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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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It was a warm and pleasant evening. Red lines pierced the clouds as the sun settled slowly.
Lyah stared up at the stars that lit up the clear night sky above her. She looked to the boy walking next to her, struggling with the goat he was pulling along.
"Do you think he knows?" She spoke softly.
Misha looked at his childhood friend with a puzzled expression. "That he's the sacrifice? Doubt it. Goats are stupid... What did you bring anyways?"
Silently she fished a neatly folded piece of cloth from her bag.
"Open it up! I want to see."
"It's the cloth."
"...That's... That's not really a good sacrifice is it?"
"It used to belong to my mother, and it's the only thing I still have of her."
Misha looked at the cloth with skeptical amusement. "Oh... And you think the gods will like that?"
"They'll understand it."

The two walked in silence along the dusty road. In the distance they could see the temple at the edge of the village.
There was a large fire, and they could hear the festivities from far away.

"Are you nervous?"
"A little"
"Do you know who you'll sacrifice to?"
"The gods choose their champions among us, if the gift is fitting."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Zack struggling over which offering to bring. There were so many gods he had a hard time deciding who to honor. He tended to lean towards Manas, but that didn't mean that the god would choose him. He searched through his possessions trying to decide what to give as a sacrifice. Finally he settled on his fathers axe. He wasn't big on weapons so it wouldn't be a big loss.

Lily knew exactly what she wanted to give. She was always good making decisions. She gathered her prize roses into her arms and headed out the door. She hoped she was selected to be the champion of one of the gods. She didn't care which god or goddess choose her. She just wanted to be chosen by someone. She knew that she would make a good champion if she was given a chance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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The bag was pressing heavy on his shoulders, Brom had to sit down. The old man had been walking all day to get in time to the temple. Every time after a while he would sit down and take one book out of the bag and read in it. Then when he was satisfied he would get up again to continue walking. This time he got up not just to walk again, but also to greet a young man.

The young man was walking with a quick step. John was bursting with energie. He was carrying his entire savings. Before the letter arrived he wanted to buy a horse with it, but now he would sacrifice it to the gods. He knew it was a big risk. The reward he would get could be a lot smaller than a horse. He even could get nothing out of it. Still this is the oppertunity of a lifetime. The more he thought about it, the more he realised he knew far to less about what the reward could be. He should ask another traveler. How conviened that an old man with the same goal was sitting at the side of the road. It was this kind of luck that got him the small fortune he was carrying now.

And so the two walked down the road, discussing what the reward could entail. Far away they could hear the festivities.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

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Marius hummed joyfully down the path on his way to the temple, careful to not shake his pack too much. For inside was his sacrifice, a volatile but beautiful combination of various minerals and substances that when set ablaze will rocket into the sky. However should he shake them too much who knew what would happen? Most likely nothing good. Nonetheless he hummed his happy tune and walked, marveling at the dance of lights that moved through the leaves. In all honesty it was a miracle that Marius hadn't blown himself up in his alchemical escapades but here he was, with only minor burn scars and shrapnel damage.

Unlike many other people heading for this direction, Marius didn't care much if he got chosen to be a champion. It was just a matter of meeting new people and sharing stories, perhaps they were artists or maybe even a duelist of some renown that he could watch. Just the thought of seeing what people would bring or show caused a wide smile to break onto his face as he began to hum a new tune.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 25 days ago

erebus shifted through the dark his eyes Encompassing the lentgh of the cave The sacrifice was layed their by the twin brothers each one was amazing one was a amazing crafted sculpture made of obsidain and frozen ink. and the other was a crap ton of dead bats and a set of swords sheaths made with black silk and black steel. The brothers cried "Erebus wich one will you make your champion I have served you faithfully he hasn't. *they pointed at eachother". erebus just laughed a black and sickly laugh " i choose both of you"... he said... and thats when the brothers drew their swords... in callous slaughter
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tumblepop


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ludendorff did his best to reassure the screaming prostitute as he continued to drag her down the old road. "Hush, it'll be alright," he told her. She continued to scream and cry in response. Ludendorff let out a sigh. It was true that she was going to soon be sacrificed to the gods, but he failed to see how panicking was doing her any good. He had debts to settle, and a nice human sacrifice might just put some gods in his favor for once. If anything, she was being rather selfish.

The odd couple continued down the road, and soon the temple loomed before them. "We're almost there. You might just want to enjoy yourself for a bit."

The girl continued to scream to no one in particular.

Ludendorff sighed. He hoped for better luck with the gods than he had with the tavern girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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The old head priest sat on his high chair as he looked down on the festivities.
He smiled when he saw the young girls dance. He snickered when he saw the young men stand by the side, daring each other to go dance with the girls or boasting who had the best gift. He watched contently as the villagers trickled in. Enjoying the excitement they brought. He could almost feel energy return to his brittle bones.

The smell of roasted meat and fresh wine filled the evening. The warm summer breeze ran trough the few gray hairs left on his head.
Such a nice evening for a party it was. It almost calmed his worries. It had been a long time since he'd had visions so dire.
There was something coming, he knew that much. Only the gods know what. But whatever it will be, whatever will come. Travels End will have champions to save it.
The citizens of Travels End loved their gods with all their beings, and the old priest had faith that the gods loved them.

Suddenly the old priest was interrupted in his wandering thought by two brothers screaming the name Erebus.
Before he looked up at the sacrificial pyre on the hilltop he knew exactly who. He'd warned them before.
But preaching caution and patience was folly he knew. So he send a handful of sober men over to make sure that no one else would get hurt.
"Don't interfere, it's out of our hands. Just keep this from escalating." His tired old voice crackled after them.
He knew the two were done for, once you put yourselves in the hands of the gods... the gods are complicated beings and not all are so willing to help.
"It's not their task to make our lives easy" He'd always preach. Still... he hoped their little niece wasn't there to see this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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Satúm climbed down from the tree he had been enjoying his lunch in. Chewing his final bite he jumped the last two meters, touching down with a soft grunt.
He stood up and stretched his back, looking around. What a beautiful afternoon this was, a nice day with nothing important to do. nothing at all..
Satúm froze in his tracks, realizing what he had forgotten.
'Curse my mind!' he shouted, jumping to a sprint. Satúm ran down the hill, towards the paved road leading to the temple.
'Curses, curses curses!' he shouted another few times 'Not only too late, but what do I bring to please the Gods?!'
Satúm reached the road at full sprint, almost falling over some loose pavement.
He stopped for a moment feverishly digging his hands deep into his pockets.
'Please please please let there be something.'
A lump of bread, a few colored beads, some polished pebbles, there had to be something more valuable.
Satúm dug a little deeper, but then gave up.
'Curses!' he screamed one final time, and continued his run towards the temple.
Maybe he would find something on the road.
'I wish I could give my forgetful mind..' he grinned to himself
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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He could now not only buy a horse, but also an expensive saddle to go with it. A festival like this means a lot of people walking around with coins in their pockets. A broad smile covered his face when he looked at the amount of coins he gathered. Then he quickly hid them away. He did the part to look like an ordinary farmers son and smiling in a sack with coins would break the act. It had been a good decision to part way with the old man. When the old man was asleep he had managed to snatch away a book from the old man's bag. It looked quite valuable. "Maybe I should try to hook up with the girl dancing in the circle," John thought while leaving the bar. Time enough left before the festival would become really interesting.

The old man entered the city. He did not mind when the youngster took one of his books. "Oh yes he knew," thought Brom with a smile. They should know about the things he heard while pretending to be asleep. Nothing did amuse him as much as people taking him for an old senile fool. He was pleased with his early arrival at the city today, there were a few people he wanted to talk to before the offering would start.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Zack wondered around the festival enjoying the sites and sounds. He loved people. This was the perfect place for him to make new friends. He wanted to make as many allies as he could. He knew that probably wasnt a wise choice. If he was chosen to be someone's champions his allies and friends might be with a God or Goddess that was at war with his. But that was a risk he was willing to take.

Lily was overwhelmed by the amount of people at the festival. She had never seen so many people in one place. She was shy by nature and didnt know what to do other the walk around and watch the others. She loved watching people. You could learn alot about people by watching them. She walked slowly through the festival watching everyone she passed. She wandered if the info action she gathered would come in handy some day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The15thSpycrab


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Arcturius stood invisibly in the cave, and watched as the twins bled on the cave floor, their brutally slaughtered forms finally still after the combat. "Azrael, I am saddened by your display. There is no honor in this bloodbath, no victory, no strength. These two could become something more than cold corpses in a quiet cave."
He stretched his spear over the the boys, and the flow of blood ceased, the wounds knitted together. "I am the god Arcturius, and I claim you as my Officers. Deimos, Phobos, I accept this blood as your offering. Rise, and serve your General!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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A man, seemingly a farmer, approached lily. He spoke with a soft pleasant voice: "Hey little lady, you're enjoying the festival?" Then he pointed at the roses. "You're going to offer that to the gods? That are some beautifull roses. I'm sure anyone who would get that as a gift would be pleased." He then chuckled, "Well nearly everyone."
He gestured her to sit down on a low wall surrounding one of the houses in the village. It was a good spot to sit down and enjoy the festivities without participating. When they sat down he continued to speak.
"Look at them having fun, it's such a nice sight. It's a shame that everything will change soon. The choosing of the champions will cause a huge ruckus."
He then turned his head to her. His face was cleaner then you would expect from a farmer. Quite handsome too.
"Why did you really come here Lily? Why did you decide to take your prize roses from the ground you grew them and take them here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tumblepop


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The festivities were nice, but Ludendorff was sure he could enjoy them after he managed to ditch the screaming prostitute. He dragged the wench up the steps of the temple and lobbed her unceremoniously onto the alter. He then realized that he wasn't entirely sure how to proceed. Should he smother her? Beat her to death with a rock? Ludendorff ignored the hysterical girl and looked around for assistance from the other gatherers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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Suddenly, Ludendorff's ears rang with a strange echo.
the sound made his heart beat and his muscles twitch.
the urge to run, to jump, to move.

"Why not make her run for it?" a voice asked, deep as a wolf's growl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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Out of breath Satúm sank to his knees, thanking the heavens he might not be that late.
Not too late for the true meaning of this night.
He would have to think quickly to come up with a suitable gift, he would have to act fast.

'Ooh, those are pretty girls! and look at those giant mugs of mead!'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"My story begins right now" Misha had shouted as he went off to the pyre.
Lyah wasn't surprised to see him run off, he always tended to be a little single minded.
She walked around the festival grounds and looked at the gifts others had chosen.
When Misha got to the ritual place he halted, he saw others where using it.
Maybe it was politeness, maybe he wanted the place all for himself. He decided to wait it out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tumblepop


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ludendorff suddenly felt himself being overtaken by the call of the wild. He was more acutely aware of the grass beneath his feet, the air around his body, the fleas burrowing into his skin. He thrust back his head and let forth a mighty howl. A voice spoke to him, and he felt compelled to obey. Ludendorff bit through the girl's bindings, freeing her. She leaped from the alter, fleeing into the crowd as fast has her prostitute legs could carry her. Ludendorff bounded after her on all fours, feeling the thrill of the chase much the same as a stoat chases a rabbit. He hoped the festival goers did not mind his sudden behavioral shift too much.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

LordMarwain said
A man, seemingly a farmer, approached lily. He spoke with a soft pleasant voice: "Hey little lady, you're enjoying the festival?" Then he pointed at the roses. "You're going to offer that to the gods? That are some beautifull roses. I'm sure anyone who would get that as a gift would be pleased." He then chuckled, "Well everyone."He gestured her to sit down on a low wall surrounding one of the houses in the village. It was a good spot to sit down and enjoy the festivities without participating. When they sat down he continued to speak. "Look at them having fun, it's such a nice sight. It's a shame that everything will change soon. The choosing of the champions will cause a huge ruckus."He then turned his head to her. His face was cleaner then you would expect from a farmer. Quite handsome too. "Why did you really come here Lily? Why did you decide to take your prize roses from the ground you grew them and take them here?"

"I am enjoying the festival, thank you. Yes the roses are my offering to the Gods. I hope to please one enough to be chosen. " Liz answered in a soft sweet voice. She was surprised that anyone would approach her. "I am not looking forward to the chaos that comes with the choosing of heroes." she told him honestly sitting on the low wall. "I prefer calm and quiet. But it will be interesting to see who is chosen. I came here because I want something new in my life. I think being honored by the gods might be just the thing to help me with that."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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Tumblepop said
Ludendorff suddenly felt himself being overtaken by the call of the wild. He was more acutely aware of the grass beneath his feet, the air around his body, the fleas burrowing into his skin. He thrust back his head and let forth a mighty howl. A voice spoke to him, and he felt compelled to obey. Ludendorff bit through the girl's bindings, freeing her. She leaped from the alter, fleeing into the crowd as fast has her prostitute legs could carry her. Ludendorff bounded after her on all fours, feeling the thrill of the chase much the same as a stoat chases a rabbit. He hoped the festival goers did not mind his sudden behavioral shift too much.

Erä saw the man fumble away on all fours.
What a peculiar mortal this was, eager to prove himself, no doubt, but why not use the natural born long legs of the human race. This was just a little silly to watch, a hunter should always use everything his anatomy alows.
Erä was about to lose interest, there is no way this man could keep up with the breeding girl.
But what about her, he wondered, the wild is more than all hunters,
If one encounters a predator larger and stronger than one's self,
The correct thing to do is flee.
Erä's curiosity was sparked again.
With a waving gesture of his spear, he sent the raven he had used to send the message to the silly man towards the fleeing birther.

"Flee, Survive, grow strong." Echoed through her mind. "And prey will become predator."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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KatherinWinter said
"I am enjoying the festival, thank you. Yes the roses are my offering to the Gods. I hope to please one enough to be chosen. " Liz answered in a soft sweet voice. She was surprised that anyone would approach her. "I am not looking forward to the chaos that comes with the choosing of heroes." she told him honestly sitting on the low wall. "I prefer calm and quiet. But it will be interesting to see who is chosen. I came here because I want something new in my life. I think being honored by the gods might be just the thing to help me with that."

“Wait,” Lily thought, “how does this person know my name?” It was then she noticed the flickering of gold in the man’s hair. A small golden rose. That was not an item an ordinary farmer should have. She also started to notice the plants around her were radiating energy. Plant’s that shouldn’t bloom in this period of the year started to open and show their beauty to the world.

“Wait I haven’t introduced myself yet,” He spoke, “How rude of my.” He took her hand. “I am Tavon. Your life can go two ways now. First, you can walk away and seek out the help of another god. I’m sure one will be eager to take care of you.” In the street they heard the screaming of a scarcely clothed woman ran past them. A few seconds later she was followed by a man crawling on hands and knees. “Second, you give those roses to me. Then I will name you my champion and give you some of my power to make your life more interesting.” He looked her in the eyes, his face showing a gentle smile.

“Wait I have something for you.” He handed a small box to Lily. Inside was a thin whistle, shaped like a small wooden rose. “I would hate it if such a beautiful young lady would be harmed in the coming chaos. That’s why, whether you choose me or not, I give you this gift.” Two figures approached. It were druids, carrying large scythes. When they stood before them, they turned their face to the crowd, so that the two could talk in private and not be looked at anymore. “When you blow on the whistle, those will come to your aid, whether you need one or one hundred. I personally trained them to fight. Their scythes go through enemy’s like they go through crops. For I am the crops god.” He laughed a gentle laughter. “That last part was a joke, but it is how another god called me a while ago. But what do you expect from one who knows only war.”
He placed his hands on the wall, leaning backwards and looked at the sky, enjoying the warmth of the sun. Tavon let out a small sigh. “I had hoped it would be this peaceful forever.” Then he looked back at her. “So which way do you want to go?”
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