Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 28 min ago

"You won't survive this kid." Seamus said as he watched Lobos fall from the air with water bullets coming up at him at high velocity. To his own surprise he watched Lobos punch every single water bullet he sent at him without it hitting his body though his hands had certainly taken a toll. His pain endurance certainly is high though no matter how high it is, the damage done to his hands was still apparent and any use of his hands would more than likely be limited or else they would face more damage, unless he would be willing to risk it. No matter, he was still impressed that he was able to block all of them and even has the endurance to even keep on going. Lobos was either determined or just stupid. It appeared that the young man was going for a frontal strike but he must've been feeling disoriented from the pain because he threw his punch way too early. Blood flew from the fist and at the same time Seamus had realized what Lobos was doing though it was too late; his eyes were covered in blood. "Gah you damn brat!" He yelled in annoyance though was quickly silenced by a knee to the chin. His left foot took a step back from the strike though it would've taken more than that to make him submit to the captain. He still was able to send a punch aimed at Lobos' head. Lobos should realize by now that taking a direct blow from this man would be very bad, especially from Lobos had seen. Seamus tosses sharks around with ease and drives giant wooden spits into those sharks as if it was a cone into cotton candy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lobos sensed the punch that's was coming, knowing full well that this punch would be lethal. He moved his head and body back just in the, Seamus punch narrowly missing Lobos by a small margin. He could even feel the wind coming from the ferocity of the punch, his hair being blown back by it. Lobos rolled back and gained some distance between the two. He noticed a small cut formed across his mouth, blood dripping from it. He wiped it away with his arm and looked at Seamus. Wasting no time he ran towards Seamus with his full speed, but rolled when close to him up until he was at a certain spot. Once at the right position, Lobos propelled himself upwards with his arms and aimed a drop kick from below toward Seamus's gut.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 28 min ago

Seamus wiped the blood out of his eyes when Lobos jumped back, allowing him to see again. This was the first fight where he would actually have to put his all into or else he would really get damaged. He couldn't imagine that this young man was such a fighter; he just looked like a kid who wanted to play pirate though he may truly be a captain worth following. Seamus wouldn't say that, not so early in battle though. It was still a matter of stubborn pride that kept Seamus from saying it anyway.

He sensed the kick that Lobos was sending at him due to his Haki so he blocked it with one of his four arms. The strike was strong, it certainly would've hurt to get slammed in the gut by a kick like that though it wouldn't had been enough to do it. Lobos' strength was certainly impressive, above the average human though he couldn't hold a candle to Seamus in terms of strength. With a great shift of his weight on his heel, he swung his foot at him in a round house kick with deadly force.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Travesty
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

They were greeted by an entourage of petty officers with a dozen or so soldiers lining up on each side of the dock. Nicholas was sort of expecting something like this would happen, there're currently 3 high ranking officers of G-5 in his ship, and it would look like an insult if they didnt get at least this much of attention. Nicholas breathed in deeply, and then exhaled.

"Where are they?" Nicholas whispered to Tamaki beside him as they wait for the 5 petty officers to arrive.

"They're not in their rooms, I am sure of it. I have knocked several times, but both have not answered. I assume they're somewhere on the ship. I have already ordered a few of our men to find them." Tamaki answered.

Nicholas has not seen Hajime and Drake since their last conversation, and he's growing a little anxious. The 2 Commodores must be there before the entourage notices their absence or else, Nicholas will have to go to a lot of trouble of explaining the situation to them.

"Captain Rogelio, do you mind finding them for me?" Nicholas said turning to Rogelio, "I would find them myself but, the officers will be here soon and there will be a lot of problem if none of the G-5 representatives receives them. I'll buy you enough time, but please hurry."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
Seamus wiped the blood out of his eyes when Lobos jumped back, allowing him to see again. This was the first fight where he would actually have to put his all into or else he would really get damaged. He couldn't imagine that this young man was such a fighter; he just looked like a kid who wanted to play pirate though he may truly be a captain worth following. Seamus wouldn't say that, not so early in battle though. It was still a matter of stubborn pride that kept Seamus from saying it anyway. He sensed the kick that Lobos was sending at him due to his Haki so he blocked it with one of his four arms. The strike was strong, it certainly would've hurt to get slammed in the gut by a kick like that though it wouldn't had been enough to do it. Lobos' strength was certainly impressive, above the average human though he couldn't hold a candle to Seamus in terms of strength. With a great shift of his weight on his heel, he swung his foot at him in a round house kick with deadly force.

Lobos felt the kick coming towards him, but realized the predicament he was in. He was unable to dodge it or even counter, stuck in the position of the last kick. Lobos crossed his arms, the kick making contact with them. He had the wind knocked out of him, sent flying and skidding across the beach's sand. He did not expect that amount of strength coming from one person, he had much to learn. He rolled across the sand, stopping once he was on his back. He looked up in the sky, the sun shining and blinding him.

- Flashback -
A massive wolf, with silver skin radiating in the moon light. He lied down on a patch of grass in a forest if massive trees. It held a yellow piercing eye, while the other was shut close from a scar. It stared down at a young Lobos, who was unphased. It spoke "So that is your dream child? To reform this world and the government? You must know that such a task is impossible" Lobos shook his head "It isn't. My mother told me, out in the open seas. Anything is possible" The wolf chuckled, the leaves shaking as it did "Boy, I have seen what you can do. You have the ability to conquer the seas, is that how you will reform this world?" Lobos shook his head again. "No, I will free this world and open their eyes" The massive wolf grinned "Very well, I will teach you everything I know. You will be my prodigy, but you will be reborn. You are no longer Caius Louisenbaim, but now Lobos. Now stand Lobos" Lobos nodded as he stood up. The massive wolf raised it's paw, it's black claw shining in the moonlight. It swung it's paw towards Lobos, who remained still. It slammed it down in front of Lobos, a large cut forming across his face near his chin. The same spot his current scar is at. "With that scar, you are now a part of my pack. And you will be the one to free us"

Lobos opened his eyes, standing up and looking at Seamus as he spit out blood and still some blood coming out of his mouth. "Tell me this dream that is impossible, tell me why you have given up on it. Because you are lying to yourself!" He ran towards Seamus with his full speed, with no more tricks. Just a straight brawl. He was now close to Seamus as he yelled "Out there on the ocean, anything is possible!!" He winded his fist back, prepared to take any damage Seamus could dish. But subconsciously, Lobos used his Conquerors Haki on Seamus as he winded his fist back. He kicked off the ground and went flying toward Semaus, aiming his strongest punch towards the fish mans face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 28 min ago

He watched Lobos fly across the beach from the attack. It seemed very unlikely that he would be able to continue to fight, even if his attack was blocked it still held tremendous force. Seamus folded his arms and waited for his opponent to get back up. It didn't feel right to attack someone like this if he wasn't trying to kill him. He knew that the young man was determined though he thought he should give up while he still could. There are many people out there far stronger than Seamus and if Lobos' goal is to change the world then right now he isn't able to complete it.

It was admirable for Lobos to get up though his injuries he had gained over the fight were substantial. It would be a miracle if he could throw a decent punch at him, considering all of the damage his hands and arms had taken over the course of their spar. The young man's words had shot through him like an arrow through the chest. "Why did I give up?" He spoke with a bitter growl. "I gave up because the dead stay dead!" This was going to be his finishing blow. On each side his hands were kept close together and two large spheres of water appeared. "Duel Vagabond Drill!" He pushed both of the spheres out in front of him though they quickly dispersed. His will was being overtaken by a strange force and before he knew it, the young man's fist met his face and the towering figure fell down to the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aldridge
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Drake....... DRAKE!" The soldier cried out from in front of the pile of sugar and flour bags. Drake had been taking a nap, in one of his many hiding places again and this time he had been caught in the act. Drake opened his eyes slowly, and rubbed them for a bit before looking over the pile of sugar and flour and eyeing down the lone soldier.

"Drake isn't here right now. Please leave." Drake replied, attempting to change his voice but failing in the process. "Drake come out, Admiral Nicholas is waiting for you!" The solider said back in a serious tone. "They say it's important business...." Drake groaned for a bit, before standing up to his feet and looking to the solider. "Lead the way." Drake yawned out.

"Here we are, Officer Drake." The soldier said in a stern voice, attempting to sound formal in front of the Admiral. Drake walked up to his Rear Admiral and bowed. "Sorry for being late Rear Admiral, I was having....... complications with something." Drake mumbled, stressing out the word Complications. Drake looked down the line of petty officers, and soldiers. "What's all this for Admiral? A party or something?" Drake said, while stretching his arms upwards.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
He watched Lobos fly across the beach from the attack. It seemed very unlikely that he would be able to continue to fight, even if his attack was blocked it still held tremendous force. Seamus folded his arms and waited for his opponent to get back up. It didn't feel right to attack someone like this if he wasn't trying to kill him. He knew that the young man was determined though he thought he should give up while he still could. There are many people out there far stronger than Seamus and if Lobos' goal is to change the world then right now he isn't able to complete it. It was admirable for Lobos to get up though his injuries he had gained over the fight were substantial. It would be a miracle if he could throw a decent punch at him, considering all of the damage his hands and arms had taken over the course of their spar. The young man's words had shot through him like an arrow through the chest. "Why did I give up?" He spoke with a bitter growl. "I gave up because the dead stay dead!" This was going to be his finishing blow. On each side his hands were kept close together and two large spheres of water appeared. "Duel Vagabond Drill!" He pushed both of the spheres out in front of him though they quickly dispersed. His will was being overtaken by a strange force and before he knew it, the young man's fist met his face and the towering figure fell down to the ground.

Lobos walked over to the knocked down Seamus, holding his left arm that was broken. He was tired and his face was covered in sweat. He looked down at Seamus, his expression the same as ever. He extended his hand out to him "I didn't know, I truly am sorry. But there are fruits out there. Fruits that grant unimaginable powers. I know this because I have also eaten one of those fruits. So I promise you, no matter what it takes. Even my body and soul. I will find a way to reunite you with your lost one. So won't you join me, and let us chase our impossible dreams together?" He said with a soft smile, his hand still extended to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 28 min ago

Phobos said
Lobos walked over to the knocked down Seamus, holding his left arm that was broken. He was tired and his face was covered in sweat. He looked down at Seamus, his expression the same as ever. He extended his hand out to him "I didn't know, I truly am sorry. But there are fruits out there. Fruits that grant unimaginable powers. I know this because I have also eaten one of those fruits. So I promise you, no matter what it takes. Even my body and soul. I will find a way to reunite you with your lost one. So won't you join me, and let us chase our impossible dreams together?" He said with a soft smile, his hand still extended to him.

Seamus peered at Lobos and observed that the young captain's arm was broken. It must've been when he kicked him across the beach and even then he still fought with that unbridled determination. "Lobos...I'll only be united through death. It's a promise that you can't keep and one I won't hold you to." He grabbed his hand and pulled himself back up on his own two feet. "I maybe old, but I think my body still can go for one final adventure." No matter what he was too damn prideful to say that he wanted to help Lobos succeed. While fighting him he had realized that this young man has the potential to bring a change though he needs someone to guide him. And that guide would be the old fishman. Seamus turned out to the water where the ship was. "Captain Lobos, behold your new ship. The Treading Ann."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
Seamus peered at Lobos and observed that the young captain's arm was broken. It must've been when he kicked him across the beach and even then he still fought with that unbridled determination. "Lobos...I'll only be united through death. It's a promise that you can't keep and one I won't hold you to." He grabbed his hand and pulled himself back up on his own two feet. "I maybe old, but I think my body still can go for one final adventure." No matter what he was too damn prideful to say that he wanted to help Lobos succeed. While fighting him he had realized that this young man has the potential to bring a change though he needs someone to guide him. And that guide would be the old fishman. Seamus turned out to the water where the ship was. "Captain Lobos, behold your new ship. The Treading Ann."

"It doesn't hurt to try" Lobos said as he lifted Seamus with his arm that was still intact. He smiled once again, hearing that Seamus was willing to go on an adventure with him. Finally, Lobos met his first friend outside of his home. "Welcome to the crew, Seamus" He looked over to where Seamus was turning to. He saw the massive ship and smiled "Welcome to the crew, Treading Ann" He held his broken arm the entire time, but he felt content. This was just the first step on his journey. He turned to the young girl who watched the fight "So how about it? Would you like to join us?" He had a soft smile as he looked at her, awaiting for her answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The fight was truly something the fishman was ridiculously strong it made Amy stare at him with her mouth slightly open at how good he was. The pirate was knocked down by him, amy stood up to go look if he was okay but quickly stood still again as he rose up from the ground again 'he doesnt seem fine, he shouldnt fight like that' she couldnt interfere or she might get hurt herself in between the two. It would surely kill her in one blow. The fight was quickly over after that but it seemed to be all settled the pirate captain has made some new crew. Amy slowly started walking towards the two and wanted to ask if the pirate was okay but before she could do that the captain asked amy to join his crew "P-pirate, You're asking me to be a pirate? Why would I want to be a pirate. They are just like drunk criminals that would steal everything that has any vallue and kill anything that lies in their path. I'm not made like that." It reminded her about her mother who left her with her dad years ago. She also joined a pirate crew because she couldnt take the peacfull boring life anymore. How could her mother do that what is so great about it, being free and doing whatever you want to do to. Honestly she wanted to have a story to tell too just like her mother. She didnt have anything left her eitherway her dad had died and her mother is gone she lives alone in a house and is seen as a monster of the town "What is your goal."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aldridge said
"Drake....... DRAKE!" The soldier cried out from in front of the pile of sugar and flour bags. Drake had been taking a nap, in one of his many hiding places again and this time he had been caught in the act. Drake opened his eyes slowly, and rubbed them for a bit before looking over the pile of sugar and flour and eyeing down the lone soldier."Drake isn't here right now. Please leave." Drake replied, attempting to change his voice but failing in the process. "Drake come out, Admiral Nicholas is waiting for you!" The solider said back in a serious tone. "They say it's important business...." Drake groaned for a bit, before standing up to his feet and looking to the solider. "Lead the way." Drake yawned out."Here we are, Officer Drake." The soldier said in a stern voice, attempting to sound formal in front of the Admiral. Drake walked up to his Rear Admiral and bowed. "Sorry for being late Rear Admiral, I was having....... complications with something." Drake mumbled, stressing out the word Complications. Drake looked down the line of petty officers, and soldiers. "What's all this for Admiral? A party or something?" Drake said, while stretching his arms upwards.

"yes sir" Rogelio turned to leave and find officers when one of them walked sleapaly onto the deck. Rogelio immediately turned and pointed towards the him and stated "i found one!" then continued onlooking for the other one. was her name Hajime? he cant quite remember. he went through the door way and went below deck.
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