistance.
Similar issue with armors. Even if they absorb radiation the individual tachyon particles are many times more energetic (if a beam is 500x FTL then 25,000 times more energetic) which means these can permeate classic radiation absorbent materials far better.
That's the brief physics behind them.
As for ZPMs, they are relatively rare but at least each of the more modern imperial warships have one as auxiliary energy system.
The main energy source for imperial warships and in general are via plasma generators.
These use plasma implosion to prepare the conditions for highly efficient fusion or antimatter reactions. But these can eventually run out.
Meanwhile the ZPM unit can provide less output and requires a large complex machinery to safely manage but it lasts for hundreds of years if not more.
Similarly, larger planetary worlds have emergency ZPMs in order to sustain themselves during grave situations.

You made comparisons to the IoM which is partially right.
I took inspiration from it, indeed.
But so I did with several others.
I'd imagine the average tech levels at somewhere the level of Star Trek.
There are many-many fictional alternatives to deal with this "dumbed down" tachyon beam.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ASTA
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Oh, Star Trek technology. ST I never really liked--for a number of reasons. But that's neither here nor there.

At any rate, I figured this was your run-of-the-mill sci-fi NRP, but that tech set-up isn't really doing it for me.

Good luck with the RP I guess.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 8 days ago

Woah, this brings back memories. That galaxy map is the exact same one I used for my first NRP. I might join this, we'll see.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Sorry, it just seems that anyone who goes against the imperium is gonna get stomped pretty quick. Especially if most of the military is pretty much impervious to other weapons as you have got the highest military grade weapons. I may come back around but for now, I'm pulling out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 6 days ago

GingerBoi123 said
Sorry, it just seems that anyone who goes against the imperium is gonna get stomped pretty quick. Especially if most of the military is pretty much impervious to other weapons as you have got the highest military grade weapons. I may come back around but for now, I'm pulling out.
Imperium's firepower and weapons are pretty much medium grade in their setting.
They go for quantity over quality.
Their only special feature is the tachyon beam weapons and those are only broken against low tier/hard SF type defenses.
Otherwise the only difference is that the beams reach a certain place faster than light. Which is actually pretty common in space operas if you take attention to the details.

Anyways, if somebody doesn't want to deal with the Empire they just don't need to be in their neighborhood.
The Empire's method of faster than light travel is similar to the Alcubierre Drive which warps space thus allowing an STL vessel to seemingly reach superluminal speeds.
Even with that they're fairly slow, traveling roughly a few lightyears a day.
This means via their standard drives to reach a civilization on the other part of the galaxy they'd need to travel for centuries.
Really, getting scared because a large NPC civilization is actually strong?
This game isn't just about space battles or duking it out with another race.
You have to actually use your brain. Or jut go with the flow and enjoy governing your space civ.

EDIT: Are you perhaps referring to the part where I mention imperial soldiers wear powered armors that can protect against less advanced weapons?
That's pretty much just how the advance of technology works. Their armor can protect against primitive firearms and less powerful energy weapons because otherwise they wouldn't be wearing it. A well-placed shot from advanced infantry weapons like phasers, blasters, railguns or whatever would take them out because there's no reason to design a weapon which cannot threaten an armor with comparable tech level.
Seriously I don't know what's your deal here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

...I'm kind of glad other people have already voiced some of my problems so I don't have to figure out how to properly word them. ^^; But yeah, um... Kind of lost interest, sorry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Captain


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

What really gets me and ruins my suspension of disbelief, more than the unusually high standard of military technology, is the standard for scale. It boggles my mind to consider how a nation of 10 billion worlds, with 27 quintillion citizens, might ever be effectively administrated. Are there whole planets devoted to bureaucracy or something?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alfhedil
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Alfhedil What do you see Kaneda?

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Right. I had been observing this thread since you posted it, as I had felt at the time of initial posting that the NRP showed promise. When you posted up your nation, I was hesitant, but I still felt that perhaps it was merely an initial draft, and that once people had voiced their concerns over such a concept, that you as a responsible GM would respond in a way to suit their concerns as well as retain your initial idea. Your conduct in regards to those who have voiced concern, on the other hand, I cannot ignore, for you are treating those who would otherwise be your players with disrespect. As such, I'm going to outline in key detail exactly what it is that others have issue with, and why it is that these are issues, as well as interject my own concerns over not only your NS, but also your comments in return.

Willy Vereb said
Really, getting scared because a large NPC civilization is actually strong?

I'll address this point first, as it stands out the most among your comments towards anyone observing the thread. There is a point in which you can have an NPC nation that is strong and appears unassailable, and then there is wank, pure and simple. At a certain point, your nation exceeds this far and above(I'll outline this in later sections) and to a degree that not only makes it seem impossible for other nations to stand against them, but forces others to actively avoid your nation should you choose to wield it as a tool. While you yourself may not be guilty of such an action, there are many here on the guild and across the RP-verse that have done so, and in such a brazen manner as to leave quite a few people rather on edge about such factions. As a roleplayer first, GM second, you should treat your nation as a living, breathing entity, and not a tool. For a nation with such a powerful military force as you have described and a complete lack of society in any respect, your nation is simply a tool to enforce GM powers. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Willy Vereb said
This game isn't just about space battles or duking it out with another race.
You have to actually use your brain. Or jut go with the flow and enjoy governing your space civ.

You see, this statement would have far more credibility if your nation consisted of more than military assets and technology. At this point you have made it very clear that your nation is a military-focused nation, and that you intend to have space battles and to duke it out with other factions. I could be wrong, and you could have some grand plot revolving around something completely different. Thing is, that no one would be able to know this because you have given absolutely no incentive for people to investigate into such an avenue. You have presented a military force the likes of which no one has seen, and then get upset when people say they do not wish to fight it? Really?

Willy Vereb said
Anyways, if somebody doesn't want to deal with the Empire they just don't need to be in their neighborhood.
The Empire's method of faster than light travel is similar to the Alcubierre Drive which warps space thus allowing an STL vessel to seemingly reach superluminal speeds.
Even with that they're fairly slow, traveling roughly a few lightyears a day.
This means via their standard drives to reach a civilization on the other part of the galaxy they'd need to travel for centuries.

This is a rather poor excuse, especially when you provide a way to powerplay around it via the gates you mention in your NS. The thing that really deflates your argument, however, is that you seem to want people to think smarter and avoid fighting the military juggernaut on their terms, yet you insist that if people don't want to deal with them they just not be in the same area. Really? Interaction is the pivotal point of every RP. Without interaction, all you have is a bunch of people writing their own independent story, and at that point, they may as well be writing on their own. Most roleplayers know this, and quit threads that no longer give them interaction. For you to so boldly say for people to simply not interact with your nation deals a massive blow to your RP.

Willy Vereb said
Imperium's firepower and weapons are pretty much medium grade in their setting.

You see, this is something that quite a few GMs fail to understand. Once you open your RP to a group of people, it is no longer your setting, it is a shared multiverse which functions differently from the personal setting that you as the GM may use. While your nation may act a certain way in their own setting, the NRP that you set up to be an open-ended NRP is /not/ that setting. This NRP, whether you like it or not, is from the moment you post it as an open-ended NRP, no longer your exclusive setting.

Willy Vereb said
I'd imagine the average tech levels at somewhere the level of Star Trek.

Actually, it's really not. Your nation goes far and beyond that which Star Trek has been shown to use, and to even attempt to insist otherwise is really just insulting to the intelligence of those you are trying to foist this falsehood upon.

Willy Vereb said
Tachyons are obviously not the standard technology in this setting.

Really? Because you state nowhere in your NS of other technologies that /are/ the standard. In fact, you mention Tachyons pretty extensively, to the point that anyone reading it will get the impression that not only are Tachyons used extensively by your nation, but that it is the standard and everyday technology of the nation. Generally, when one is defining the "standard" technology of a setting, they do not hype up the biggest and the best technology there is while saying there are "other" things available. What other things are they? You make little to no mention in your actual NS, but then you get upset when other people see tachyons and get uncomfortable about them being the standard.

And now to address the points that I have issue with.

Willy Vereb said
Their only special feature is the tachyon beam weapons and those are only broken against low tier/hard SF type defenses.

Willy Vereb said
As such even though this form of tachyon is rather "tame" compared what could it be, it's still energy and particles moving FTL, meaning electric fields or particles that only approach the speed of light are too slow with their disorderly movement and they don't appear to be an uniform "wall" against an FTL beam like they usually are.
This is why a tachyon beam passes through it with only minimal resistance.
Similar issue with armors. Even if they absorb radiation the individual tachyon particles are many times more energetic (if a beam is 500x FTL then 25,000 times more energetic) which means these can permeate classic radiation absorbent materials far better.
That's the brief physics behind them.

Actually, no, they aren't broken at all against Hard Sci-Fi defense, because in a Hard Sci-Fi setting, Tachyons don't exist. You know why? It's because they are literally a hypothetical of a hypothetical. Unlike Dark-Matter and Dark-Energy, which are concepts that were hypothesized to explain unexplained phenomena, Tachyons are a hypothesized particle for a hypothesized phenomena. See the disconnect? Tachyons do not exist as we know it, nor does the phenomena for which a Tachyonic particle would be discovered/hypothesized for. Because of that, your second post is entirely made up theories for a hypothetical that doesn't exist. There is no way for you to prove these theories are actual science, and as such this "Tachyon" technology is at best, Space-Magic.

Willy Vereb said
That's pretty much just how the advance of technology works. Their armor can protect against primitive firearms and less powerful energy weapons because otherwise they wouldn't be wearing it. A well-placed shot from advanced infantry weapons like phasers, blasters, railguns or whatever would take them out because there's no reason to design a weapon which cannot threaten an armor with comparable tech level.
Seriously I don't know what's your deal here.

Actually, no, that's not how the advance of technology works. In reality there is a massive amount of overlap where multiple generations of differing technologies are used all at once. At no point has an invention been creation, and all of humanity, or even all of once civilization, simply abandoned the less advanced predecessor because of "Advance of Technology." A big case in point is in the way battery-cells and automotive vehicles work. We have, at this very moment, vehicles capable of running on hydrogen power, and batteries that can hold a charge for far longer than existing batteries. The thing is, that newer technology is generally more expensive, and it will /always/ be prohibitively expensive to up and replace an entire base of technology with a newer one. This really just takes a basic understanding of economics.

Willy Vereb said
Not counting conscripts the Reichswehrmacht (Imperial Army) has over 172 quadrillion enlisted personnel, making it one of the largest armed forces in the entire galaxy.

Willy Vereb said
The Galaxian Empire is estimated to possess over 300 billion warships, easily outnumbering most civilizations.

Willy Vereb said
Even now the Galaxian Empire occupies roughly 1/6th of the entire Milky Way. It has over 10 billion habitable planets and over a trillion colonies spread through space. According to last year's census the Empire has over 27 quintillion citizen. This makes the Galaxian Empire one of the largest if not the largest humanoid civilizations in the galaxy. Whether it's economic, industrial or manpower the Empire has it in abundance. Actually, the Galaxian Empire is struggling with overpopulation which is one of its main driving force to constantly expand.

I've quoted these three pieces specifically because they strike me as likely the key reason why it is that no one wants anything to do with the RP. You have stated, not once, not twice, but three times, that your nation is the biggest and most powerful nation in the galaxy. What is actually the point of this NRP? If it's to create an engaging and interesting story, you have more than failed here, as it seems like you only wish to display a creation of yours that is bigger and better than something other people might have. Why? Why is this needed? Is there any actual reason to have the biggest and the best when you're GM? Even if there is a reason, does it really have to be in such a staggering fashion? I mean, there is a certain point at which something ceases to be interesting in any fashion. This is further compounded by the statements of how your nations most /basic/ armaments bypass the armor and shields of other nations as if they weren't even there.

All in all, I'm really not trying to bust your balls here, and I'm only doing this to see that you improve not only as a player, but also as a GM. I mean, look at the numerous responses you have gathered against your nation and this RP as a whole. Dude, just take a step back and dial down the wanksauce by 11. It'll be a lot more fun, trust me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 6 days ago

The Captain said
What really gets me and ruins my suspension of disbelief, more than the unusually high standard of military technology, is the standard for scale. It boggles my mind to consider how a nation of 10 billion worlds, with 27 quintillion citizens, might ever be effectively administrated. Are there whole planets devoted to bureaucracy or something?
How's that any less believable than any other technology you see in Sci-Fi?
But yes, administration and bureaucracy are both considerable issues in the Empire. It's another thing which makes them "slow" in general.
As for the numbers that's just what you get if you populate every single habitable planet in a territory as large as the Empire.
There are 60 billion habitable planets in the Milky Way and the Empire owns 1/6th of them.
At average each planet has the population of circa 2.5 billion people. Then you have the people living in colonies and artificial environments to make up the full number of 27 quintillion.
Yes, they're pretty overpopulated and this is the main driving force behind the Empire's attempts to expand.
As for how did humanity grew from billions to quintillions of people under about 5000 years... there's a dark secret behind it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

said I'll address this point first, as it stands out the most among your comments towards anyone observing the thread. There is a point in which you can have an NPC nation that is strong and appears unassailable, and then there is wank, pure and simple. At a certain point, your nation exceeds this far and above(I'll outline this in later sections) and to a degree that not only makes it seem impossible for other nations to stand against them, but forces others to actively avoid your nation should you choose to wield it as a tool. While you yourself may not be guilty of such an action, there are many here on the guild and across the RP-verse that have done so, and in such a brazen manner as to leave quite a few people rather on edge about such factions. As a roleplayer first, GM second, you should treat your nation as a living, breathing entity, and not a tool. For a nation with such a powerful military force as you have described and a complete lack of society in any respect, your nation is simply a tool to enforce GM powers. Nothing more. Nothing less.

You act like the goal of the RP is to win when it's all for shits and giggles man
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chapatrap
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Chapatrap Arr-Pee

Member Seen 5 mos ago

These Imperium dudes don't have much to do with my gypsies but here we are anyway.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Captain


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Willy Vereb said
How's that any less believable than any other technology you see in Sci-Fi?But yes, administration and bureaucracy are both considerable issues in the Empire. It's another thing which makes them "slow" in general.As for the numbers that's just what you get if you populate every single habitable planet in a territory as large as the Empire.There are 60 billion habitable planets in the Milky Way and the Empire owns 1/6th of them.At average each planet has the population of circa 2.5 billion people. Then you have the people living in colonies and artificial environments to make up the full number of 27 quintillion.Yes, they're pretty overpopulated and this is the main driving force behind the Empire's attempts to expand.As for how did humanity grew from billions to quintillions of people under about 5000 years... there's a dark secret behind it.

It's not a question of technology, it's a question of communication and coordination. Mankind, on Earth, is barely able to effectively govern itself. To send a request from one of the trillion colonies to some manner of regional authority would be like playing the grandest game of telephone in the history of universe. The fact that sixty billion worlds all consistently fly the same flag is a miracle in itself, let alone the fact that the Imperium isn't, to put it bluntly, in perpetual war with itself in order to maintain itself. The fact that they all use the same warships, armor, and weaponry despite being limited to cheekily named Warhammer 40k STCs would imply that they have a logistics system beyond even the scope of high sci-fi AI.

Now, I already punched the numbers into a calculator. I'm not concerned with how we reached said numbers, despite my opinion that they're simply ludicrous, but that said numbers are simply unsustainable from a sociopolitical standpoint. That's sixty billion worlds that a central authority has to keep track of. Sixty billion worlds and twenty seven quintillion people, all somehow not neglected or interested in divorcing themselves from a monolithic, supposedly backwards superstate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Seiryu


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Actually, it's really not. Your nation goes far and beyond that which Star Trek has been shown to use, and to even attempt to insist otherwise is really just insulting to the intelligence of those you are trying to foist this falsehood upon.

You honestly have no clue what ST is really capable of if you think this


case in point
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ASTA
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Willy Vereb said
Imperium's firepower and weapons are pretty much medium grade in their setting.They go for quantity over quality.Their only special feature is the tachyon beam weapons and those are only broken against low tier/hard SF type defenses.Otherwise the only difference is that the beams reach a certain place faster than light. Which is actually pretty common in space operas if you take attention to the details.Anyways, if somebody doesn't want to deal with the Empire they just don't need to be in their neighborhood.The Empire's method of faster than light travel is similar to the Alcubierre Drive which warps space thus allowing an STL vessel to seemingly reach superluminal speeds.Even with that they're fairly slow, traveling roughly a few lightyears a day.This means via their standard drives to reach a civilization on the other part of the galaxy they'd need to travel for centuries.Really, getting scared because a large NPC civilization is actually strong?This game isn't just about space battles or duking it out with another race.You have to actually use your brain. Or jut go with the flow and enjoy governing your space civ.EDIT: Are you perhaps referring to the part where I mention imperial soldiers wear powered armors that can protect against less advanced weapons?Really?That's pretty much just how the advance of technology works. Their armor can protect against primitive firearms and less powerful energy weapons because otherwise they wouldn't be wearing it. A well-placed shot from advanced infantry weapons like phasers, blasters, railguns or whatever would take them out because there's no reason to design a weapon which cannot threaten an armor with comparable tech level.Seriously I don't know what's your deal here.

Firearm technology doesn't suddenly stop evolving just because lasers or railguns come on the scene. In actuality--and this is going to deal with some serious real-world physics here--a railgun doesn't exactly scale down well because of power requirements and general inefficiency (firing the equivalent of a full-powered .50BMG cartridge using a railgun would require approximately 20,000 watts of power, which suffice to see is pretty ridiculous when you're trying to fire hundreds of rounds like this per minute at hyper-velocity speeds). You could handwave everything and claim that you're using marshmallow-sized nuclear reactors to power your weapon, but if you're at the stage where you can cram fusion or fission reactors into that petite of a size, then you're pretty much well beyond petty space naval engagements. At this point, you're busting planets. With extreme impunity.

With caseless ammunition using highly volatile superformance propellants and some sort of special rocket-assisted bullet (like a miniaturized HEAP/gyrojet hybrid round), you pretty much have a direct analog to a railgun.

I'm going to ignore phasers and blasters. Those two weapons are pretty much made-up inventions native to science fiction that were created solely to function as high-tech and futuristic replacements for customary infantry arms because their creators thought that they looked cool and would wow the audience.

But all of the above nonsense is besides the point. This is a Space Opera, so that stuff doesn't really matter, but it really bums me out that I have to use tachyon beam weapons to avoid being instanta-conquered by one of several war junkies lurking about on RPG.

Seiryu said
You honestly have no clue what ST is really capable of if you think thishttp://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Red_mattercase in point

ST is pretty low on the sci-fi power scale. Warhammer 40k, Culture 'verse, Halo (Forerunners and Ancient Humanity), Xeelee 'verse, Star Wars (especially Star Wars) and old school BSG pretty much trash it in every category.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ASTA
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

@ OP I'm not trying to pee on your parade or anything. This actually looks like a swell sci-fi NRP, and one of the few that I'm actually inclined to join.
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