name: Angelo Ortega
Age (must be less then 20): 18
looks (normal):

personality: a hard worker but usually isolates himself from others and usually has angry thoughts about everyone but that isn't his fault he just sees everyone as a potential enemy and has potential to hurt anyone that gets near him but despite his anger to everyone he only trusts those that still makes the attempt to be his friend.
your emotional scars (what traumatized you to help shape your avatar): Angelo was beaten down to pulp people came and jumped him one day in a place where the camera wouldn't see them nearly beat Angelo to death because he was sad about his parents divorce and it was only because Angelo didn't say anything that they left him alone
other: the only thing that keeps Angelo sane from hurting people is his gold Angel necklace he never takes off, he feels like it protects him from his darker side and keeps him going everyday
Avatar name: violet reaper
Avatar weapon(s): scythe

Avatar looks:

Avatar color: violet
your level: 5
Guardian or protege: Guardian
abilities (level 1 gets 4 normal abilities and 1 special move): slash, disarm, spin attack, block. special move: slash wave (sends a wave of purple energy from the scythe to slash through defenses)
special modification (ex: harus flying ability, this will be allowed in the rp but only if it makes sense with your character. cant have a freaking fortress flying): flying
Which legion do you belong to (if applicable, but doubtful for level 1s): none