Thanks; that works. Anyway, to show that I'm genuinely interested in Roleplaying and not just Powergaming:
I have two character ideas, actually, one of them actually 'weak' by general standards. Idea one is a minor Reality Warper - emphasis on Minor - whose immense potential is limited by psychological issues, either innate to him or inflicted by outside factors. Originally, he was going to be an S or SS-class Metahuman with multiple internal 'leashes'; basically, he's dependent on emotional support for others, doesn't like killing other people or even maiming them, and is hobbled by trauma relating to his parents/childhood/past in general.
My second idea is a rehash of an idea that never got to its full potential - basically, someone whose powers are to use every tool and instrument ever created. His powers are such that he stayed hidden for a long time, and even had a career playing musical instruments. To him, being told that he's a Metahuman, forced to register, and conscripted into a job filled with conflict is, well...let's just say it's going to come to a shock. But the twist is; 'tools and instruments' are loosely defined, meaning that he can use even superweapons made by S or SS-Class Metas. Of course, this is going to be a late reveal, or even a late usage of a 'loophole' in his powers, and for most of the RP, he would be regarded as a B or even C-class Meta, and would fight on a B or C-class Meta's level, or even less because, well, he's a newbie not used to fighting.