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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alicia merely smiled as she entered before taking the offered seat, "Well, I'm a dangerous girl. So I guess the habit suits me well" she replied confidently before raising a hand to close her comment, "But on a more serious note, no, I don't often make a habit of testing the boundaries of others. I was just, curious" she said, using that word again as she smiled. She placed the glass down on the table, the glass giving an audible 'clink' as it touched the surface, "As for my crew, they wont attack unless I say so, or anyone gives them a reason too. But as you've made it clear your intentions are to have my desired talk, they'll be of no trouble on board your ship" she reassured. After a minute she would speak again, deciding to gain some of the information she desired from this meeting, "So I guess I'll go ahead and satisfy my curiosity by asking about the Flashbangs, I'd like to know who you are, who you side with and for what you seek" she said clearly, unafraid to delve into the questions that some would probably not dare to ask considering the current situation among the bigger pirate factions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Makoto smiled as she was offered a glass with rum in it, she began drinking it down as quickly as possible, hoping to quench her drying throat. She smiled up at the man, and by the way he had been keeping with Yu, Makoto was guessing this man was the captains right hand man. She decided to avoid the kid comment, at this point she was getting used to it. Her voice sounded like it was beginning to return to her. "Thank you...mister." As she finished the glass, tempted to ask for a second, another stranger approached. This was one of the men who came over with the female captain. She kept her eyes cast on the ground, his mans tone of voice making her feel strange.

She didn't like the way he called her a straggler, but it was true to be honest. "Uh...y-yes my treat...ment has been fi-fine." She had only been on use ship for moments, but she had been given food and water so all is fine. But what was it about this man who made her so uncomfortable?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

He studied the both of them while the girl spoke in a nervous manner and pulled his left hand from the pocket and held it out sticks of gum.'Gum?'Offering it to both of them with the pop of a bubble.'Its quite rare for pirates to be kind enough to pick someone out from the sea. You really are lucky to have come across a ship with such a kind captain.'His grin broadened a bit before placing his hand back in his pockets whether they took the gum offering or not.'Now, for introductions. The doctor in your service.'Bowing his head a little to them, while light glinted from his shades.'Oh and fair warning..I'd be careful with the rum. For one with dehydration is best to drink plenty of fresh water.'A light chuckle escaped his lips with a poke of his nose.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fushaka watched the Captain leave to the private chat, and casually flipped over the side, grabbing hold of some crevice most would not even notice in the ship's side and beginning to shimmy across the breast of the ship silently, looking for the best place to listen in. If this had been a large ship, one of them three-decked Marine ships, she could have easily gotten into the same room undetected, but this ship was not so big, and so the chances of getting detected where much higher, to high to risk. However, hanging off the outside of the ship, with her ear pressed to the wood was suitable, ignoring the waves and crashes from her other ear, and pulling out all her ear's ability to hear. It was more her nature to listen in than anything, but she also wanted to make sure nothing went on in this secret meeting. The Captain was strong with her Devil Fruit, but Devil Fruits where, from what she heard, surprisingly vulnerable if you knew how.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

"Thank you...mister." He heard her speak in her weak voice, though it seemed to be getting better. Some guy from the other crew had came over in which Deuce took a small step to the side, away from him, listening to him and Makoto speak as he did with Yu and that other Captain. He thought his question was a fair one, not everyone was the nicest, atleast not Pirates. Though something was a bit off about the guy, nothing he could place, nothing he'd exactly stress over either. Once he offered the gum Deuce just put his hands in his pockets, he never really liked gum, it could turn into a bad habit, plus it was annoying. "Just call me Deuce, that's what everyone calls me atleast," Deuce spoke as he gave a nod in respect before looking over at Makoto, "He's right you know? Rum probably doesn't settle well on an empty stomach and dehydration, we should get you more food and water soon," Deuce said as he rubbed the back of his head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu listened intently while sipping his drink, this curiosity of hers, almost went over the edge, where both sides would take heavy losses. "Ah well might want to ease up on that curiosity of yours. Never know when it will come to haunt you. And good to know, although I really have nothing to worry about if they did attack. I fought off worse than this, really all someone on my crew needs is one touch." Yu said finishing off his drink just as she began to ask him a series of question, which made Yu silent for a bit. "How about this, we both take turns asking each other questions, that way its more fair. So I'll answer the what we seek question first. To simply prove we are the best around, go on many adventures, find all sorts of treasure, even become the pirate king. I think I actually did just answer all three of those. Oh well my turn. I think Ill send your question back at you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alicia once again seemed not to be phased as he expressed that his crew could destroy hers, simply taking another small sip from the glass as her eye observed him, seeming quite interested in what he had to say. It was endearing that he would underestimate a potential opponent, "You shouldn't be so naive as to underestimate the potential and resolve of another, from one captain to another that kind of thinking can get you sunk. Whether you consider me a threat, or not" she warned with raised eyebrows in a tone suggesting she was actually offering a piece of friendly advice. She listened to his answers, nodding as she understood before leaning back in the chair, thinking for a moment on her own asked questions, "We call ourselves The Silver Skulls, and I plan to contend with the pirate emperors, becoming our kinds first queen after I've either united, or destroyed those who oppose me. From there I will bring an end to The World Government and usher in the next Pirate era, one with true freedom" she replied honestly before she gave a small feminine chuckle as she looked down at her glass, "Ambitious, don't you think?" she said with an amused expression.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu chuckled at her question as it seemed somewhat hypocritical to him. "Ah, but isn't that what you did upon setting foot on the M84? So that's something I can send right back at you as well." As Yu listened to her provide her answers Yu looked around at everyone auras to make sure nothing was going on. He noticed one missing, and looked around to see the missing aura rather close by listening in on the conversation. As she finished, he looked at her and smiled. "Sure is, that's what most pirates want after all. But you do know that means contending with me correct? Also as a friendly gesture. I have observation haki. So your ninja girl listening on, isn't as sneaky as she would like to think. You should also tell some members to try and conceal their emotions, they are a little to easy to read. So I believe its your turn to ask a question?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alicia cocked her head to the side at his first question, "I don't remember underestimating you, I do remember testing you" she said as her eyebrow raised. Alicia despite being a holder of a Logia fruit never underestimated others, she knew her weaknesses and it was important to look out for those who could exploit them. When Yu explained how her goal meant going up against him she simply shrugged, "Then we'll end up fighting and one of us will end up the winner, it's not a matter of how as It's likely we will become enemies some day anyway. It's a matter of when and following this meeting I'm hoping we won't have to find out today" she said before her facade broke slightly, her demeanor changing suddenly as she sighed, "I'm way to tired for a full on fight today..." she said honestly, almost comically as she slumped a little. She recomposed fairly quickly as she leaned forwards, taking the glass as she took a finishing sip. "Don't mind Fushaka, she's just interested in keeping in the 'know'" she said before placing the glass back down, leaning her head onto her hand, "I suppose my next question is about you, what's your story?" she asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Makoto looked down at her empty rum glass with a sheepish grin. They were right, rum on an empty stomach wasn't a wise idea. She then took the stick of gum with a quick smile and a very quiet "Thank You." Maybe gum wasn't a good idea either, but it had been so long since she had been allowed to chew gum. She nodded thoughtfully, quite happy to have been picked up by a friendly ship. It could have been a lot worse, now that she thought more about it. And if she had been picked up by the marines it might have been even worse. When The Doctor introduced himself as such, Makoto found herself freezing up for a moment. She wasn't a huge fan of doctors. Remembering her manners, Makoto bowed to the man. "M...my name is Ma...Makoto." Her hearing was having trouble focusing on one sound now, sometimes the sounds of the waves drowned out the voices around her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu nodded in agreement when she said their colliding dreams would simply mean eventually they would fight each other. That is if both of them lived that long. "That we will, and i wont lie. My blood does rush at the sound of that, but that fight can happen later on in life." Yu said then simply shrugging at her saying to not mind Fushaka. "She could simply wait for you to tell her later, but fine by me." Her next question however caught him a bit off guard. She wanted to know his story? He wasn't too sure why this would be of any importance really. "My story....An odd question. Well not much to say really, I grew up loving the tales about Pirates, and when their numbers grew shorter it saddened me a bit. And one day a pirate dropped off his ship and never returned to it. That ship is this one you stand on. It had treasure and all sorts of things, like the Devil fruit I ate. And after that I just took the ship. Along the way my crew became bigger and the Flashbang pirates came into being. Thats pretty much it." Yu said as he put his feet up on the table and scratched his head. "My turn now. Any specific reason for these conversations? Or are you just this friendly all the time?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

Today was turning out to be an interesting one with he and the crew on an enemy ship while the captains spoke whether about their life stories of how they came to be a pirate with gossip of crew members or of a possible alliance. However the reason each person here had decided to become a pirate, either due to some sad, painful trauma or simply to fan their already bloated ego and of course to make a name for themselves. He had no real reason or selfish reason like most, simply here to get some fun until he found something else to move onto.

He kept up that warm grin of his.'Deuce was it? and Makoto? Interesting names. Well, since our captains are busy. Might I ask for a cup of water if you're planning to get some for Makoto here. A bit of a dicey situation for rum in my opinion.'Glancing over at Lorenzo, though saw no sight of Fushaka and would probably guess she slipped away to listen in on the private talk. He shook his head a little, fascinated with the whole situation and knew a single, small action could completely change it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

"No need to act all nice, I know my name is stupid. But sure, two waters and food coming right up," Deuce said as he stuck his hand back in his pocket and walked away. Now he was being the nice one, getting water for some guy who just boarded their ship. Normally he'd say something like, "There's water all around us!" But they did bring rum with them, and this guy wasn't exactly being a jerk, plus he was already going to get something anyways so a glass of water wouldn't hurt anyone....As long as no one asked him for a bunch of food, especially if they wanted him to bring it to them. The only exceptions being his family on board and Makoto. Deuce soon returned, in his right hand holding a plate with bread on it and some meat, his left being two cups of water. He gave the food and water to Makoto first, then turned and gave The Doctor the second cup. "Cheers," he mumbled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aldridge
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"As expected of pirates. They never go down without a fight." Drake nodded his head slightly while listening to Nicholas. Drake wasn't surprised all of the marines were summoned, and he wouldn't be surprised if pirates tried to stop the execution. Yawning a bit, and feeling his stomach rumble with hunger. "I hope we get their soon. I want to have an actual meal instead of this stupid Marine "food" crap." Drake complained as he rubbed his stomach, and put sarcastic emphasis on the word "food". Looking back to the Admiral, then back to the Vice-Captain. "Also, how many days until his execution? I still think they should of killed him when he was first captured." Drake said, crossing his arms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

Raising a brow at Deuce's brief hostility to his name and couldn't help but wonder if the man had some bad memory with and gave a small wave of his hand dismissing it.'Nothing to do with being polite. I've come to learn that on these seas that nearly all have strange or..exotic names, Makoto and Deuce are certainly uncommon.'He watched Deuce leave then peered at Makoto in a curious manner, seemingly studying her like that of a doctor examining a patient.'Lucky isn't it? to have been adrift in the sea's for days, I'm assuming, and in these vast oceans to come across a ship before starving or falling to dehydration.'Turning his head around till he found a nearby barrel on its side and rolled it over and sat down.'Ah there we are. Might as well get comfy since we could be here a while.'Smiling at her as Deuce returned and happily took the glass.'To meet honorable pirates is indeed rare as I give my thanks.'Tipping the glass to him before taking a sip with a soft sigh.'Why not sit? We're all pirates here and as long as our captains are peaceful then in my eyes we are..brothers in arms is I suppose the saying?'At that he would slide to one edge of the barrel and pat the spot besides him for Deuce to take a seat before taking another sip of water that soothed his parched throat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

How long had it been since Lobos started meditating? 2 hours? 4? He lost track, his mind adrift somewhere else as all he could hear was the sound of waves crashing against the hull of his ship. He finished the last piece of bread and it wouldn't be long before hunger and dehydration would start kicking in. Suddenly, he felt it. A person's aura. His eyes opened up immediatly, standing up and strapping his sword to his back. He walked to the edge of his ship, a soft smile coming across his face. Off in a distance was a small island, and he could feel aura's coming. He ran to the wheel and turned it the fastest he could, the ship changing course towards the small island. Hopefully, some type of hope would be there.

Finally he had reached the small island, the hull of his ship crashing at the ocean floor and finally halting to a stop. He stood on the railings, with only the clothes on his back along with his sword which he values as much as his life. He hopped off the railing and landed on the beach floor, making sure to avoid the water. He looked around, noticing how small but cosy the island was. He started walking towards the closest group of people, hoping to find out where he was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Phobos said
How long had it been since Lobos started meditating? 2 hours? 4? He lost track, his mind adrift somewhere else as all he could hear was the sound of waves crashing against the hull of his ship. He finished the last piece of bread and it wouldn't be long before hunger and dehydration would start kicking in. Suddenly, he felt it. A person's aura. His eyes opened up immediatly, standing up and strapping his sword to his back. He walked to the edge of his ship, a soft smile coming across his face. Off in a distance was a small island, and he could feel aura's coming. He ran to the wheel and turned it the fastest he could, the ship changing course towards the small island. Hopefully, some type of hope would be there. Finally he had reached the small island, the hull of his ship crashing at the ocean floor and finally halting to a stop. He stood on the railings, with only the clothes on his back along with his sword which he values as much as his life. He hopped off the railing and landed on the beach floor, making sure to avoid the water. He looked around, noticing how small but cosy the island was. He started walking towards the closest group of people, hoping to find out where he was.

The people of Karot Island rarely ever receive any visitors other than the people who brought it goods to sell via ship or buy products from the natives of the island. They were mostly self-sufficient people as they farmed for most of their days though there were other businesses that kept the small village going. This is why it was such a surprise to see a ship, one that had seen better days, dock right at the beach and a young stranger approaching them. An elderly man walked over to him with his cane and looked at him with his sagging face. The young man was obviously malnourished and dehydrated by the looks of it though he would bring that up later. "Welcome stranger, we don't get too many visitors in these parts." He tried smiling at him in a friendly manner though it was riddled with gaps. He looked at the ship and arched his brow in amazement. "Dear god sonny I'm surprised that crappy driftwood hasn't sunk yet."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
The people of Karot Island rarely ever receive any visitors other than the people who brought it goods to sell via ship or buy products from the natives of the island. They were mostly self-sufficient people as they farmed for most of their days though there were other businesses that kept the small village going. This is why it was such a surprise to see a ship, one that had seen better days, dock right at the beach and a young stranger approaching them. An elderly man walked over to him with his cane and looked at him with his sagging face. The young man was obviously malnourished and dehydrated by the looks of it though he would bring that up later. "Welcome stranger, we don't get too many visitors in these parts." He tried smiling at him in a friendly manner though it was riddled with gaps. He looked at the ship and arched his brow in amazement. "Dear god sonny I'm surprised that crappy driftwood hasn't sunk yet."

Lobos smiled when an old man had came out to greet him. However he found it slightly strange, that such a small island seemed so peaceful. It's suprising that pirates have yet to ruin it like they do with many other small islands. "Well to be honest, I wasn't expecting to intrude on my island. But well...you see I've run out of food and water" Lobos kept a straight face the entire time, showing no sign of hostility. He chuckled at what the old man said "Well the previous owners didn't take much care of it. But I am grateful that it has taken me this far" Right after he said that, a loud crack from the ship could be heard. As the mast of the ship crashed down and crushed the ship in half. Lobos still had not shown a single sigh of distress or worry, but instead a soft smile and chuckle. He turned to the old man "If it isn't too much of a bother, would you mind if I could purchase a ship from you? And perhaps some food?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Phobos said
Lobos smiled when an old man had came out to greet him. However he found it slightly strange, that such a small island seemed so peaceful. It's suprising that pirates have yet to ruin it like they do with many other small islands. "Well to be honest, I wasn't expecting to intrude on my island. But well...you see I've run out of food and water" Lobos kept a straight face the entire time, showing no sign of hostility. He chuckled at what the old man said "Well the previous owners didn't take much care of it. But I am grateful that it has taken me this far" Right after he said that, a loud crack from the ship could be heard. As the mast of the ship crashed down and crushed the ship in half. Lobos still had not shown a single sigh of distress or worry, but instead a soft smile and chuckle. He turned to the old man "If it isn't too much of a bother, would you mind if I could purchase a ship from you? And perhaps a ship?"

The old man sighed at the young man. "You got to prepare yourself better for these situations. The sea isn't a forgiving place to be, especially in this day and age." He looked out at the sea and shook his head. He knew too many people who had died out there, a lot of good people who met their untimely demise. Those thoughts were cut off however by the loud crack of wood and he turned to see the mast of the ship fall down and break the ship in half. "Wow, talk about narrowly avoiding death." The old man commented upon the boats destruction and turned back to Lobos to answer the question. "I'm sorry, but there is only one ship on this island and it is owned by a retired shipwright by the name of Seamus. You can try your luck and see if you can buy it off him though it seems unlikely. He lives in a hut by the beach, you can't miss it." He rubbed his bald spot, wondering what the young man can do to get back out at sea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alicia felt a little better about the fight not taking place right now. She was in no mood for fighting and especially considering a fight between two Logia types would likely decimate everything within a couple miles. She listened as he explained his story, nodding and seeming to take interest before giving a small smile as he finished, letting out a small chuckle at his question. She leaned forwards, resting her head in her hands as she propped her elbows on the table, "Well how do you know my crew aren't boarding this ship? that this isn't just a distraction?" she teased before letting out another small laugh, "I'm joking I assure you. The reason I instigate these meetings is to gain knowledge on those who can make allies or enemies. Knowing that will give me an advantage when I see them at the finish line" she replied honestly before adding, "Not to mention I like a good story" she said before leaning back again.
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