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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Seamus chuckled at the woman and turned to look at Lobos with an amused grin. "Yes she didn't have ill intent. She was just worried about little old me since and wanted to protect me from the big scary pirate. Har har har har!" Laughed the fishman at the thought of needing protection. Had they seen him? His body looked like it was sculpted by the gods themselves. He detached the barrel's lid and dunked his mug in it before pulling out yellow liquid. "Ah mead, you warm my soul and you are sweet as honey." The mead in his mug was gulped down before he placing it down by his side. Amy's cape got his eye and made him wonder why she would wear anything so impractical though that would be a question for another day. He bit down on more of the shark on the stick and ripped a big hunk of meat off. He chewed all of it and swallowed it all. "We didn't see you kid, we sensed your presence." That was his rather vague explanation of how they knew she was there though he didn't want to bother explaining what Haki is and the many effects that it can be used for. It's not that it was a difficult concept to explain, he just truly didn't feel like answering it. Seamus glanced at Lobos and stroked his beard as he began to wonder how strong this boy was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Lobos looked at the young girl with a curious expression, before realizing he still had his sword by his side. He smiled and softly laughed "You don't have to worry, I don't bite" He said as he sheathed the blade and placed it down by his side. Lobos chuckled at what Seamus said and took a drink of the mead, his eyes widening after swallowing it "What is this? I've never tasted a drink so delicious before!" The drink was strong but the taste was good and was something new compared to water. He took another sip of it and continued to eat the piece of shark. He turned to the young girl "What our friend Seamus said, we sensed you. I suppose it is something called Haki, that was what the pirates I fought said" He took a few more bites of the meat, finishing the shark in no time and feeling satisified "But you don't have to worry, I don't plan onto hurting you. Not all pirates are bad" He said with a soft smile. Lobos looked at her aura as they ate, and noticed the potential that she had. He took one last drink of the mead and stood up, turning his head towards Seamus. His expression was serious now, he had unfinished business. It was unusual to have a challenge accepted and wanted to fight his man. Not only for him to join his crew, but he felt like he had to fight him no matter what "We have unfinished business"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alicia simply nodded and allowed Yu to carry on with his business as she faced over towards her ship. She looked at those who were present on the deck, "If I were you I'd think about covering my ears..." she said before bringing two fingers to her lips, inhaling before blowing an ear splitting whistle to gain the attention of her ship which immediately began to move in their direction. "Gentlemen, it appears we're now allies. So, let's celebrate" she said as her ship began to close in. She looked towards The Doctor, "Try to enjoy yourself for a change" she said with a joking expression as she smiled. "Fushaka, if you could prepare the food, I'm sure Yu's cook could use a few pointers" she said before giving a chuckle. Fushaka was an excellent cook and she'd yet to find a better one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


She felt like she was being made fun of by this fishman. Her face became red as she began talking more furious and embarressed at the same time "I-i didnt do it for you." She poked out her toungh at the fishman and looked away from him while folding her arms over each other. The redness on her face died down a bit as she began eating the meat again little by little.

Amy felt thirsty so she stood up with her mug in one hand to take the mead out of the barrel. Placing her mug into the barrel and raising it up again when it was quarter filled. She sat back down looking at both the other two to see that everyone enjoyed it 'What is so good about this stuff' she tough and looked down into her mug to see a yellow liquid. The mead was dancing around in her mug when she was slowly shaking it around. It didnt look so tasty but she atleast needed to try she dipped her finger in it and taste the yellow liquid "Did you make it yourself." She took a small sip from her mug, it did taste good she couldnt denie that, but what was it that she was drinking.

She placed the big piece of flesh and the mug next to her in the sand "Thats enough for me" The chunk of shark only had some small bites taken out of it, but the quarter mug of mead was almost finished. The fishman began talking again but she only angled her head in confusion "Hu..." How can they know she was there even tough they didnt see her. The pirate was talking about some sort of ability or something called Haki. Amy still didnt really understand but it was a bit more clear now. Suddenly the pirate stood up and wanted to duel the fishman out of the blue again. Amy did feel some excitement coming up inside her, she wanted to see them fight they both looked pretty strong.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Lorenzo looked over at the captain and covered his ears knowing that the captain could destroy eardrums with her whistles and afterward when she said they were allies Lorenzo was skeptical but when she said to celebrate Lorenzo grinned widely "WOO HOO! LETS PARTY!" Lorenzo yelled happily going to the ship and immediately going down to the lower deck and grabbing 3 barrels of rum throwing them onto the ships deck and he took one and put a nice hole in it "who thinks they can take me on!" Lorenzo yelled laughing as he started to chug the barrel of rum himself. Lorenzo was always going to be the life of the party whenever it included rum and so far nobody in the crew could match him drink for drink or in this case barrel for barrel. Once he finished off the first barrel he burped loudly "which one of you pansies thinks they have what it takes!" Angelo asked the flashbang pirates wondering who could finally beat him!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

Sipping from the glass when the captains came out, an obvious sign the meeting had ended as Yu seemed to want to speak to Deuce and Makoto alone. It was then that he noticed his captain was about to whistle to signal the ship.'Seems it went well in the end.'Setting the glass down before covering his ears, which helped muffle the loud, piercing shrill whistle and just like that the tension washed away to be replace with excitement. He folded his leg over the other and would grin at Alicia's comment.'Don't worry about that. I'm already enjoying myself, though I'm curious...about the matter with the upcoming execution.'Glancing up at her with a sip of his glass.'What do we intend to do regarding it?'Raising a brow as he asked the question then turned his gaze over to Lorenzo who was enjoying himself a little too much with his challenge while downing a barrel of rum.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aldridge
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Travesty said
Nicholas gave them each a solemn nod. Drake was right, they couldve just killed Kaido right off and be done with it. Well, that's what would Nicholas do at least. But no, they wanted to brandish Kaido like a prized trophy to the world. And for what? To plant fear to every pirate's heart? For all that he knew, the only thing that they could be planting is resentment."The execution will happen 3 days from now. I'm not sure how long will it take us to reach Mariejois at this rate, but I should think we'll make it on time. Isnt that right, Captain Rogelio?" Nicholas shouted towards the man climbing down at one of the ship's mast, his hands cupped around his mouth.

"Eh, it's whatever. As long as the bastard dies, I will be happy." Drake shrugged, before leaning his back on the wall and crossing his arms. "I just hope we can dock soon though, I don't think my back can take this much punishment from sleeping on that hard bed." Drake sighed, while arching his back and rubbing it. "I don't know how you do it Vice-Captain, sleeping on that thing." Drake said, pointing his thumb in the direction of the room. Drake then looked over to wear his Vice-Admiral had yelled. The captain of this ship "Captain Rogelio" entered into the room, following the Vice-Admirals shout. Drake chuckled a bit, before turning to the Captain. "Just like I just said, I just hope you can dock this ship as quick as possible." Drake repeated himself, as he said before but this time to the Captain. "Until then, I think I'll catch a little nap." Drake walked over a conveniently placed chair in the corner of the room, before sitting on it, and closing his eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Travesty
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Nicholas read the letter aloud for Captain Rogelio's sake, going over the urgent summon and Kaido's execution for the second time. After he's done reading, Nicholas folded the letter and then gave it to Tamaki. "Do whatever you want with it." the Admiral sighed. He felt tired all of a sudden, like all of his reserved energy has been zapped out of him, "Yes, a quick nap, that should fix me." Nicholas announced.

Tamaki gave him a complaining look as if saying 'But Nicholas-shosho! You just woke up!' but decided to not say anything about it. The Vice Captain just nodded and then watched as Nicholas walked back towards his sleeping quarters. But before the Rear Admiral disappear in his room, he looked back at Hajime, Drake and Rogelio, his face devoid of any emotion, "I hope you all know how to swim. The great seas are stirring." But he knew it was no use warning them, they were all Devil's Fruit users after all, and there's no way they can swim in the ocean. Resigned, the Rear Admiral retreated to his room without saying another word.
Nicholas was awoken by the persistent knock on his door. Judging by the calculated intervals between knocks, it was Tamaki, came to wake him up. "Come in." Nicholas croaked.

Tamaki came in, opening his door fully so that sunlight came pouring in full force into his room, blinding Nicholas momentarily. Nicholas raised his hand to his face to block off the light, "We've arrived." The Vice Captain announced. It took Nicholas a moment to understand what he had just said, he merely blinked back. "Mariejois. We've just arrived in Mariejois." Tamaki repeated impatiently.

No response. "..."

"Eh? M-Marie... jois!!?" Nicholas jumped out of bed, shuffling to his feet, he grabbed his coat draped on a chair just beside his bed, "How long have I been sleeping!?" Nicholas started to walk briskly towards deck not caring what his hair looked like, or whether if his collar's askew. Tamaki followed him out.

"18 hours." Tamaki said without much a hint of emotion, "Shouldnt you be fixing your hair?"

"I have no time for that. I need to notify the base of our-"

"No need for that." Someone said behind him. Nicholas froze, he knows that voice so well. "You're late, as always."

Nicholas turned slowly towards the source of the voice. Leaning against his quarter's wall was a tall man with a funny hair cut, like a mohawk but he grew it quite longer, and then tied it in a white cloth. "Momonga-chujo." Nicholas said, surprised to see the Vice Admiral in his own ship.

"I had Vice Captain Uruhara here called and notified your base for you." Vice Admiral Momonga said coolly, "I've seen your ship coming, and decided to come and greet you personally. Its been awhile. Welcome back, Nicholas-kun." said Nicholas' foster father.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alicia decided to let her crew party without her for now, favoring to sit back and relax for a while and just enjoy a peaceful moment. A fight had been avoided and an ally gained, at least for now. It'd be a shame to have to put and end to this crew when the time came, but she guessed it would be one of many who would oppose her when the strongest of pirates stand at the finish line. She watched as Lorenzo attempted to out drink just about everything that could walk, shaking her head a little with a smile as she leaned back onto the wood rail of the M84. She looked to The Doctor, opening her mouth to answer his question before stopping herself, deciding to feed more of her curiosity. "What do you think we 'should' do?" she asked, watching him closely for his response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Lorenzo grinned wide as he drank more rum while drinking the crew of the M84 under the table laughing happily looking over at the captain and saying "hey captain I think only a giant is able to match me drink for drink!" Lorenzo called out happily as he drank more of the rum thinking tit tasted of the sweetest drink in the world. The more that Lorenzo could drink the happier Lorenzo will end up and if he drinks enough he will "sleep" much easier and he wondered how this was a real party since they need food to make this a real party so Lorenzo called out "hey where is our food? this isn't a real party without a buffet of good food!" Lorenzo called out looking for their ninja cook...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Travesty
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Nicholas was silent for awhile. Its not like the Vice Admiral to greet people and do catch up, no, he was too busy for those kind of things. So Nicholas suspect that there was something else. So he waited patiently for his father to go on.

"I'd rather not drag you into this, but the order has been made." Vice Admiral Momonga started to say, "In the next 24 hours, Kaido will be executed. Pirates will come, I have no doubt with that. That old fool still has his claws tucked away somewhere and when the right time comes, he will use it again whatever it takes. Pirates never go down without a fight."

Of course, Nicholas knew that. Kaido is not just a normal pirate, he's a Yonkou. He will do everthing in his power, no matter how little is left of that power, to cause damage before a he finally leaves this world. Nicholas said nothing, but waited patiently.

"Akainu refused to grant the Warlords audience to Kaido's execution. They can no longer be trusted, he knew that, but he cannot relieve them of their duties yet. They may be pirates, but they still hold a portion of power that we can use."

Nicholas gapped at his foster father, clearly surprised to hear this news, "But if he removes the Shichibukai in the execution, who will look over the platform?" Although there was not an actual law stating that the Shichibukai should overlook the execution platform, it falls to them the duty of making sure that no one gets closer to the platform while the Admirals take care of the rest of the job.

Vice Admiral Momonga frowned, as if Nicholas had said something stupid, "They have not done their duties properly the last time, how could we expect them to do it now? We cant afford to let the past repeat itself. It was rather wise of Akainu to remove them if I say so myself."

"So what's the catch?" Nicholas asked finally.

"They want all high ranking officers, starting to Rear Admirals and up, to attack Kaido all at once at the first sign of pirate presence in the execution."

Nicholas felt chills creeping up his spine. Thinggs has gone way too far from his expectations. "Isnt that way too extreme? Shouldnt the 3 Admirals be enough to take him down?"

"They want to decimate Kaido to the very last particle in the fastest and most efficient way possible. They cant let anyone to replicate another Yonkou's ability again. Apparently, its the only way they can think off."

Nicholas sighed. He knew there was no point of arguing now. Everything will move according to plan whether he likes it or not, and the only thing he can do now is to accept it, without question, and may be, just may be, everything that they will do will be justified there after. "24 hours huh? I think there's nothing we can do about it."

Noticing his Vice Captain for the first time, Nicholas called Tamaki to come closer. Tamaki was Nicholas' childhood friend, they were from the same island, and had been adopted by Vice Admiral Momonga at the same time, so whatever the Vice Admiral had to tell to Nicholas, Tamaki can hear it, he trust both of them. "Hey, Tamaki, I guess I'll be using that after all. Would you mind taking my bed outside? I'm going to need all the energy I can store before the execution." Nicholas said.

"Oy Niko! Isnt it a little dangerous to use that now? Besides, once you used it, you can no longer fight anymore." Tamaki protested.

"Tamaki-kun is right. You dont really have to use it." Momonga said, his voice sounded a bit concerned which something that Nicholas rarely hears from the man.

Nicholas gave them both a huge smile, "Dont worry about it. I will be fine."

Vice Admiral Momonga was silent for awhile, and then said, "Do whatever you want." The old man paused, "Nicholas, Tamaki, I hope you both know how to swim." Nicholas barely heard their father say just as a horn blared loudly, announcing their arrival to the Holy Land of Mariejois.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rogelio finished the letter.... that took a lot longer then expected. he looked up and saw that the area around the island that they stopped at was compleatly covered in marine ships. this must be mariejois....its a lot more populated then he thought. he looked down at the letter. the execution should be tomorrow.... perhaps everyone wants front row seats?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Seamus ignored Amy sticking her tongue out at him. "Aye little lass, I did make this. It's gold old fashion mead." He responded to both Lobos' and Amy's questions, holding the mead in front of him before gulping it down easily hardily. He then devoured the rest of the shark on the stick without much of a problem and pierced it into the sand. Apparently Lobos doesn't really understand what Haki is or at least has a vague understanding of it while Amy, understandingly has no knowledge of it. The aura she had showed great potential to become a fierce fighter though it would take quite some work to turn her into a fully fledged powerhouse.

It looked like Lobos was done playing with niceties and wanted to get down to business. The young man had regained his strength and wanted to test Seamus own strength again his own. Placing the mug of mead down, he stood up towering both the young man and woman. "Lass, I recommend that you get far away." Seamus cracked his knuckles, his red eyes' gaze focused down at Lobos. He knew that this young man was strong and by god he will not hold his punches against him, not by a long shot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Mead?" Lobos said to himself, amazed and ashamed that he has yet to taste such a delightful beverage. He remained calm when Seamus had accepted his challenge this time, but inside he felt excitement. He removed his shirt and tossed it on his sword, leaving it behind. Through some unknown means, Lobos' scars were all gone, as if his body was reborn. He retained the same physique as before however. He began to walk away from the fire, stopping for a moment to look back at the young girl "He's right. Things are about to get crazy" He turned and walked away from the fire, stopping on the beach and awaiting for Seamus to stand across from him. When he did, Lobos spoke up "I am curious. Was there ever a dream you wanted achieve? Either one of you?" He said, turning to the girl then Seamus
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

Winter said
Alicia decided to let her crew party without her for now, favoring to sit back and relax for a while and just enjoy a peaceful moment. A fight had been avoided and an ally gained, at least for now. It'd be a shame to have to put and end to this crew when the time came, but she guessed it would be one of many who would oppose her when the strongest of pirates stand at the finish line. She watched as Lorenzo attempted to out drink just about everything that could walk, shaking her head a little with a smile as she leaned back onto the wood rail of the M84. She looked to The Doctor, opening her mouth to answer his question before stopping herself, deciding to feed more of her curiosity. "What do you think we do?" she asked, watching him closely for his response.

The doctor leaned back some with a faint creak from the wooden barrel he sat on as he did so, though muffled by the cheers and shouts from all the crewmates from both ships partying. Lorenzo was the loudest of them who downed rum without any restraint and shouted for food; content with his glass of water which he would take another sip from. He watched the party ensue as he waited to hear Alicia's answer to his question and could only help but chuckle when she replied with a question of her own.'Unsure of how to proceed? or simply curious of what I think?'Tilting his head a little to glance in her direction with a small mischievous smile before looking back to the partygoers.'Well, it really depends on what you wish to gain for your crew. Take part in crashing the execution to gain attention and recognition for marines and fellow pirates alike...or stay back and watch to learn of future possible enemies and a slight head start to working our way up.'Tapping a finger lightly against the top of his glass with a soft chink.'I personally don't mind one or the other.'He shrugged and set the empty glass down then stood up to stretch his arms thinking he would resume his experiment or head in; partying never being his type of thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

'This child think he can beat me in hand to hand combat?' Seamus thought to himself when he saw that Lobos had left his sword behind. It was usually unwise to face a fishman in hand to hand combat though he wouldn't underestimate his opponent. That would be his own downfall if he were to do so. What had gotten his attention were that the scars on the young man's body were all gone as if they were never there to begin with. It would be something to question on a later point, but it made him wonder if it was some sort of ability that Lobos had. Seamus walked away from the fire as well to stand across from his opponent, ready for an intense battle however Lobos had asked Amy and him a question. Dreams? It made the old fishman chuckle bitterly and glanced at Lobos. "I once had a dream, but it is something that can never come true. Now enough talk and show me what you got captain of the Black Scar Pirates."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The other two both stood up and walked away from the hut where the fishman lived to get down to business. They suggested her to leave to a safe place when hell was about to get loose and Amy immediately stood up and started to walk towards the higher part of the beach, But before she could do so she was stopped by a question that was asked by Lobos "Dreams, i guess finding my mother. She is out there somewhere" her gaze shot towards the big blue sea that never seemed to end. She started walking up the beach again with no other words and sat down with her arms folded around her legs, on the sand pretty far away from them. The aura around the two felt heavy and Amy knew this fight wasnt gonna end unsratched. Amy tought back about what Seamus said just now, something that can never come true. You would say that nothing is impossible but the fishman probably already knew that so it must be something that he lost or something that he cant do anymore because of rules or disabilitys. She wanted to ask, but it would probably not come out that easy since he thinks his dream is ruined. She would need to try later. Amy concentrated on the battle again and saw that it was a fist on fist battle just now. The fishman would probably win since he probably has more strength and more arms. But on the other hand Lobos would be quicker since he is smaller then him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lobos got low, placing the tip of his fingers on the soft sand "Dreams will only be dreams if you do nothing and waste your life away. I'll show you...the hands that will bring you your dreams!" With that, Lobos kicked off the sand and leaving a small dust cloud behind him. He approached Seamus the fastest he could, his eyes glaring into the large fish mans. The normal route would be to try to punch Seamus in the face. Instead, once lobos was close enough, he slid under between the giant fish mans legs. Once behind him, Lobos raised his body off the ground and kick off the floor once again. He aimed a punch for the back of Seamus' head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Phobos said
Lobos got low, placing the tip of his fingers on the soft sand "Dreams will only be dreams if you do nothing and waste your life away. I'll show you...the hands that will bring you your dreams!" With that, Lobos kicked off the sand and leaving a small dust cloud behind him. He approached Seamus the fastest he could, his eyes glaring into the large fish mans. The normal route would be to try to punch Seamus in the face. Instead, once lobos was close enough, he slid under between the giant fish mans legs. Once behind him, Lobos raised his body off the ground and kick off the floor once again. He aimed a punch for the back of Seamus' head.

Anger was his response to those words. "Do not make claims you can't keep brat!" The young man was quick, a lot quicker he thought. Rather than going for a straight on attack that wouldn't have worked on the fishman, he took advantage of his opponents large stature and slid between his legs and then quickly sent a strike to the back of his head. One of the fishman's giant hands grabbed Lobos arm just before it hit his head. He had to give him some credit, it was a rather clever way of attacking him though it would take more than that to hurt him. "You must be confident to face a fishman dead on." Just like he did with the shark before he threw Lobos into the air with even more ease due to his light weight. Drips of water began to form on his arms. "Rain." He swung his four arms at Lobos who was still in the air and a flurry of water bullets flew at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lobos showed some surprise when his fist was caught by Seamus, but retained a calm demeanor. "I'm confident enough that you will join me after this" Before he could deliver a kick to Seamus's head, he was tossed in the air like a rag dog. He was defenseless there and could only wait until he landed. But then, he noticed something Seamus was preparing. Water was forming around his fists. He then fired a flurry of water bullets at Lobos, who was stuck in the air. He slightly regretting having leave his sword, but he would manage. He punched the first water bullet that came his way, thinking it was nothing. But all he felt was pain surge through his fists. Never had he ever seen someone use water in such a way, the world truly was a large place. However, that wouldn't stop him or make him give up. He continued to punch the water bullets that came at him, not allowing a single one hit his body but only his fists. He landed on the ground, his fists covered on blood. This pain was nothing, he could endure more. He ran at Seamus once again, ready to dodge any of water bullets coming his way using Haki. This time he had a different approach. Lobos swung his fist, not at Seamus but in front if him. From the swing, some of Lobos blood went flying towards Seamus as a distraction and hoping to get it in his eyes. Immediately after, Lobos kicked off the ground and aimed a knee towards the fish mans chin.
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