I love you guys.
Just wanted to say that.
Just wanted to say that.
K-97 said
I love you guys.
Just wanted to say that.
Darog the Badger God said
Go burn your hand on a waffle maker.
Aragorn said Go stub your toe on a lego.
idlehands said
Stubbing your toe on a Lego wouldn't hurt much as you'd kick it across the room, but stepping on one, right in the soft part of the arch as you're stumbling in the dark to try and get to the bathroom in the middle of the night. That's pain.
K-97 said
Yay. Spam love!!!I'd like to add, a normal Lego brick is one thing but I had the unfortunate experience of stepping on a completed Bionicle (for those that don't know, think giant lego action figure). Not only was the pain unimaginable but all my hours of work was destroyed.
idlehands said
Why do you y'all leave your Bioncles on the floor anyway? They're fucking landmines.