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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Travesty
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

One Piece: An Era of Anarchy

The World Government has declared war against the current ruling Yonkou after Akainu's sudden announcement that all pirates having bounties over 100million should be rounded up and executed publicly. Some speculates that the announcement was a new propaganda thought up by the Tenryubito to finally seize total power over the world, but others suspects that an even bigger force was behind it. Although the idea seem absurd at first, however, with the not so discreet amassing of Pacifitas and powerful devils fruit users, the Government has been successful, executing over 150 pirates including those already been caught and locked up in Impel Down, and all having bounties over 100million belly in plain public. Threatened by the turn of events, the Yonkou was forced to form a temporary alliance to strike back. The collision of both powers has tipped the world balanced immensely, and thus started the most anarchic era in history.

Current state of the New World:
The New World has become the most wretched anarchic zone ever known to man, clash between pirates and marines were quite frequent in this region that it has become a common sight. Marines and Pacifitas are everywhere. They scourge the great seas, engaging any ship flying a black flag regardless of their law status. Common folks prefers to huddle in their own homes, while others choose to stay at certain designated evacuation sites provided by their Government. Crime rates grew astronomically, while resources are being hoarded by the World Government.

News about the Yonkou:
After his encounter with the three admirals and Akainu himself, Kaido has finally fallen. His remaining troops has scattered wounded in the New World, some joined the remaining Yonkous, while the others choose to stay hidden. This has been a huge blow to the pirate side, and so to ensure their power, the Yonkou has been secretly holding councils deciding as to who would replace Kaido's place, and fast. Many rookies has risen in terms of rank and fame within a short span of time, even making it to the short list of candidates. The ascension of a new Yonkou is to be announced in three days time.


The RP takes place during the preamble of the war, and goes deeper into the cause and finally to the war itself (hopefully) as we progress. So you can choose side between the Pirates and the Marines (or both). You can create your own pirate crew as long as there is a balanced number of devils fruit users, superhuman, and normal crews. I suggest you collaborate with other players if you plan to do so. Like wise if you want to make your own Marine corp, make sure the players are also balanced. For now I will allow 2-3 characters per player max. If you have a specific role you want to play in the RP, just PM me so we can discuss it first.


Character sheet:
Side: (pirate/marine)
Type: (devils fruit user, superhuman, normal)
Devils fruit: (make sure you include the name of the devils fruit, the fruit type, and a simple description of how the fruit looks like. Leave this section blank if you dont have one)

Pirate Crew:
Crew Name:
Ship Name:
Flag: (picture/description)
Affiliation: (Shanks/Big Mom/Black Beard/independent)

1. Follow casual RP rules. Have at least 100 to 150 characters per post minimum. No one liners.
2. No godmode.
3. SEND ME YOUR COMPLETE CS THROUGH PM. If I give it a thumbs up, post it at the character bin here.
4. Romance is okay, but keep it PG. Although I want to see more action than romance to be honest.
5. Try to post once each day, or if not, just try to be active. Check the thread as often as you can, or say hi or whatever, just so we know you're still alive.
6. Others: It's Show Time.

My Character

Name: Nicholas Rigel

Gender: Male

Side: Marine

Crew: Marine G-5

Position: Rear Admiral


Type: Devil's Fruit user

Devil's Fruit: Hoshi Hoshi no Mi (Star Star Fruit)

Fruit Type: Paramecia

Abilities: He can shoot powerful plasma rays from various parts of his body (hands, fingers, feet, even from his eyes, and mouth, etc). He can also use energy blast to propel himself around granting him superspeed, temporary suspension in mid air, and also additional strength to his kicks and punches. His attacks are highly flammable and tends to explode upon contact. Supernova is his most powerful attack where his whole body ignites and then explodes, radiating a powerful wave of energy that scorches everything within a certain radius. But after the use of this technique, he becomes very exhausted and would not be able to fight again after a few hours.

Personality: At first glance, Nicholas appears to be pretty harmless. He is very energetic, while being enigmatic at the same time. He loves to give people funny names, and teases them a lot. Although he acts as happy-go-lucky, and is very carefree, Nicholas is also quite perceptive and a very skilled fighter. Which why his colleagues calls him the "Demon of Light" because when in battle, Nicholas appears to put on a calm yet a quite tougher (and fiercer) demeanor.

Bio: He came from the island of Pol in East Blue. The island was supposed to be the center of astrological studies, and for thousands of years, it was being inhabited by astronomers and scientist to study heavenly bodies. Both Nicholas's parents were scientists in this island. They were happy for a time, satisfied with what they do and the sense of peacefulness the island gives them, until all of that was taken away when a certain group of pirates invaded Pol. It was the longest night for little Nicholas, the slaughter was endless, and when he thought he couldnt take it all, the Marines came. The pirates were wiped out in minutes, but unfortunately, there were too many that were been killed, his parents included. With nowhere to go, one Marine accepted the responsibility of taking care of him. He was taken to base G-5 and was trained to be a Marine. He got his devils fruit ability back in Pol when he got hungry one day, he searched their house and then found a strange star shaped fruit with spiral markings on its skin. It looked tasty, so he ate it, only to found out that what he ate is a devils fruit, the Hoshi Hoshi no Mi.

Others: Its Show Time.




Pirate Crews
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Hajime Toshi
Gender: Female
Side: Marine
Crew: G-5
Position: Commodore
Type: Devil Fruit

Devil's Fruit:Chi Chi no Mi ( Blood Blood Fruit)
Fruit Type: Logia
Abilities: Hajime can turn her body into blood and manipulate spilled blood.

Personality: Hajime is a quiet girl. She is very patient and does not snap easily. However when she snaps, she is dangerous. She doesn't talk much so it's hard to start a conversation with her. She is an extremely good fighter but she has a tendency to ignore people she doesn't wish to talk to.
Bio: Hajime was born on the island of Amai. Amai is an island dedicated to the production and shipment of sweets. Hajime's parents worked making sweets. They ives a happy life with a steady job and nice neighbors. Hajime often snuck away at night and trained in martial arts. SO, without her parents knowing, Hajime became skilled at combat. One night Hajime ran across a blood red fruit. It was shaped like a drop of blood and had spirals on it's skin. hungry, Hajime ate it. The next morning a devil fruit had been reported missing. Hajime was told by her parents that it was blood red and shaped like a drop of blood. Hajime then realized she had eaten it but didn't say anything. Years later Hajime joined the marines.
Others: It's show time
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Travesty
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Interesting! Cant wait to see her in action. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aldridge
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Drake Kazuki

Gender: Male

Side: Marine

Crew: Marine G-5

Position: Commodore


Type: Devil fruit user.

Devils fruit: Kaze Kaze no mi (Wind Wind Fruit)

Fruit Type Paramecia

Ability: Allows the user to control or generate high pressure currents with a body part or limb. The air goes around the body part like a tornado first, then releases at the user's demand. The more power the user wants on his blast, the longer the wind going around his limbs/body parts need to charge up. Able to propel himself so he can glide long distances, also can propel himself forward to make up ground faster.

Personality: Drake is a lazy person in general. Usually caught taking a nap, or attempting to take one. Yawning and day dreaming is his normal routine, while working and training are generally off the schedule. Trying to find ways to get out of work and training are normal, but they never seem to work. Although he is lazy, he is a very talkative person. Starting conversations, and talking too much are in his DNA. Always trying to find new friends, or just to start a conversation.

Bio: Growing up in a small village called "Ranga" he always dreamed of being in the Marines. His father was the reason for the most part, always coming home in his uniform made Drake look up to his father. Until one day, his father never returned. Months later, news reached the village. "15 Marine ships lost at sea, Sunk by Pirates" was the headline. Without any other leads, it was decided that his father had been sunk at sea by pirates. Crying, and angry Drake ran off from the village, trying to get away from everyone. Running deep into the forest, he stumbled across a bright white fruit, shaped like a tornado. Observing it for a bit, Drake instantly knew what it was. A Devil Fruit, Drake had heard countless rumors about these types of fruits. Although he believed they were fake, seeing as he had not seen a Fruit user, or a fruit itself. Deciding to eat the Fruit he realized he can control the air and wind around his body. Soon learning to control his power, he joined the marines and rose in the ranks all the way to Commodore in the span of a few months.

Others: I BELIEVE IT'S SHOW TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Travesty
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Awesome! Now we only need a few pirates in the mix.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aldridge
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Maybe if no pirates join we could do a One Piece marine RP :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 27 min ago

Sorry but I want to take pirate ;p taking whatever I want and doing what I want I'd love it. If I'm allowed to join....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aldridge
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Haha, that suggestion was only for a last resort :p was hoping someone/some people would join as pirates.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BRXVO
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BRXVO "D" will bring another storm

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I plan on making a pirate crew though it'll take time, an estimated 2 days.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aldridge
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sweet, more pirates the merrier :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Travesty
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Jangel13 of course! We need more pirates. lol

@BRXVO thats okay, I'm in no hurry. :)

A little advice for those planning to make a pirate crew, its easier if the crew is affilated to one of the Yonkous. Aside from the added protection you get from them, you will also be given a few perks, say, for example, access to underground information, or entry to restricted "pirate only" areas, stuff like that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This looks so good!

I'll make my character tomorrow!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This looks so good!

I'll make my character tomorrow!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Also interested in joining ^.^ I'll start making my CS right away
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Phobos said
Also interested in joining ^.^ I'll start making my CS right away

You do that Shoske
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Phobos said
Also interested in joining ^.^ I'll start making my CS right away

Yes, sounds like a good idea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

0.0 I have stalkers.....woooot xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

there may be a crystal pirate joining, if i can motivate myself to make a cs
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Phobos said
0.0 I have stalkers.....woooot xD

Maybe. For now I am stalking BlackCat because she looks awesome.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

KabenSaal said
Maybe. For now I am stalking BlackCat because she looks awesome.

Awww o///o thanks
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