Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu smirked himself as he looked towards where everyone was. "Well for starters I can see everyone's aura's with observation haki, that and Duece would have been blowing things up by now if your crew was boarding my ship, so no real ways to get an entire crew on board without things going bad. And who can make allies or enemies, but when you think about it, it can be both really. Such as if you consider me an ally, we will without a doubt be enemies down the line. And I'm glad my little story amused you so. Truly it seems boring to me, but who am I to judge what amuses people? So right now you are trying to see if you consider me an ally or an enemy. Well if thats all you are here for then by all means, we can make an alliance. Just you know though. I tend to be the one standing in the end. And no pretty Pirate captain is going to stop that."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
The old man sighed at the young man. "You got to prepare yourself better for these situations. The sea isn't a forgiving place to be, especially in this day and age." He looked out at the sea and shook his head. He knew too many people who had died out there, a lot of good people who met their untimely demise. Those thoughts were cut off however by the loud crack of wood and he turned to see the mast of the ship fall down and break the ship in half. "Wow, talk about narrowly avoiding death." The old man commented upon the boats destruction and turned back to Lobos to answer the question. "I'm sorry, but there is only one ship on this island and it is owned by a retired shipwright by the name of Seamus. You can try your luck and see if you can buy it off him though it seems unlikely. He lives in a hut by the beach, you can't miss it." He rubbed his bald spot, wondering what the young man can do to get back out at sea.

Lobos smiled and slightly bowed his head "Thank you for the advice, I suppose I have been taking the seas too lightly. Where I'm from, the sea is a rare sight so I wouldn't expect it to be rough. How wrong I was" He said, chuckling at the end. Lobos nodded "I suppose fate was just on my side?" He said, not showing it but was extremely grateful for having found the island. His face did brighten up when the old man spoke of a ship on the island and a shipwright. He grabbed his hand and bowed deeply "Thank you, I promise you one day I will return the favor of your kindness. If you wish, take anything from the ship, its yours now. Farewell obaasan, take care." He said, running off along the beach. He ran rather fast despite his hunger situation, but it didn't matter. A shipwright was vital at surviving the sea, and fate brought him one. This person, Seamus, was going to join his crew no matter what.

Lobos slowed down, seeing a small hut in no time. He began to walk once close enough and eventually stopped at the entrance. He was slightly panting "Hello? Is the man who goes by Seamus here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 37 min ago

Phobos said
Lobos smiled and slightly bowed his head "Thank you for the advice, I suppose I have been taking the seas too lightly. Where I'm from, the sea is a rare sight so I wouldn't expect it to be rough. How wrong I was" He said, chuckling at the end. Lobos nodded "I suppose fate was just on my side?" He said, not showing it but was extremely grateful for having found the island. His face did brighten up when the old man spoke of a ship on the island and a shipwright. He grabbed his hand and bowed deeply "Thank you, I promise you one day I will return the favor of your kindness. If you wish, take anything from the ship, its yours now. Farewell obaasan, take care." He said, running off along the beach. He ran rather fast despite his hunger situation, but it didn't matter. A shipwright was vital at surviving the sea, and fate brought him one. This person, Seamus, was going to join his crew no matter what.Lobos slowed down, seeing a small hut in no time. He began to walk once close enough and eventually stopped at the entrance. He was slightly panting "Hello? Is the man who goes by Seamus here?"

"Wait don't you want some food first?!" The old man called out to him though it appeared that the young man seemed too excited to even listen. He turned back to look at the boat and knew that he would have to ask the whole village to help salvage it. "Huh, I wonder what got into that boy?" He asked to no one in particular.

When Seamus asked he would receive no such response from anyone in the hut. It would appear that no one was home at the moment though if he did look at out at the beach he would see a magnificent ship, a ship meant to cross through the hardest obstacles that the seas would ever have to offer. It was beautiful; the wood was a tan brown with white railing around the ship that was obviously well maintained, the three masts almost seemed to pierce the sky itself, and the figurehead was that of a beautiful woman with long hair and a gentle smile. The size of the ship itself was astonishing as it looked like a floating fortress.

Without any warning, the water from the beach would erupt and a massive figure would've leapt out of the water, carrying what seemed to be a shark the size of a small building with ease. "Har, har, har! Looks like I have food to last me months!" The figure said while laughing and upon closer inspection it would appear that this figure was a fishman, one with four arms, and an impressive long white beard. He tossed the shark onto the ground, causing the area to shake slightly due to the weight of it. That's when he noticed Lobos standing right by Seamus' hut. "Oi kid, what are you doing around my home?" Seamus asked with a harsh and commanding tone. He did not take kind to trespassers on his property without an explanation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
"Wait don't you want some food first?!" The old man called out to him though it appeared that the young man seemed too excited to even listen. He turned back to look at the boat and knew that he would have to ask the whole village to help salvage it. "Huh, I wonder what got into that boy?" He asked to no one in particular. When Seamus asked he would receive no such response from anyone in the hut. It would appear that no one was home at the moment though if he did look at out at the beach he would see a magnificent ship, a ship meant to cross through the hardest obstacles that the seas would ever have to offer. It was beautiful; the wood was a tan brown with white railing around the ship that was obviously well maintained, the three masts almost seemed to pierce the sky itself, and the figurehead was that of a beautiful woman with long hair and a gentle smile. The size of the ship itself was astonishing as it looked like a floating fortress. Without any warning, the water from the beach would erupt and a massive figure would've leapt out of the water, carrying what seemed to be a shark the size of a small building with ease. "Har, har, har! Looks like I have food to last me months!" The figure said while laughing and upon closer inspection it would appear that this figure was a fishman, one with four arms, and an impressive long white beard. He tossed the shark onto the ground, causing the area to shake slightly due to the weight of it. That's when he noticed Lobos standing right by Seamus' hut. "Oi kid, what are you doing around my home?" Seamus asked with a harsh and commanding tone. He did not take kind to trespassers on his property without an explanation.

"No response" Lobos said to himself, not bothering to use Haki due to his hunger situation. Now that he thought about it, didn't the old man say something about food. He sighed, regretting that he had left so hastily. He couldn't help it, he wanted to see this Kaido execution. He wanted to see how large of a gap there was between himself and the powerful Yonko, along with the various other pirates that would be there. He turned to look out at the ocean, seeing a magnificent ship. The ship made his previous one look like a sail boat when comparing the sizes. But the beauty and craftsman ship is what allured Lobos the most. The ship was the work of a great man, and he could feel the amount of emotion and work put into this ship.

Suddenly, a massive figure came out of the oceans near the shore. A large fish looking creature landing on the shore next to Lobos. This person was like no thing Lobos had previously seen. It was like a mixture between a man and a fish...a fishman. He used his Observation Haki for a moment, noticing the strength this man had. Now he knew, this man would join his crew no matter what. Lobos walked up to Seamus, with no signs of hostility and stopped before him, gazing up into his eyes "I came here looking for a person named Seamus, and it seems like I've found you. My ship I came here on is a total wreck and I was hoping to get a new one" He said looking at Seamus's ship "Now, just by looking at it I can tell that that ship is your heart and soul" He looked back at Seamus's eyes, his eyes filled with a fiery determination "That is why I am asking you to come along with me on my journey. I may be coming off as rude, but I am being straightforward and I must have you join my crew. Fate brought me to you, and I don't plan onto letting this chance go...no matter what. If there is anything I can do to have you join my crew" Lobos bowed his body deeply "Then I will do it"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 37 min ago

Phobos said
"No response" Lobos said to himself, not bothering to use Haki due to his hunger situation. Now that he thought about it, didn't the old man say something about food. He sighed, regretting that he had left so hastily. He couldn't help it, he wanted to see this Kaido execution. He wanted to see how large of a gap there was between himself and the powerful Yonko, along with the various other pirates that would be there. He turned to look out at the ocean, seeing a magnificent ship. The ship made his previous one look like a sail boat when comparing the sizes. But the beauty and craftsman ship is what allured Lobos the most. The ship was the work of a great man, and he could feel the amount of emotion and work put into this ship. Suddenly, a massive figure came out of the oceans near the shore. A large fish looking creature landing on the shore next to Lobos. This person was like no thing Lobos had previously seen. It was like a mixture between a man and a fish...a fishman. He used his Observation Haki for a moment, noticing the strength this man had. Now he knew, this man would join his crew no matter what. Lobos walked up to Seamus, with no signs of hostility and stopped before him, gazing up into his eyes "I came here looking for a person named Seamus, and it seems like I've found you. My ship I came here on is a total wreck and I was hoping to get a new one" He said looking at Seamus's ship "Now, just by looking at it I can tell that that ship is your heart and soul" He looked back at Seamus's eyes, his eyes filled with a fiery determination "That is why I am asking you to come along with me on my journey. I may be coming off as rude, but I am being straightforward and I must have you join my crew. Fate brought me to you, and I don't plan onto letting this chance go...no matter what. If there is anything I can do to have you join my crew" Lobos bowed his body deeply "Then I will do it"

Seamus observed the boy carefully, seeing that he was rather weak at the moment from hunger and thirst. He arched his brow when finding out that his ship and him were being sought out by the young man when Lobos' own ship had been destroyed. What surprised him was to be suddenly asked to join his crew because it was fate that had drawn the two of them together. He folded his four arms and shook his head at this his shamelessness. "Do not bow boy, if you are supposed to be a captain then act like it." His tone was harsh and commanding, which is understanding since this man suddenly makes speeches about fate and that crap and trying to pull him away from a life of ease. He lifted the shark and walked over to a fire pit where he would get a skewer which was more like a tree and rammed it down the shark's mouth, the wood piercing it on the other end of it before creating a fire with a match and a lot of wood he had gathered previously.

"If you want something to eat then stay here kid, you can tell me who the hell you are first of all and what your journey is." Seamus said without looking at him as he began turning the shark on the spit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rogelio looked down at his co workers below. the higher ups are all talking to each other. that could be good or bad. eather way, sonneninteruptung was fully charged. he just had to increase its intensity. he looked down once more. it was very very tempting to jump. he could survive the jump. all he had to do is harden himself at the last second and he would be fine. the ship however would be a different story however do that would not work. but he could not just clime down. that would be uninteresting and slow. instead he threw himself of back side of the platform, loosely holding on to the side of the ladder, and slid down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Travesty
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Aldridge said
"As expected of pirates. They never go down without a fight." Drake nodded his head slightly while listening to Nicholas. Drake wasn't surprised all of the marines were summoned, and he wouldn't be surprised if pirates tried to stop the execution. Yawning a bit, and feeling his stomach rumble with hunger. "I hope we get their soon. I want to have an actual meal instead of this stupid Marine crap." Drake complained as he rubbed his stomach, and put sarcastic emphasis on the word "food". Looking back to the Admiral, then back to the Vice-Captain. "Also, how many days until his execution? I still think they should of killed him when he was first captured." Drake said, crossing his arms.

Nicholas gave them each a solemn nod. Drake was right, they couldve just killed Kaido right off and be done with it. Well, that's what would Nicholas do at least. But no, they wanted to brandish Kaido like a prized trophy to the world. And for what? To plant fear to every pirate's heart? For all that he knew, the only thing that they could be planting is resentment.

"The execution will happen 3 days from now. I'm not sure how long will it take us to reach Mariejois at this rate, but I should think we'll make it on time. Isnt that right, Captain Rogelio?" Nicholas shouted towards the man climbing down at one of the ship's mast, his hands cupped around his mouth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alicia smiled, making a mental note to remember his observation haki, "And that is just many way's of coaxing information from people" she said with a grin before once again giving a soft chuckle, "Well then, it seems we're on the agreement of an alliance" she said before standing up, turning around so she was behind the chair before pushing it in neatly, "I look forward to working with you Captain Yu, and you should note that flattery wont prevent me from winning when we have our fight, no matter how 'handsome' you might be" she replied, putting emphasis on handsome to make a playful joke at him referring to her as pretty. "Now, why don't we celebrate? Fushaka is one hell of a cook and we have more barrels of Rum than we know what to do with" she said as she made her way to the door, waiting for him to reply.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
Seamus observed the boy carefully, seeing that he was rather weak at the moment from hunger and thirst. He arched his brow when finding out that his ship and him were being sought out by the young man when Lobos' own ship had been destroyed. What surprised him was to be suddenly asked to join his crew because it was fate that had drawn the two of them together. He folded his four arms and shook his head at this his shamelessness. "Do not bow boy, if you are supposed to be a captain then act like it." His tone was harsh and commanding, which is understanding since this man suddenly makes speeches about fate and that crap and trying to pull him away from a life of ease. He lifted the shark and walked over to a fire pit where he would get a skewer which was more like a tree and rammed it down the shark's mouth, the wood piercing it on the other end of it before creating a fire with a match and a lot of wood he had gathered previously. "If you want something to eat then stay here kid, you can tell me who the hell you are first of all and what your journey is." Seamus said without looking at him as he began turning the shark on the spit.

Lobos raised his head "But a captain is nothing without his crew however thank you" Lobos said as he took a seat by the fire, his stomach empty. He was still amazed at how easily Seamus tossed the shark around, as if it was a play toy to him. Lobos wanted to ask what he was, but knew it would be offensive so decided not to. He cleared his parched throat "I am Lobos, captain of the Black Scar pirates. To be honest, I am the only member of my crew as of now. I had to steal my first ship from some marauding pirates. The ship was in poor condition and crashed the instant I got here. My journey, or my dream I should say, is to reform this world. A world where people could kill whoever they want and face no consequences, that is what I seek to change. I am speaking of the Celestial Dragons" He said with a serious expression "Who I plan onto killing" Most people wouldn't even joke around with that, just saying those words could have an admiral on you nearly immediately. However, they were alone on the beach.

"They have abused the World Goverments power and it is there fault that I am like this" He said as he removed his shirt, revealing a lean but muscular body but covered in giant scars. "That is just the first step of my plan to change this wretched world."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu blinked a bit before frowning. "What? Well... not that it matters, its just Observation Haki. More passive than anything, so I didn't give anything that valuable away. And I guess we are on the same page." Yu said standing up shortly afterwards nodding in agreement. "I don't need flattery to win, nor do I want it to win. I like my fights being enjoyable, but I will accept the compliment" Yu said shrugging a bit as he walked to the door. She then suggested a celebration of their little alliance which made Yu laugh. "Fine by me. A celebration is always fun. Although I do need to discuss something with someone, but go ahead and carry on." Yu said as he opened the door and walked out, heading down the steps nodding at Duece and the person that accompanied Alicia. Yu looked at Makoto and smiled. "When you are done with your food and drink, can you meet me up there? Its to discuss things like where we can drop you off safely. Oh and Duece, it looks like we have some friends for now." Yu said then pointed at the room he came out of with Alicia, then went right back to the room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 37 min ago

Phobos said
Lobos raised his head "But a captain is nothing without his crew however thank you" Lobos said as he took a seat by the fire, his stomach empty. He was still amazed at how easily Seamus tossed the shark around, as if it was a play toy to him. Lobos wanted to ask what he was, but knew it would be offensive so decided not to. He cleared his parched throat "I am Lobos, captain of the Black Scar pirates. To be honest, I am the only member of my crew as of now. I had to steal my first ship from some marauding pirates. The ship was in poor condition and crashed the instant I got here. My journey, or my dream I should say, is to reform this world. A world where people could kill whoever they want and face no consequences, that is what I seek to change. I am speaking of the Celestial Dragons" He said with a serious expression "Who I plan onto killing" Most people wouldn't even joke around with that, just saying those words could have an admiral on you nearly immediately. However, they were alone on the beach. "They have abused the World Goverments power and it is there fault that I am like this" He said as he removed his shirt, revealing a lean but muscular body but covered in giant scars. "That is just the first step of my plan to change this wretched world."

Seamus kept turning the shark on the spit with ease as he listened to Lobos introduce himself as the captain of his one man crew. That in itself made the fishman wonder how this boy lasted so long, especially on a poorly maintained ship that crashed almost the moment it landed. The entire time his face was solemn as Seamus listened to the young man's goal, a very foolish and suicidal goal. To say that he wanted to kill the Celestial Dragon's would just be a death wish for him and anyone associated with him. "You talk too much." Was his rather simple response to Lobos. "You speak of reforming the world though your goals will not be met by words, not on the sea boy." His fierce red eyes peered at him with such intensity that it felt like it would've pierced the captain's bones. "Actions speak our thoughts. They show who have the strength to push themselves for their ideals and goals and those who do not. If you are just blowing hot air then you're only just fodder." Seamus spoke as he turned the shark on its spit, the smell of flesh being cooked hung in the air. After cooking some of this, he was going to smoke the rest of the shark so it would stay edible for months.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
Seamus kept turning the shark on the spit with ease as he listened to Lobos introduce himself as the captain of his one man crew. That in itself made the fishman wonder how this boy lasted so long, especially on a poorly maintained ship that crashed almost the moment it landed. The entire time his face was solemn as Seamus listened to the young man's goal, a very foolish and suicidal goal. To say that he wanted to kill the Celestial Dragon's would just be a death wish for him and anyone associated with him. "You talk too much." Was his rather simple response to Lobos. "You speak of reforming the world though your goals will not be met by words, not on the sea boy." His fierce red eyes peered at him with such intensity that it felt like it would've pierced the captain's bones. "Actions speak our thoughts. They show who have the strength to push themselves for their ideals and goals and those who do not. If you are just blowing hot air then you're only just fodder." Seamus spoke as he turned the shark on its spit, the smell of flesh being cooked hung in the air. After cooking some of this, he was going to smoke the rest of the shark so it would stay edible for months.

Lobos chuckled at what Seamus said about him speaking too much. It was true, it was strange for Lobos to speak this much. He wasn't sure if it was due to the hunger or because it had been over a decade since he had a full conversation with someone. He looked up at Seamus as he spoke to Lobos about his dreams. Lobos, without speaking stood up and walked a distance away from him. He removed his sheathed blade and placed on the ground behind him. He turned to face Seamus "I know this goal is foolish, I know it is suicidal, I have been told that before. but if I don't do it then who will? If you say actions speak louder than words than come at me. I will show you that I am not fodder" Lobos said, his eyes staring into Seamus's own eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The clouds were floating in the endless blue sky. The weather was perfect to just relax all day and to enjoy the sun. Amy was lying on the grass staring into empty space above the island. There wasn't much to do on this island then just enjoying life to the fulllest, it felt boring to do the same thing everyday. Little drips of sweat dropped down from Amy her face, the hot sun was killing her slowly. She stood up and decided to get down to business. She still had to do grosseries for tonights meal all by herself again since she lived alone for a few years now. She pulled her hoodie on top of her head to hide her long white hairs from the people in the town. As she walked past the harbor she saw something strange, A ship she never had seen before had docked right besides the beach. She lowered down behind a stone wall and got out her binoculars that she always carried with her. The ship didnt seem to be in that great of a condition but she was sure it was a pirate ship that just survived a terrible fight. Amy scanned with her binoculairs across the beach to look for the person that was owner of the ship.

After a few more minutes of looking she found a man that she definitely had never seen before. Living on such small island with so few people had its advantages. She could see that the man was talking to the fishman that lived on the beach, she wanted to hear what they were saying so she sneakily tried to get behind the hut on the beach and got ontop of it, lightly tapping with her feet ontop the roof. She peaked her head over the roof to see them both talking to each other, the fishman was cooking an enormous shark while the ship owner was talking to him. The fishman sayed he was bluffing about his goals, but the ship owner definitely was serious. Amy peaked her head some more out when the ship owner walked a few feet away from him and dueled him to a battle by simply unsheating his sword "This could get intresting" She softly chuckled and kept watching to what was about to happen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 37 min ago

Phobos said
Lobos chuckled at what Seamus said about him speaking too much. It was true, it was strange for Lobos to speak this much. He wasn't sure if it was due to the hunger or because it had been over a decade since he had a full conversation with someone. He looked up at Seamus as he spoke to Lobos about his dreams. Lobos, without speaking stood up and walked a distance away from him. He removed his sheathed blade and placed on the ground behind him "I know this goal is foolish, I know it is suicidal, but if I don't do it then who will? If you say actions speak louder than words than come at me. I will show you that I am not fodder" Lobos said, his eyes staring into Seamus's own eyes.

"I refuse." He replied to Lobos' challenge, stopping the shark on the spit as he saw that the shark had cooked a lot faster than he had anticipated. "I will not fight someone who is not at their best when it can be remedied by food and drink. Now sit your ass down, make that sword useful and cut a piece of meat for the both of us. I'll get the mead and utensils." He barked his orders at him even though he was not even a captain as he stood up and walked back into his little hut. Soon he came back out with a barrel of mead in one arm, two wooden mugs in another, and utensils in his other hands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

liferusher said
AmyThe clouds were floating in the endless blue sky. The weather was perfect to just relax all day and to enjoy the sun. Amy was lying on the grass staring into empty space above the island. There wasn't much to do on this island then just enjoying life to the fulllest, it felt boring to do the same thing everyday. Little drips of sweat dropped down from Amy her face, the hot sun was killing her slowly. She stood up and decided to get down to business. She still had to do grosseries for tonights meal all by herself again since she lived alone for a few years now. She pulled her hoodie on top of her head to hide her long white hairs from the people in the town. As she walked past the harbor she saw something strange, A ship she never had seen before had docked right besides the beach. She lowered down behind a stone wall and got out her binoculars that she always carried with her. The ship didnt seem to be in that great of a condition but she was sure it was a pirate ship that just survived a terrible fight. Amy scanned with her binoculairs across the beach to look for the person that was owner of the ship. After a few more minutes of looking she found a man that she definitely had never seen before. Living on such small island with so few people had its advantages. She could see that the man was talking to the fishman that lived on the beach, she wanted to hear what they were saying so she sneakily tried to get behind the hut on the beach and got ontop of it, lightly tapping with her feet ontop the roof. She peaked her head over the roof to see them both talking to each other, the fishman was cooking an enormous shark while the ship owner was talking to him. The fishman sayed he was bluffing about his goals, but the ship owner definitely was serious. Amy peaked her head some more out when the ship owner walked a few feet away from him and dueled him to a battle by simply unsheating his sword "This could get intresting" She softly chuckled and kept watching to what was about to happen.

hatakekuro said
"I refuse." He replied to Lobos' challenge, stopping the shark on the spit as he saw that the shark had cooked a lot faster than he had anticipated. "I will not fight someone who is not at their best when it can be remedied by food and drink. Now sit your ass down, make that sword useful and cut a piece of meat for the both of us. I'll get the mead and utensils." He barked his orders at him even though he was not even a captain as he stood up and walked back into his little hut. Soon he came back out with a barrel of mead in one arm, two wooden mugs in another, and utensils in his other hands.

Lobos smiled as Seamus denied his challenge, not expecting it one bit. But what he said was true, he was at his weakest right now having no water and little food for a while. It felt kinda weird though, being ordered around by someone. He was used to being free to whatever he could do. He picked up his sword and walked over to the shark as Seamus walked inside "Alright, but afterwards we will settle this" He said as he quickly unsheathed the blade and sliced through the shark, his arms appearing to be a blur because of how fast he was going. Three pieces of meat went flying in the air as Lobos quickly sheathed his sword and grabbed three stick, stabbing each piece of meat with a stick. He turned as Seamus came back with the mead and utensils. "Perhaps you should bring an extra cup. We have a visitor" He said, turning up towards his roof to look at the young girl on top. "You may join us if you'd like" He said to her as he took a seat, letting his sword rest on his shoulder. He held out one of the sticks to Seamus while he waited to see if the girl would join them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 37 min ago

'Impressive speed.' Seamus thought to himself as he watched Lobos cut the shark up through the window of his home. Though he noticed that there were three pieces that he cut rather than two. That's another thing that he was impressed with; this boy was as well able to sense the young woman hiding out as well, giving him the impression that Lobos knew how to use Observation Haki. "I wasn't planning on offering the trespasser food, especially when they are hiding on top of my own home." He said rather gruffly. What was it with these young folk going around and go on his property with his permission. He sighed and glanced back at the woman on hut before saying, "Kid, I don't appreciate you spying on me. There's a reason why I live all the way out here and it's not to be made an animal in a zoo." Being a fishman he always felt a bit uncomfortable around humans due to prejudice that he had faced before though the folk here had treated him well, it's just something he can't essentially get used to.

Taking a stick from Lobos, he relented and motioned for Amy to come down as he went inside to go get another mug for her. "What's with these kids coming from left and right today?" He asked himself as he came outside again, sitting in front of the fire as he took a rather large bite of the white flesh on the stick.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Um yah shure
Travesty said
Nicholas gave them each a solemn nod. Drake was right, they couldve just killed Kaido right off and be done with it. Well, that's what would Nicholas do at least. But no, they wanted to brandish Kaido like a prized trophy to the world. And for what? To plant fear to every pirate's heart? For all that he knew, the only thing that they could be planting is resentment."The execution will happen 3 days from now. I'm not sure how long will it take us to reach Mariejois at this rate, but I should think we'll make it on time. Isnt that right, Captain Rogelio?" Nicholas shouted towards the man climbing down at one of the ship's mast, his hands cupped around his mouth.

"yes sir!" rogelio yelled as he reached the ground. He ran at full speed towards the group "although just to be sure that I am correct, could you please tell everything once more?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
'Impressive speed.' Seamus thought to himself as he watched Lobos cut the shark up through the window of his home. Though he noticed that there were three pieces that he cut rather than two. That's another thing that he was impressed with; this boy was as well able to sense the young woman hiding out as well, giving him the impression that Lobos knew how to use Observation Haki. "I wasn't planning on offering the trespasser food, especially when they are hiding on top of my own home." He said rather gruffly. What was it with these young folk going around and go on his property with his permission. He sighed and glanced back at the woman on hut before saying, "Kid, I don't appreciate you spying on me. There's a reason why I live all the way out here and it's not to be made an animal in a zoo." Being a fishman he always felt a bit uncomfortable around humans due to prejudice that he had faced before though the folk here had treated him well, it's just something he can't essentially get used to. Taking a stick from Lobos, he relented and motioned for Amy to come down as he went inside to go get another mug for her. "What's with these kids coming from left and right today?" He asked himself as he came outside again, sitting in front of the fire as he took a rather large bite of the white flesh on the stick.

Lobos heard what Seamus had said about himself, not wanting to feel like an animal in a zoo. It was true that his appearance was different, but it was detestable that people would treat him any differently just because how he looked.Before he ate, he stabbed the sticks in the ground so no sand would get on the shark meat. Lobos then put his shirt back on and closed his hands together, as if praying "Itadekimasu" He took a large bit out of the shark, filling in the void in his stomach. The meat was surprisingly good and different when compared to what he was used to. He looked over at Seamus "I believe she didn't come here for any ill intents. She had been following me since my ship wrecked here" He said as he took another bite "It was her curiousity that brought her here" He said as he waited for her to join and kept on eating his food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

Far above in the sky, the cries of seagulls echoed adrift the wind with the faint flapping of their wings with the faint lapping of small waves splashing against the ship causing it to gently rock back and forth. Crew mates were rushing over the decks; preparing for their arrival at Mariejois as the ship was dropping off the last of the supplies for the marines. The harbor was in sight as the sea was littered with countless marine ships were seen for as far as the eye could see. Clearly a sign that all marines were gathering there to be ready for an very important event, the execution of Kaido.

Such news did not take long to travel throughout the world, so big a shock that even those living in secluded islands and villages had learned of it. A truly dangerous and powerful individual was actually captured with countless stories told of the dangers of the man. Even more that this would likely attract pirates from all over, which explained the precautions the government took in calling nearly every marine to gather at the great capital, ready for the oncoming assault.

With the time of the execution only days away, made traversing and entrance into Mariejois extemely difficult for even supply ships got as far as the docks. From there, only marines were allowed permission to move freely and soon the boat would reach the docks.

Within the holding bay where boxes were stacked everywhere, a single figure slept at the very back; hidden behind boxes filled with food, water and various other supplies. The individual wore a full garb of brown clothing matching the color of his mid-length hair. Poking from the covering of his hair were the tip of his long, elf like ears as his skin a light tanned shade. He had arms that were firm with tough muscles and the image of a fiery dragon of red tattooed against his left shoulder, barely covered by the long brown gloves he wore. The lower half of his face covered by a bulky brown scarf with fierce, sharp amber eyes hidden beneath the lids from sleep, but those who would see them closely would see the look of a proud warrior. Resting besides the man who slumbered was a massive nodachi wrapped in a black cloth resting against the wall.

A soft creak of wood from above followed by a thud from the ship docking at the harbor awoke him as he would glance up to hear muffled shouts from the captain barking orders to get a move on. He had arrived and stood up before gripping and tying the heavy sword to his back, so big it was that it seemed strange that such a slim man could even lift it, yet he stood with ease even as the sword rested against his back. Making his way from the holding bay without a sound and slipped up the stairs, careful not to be seen as he knelt behind some boxes and barrels. Moments later the captain would stand besides it with folded arms watching the crew members work tirelessly, his back to the man.

Supply Captain: 'This is far as we go. The easy part is over...getting through the marines..that will be difficult....I advice against such a foolish thing. Give up now or lose your life.'The man spoke in a low, disapproving tone and waited to see if the man would respond.

He remained silent, watching members of the marine make way onto the ship and down to the holding bay, where he would of eventually been found had he not left when he did. The captain's warning was understood, but he would not stop here, too determined to see this Kaido who he had heard was extemely dangerous and strong and wished to see it with his own eyes. A gloved hand lifted and set down a small bag that jingled with ten pieces of gold coins on the stack of boxes then quietly slipped away.

Supply Captain: Hearing the small jingle and looked at the bag placed next to him and shook his head with a sigh.'Good luck...don't get caught

Checking to make sure no one was looking before hopping over the railings and dangled on the rafters of the opposite side of the ship of where the people got onto the ship. Below was the docks with countless supply crates set up everywhere and jumped from the ship to land with a small grunt. The moment he landed, he would make for cover as a scattering of marines came by; probably guards who were discussing about the current situation and how things were so tense with the imminent execution on its way. Listening in on their conversation as he was forced to stay hidden for long minutes before he was able to maneuver his way through the crates. It was a long, slow and arduous trek to sneak his way through and nearly an hour and a half had passed before he finally reached an alleyway.

He glanced back over his shoulder for but a brief moment to ensure he wasn't spotted and without a word, vanished into the dark alleyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


She blinked twice after she had been found by the two. She raised one hand rubbing the back of her hood while she gave an akward smile. They both noticed that she was sitting there the whole time and even offered her some meat to eat. She slowly rised up and stood almost at the top of the roof. She could still run away from them but whar would that give he she wanted to know more about these two. Amy walked over the roof to the front part of the rood and stood still for a moment "You wont use that right." She said in her normall fairly high pitched voice while she pointed at his sword that was still unsheated and lying on top of his shoulder. She saw how fast he had cut the meat, he can probably slice her up in only a few seconds. She dropped down from the roof landing on both her feet with a black cape following behind her. She first studied the man with the sword very carefully and after that she replied to the fishman while looking at his body and four arms "This man is a pirate and you should be careful around him, I only came here to see what he was up to." She looked down to the ground as she sat down by the fire and took the mug from the fishman. Putted down the food just like the sword man did and placed her hands together while closing her eyes and looking forward "Itadakimasu" she grabbed the food from the ground again and started to take little bites of the shark meat. It had a delicious taste just like chicken she was suprised that it taste like this she never ate shark before. Amy felt a bit embarrassed that the man had seen her the whole time and didnt even say anything to her till now "How did you even see me."
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