Uh, Nick already told me that, I didn't need to see a whole conversation sparked about that.
I should probably mention, though, since it's an important detail I was previously far too uncomfortable to mention properly, that Atticus could walk around in his fish form without clothing, and not be seen as offensive to other people, because organs become internally stored. I decided, though, at the time that I was making his sheet, that I didn't need to say anything because Atticus was still human, and would have been disturbed by the idea of not having clothing, anyway. I suppose I might as well say it because it's been driving me crazy that that one essential detail is missing from his sheet. I drew Atticus before I made him, but because I've been practicing drawing human-like anatomy, it was without clothing, and I didn't want any weird questions being asked if I decided to in the future post the concept art.
Okay, with that out of the way, Codi's plan is to shove Atticus in when he isn't looking. She's the only person who he would permit to get away with it; not that that won't change to include other friends he makes in the future. Henry would get included because Codi put him up to it.