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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

He arrived along with Fushaka and Lorenzo and had made his way to the railings, where he could see the ship they were heading towards. A small smile as he turned, though still leaned partly against the railings to hear the captain to explain how they were gonna do a friendly visit. Hearing Lorenzo complain about giving them rum and would simply blow a bubble that let out a soft pop.*Hm, pirates really are interesting...fighting over pointless things like treasure or glory. Killing others for such material things.*He thought to himself with a chuckle and could tell both Lorenzo and Fushaka were both excited for a possible fight to happen. He could care less about any trinkets the pirates might have or whether if a fight occurred. As long as these dull brained pirates gave him some amusement with their inflated egos and greed, then they could dance for that matter; dancing pirates, now that was an amusing, ridiculous sight he wouldn't mind to see. Glancing at the ship momentarily before tapping his fingers against the railing two times.'If that's what the captain wants then a simple hello it is.'Blowing another bubble as he made way to the little boat, curious of what awaited them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Once the rum was loaded and everyone was aboard the small rowboat Alicia stepped onto it, the rest of the crew manning the winches as they lowered it down to the ocean bellow. "Stay safe guys!" called some of them, while others merely made a 'pfft' sound before speaking, "As if they need to be told that, ain't no one who can take on all four of them at once, you should know better!" the other said. Alicia simply smiled warmly, "Keep her safe for me, we'll be back soon" she said before they'd disappear bellow the deck and onto the ocean. Once the small boat was settled Alicia would make her way to the back of the boat, behind the rum barrel before taking a seat. She'd then stick her hand into the water, flexing her fingers before a jet of water would erupt under the waters surface, propelling them towards the other ship. Needless to say they arrived at the other ship in no time at all, but before they'd arrive Alicia spoke, her eyes remaining on the ship in front of her as the wind whipped her hair about behind her, "If they try anything, you have freedom to do as you please. But let's try and avoid anything unnecessary, at least not until I see what they're worth" she said semi casually, after all if they weren't worth being allies or 'friends', then she may as well just leave them at the mercy of Fushaka, Lorenzo and The Doctor, after all it had been a while since they'd had any fun. There were far too many amateur pirates floating about these days, and she had no interest in allying with them. When they arrived at the ship, Alicia would use her Devil Fruit, her body seeming to implode into wisps of air before coming back together on the deck of the ship, just above where the little boat sat bellow. The rum could wait till after introductions were made, "Well hello there" she said with a smile, waiting for her friends to join her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu watched them carefully as they got into a smaller boat with some container with them, one guy looking upset that he had to put it on. Yet what made Yu grin was when the girl put her hand in the water, their speed went much faster then when you manually do it. "A devil fruit user... That or she has one powerful hand." Yu spoke to himself and Duece. When the little ship pulled up beside them, Yu looked down at them and smiled. "Oh, more guest huh? I do hope you will behave yourselves, once you are aboard M84." Yu said glancing over at their ship in the distance, before grabbing the rope ladder and letting it down. Yu then looked at the four again and nodding. "I would recommend behaving." Yu said glancing mostly at the man in the trench coat pretty much saying, he could read his emotions. "Well come on up, I can only imagine what this meeting must be about." Yu then looked behind him at the girl who appeared randomly on his ship and smirked. "And that alll but confirms it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 28 min ago

Lorenzo followed suit getting on the rowboat and hanging into the rum knowing the captain would turn they're rowboat into a speed boat and when she did he made sure that the rum didn't go into the ocean. once they were at the other ship Lorenzo climbed the latter while they're captain just appeared out of thin air "show off!" Lorenzo called out sighing as he climbed until he was next to the captain his hands in his trench coat ready to immediately take it off and start firing if necessary waiting for this crew to make the wrong move....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

Settling in place in the little rowboat with the others as he kept chewing on his bubble gum, seemingly the most relaxed out of the four. He didn't mind however this meeting would go and turned his gaze to the sea where endless waves splashed all about; leaving a brisk, salty taste in the air, which he would enjoy inhaling. That and the warmth of the sun bared down directly on them, though it was funny how a single wave could easily turn them over, leading the df users to their death. A pirate's life was a constant risk for your life, especially thsoe of devil fruit eaters, this was the main reason for going pirate, the excitement of risking life and death with every second they were on these boundless sea's.

Soon the wind would whip in their faces, due to the captain using her ability to speed up the travel and in mere moments had arrived at the enemy ship. Listening to the captain speak about not doing anything to rile them up, but smiled that they were given free rein to do what they wanted if they decided to attack. Letting the others head up first and would briefly look over his shoulder, checking on their own ship as he wanted to check the distance for if the need for a quick escape arose.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alicia didn't appear to be paying much attention to Yu, instead seeming more interested in the ship itself as she walked around a little. Even his crew went mostly ignored as she took a finger and swiped it over one of his cannons, rubbing her fingers together as she seemed completely unafraid nor cautious of these pirates. Eventually she turned, her eyes seeking out the one who she guessed was the captain from how he carried himself, "Not a bad ship" she said, taking a pause before continuing "Not a great ship but I've certainly seen allot worse" she said before she folded her arms over her chest, leaning onto one of her legs as she observed him for a moment, "You don't appear to know who I am, so I'm not sure if that is ignorance or a testament to yourselves as pirates. However any pirate worth their ship knows on these waters titles and names mean little. So let's get the introductions out of the way, shall we?" she said before moving over to the side of the ship, leaning her back against it, "You can call me Alicia, captain of that ship over there" she said, tipping her head in the direction of The Platinum Lassie, "And you are?" she asked curiously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As the rest of her crew cam on board, Yu pulled up the ladder, and watched as the woman seemed to inspect the M84, she must have been impressed by its bulky size, and formidable presence. That was what Yu would have thought, until she opened her mouth and practically insulted his ship. Yu took a deep breath in before releasing. She then went on to saying, that they don't appear to know who this so far insulting woman was. She introduced herself as Alicia and stated that she was the captain of the ship over in the distance. Truly if he wanted, he could have easily sent Duece over and blown up their ship, but one of them had to be the polite one. Although Yu really just wanted to start punching. Yu looked at the three she brought with her, and only scoffed at them, as he approached Alicia and stared at her before doing a bow. "My name is Yu Amagi," He said standing perfectly straight looking down at her now. "So what do I owe this....... pleasure?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alicia didn't seem phased by his scoff, though internally she couldn't help but smirk for their sake. If this 'Yu' only knew how formidable they were perhaps he'd be more cautious about who he looks down upon, and speaking of looking down, Alicia appeared not to be bothered by his domineering size compared to her own. "The pleasure is mine captain" she replied with a soft smile, "I'm here merely to meet fellow pirates, curiosity I suppose is the shorter way of explaining my reason for being here" she continued, "And as I am indeed a guest, I brought a gift befitting our host" she said before she manipulated the air around the barrel, launching it into the air and onto the deck, using more air to soften it's decent, "Rum, a fine barrel I assure you". From her previous experiences it was a custom to bring something to the captain of another ship as a way of showing respect. Even enemies had been known to follow this custom. She could note the disappointment on Lorenzo's expression and internally chuckled, that man could drink his way through their entire rum supply if he thought he'd get away with it. Alicia's sapphire eye which wasn't concealed by her hair flickered back to Yu, "So how about it? feel like socializing, captain?" she asked with a relaxed mild amusement.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 28 min ago

Lorenzo watched the two of them talked about the ship and the captain's peace offering. Lorenzo was tense as they talked he was ready to bring he'll to them but Lorenzo wouldn't be the one to start a fight if their is no order to do so from the captain. Lorenzo looked in disappointment seeing the rum get taken away from him, God if only he could drink the tasty rum. If Lorenzo could drink ask the rum on the shop he would be happy and it took everything Lorenzo had not to turn away from the sight of the rum being given away...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu watched her display more of her devil fruit powers and couldn't help but smile at it. Was she acting cocky cause she and maybe a few other members she had, could do this? Man did Yu want to just smack the cockiness out of this uptight little girl. Instead he just wore a smile, while anyone with observation Haki could probably tell how much he wanted to just smack someone right now. "I'm sure it is..." Yu said looking at it, then grinning as he looked her dead in the eye as his body started to turn blue and vanish quite quickly, where he returned a second later with two glasses. He walked over to the barrel and zapped a hole straight through the top, to make sure it didn't spill of course, he then motioned for the trench coat man to help himself after he poured himself two glasses of the rum and walked over to her handing her a glass. "Oh do I ever Alicia." Yu said with quite the big grin. "In fact let me start by re introducing myself. My name is Yu Amagi, captain of the Flashbang Pirates. Now why don't we chat in private? I assure you, if you don't start a fight, then I have no reason to." Yu said, taking a sip of the rum.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Travesty
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He cannot be so sure as to what exactly is running inside Akainu's head, no, there's no way anyone could know about such a thing, at best, Nicholas could only guess. The old geezer should know any better, he was there, Portgas D. Ace died in his own hands, and it set lose all kinds dark things into the world. But Ace is Ace, and Kaido is a Yonkou. There's a difference.

Pirates are such delicate creatures that they will instantly lose their heads on a slight insult given to them. And there was enough insult in executing Ace and then killing Whitebeard at the same time that could easily throw any pirate on the edge. The act has definitely done the Marines no good, if anything, it only made things worst. Those people above knew that. The wound created by that event 10 years ago hasnt fully healed. That much was evident. And executing Kaido publicly will be like picking on the scab, reopening the wound, and then putting salt into it. Perhaps, may be that is what Akainu wants.

Nicholas mind drifted further into deep thought, hoping he could find some sensible reasons for all of this things. But he didnt find any. He could sense Tamaki looking at him intently, may be figuring out what could be running into Nicholas' mind. The younger man hasnt said anything for awhile, and so does Nicholas. They just stood there at starboard, staring at the vast blue sea.

Fortunately, the two Commodores in his ship has showed up just as when Nicholas thought he couldnt bare the silence anymore. He has almost forgotten about them, they were suppose to be hitching a ride to Baelthymer. Nicholas figured he's going to need to explain to them that the plan has changed if he wanted to keep the order in his ship, and soon.

Nicholas cast away his grim expression, and then put on his usual cheery self. He greeted them both with a big smile, "Hajime-kun, Drake-kun, how was your sleep? I am aware that the rooms I have given you was not adequate to your status, and I do apologize. You came in such a short notice I only had the Captain's and the Vice Captain's rooms at my disposal, but I should think they are comfortable enough, no?"

He can feel Tamaki tensed up to this, he was not very happy giving up his own room only to be thrown into the common area to sleep with the rest of the crew. But Rogelio, his ship's captain, was an exception though, he seem to have found a comfortable place in the crows nest and has been living there for the better part of the trip without complain.

Tamaki leaned on towards Nicholas left ear, and then whisphered, "Should we tell them the situation?"

Nicholas nodded, he needs to tell them about it anyway. "Apparently, we have a change on plans." The Rear Admiral announced, "A News Coo just arrived this morning bearing a letter from Base G-5. They're summoning us for Kaido's execution. The old man wanted every Marine officers to be there. They suspect a pirate attack might occur during the execution - which may very well be if you ask me. We're heading back to Mariejois as we speak."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"The rooms were comfortable enough, don't worry. Oh, were being summoned to his execution. Don't think I would've have done that but whatever," Hajime said fiddling with the edge of her dress. So they were going to an execution. Interesting. Though part of Hajime was glad they didn't have fight now part if her was itching to fight. And so this opportunity excited her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Makoto watched the exchange with a look of awe on her face. She was in the presence of true pirates. And it was amazing. And from what she could tell, most of them had some sort of Devil Fruit power. She had to hand it to Yu, he had a good hold on his temper. If he had been any regular old pirate then he might have started a fight, a fight with a powerful enemy. Then the rum barrel was brough out, and Makoto was reminded of her hunger and thirst. She dwould have loved a glass, but remembered she wasn't a member of this crew, and she wasn't really a guest either. She was more like a hitchhiker. It would be impolite to take any without it being offered to her first.

She looked over at the strange female character, her awe and amazement growing, not only beautiful, but powerful too. And the two people she brought along, must be her strongest men. Maybe a form of intimidation or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fushaka stood in the corner of the other pirate's ship, having slipped up silently, and was now watching her Captain. An aura of DOOM emitted from Fushaka, as much as she tried to stop it, and the crew - while unwary of her Captain or the other crew-members - seemed to pick up on it, and there was a nice little space in this corner where she could just stand and watch. But then, the Captain of these 'flashbang pirates' asked for a private talk. One that Fushaka would obviously get in one, sneaking into private talks was part of what she had trained for, that and killing people. Lorenzo was, obviously, laminating the loss of his Rum. He saw all Rum as his, even the stuff that didn't belong to him in the slightest. It was a rather amusing thing to see, but for now, Fushaka just scoped the number of pirates, both with her real eyes, and using her Mind's Eye - a Technique they seem to call Observation Haki, here. She didn't want to get caught off guard when dozens of men rushed out from the lower decks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

As the other Pirates got onto there ship Deuce stood beside Yu, not talking but just listening to their conversation....Also the insult to M84, that was a nice way to get on a Pirate's good side. Come onto their ship and then insult it, just one sign from Yu and he would send all three of them flying into the water with one punch...But Yu kept his cool, so Deuce decided to too. Apparently rum was going to make this all the better, he raised an eyebrow at Yu as he asked for a private meeting. "That's perverted," he mumbled to himself as he looked around.

He caught Makoto, the girl that was saved earlier, eyeing the rum though her attention seemed to drift over to the female Captain of the other crew. He looked back at Alicia before he walked away soon coming back with a cup. Without a word he just poured the rum to the top of the cup and then walked over to Makoto pushing it against her chest. "Here, drink. I saw you eyeing it kid."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alicia's curiosity grew as Yu demonstrated his own Devil Fruit powers, causing her to smile a little more in the moment it took him to return with the two glasses. 'It appears they may not be amateurs after all, how refreshing' she thought to herself before taking the glass by the stalk, pinching it between two of her fingers with trained dexterity. She raised the glass to her lips, taking a sparing sip from it as she closed her eyes, savoring the sweetness of the flavors before exhaling a content breath. "Thank you... Yu. Hmm, that might get confusing. Would it be alright if I address you as Amagi?" she asked in her usual soft tone as she stood straighter in order to join him in the more private location. Her eye glanced over at her crew, briefly catching Fushaka with a wink before it fell upon a women being handed a cup, giving her a soft smile as she bowed her head briefly in her direction to regard her before turning to walk towards where Yu would lead her. "I hope you can forgive my earlier comments, there are many amateur pirates who I've seen sailing these waters and I had to be sure I was dealing with pirates worth my time" she said, turning to face him as she would wait for him to pass through the door first, continuing to speak as she waited, "Allot of pirates would have attacked at a backhanded comment towards their ship, you however; showed restraint. A commodity that is rare among our kind" she finished before taking another small sip from the glass.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 28 min ago

After the others had their cups of rum Lorenzo got one and immediately took his cup and got it filled drinking it quickly sighing in content "nothing better" Lorenzo said softly smiling as he took another glass full and started to drink it slowly so he could savor it this time as he stood at the decks railing watching everyone in case someone wanted to try and surprise them. obviously the opposing captain had a devil fruit power as well so it would harder for Lorenzo to kill him so he would leave the captains fight to the captains. Lorenzo watched and waited for a signal for the captain to start shooting up the place but seeing as they weren't just amateur pirates Lorenzo could start to like these guys if they don't attack them for brining a peace offering like this sweet and savory rum. Even if they attack they will be pirates that cant handle anyone being near them they will be like the outcasts of pirates and marines and that would be harder for the so called flash bang pirates...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fushaka blushed as the Captain winked at her. What did that mean? Was she planning something? Trying to tell Fushaka something? Was she interested in Fushaka herself? It was all so, mind-blogging. Why the world couldn't simply be moving from one broken bone to the next, then she might be able to understand it. But this, these winks and smiles and comments and insults, all to much for her. And Rum. Lots and Lots of rum. It was like Pirates ran off rum, but Fushaka could hardly stand the smell of it. So, to take her mind of the confusing state of the world, she looked about again, leaning further back on the side than most people would find comfortable and looking back at their own ship. It bobbed slowly in the water, casually, like it didn't really care about the world. Which was probably true, ships and boats didn't really mind, they had a simple life. Float here, shoot that, don't sink. After a few seconds, Fushaka decided she wanted to be a ship.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

Peering over the ship with curiosity as he briefly studied the captain who was obviously struggling to contain his temper if they really took the time to look, whether with or without observation haki. He always thought it was silly how pirates lost their heads at the simplest compliments; especially when it came to their ships as he chuckled inwardly that a battle could start over something so small. Ignoring the rum as he watched the captains head off for private talk, which only made the ominous aura that fushaka gave off grow worse, only masked by the thick tension in the air. He caught sight of the man who stood besides the captain offering a girl who seemed weak and hungry as if she had been adrift in the sea for some time and smiled as he walked over to them in a casual manner, showing no sign of distrust like the others.'Looks like you guys picked up a straggler it seems? Tell me my lady. How has their treatment towards you been so far?'He spoke in a cool, warm manner and would grin at both of them while chewing on some gum.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu couldn't help but sigh at the name comment. It was one he has heard plenty of time. "By all means, call me whatever you want." Yu spoke as he motioned for her to follow, where he started to walk up some steps, listening to what Alicia said which made Yu look back at her. "Sure I can, just note. Those comments could ruin you if you aren't careful with who you say them too." He then heard a comment made to Makoto which made Yu look at the man, but decided Makoto could speak for herself. He continued climbing up the steps. "For a woman you sure got some guts, if first thing you do is say that on someones ship." Reaching the top he went through a door and closed it after Alicia went through as well. He then sat down in a chair and motioned for her to do the same. "So is this a daily habit you have? You know, trying to provoke people? If so it's a dangerous habit."
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