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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Travesty
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Justice, those were what the two characters meant at the back of Nicholas's white coat, a marine insignia, sort of, and he knew it by heart, imprinted in his mind. The coat flapped idly on his shoulders as the morning breeze gently pulled at it like a persistent child trying to get his father's attention. The sun was already high up in the sky when Nicholas vacated his sleeping quarters, where he was instantly welcomed by the noise coming from different sorts of activities bustling in about the deck below as soldiers attended to their assigned jobs.

Nicholas watched all this with genuine interest until Tamaki, his ship's young vice captain, spotted him, the man shouted an order, and then bowed towards Nicholas as deep as his body would allow him, the other soldiers heard him, followed his example and then all at once they said, "Good morning, Nicholas-shōshō!"

Nicholas flashed them a sheepish smile, "G-Good morning everyone." He greeted back. Although he's been Rear Admiral for a month, Nicholas decided he will never get used to the treatment. "I've told you, you didn't have to do that every time I come out in the morning."

But before he could say more, Tamaki had already made a beeline towards him, his heels tip tapping impatiently against the deck's wooden floor. His strides were short, but precise and well timed, his back as straight as the ship's main mast. Clutched on his arm was a worn out leather organizer.

"You're late." Said the vice captain flatly. Nicholas tilted his head. trying to give him his best apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, I overslept again." Nicholas said honestly.

Tamaki sighed, resigned, he said, "Well, it cant be helped." He opened his organizer, and then started scanning whatever is inside there, "First things first, morning reports." Nicholas shoulders slumped. Morning reports were such a laborious and boring task that if anything, he wanted nothing to do with it.

"Can we just skip the reports and get to the fun part?"

"Nicholas-shōshō!" Tamaki snapped, he gave Nicholas his look that meant that he would not hear any of Nicholas's whining and that he should know better. So for the most part of the first hour, Tamaki went on with his reports with Nicholas evidently not interested in it whatsoever.

"We're still heading straight to Baelthymer as we speak," Tamaki said after telling him some sailing technicalities, "the wind speed remains the same, and we have not noticed any great change in the weather as well. Though our men reported dark clouds hanging ways toward the southeast sky but should not affect us until we reach the territorial waters of the Valheim Kingdom. Our Navigator believed that if we continue on like this, we will be able to reach Baelthymer within 3 days time." Nicholas perked up to this.

"Are we stopping at Valheim?" They were sailing for almost a week now, and a week has passed without so much of a hint of an island, just the endless sea. He could definitely use a change of views.

"I'm afraid we do not have the appropriate log for Valheim." Tamaki said simply. But Nicholas could tell something was amiss in the younger man.

Although his face was devoid of any emotion, Nicholas caught something has changed in the vice captain's voice, even just for a brief moment. Nicholas felt something's bothering the younger man. But Tamaki doesnt haven't to say anything. Nicholas knew too well what could be making the vice captain uneasy. Dark clouds towards the southeast sky.

"The papers has nothing new to say," Tamaki began to say, "The executions were carried out as usual, with several days interval in between. Mama Kola of Jumping Pirates was the last pirate that was hanged, she has 500million belly on her head. Before her were Jim Molesheade of Badger Pirates, Grandfather Willow of Grimiore Lore, and Mufrachk Kosch of Nightmare Pirates, they all have 200million bellies on their heads. That's 149 pirates in total since the commencement of the public executions. I could give you the whole list of the pirates executed this month, if you want. Not that there are names there of any importance."

No, not even a single one of them was important at all. Nicholas would have told him, but thought otherwise. He should've seen this coming. Akainu was merely planting seeds with those 149 pirates, seeds that will take root deep within the earth once the huge wave has been unleashed. They will spring up all at once in a violent torrent shaking the very ground. The shift will be a powerful one, and definitely would change the course of time forever. Nicholas found it strange though, considering the recent events, there haven't been the slightest stirrings on the pirate's side lately, and it troubles him, like the calm before the storm. Something just didnt sit right in all of this, and he can feel it deep within his very bones.


"Ahh, its nothing. I've just suddenly noticed the change in the air... havent you?" The younger man considered this for awhile, but came up with nothing.

"Nicholas-shōshō! Nicholas-shōshō!" Someone called out urgently from across the deck.

"What is it?" Tamaki asked, looking at the panting petty officer in front of them, he seem to have ran from across the ship. What could be so important that he has to ran just to tell them.

"A News Coo just arrived!" the officer breathed, "From... from Base G-5!" He handled Nicholas a very plain envelope.

Nicholas and Tamaki shared an uneasy look. The storm is here, we're in the middle of it, and soon, the huge wave will be coming. They both knew this. Nicholas stepped forward, patted the petty officer at the back, and thanked him for doing a good job. The officer bowed, excused himself and then left.

He didn't have to open the letter to know its contents. Nicholas sighed, "I'm afraid we have a new heading, Tamaki."

The younger man looked at him, confused, "But where?"

Nicholas stared at the vast sea, and for a brief moment, he could've swear he saw a huge shadow of a wave, taller than any mountain man has seen, and its coming their way. "Southeast. We're going back to the Holy Land of Mariejois... for Kaido's execution."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hajime awoke and got dressed in her usual attire, tying her eye patch around her head. The eye patch covered up a grouse wound she had received years ago. It was a wound that would prevent her from ever getting close to seeing out of her right eye. Hajime grabbed her jacked and put it on before walking out. Her welcoming wasn't as grand as Nicholas's and Hajime had gotten used to it since she'd been a commodore for sometime. Hajime walked up to Nicholas and Tamaki.
"I'm up" she said slightly sleepily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Makoto was terribly and horrible lost at sea. It wouldn't have been so bad if she had some sort of boat, but she was currently being kept afloat by only a few plants of wood. They might have been part of the hull or something. At their current position as a life raft they looked pretty pathetic. Makoto was currently laying down best she could, trying to preserve her energy. Not only did being surrounded by the ocean, and being covered with ocean water make her exhausted, but the lack of sleep as well as food and water was making it pretty horrible.

The winds whipping around Makoto didn't seem to phase her, most sound didn't unless she wanted it to. She watched as a sea bird circled around her before soaring off over the horizon. Her stomach rumbled, suddenly feeling much more empty. As she gazed up at the sky Makoto couldn't help but wonder how long she had been drifting. She had lost track of time. But it baffled her that she didn't run into a single ship. No marines, no cargo no pirates.

As a way to keep her spirits high Makoto began to hum to the waves around her, the notes falling upon deaf ears.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As the M84 moved forward on the ocean, bobbing up in down with the little waves that the ship went over. Their flag flapping in the wind, the design being a notice to all, that they were dangerously close to the Flashbang Pirates. And in the very front of the ship stood the captain of the crew itself, with all his crew in the background going about their business. Yu took in a deep breath of the salty air and smiled, he truly did love this life, the free reign to go wherever he wanted, plundering treasure from other Pirates, even some of the fights. All of it was enjoyable for him. As they continued to sail, Yu was able to spot something quite a bit off into the distance. From the looks of it, he was able to make off a single figure alone. Well no way Yu could let this slip on by, he vanished from sight utterly and appeared next to the ships driver, telling him to head towards the womanly figure.

As the ship came close to the woman, it pulled up beside her raft, which Yu looked down on. "Wow you look like you are dying. Judging by the fact you are on a raft, on the ocean. You didn't have much say on your transportation." Yu then tossed down a ladder so she could climb up. "Feel free to climb up. And don't worry, as long as you don't attack us, we will be nice Flashbang pirates. Although I would recommend climbing up, you will most likely die of starvation or dehydration first." Yu then sat on the side of his ship looking down at the girl. It was her choice in the end, if she choose to climb up then, she would at least be guaranteed living.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Makoto hadn't actually heard the ship coming behind her. It was almost comically funny. She had just been floating along, the sounds of her own humming filling her weak ears. And then, all of a sudden, to Makoto's surprise a ship was pulled up along side her. It was quite clearly not a marine ship, the flag was a bit too sinister. And merchant ships rarely have flags. She swallowed a lump in her throat as she looked up at the ship, shielding her eyes at the sun. She wished she had known what pirate crew had attacked the cruise ship.

For several seconds, the words the pirate above her was speaking were muted. But suddenly, as if turning up the volume, the words shot into her ears. It almost hurt, the sudden words reaching her. She was about to make a comment, about how her raft was a great vessel, but decided against it. He then tossed down a rope ladder, much to her delight. Finally some good luck. Before getting up she listened to what the pirate said, trying to keep her face neutral. She country find the energy to speak, but she did nod.

Flashbang pirates. What a creative name. But his words sounded genuine, it seemed like it would be better up there then it was down here. And she could defend herself, once she had some food in her stomach. Makoto clung weakly to the ladder, her legs shaking horribly. She wondered what sort of adventure she had in store as she climbed the ladder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu watched her stand up and remain silent for the entire duration besides a nod of her head. By how she acted, Yu could predict that she had been like that for quite a while. So he didn't rush her as she started climbing up. Although when he could reach her, he did help pull her up onto the ship. Pulling the ladder back up, he looked at her and smiled. "i'll be right back little one." Yu said walking away for a few minutes before coming back with a loaf of bread and a glass of water. "You can have more if you want. This is just so you don't pass out. Also my name is Yu Amagi, and these lovely chaps are all my brother and sisters. Well not by blood, that's just how much they mean to me. You want to tell me where you from? So we know where to return you too. I'm sure your family must be worried?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aldridge
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The morning light shined brightly through the window, the bright light shining directly on Drake's sleeping face. Opening his eyes slowly from the sun's rays, he sat up on the edge of his bed. Drake and his fellow Marines had been out to sea for about a week now, and all they have seen is Ocean, Ocean, and more Ocean. Hoping that they had docked at a port ahead of schedule Drake looked out the window curiously, to his disappointment he found the same picture he had been seeing for their entire trip. Standing up and stretching, Drake went over to his closet. Opening the closet, and putting on his usual formal clothes, Drake opened the door and walked out to see three officers already up and discussing something. Walking over to the officers, Drake gave a salute to the Rear Admiral Nicholas while yawning and covering his free hand with his mouth. Before looking to the two other officers, and giving them the same thing, a half salute-half yawn. "I'm here too." Drake continued, following up on what Hajime said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Makoto, now in the ship, looked around silently at the pirates around her. None of them seemed too dangerous. She had always been told by her parents that all pirates were gross, snarling, men who don't know right from wrong. Granted, most of these people seemed gruff and some unwashed, but none of them had killed her yet. She hadn't spoken as the man lifted her up into the ship, and kept her mouth shut even as he called her little. She wasn't that short.

When the food was brought out to her, Makoto's eyes widens, and her jaw dropped slightly. If her mouth had any extra moisture, she would have been drooling. Makoto hungrily snagged the food and water out of his hands, desperately gulping them down. She hadn't realized how hungry she was until she was sitting on the deck of a strange ship, water running down her chin and bread crumbs falling from her gaping mouth.

Makoto then realized how messy she must look. She slowly stood up, looking the strange pirate in the eyes. His voice seemed to zoom past her ears. "I...uh..." Her voice sounded strangely unsure, as if she had forgotten how to speak. "My...my name is Makoto O...Onohara." The rest of her words spilling from her mouth. She listened closely to what Yu was saying, mostly watching his mouth to see the words form.

"Family..." She muttered, looking down again at the water. She had to think of some sort of excuse and quickly. "My family...is not being worried." She seemed to be having trouble speaking again. Thinking of excuses was not her strong suit. She paused a moment, as if trying to remember how to speak. "I suppose you can drop me off at the nearest island or something."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Fifteen years ago...

The air exploded in front of her eyes as the cannons on the left side erupted, plumes of bright light illuminating the dark beyond the veil of rain which hammered the large vessel. "OPEN FIRE!" roared a man from her right, a tall man wearing a black uniform who held his sword out into the air before bringing it down as he yelled. The cannons erupted again, fire exploding from their mouths like angry dragons spitting fire at their enemies. "Alicia!" he shouted, turning to her, "You're supposed to be inside! who knows what I'd do if-" he was cut off as a cannonball struck the side of the hull, flashes from the distance illuminating the shadow of a ship in the distance. "INCOMING!" yelled a voice from the deck and she felt arms embrace her as the ship groaned and shook beneath her. "Get inside! I don't want to see you out here again, understand!" he said with an extremely serious expression as raindrops slid over his face, the flashes from the cannons casting a glow enough for her to see his eyes briefly. "But.. I-" she began before he struck her across the face, "NOW!" he shouted. Alicia held a hand to her cheek as she recoiled, eyes brimming with tears before she ran off into the cabin at the back of the ship, closing the door behind her before she quickly sat at the back on the floor, wrapping her arms around he knees before dropping her head between her arms. She could hear the sounds, shouting, shooting, the boom as cannons fired. Alicia shakily pulled a small box from her pocket and opened it, humming along to the sweet tune it played just like her mother told her to do anytime she felt afraid.

Present day...

Alicia closed the music box, setting it down in her bedside table draw before closing it gently, placing a hand on her cheek for a brief moment before she stood up. She began gathering her clothes, pulling them on before she headed for the door, pushing it open as she walked out to be greeted by the warmth of the sun, a gentle breeze carrying strands of her hair to the side a little. She took in a deep breath before her eyes swept over the faces of her crew, giving them a gentle smile before descending the left set of stairs towards the deck. "Good morning" she said in a soft tone of voice as she addressed her crew. Usually she'd begin checking on things, making sure everything was in order but it seemed fate had other ideas in mind as a voice yelled down from above. "Ship sighted! looks pirate!" he said, causing Alicia to take a few steps towards the bow as she looked to the horizon, seeing the ship in the distance. "Orders captain?" yelled the helmsman as he gripped the wheel with both hands. "Let's say hello" she said with a smile before she began to walk towards the bow, "Get Fushaka, Lorenzo and The Doctor, they'll want to know the situation" she said, reaching the bow minutes latter where she'd rest against the wood rail. Meeting new pirates was always some what entertaining as they usually either had good stories or put up a good fight if they were the kind to make the mistake of shooting at her. And if it did come down to a fight at least they'd have more loot, which was always a good thing. And if not, than a pleasant chat was always welcomed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu couldn't help but laugh a bit when she gobbled down the food in such a fast pace that it put even his speed to shame. The woman then told him her name which he simply nodded at. As it would be nice besides calling her little one. Then came the troubling part of her saying her family wouldn't worry, and they should drop her off on the next island. This made Yu scratch his head over the predicament. The destination they had in mind, wasn't the nicest place around, and leaving her there, would make him feel guilty if she got kidnapped or set off on another raft again. Also the possibility of her being killed there. "Well the place I was going to isn't very..... I would say, that it wouldn't be a good place to drop you off at. Its one of those criminal infested towns..... Any place you had in mind?"

Just as Yu had asked his question, this time he sensed not one but multiple auras getting closer to his ship. he didn't even need his crew to warn him, as he was already looking at them from the distance. They didn't fly a Marine flag so that was good, but these were pirates after all. And from what he could tell, they had more numbers than him. Yu looked down at Makoto and scratched his head, before looking back at the ship. "If this goes bad, there is a little ship in the back, for obvious reasons. But only if this goes bad." Yu whispered to Makoto before waving at the ship approaching them. He could sense some a few strong members among them, the most noticeable one being a female, which for some reason got his blood pumping a bit. So he just stood there waiting for them to approach.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 18 min ago

Winter said
The air exploded in front of her eyes as the cannons on the left side erupted, plumes of bright light illuminating the dark beyond the veil of rain which hammered the large vessel. "OPEN FIRE!" roared a man from her right, a tall man wearing a black uniform who held his sword out into the air before bringing it down as he yelled. The cannons erupted again, fire exploding from their mouths like angry dragons spitting fire at their enemies. "Alicia!" he shouted, turning to her, "You're supposed to be inside! who knows what I'd do if-" he was cut off as a cannonball struck the side of the hull, flashes from the distance illuminating the shadow of a ship in the distance. "INCOMING!" yelled a voice from the deck and she felt arms embrace her as the ship groaned and shook beneath her. "Get inside! I don't want to see you out here again, understand!" he said with an extremely serious expression as raindrops slid over his face, the flashes from the cannons casting a glow enough for her to see his eyes briefly. "But.. I-" she began before he struck her across the face, "NOW!" he shouted. Alicia held a hand to her cheek as she recoiled, eyes brimming with tears before she ran off into the cabin at the back of the ship, closing the door behind her before she quickly sat at the back on the floor, wrapping her arms around he knees before dropping her head between her arms. She could hear the sounds, shouting, shooting, the boom as cannons fired. Alicia shakily pulled a small box from her pocket and opened it, humming along to the sweet tune it played just like her mother told her to do anytime she felt afraid. Alicia closed the music box, setting it down in her bedside table draw before closing it gently, placing a hand on her cheek for a brief moment before she stood up. She began gathering her clothes, pulling them on before she headed for the door, pushing it open as she walked out to be greeted by the warmth of the sun, a gentle breeze carrying strands of her hair to the side a little. She took in a deep breath before her eyes swept over the faces of her crew, giving them a gentle smile before descending the left set of stairs towards the deck. "Good morning" she said in a soft tone of voice as she addressed her crew. Usually she'd begin checking on things, making sure everything was in order but it seemed fate had other ideas in mind as a voice yelled down from above. "Ship sighted! looks pirate!" he said, causing Alicia to take a few steps towards the bow as she looked to the horizon, seeing the ship in the distance. "Orders captain?" yelled the helmsman as he gripped the wheel with both hands. "Let's say hello" she said with a smile before she began to walk towards the bow, "Get Fushaka, Lorenzo and The Doctor, they'll want to know the situation" she said, reaching the bow minutes latter where she'd rest against the wood rail. Meeting new pirates was always some what entertaining as they usually either had good stories or put up a good fight if they were the kind to make the mistake of shooting at her. And if it did come down to a fight at least they'd have more loot, which was always a good thing. And if not, than a pleasant chat was always welcomed.

Lorenzo was sleeping in the lower deck snoring softly his guns scattered around his hammock as someone came down saying for Lorenzo to get up and Lorenzo groaned loudly "Damn it I was having a great dream" he groaned since he was dreaming of having a harem with a pile of jewels under him and all that fun stuff. Regardless though he said the captain wanted him on deck so he had to get up, the first thing he did was cover his body in all the guns he had from pistols, rifles, and even a pair of blunderbuss. Once covered he put his green trench coat on to cover all his guns as he walked upstairs taking an Apple from a barrel along the way as he looked seeing the captain and he ask "so captain, why wake me up is it important?" Lorenzo asked before he looked at what she was looking and noticed another pirate ship and he grinned a little "oh so much more treasure to take" he said ad they got closer to them and he ate his Apple. ...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fushaka stood on top of the crows nest, looking out into the vast ocean. In her childhood, she never thought she would be on a pirate ship sailing the sea and fighting the government. Not that she was bed-fellows with the government usually but....While gazing out to see, she saw, and then a few seconds later heard, a ship sighted, looking more pirate than marine. With a small smile, Fushaka flipped onto the sail-rigging and slid down the large sheet, landing on the deck and making her way softly, slowly up to the bow. She looked at her Captain for a few moments - Fushaka had been unaware of the etiquette of the sea, but decided to treat her like she was her Shinobi Master - and then spoke.
"Pirate ship, do you think they will be friendly?" She asked, her tone low and serene, a stark opposite to how she appeared. Most of the crew members, despite her best efforts, went to great lengths to avoid her. Fushaka rolled her shoulders softly, and prepared to break bones. It was all well and good if they where friendly, but she wanted to be ready if there where not, and breaking bones was how she helped the Captain - Fushaka was not in it for gold or glory but for somewhere to be- become greater than she already was on the sea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

Winter said
The air exploded in front of her eyes as the cannons on the left side erupted, plumes of bright light illuminating the dark beyond the veil of rain which hammered the large vessel. "OPEN FIRE!" roared a man from her right, a tall man wearing a black uniform who held his sword out into the air before bringing it down as he yelled. The cannons erupted again, fire exploding from their mouths like angry dragons spitting fire at their enemies. "Alicia!" he shouted, turning to her, "You're supposed to be inside! who knows what I'd do if-" he was cut off as a cannonball struck the side of the hull, flashes from the distance illuminating the shadow of a ship in the distance. "INCOMING!" yelled a voice from the deck and she felt arms embrace her as the ship groaned and shook beneath her. "Get inside! I don't want to see you out here again, understand!" he said with an extremely serious expression as raindrops slid over his face, the flashes from the cannons casting a glow enough for her to see his eyes briefly. "But.. I-" she began before he struck her across the face, "NOW!" he shouted. Alicia held a hand to her cheek as she recoiled, eyes brimming with tears before she ran off into the cabin at the back of the ship, closing the door behind her before she quickly sat at the back on the floor, wrapping her arms around he knees before dropping her head between her arms. She could hear the sounds, shouting, shooting, the boom as cannons fired. Alicia shakily pulled a small box from her pocket and opened it, humming along to the sweet tune it played just like her mother told her to do anytime she felt afraid. Alicia closed the music box, setting it down in her bedside table draw before closing it gently, placing a hand on her cheek for a brief moment before she stood up. She began gathering her clothes, pulling them on before she headed for the door, pushing it open as she walked out to be greeted by the warmth of the sun, a gentle breeze carrying strands of her hair to the side a little. She took in a deep breath before her eyes swept over the faces of her crew, giving them a gentle smile before descending the left set of stairs towards the deck. "Good morning" she said in a soft tone of voice as she addressed her crew. Usually she'd begin checking on things, making sure everything was in order but it seemed fate had other ideas in mind as a voice yelled down from above. "Ship sighted! looks pirate!" he said, causing Alicia to take a few steps towards the bow as she looked to the horizon, seeing the ship in the distance. "Orders captain?" yelled the helmsman as he gripped the wheel with both hands. "Let's say hello" she said with a smile before she began to walk towards the bow, "Get Fushaka, Lorenzo and The Doctor, they'll want to know the situation" she said, reaching the bow minutes latter where she'd rest against the wood rail. Meeting new pirates was always some what entertaining as they usually either had good stories or put up a good fight if they were the kind to make the mistake of shooting at her. And if it did come down to a fight at least they'd have more loot, which was always a good thing. And if not, than a pleasant chat was always welcomed.

The faint drops of fluid dripping into tubes and crackling of fire from a bunsen burner with a beaker placed above it as the contents, a dark purple boiled and frothed. A solitary figure stood before it as a hand hovered over it with a dropper and gave it a squeeze to let a single scarlet droplet drip into the strange concoction, which let out a small puff of smoke. The room was average sized in an irregular shape, dimly lit as various tables were set around like a circle where an assortment of beakers and test tubes as well as tools were placed all over. Open and closed books were scattered over; books that most would find complicated or confusing with information on plants and various effects or dangerous sicknesses and diseases. A pungent, brisk smell of cooked leaves wafted and fumed in the air, mingling with the scent of medicine, though the man was not bothered by it in the least. No, in fact he relished it and would deeply inhale the wonderful aromas that surrounded him, calmed him for being a doctor for years had come to enjoy such smells that most would find uncomfortable and disgusting.

A grin formed as the light of flames reflected off the black shades; white, pale skin shone weakly against its illumination and short dusty auburn hair rustled from a light breeze. The doctor as everyone knew him by and a peculiar individual he was with so little info known about him and had simply appeared out of nowhere only a short three years ago, his grin widening while dropping another purplish green leaf into the pot.

Moments later, light filtered into the dim room, caused by the helmsman opening the door to his lab and his grin would fade to turn into annoyance for the doctor hated being interrupted. Warning those of the crew that only unless the captain herself was allowed in without permission, otherwise, unless it was a summons by the captain or someone in need of surgery were they all to never enter.'I do hope you have a good reason for this...unannounced intrusion?'He spoke in a calm tone, though didn't bother to hide the lingering edge of annoyance.

Upon being told that it was in fact a summon by the captain and would let out a soft sigh as his annoyance slowly ebbed away.'I see...seems we're about to have some action. I'll be right there.'Giving the knob a twist to turn off the burner as his grin returned, thinking how dull it had been the past weeks and popped a piece of gum in his mouth before turning and placed his hands within his pockets then left the lab, hopeful to get his hands on a new specimen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alicia would turn as Fushaka, The Doctor and Lorenzo arrived within moments of each other. The three of them were easily the strongest officers in her crew, each with their own brand of fierceness that projected upon their enemies during battle. They were a big part of what made The Silver Skulls a force to be reckoned with and although Alicia didn't play favorites, each had earned her respect. She answered Fushaka first, "No idea, though I guess we're about to find out. Just try not to scare them away before we have a chance to talk, ok?" she said with a small smile to Fushaka before it turned into a small smirk, a smirk they'd each seen many a time before, an expression of confidence. "As for treasure it's a possibility. We'll take it if they give us a reason to punish them, but first I'd like to see with who they stand" she said as she turned to face towards the ship which began to get larger as they approached, folding her arms across her chest, "No pirate ever became emperor through attacking every pirate on the sea, without allies and others we can call on we will lose this game. And I intend to win it" she said before looking back at the three of them, "We'll anchor close by and take a smaller boat out to them, If there's a fight I don't want the Lassie taking hits, and it'll allow the rest of the crew to slam them with cannon fire should things get messy. Also, we'll bring a barrel of rum as a show of good will... it's not like we don't have plenty of the stuff to spare anyway" she said, still seeming a tad bored with the fact they keep finding rum more than anything when they bring down other ships.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alicia would turn as Fushaka, The Doctor and Lorenzo arrived within moments of each other. The three of them were easily the strongest officers in her crew, each with their own brand of fierceness that projected upon their enemies during battle. They were a big part of what made The Silver Skulls a force to be reckoned with and although Alicia didn't play favorites, each had earned her respect. She answered Fushaka first, "No idea, though I guess we're about to find out. Just try not to scare them away before we have a chance to talk, ok?" she said with a small smile to Fushaka before it turned into a small smirk, a smirk they'd each seen many a time before, an expression of confidence. "As for treasure it's a possibility. We'll take it if they give us a reason to punish them, but first I'd like to see with who they stand" she said as she turned to face towards the ship which began to get larger as they approached, folding her arms across her chest, "No pirate ever became emperor through attacking every pirate on the sea, without allies and others we can call on we will lose this game. And I intend to win it" she said before looking back at the three of them, "We'll anchor close by and take a smaller boat out to them, If there's a fight I don't want the Lassie taking hits, and it'll allow the rest of the crew to slam them with cannon fire should things get messy. Also, we'll bring a barrel of rum as a show of good will... it's not like we don't have plenty of the stuff to spare anyway" she said, still seeming a tad bored with the fact they keep finding rum more than anything when they bring down other ships.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

Deuce stood against the edge of the ship thinking about their next destination, he was itching to fight, he hadn't in a few weeks. He sighed as the ship stopped, wondering why. Walking up to Yu he watched as he saved some girl which just made him turn around and leave, it was of no concern of his. Yu could be nice sometimes, evident by him giving the girl some bread and water, though he figured the girl probably had had enough water. He closed his eyes and stuck his hands in his pockets deciding to rest his eyes and think about something....Anything....Levitt.

He didn't know what his brother was up to these days, but figured he had gotten stronger, something he should have aimed for after he had gotten beat down by Deuce. Deuce knew he had gotten stronger though, although there was so much more he could learn, he was still pretty strong as he was now. All he knew about his brother was that he was in a decent position in the Marines, figuring that out through his own means. Deuce's eyes opened up when he sensed people coming towards their ship, soon seeing a ship stop by theirs. Deuce cupped his thump under his index finger, five seconds was all him and Yu needed....But he wouldn't be going in right away, he would wait until Yu wanted to.

Though he hadn't moved an inch from where he stood, these guys weren't worth the move. They had taken down others before, what made these guys so different? Nothing that said they couldn't bleed and die like the rest. But he'd play along, for now atleast. His eyes scanned Yu's before he closed them, awaiting the actions of the ones on the other ship.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Makoto was about to answer Yu when the other ship appeared, more pirates. She swallowed, trying to keep the nervous look off her face. The last thing she wanted was to be involved in a fight between two pirates. Yu told here where the life raft was, which did little to ease her nerves. Was he anticipating a fight as well? As much as Makoto wanted to step back and let the pirates converse, she was also really curious. She couldn't help her excitable nature, and the idea of being able to watch such cool characters like pirates chat and maybe even fight got her excited. The noises around Makoto grew louder in her ears as she watched the other ship approach.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A seagull flew up in the air, free from the tyranny of the seas and able to sail the skys like no tomorrow. Lobos was lying down on his deck, looking up at a small flock of seagulls soaring up above. He gazed up there, lost in thought for a great deal of time, the sway of the ship rather soothing to him. It wasn't until the grumbling of his stomach that made him realize he was stuck in the middle of the ocean, running supplies. He regretting not bringing more supplies when he had stolen the ship in the first place. He stomach let out another large growl, causing him to raise his upper body while still sitting down. Beside him was a bag with all the food left...1 loaf of bread. Despite the dire situation, Lobos showed gratitude and was satisfied with just that one loaf of bread. He took a bite, enjoying and savoring every single bite of the stale bread. A breeze passed by, ruffliing his hair. He looked up at the sky "A storm is brewing" He said to himself, taking another bite of bread.

Lobos stood up and looked around at the vast ocean, gazing up at the sky once again. It was daytime so there were no stars in sight, which was the main way how Lobos found where he was at. He had a general idea of his location, but could never be too sure. The tides of the ocean were never a sure thing. He walked up to the front of the ship, his sheathed sword in one hand and a bread in another. He sat down near the wheel of the ship, placing his sword on his lap along with his bread. He closed his eyes and meditated. He couldn't die now, especially of starvation. There was only one thing he could do, leave it up to chance. And so he did, sitting there and patiently waiting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 18 min ago

Winter said
Alicia would turn as Fushaka, The Doctor and Lorenzo arrived within moments of each other. The three of them were easily the strongest officers in her crew, each with their own brand of fierceness that projected upon their enemies during battle. They were a big part of what made The Silver Skulls a force to be reckoned with and although Alicia didn't play favorites, each had earned her respect. She answered Fushaka first, "No idea, though I guess we're about to find out. Just try not to scare them away before we have a chance to talk, ok?" she said with a small smile to Fushaka before it turned into a small smirk, a smirk they'd each seen many a time before, an expression of confidence. "As for treasure it's a possibility. We'll take it if they give us a reason to punish them, but first I'd like to see with who they stand" she said as she turned to face towards the ship which began to get larger as they approached, folding her arms across her chest, "No pirate ever became emperor through attacking every pirate on the sea, without allies and others we can call on we will lose this game. And I intend to win it" she said before looking back at the three of them, "We'll anchor close by and take a smaller boat out to them, If there's a fight I don't want the Lassie taking hits, and it'll allow the rest of the crew to slam them with cannon fire should things get messy. Also, we'll bring a barrel of rum as a show of good will... it's not like we don't have plenty of the stuff to spare anyway" she said, still seeming a tad bored with the fact they keep finding rum more than anything when they bring down other ships.

oh come on! why rum cant we just give them a pound of sugar and be done with it? I use that rum to sleep you know" Lorenzo complained but sighed as he went below deck and brought up a barrel of rum although he didn't like it. He put the barrel up on the deck waiting for the next order and Lorenzo was wishing that they screwed up so he could pull out his guns and go into blazing fury! everyone would tell you that you can only carry two pistols on your person and maybe a rifle at your back. The look Lorenzo gets when he drops his trench coat to reveal he has over 20 guns on his person is priceless! their momentary shock is all Lorenzo needs to take down an entire decks shipmates as well, with his serious training he can handle it and do it again 10 fold if need be, when his adrenaline pumps Lorenzo starts to think he is death himself when he sees so many bodies around him that couldn't even get close to him. so satisfying its almost better then taking the gold the idiots earned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rogelio stood at the top of the mast, with his hand held up to the sky. it was so bright today, so why would he waist is. the rays of sun collected in his diamond hand, bouncing off of his ruby palm. the few refracting beams where a sight to behold, creating rainbows. he looked down at his commanding officers. should he go down there and report? perhaps in a bit. it would not make any sense to interrupt the charging of his Sonneneruption. besides if they needed him they could just yell. they know where he is.
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