Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darog the Badger God
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Darog the Badger God Kawaii on the streets Senpai in the sheets

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So yeah, live action or animated!

List them here. I will work on mine shortly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grif of Hearts
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Grif of Hearts Sometimes vaguely amusing

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

1. Toddlers & Tiaras
2-10. N/a
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darog the Badger God
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Darog the Badger God Kawaii on the streets Senpai in the sheets

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

At least try to be serious about it, you twat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grif of Hearts
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Grif of Hearts Sometimes vaguely amusing

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Darog the Badger God said
At least try to be serious about it, you twat.

1. Toddlers & Tiaras
2. Keeping Up with the Kardashians
3-10. N/a
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darog the Badger God
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Darog the Badger God Kawaii on the streets Senpai in the sheets

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Grif of Hearts said
1. Toddlers & Tiaras2. Keeping Up with the Kardashians3-10. N/a

This is why nobody likes you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KnightShade
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

10. Dexter
9. Orange is the New Black
8. Dollhouse
7. Game of Thrones
6. True Detective
5. Boardwalk Empire
4. The Returned
3. Hannibal
2. Fargo
1. Utopia
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by K-97


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Can't really order them but:

In the Flesh
Avatar The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
True Detective
Supernatural (Seasons 2 - 5, the rest of the seasons are good but not in the top 10 list)
Game of Thrones
House of Cards (UK)
Being Human (UK)
Star Trek: The Next Generation

And Honourable mentions go to Smallvile, Silk and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (literally just started watching this but love it already).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

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Okay, so I have to do two separate lists, one for anime and one for non-anime. I have so many of each category that come to mind, and it's so fucking hard to judge the craziness of anime against non-animated shows. I don't happen to have any animated shows that aren't anime that would make a top ten list, so even that possible avenue of comparison won't work. So fuck it, splitting it up. Non-anime stuff first, then anime.

10. Misfits - Unlike a lot of people who make clarifications about which seasons exactly of this show they like (often only the first two or three), I like them all. Season 4 was slow to get rolling and was probably the weakest season of the show, but some of the episodes were really great and season 5 is just as good as any of the first few imo. Anyway, I like it because it's funny shit while still managing to have a real and often serious plot going on, plus actual character development which is rare for comedy shows.

9. Doctor Who - I'm only counting the 2005 and later stuff here, as I haven't bothered watching the older stuff. It can get kinda formulaic and some episodes are crap, but when it's good it's amazing. Also, Tennant > Smith > Eccleston. Haven't seen enough of Capaldi to decide where he goes.

8. House M.D. - Mainly because Hugh Laurie as House is one of my favorite TV characters ever. He's a great example of an anti-hero done well, and well done anti-heroes are sadly a rarity. Other than that it's a really well done medical drama, and I enjoy medical dramas.

7. Sherlock - Yes, the BBC one with Bendydick Cunterpunch. I'm not including it in my top 10 just to make that lame joke, I swear. If you haven't already heard tons of people raving about why this show is great I will be super surprised, so I won't bother explaining.

6. Hannibal - I thought Hannibal would be higher on my list when I first set out to make it, but apparently not. It's really great, one of the very few examples of a show with highly intelligent characters that actually portrays intellect well, rather than acting like being smart is some kind of super power. The dialogue is what really does it: it's not just that the smart people do smart things, they also talk like people with large vocabularies and a strong command of the language. It's great.

5. Luther - You know how there are tons of people who talk about how Firefly ended way too early and it needs to come back and have more? This is my version of that. It got a decent 3 seasons, but that was nowhere near enough for me. I've heard people describe it as 'Sherlock if Sherlock was black and not autistic' and that's a pretty decent explanation I think.

4. House of Cards - I was one of those people who laughed at the idea of Netflix producing original shows, but goddamn this one made me a believer. Everything about it is great, and Kevin Spacey is the centerpiece of the magnificence and he's damned good in everything he does. I enjoy political intrigue in fiction, and that's what House of Cards is all about.

3. Breaking Bad - If you don't know why Breaking Bad is amazing, I feel like you must have been living under a rock for the past 5 years at least. Tons of people are hailing it as a modern masterpiece, best show of our time, etc. Obviously I happen to disagree since I'm only ranking it as #3, but seriously, get with the times if you don't know about it.

2. The Wire - Easily the best crime drama show ever, imo, though it's one that a lot of people apparently don't know about. It's not super flashy and exciting, but the great acting and characters and the gritty realism it presents are phenomenal. It doesn't just stick to police perspective like most crime dramas: it focuses on cops, criminals, politicians, and a few other people who don't quite fit into any one of those categories, all in order to give a more balanced and human view of a crime-ridden city and the efforts being made to clean it up.

1. Game of Thrones - While it has flaws and isn't as good as the book series it's based on, I still fucking love this show to death. I fully admit that GoT taking my top show spot is largely due to my fanboy status courtesy of the books. It would probably be more like 3 or 4 if not for the book nerd fanboy bonus, but the fact that this show gets me more hyped for episodes I know are going to be relatively dull than for season finales of other shows on this list is something I can't ignore.

Okay, now for the anime list. I'll just throw this one in a hider so my post isn't huge as fuck.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aragorn
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1. Fairy Tail
2. Sword Art Online(First and third arcs. The second was meh.)
3. GoT
4. Big Bang Theory
5. Doctor Who
That's all I've got. I barely watch TV anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cpt Toellner
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Cpt Toellner The Hero We Deserve

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

10. Stargate: SG1

9. Star Trek: The Next Generation

8. Ed, Edd, & Eddy

7. Firefly

6. Cheers

5. Avatar: The Last Airbender

4. M*A*S*H

3. Hogans Heroes.

2. Game of Thrones

1. Band of Brothers (It's a mini-series! It fucking counts!)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Smiral
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Thought about doing a separate animu list but fuck that

10. Futurama
9. American Horror Story: Murder House (Specifically that season, I kinda gave up trying to adapt to new characters and time periods and plots and a bunch of new bullshit)
8. Parks and Recreation
7. Trailer Park Boys
6. Fargo
5. Berserk
4. Kill la Kill
3. Game of Thrones
2. Breaking Bad
1. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

I feel like Red Band Society deserves a mention because the only episode that's out at the moment was a solid 9.5/10
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Gwazi Magnum

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Just like the Movie list, this is directly taken from my constantly updated/modified list on Facebook.

10. Doctor Who
9. Firefly
8. IT Crowd
7. Usagi Drop
6. Cosmos - Neil DeGrasse Tyson's
5. Breaking Bad
4. Game of Thrones

2. Extra Credits (Yes It's a webseries so some people may say this doesn't count. If so just move 3-10 up by one, and fit 'Spaced' in the now empty #10 slot).
1. Cosmos - Carl Sagan's
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

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1. Game of Thrones
2. Community
3. Firefly
4. Vikings
5. Futurama
6. Brooklyn Nine-Nine
7. Attack on Titan
8. Terra Nova
9. Beast Wars
10. Mythbusters
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by aza

aza Artichokes

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Okay guys I fuckin' got this

1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2. Angel
3. Firefly
4. Breaking Bad
5. Doll House
6 Game of Thrones
9. Lost oh fuck actually this need to be higher
10. Orange is the new black oh fuck this needs to be higher too okay
okay I numbered stuff wrong lol
7. Levarage
8. uhm shit what shows have i watched
8. Brooklyn Nine Nine is good
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darog the Badger God
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Darog the Badger God Kawaii on the streets Senpai in the sheets

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Here's my list, again, same deal with my Movies List.

10. Archer - I love this show so much, the damn witty one liners, the comedic timing, the setting and set up of the show. It's absurd and ridiculous, but by god it's the good and best kind of absurd. Krieger is probably what makes the show that much great for me, and the Archer/Lana banter too. All in all, it's one of my favourite shows.

9. Fullmetal Alchemist - One of my favourite anime shows of all time. The drama, the action, the humour, it's all good, it's all set up nicely. What stands out for me are two things, the lore and the world it's set in, I find it very interesting and fascinating, I'd love a separate story based in that world again. secondly Roy Mustang's personal grudge match, the intensity, the emotion and the anger, it builds up to one of the greatest anime fight scenes of all time, and it's truly one of the most emotionally crazy parts of Brotherhood.

8. The Arrow - It's not secret, I like superhero based stuff, it's part of my comic nerdyness in me. I watched this show only vaguely knowing Green Arrow, and I gotta say I loved it. Aside from it being alittle on the long side, to which it feels more episodic than the others, it's damn great show. The characters are well developed, the villains are creatively done well, the action sequences are some of the best I've seen in a TV show.

7. Always Sunny in Philadelphia - This is arguably the funniest show I've seen. Just the amount of times the main cast fuck with each other and other people that are unfortunately brought into their antics? it's god damn hillarious. I pretty much marathoned this as soon as I got Netflix and I did not regret it once. If there waas ever a comedy show I'd highly recommend? this would be it.

6. Scrubs - Scrubs is multiple parts that are seemingly well worked into each other without it seeming too out of place. it's one part comedy, one part drama, and many parts an emotional ride. The character development, travels throughout, and characters are treated very humanly, having their individual flaws and strengths, and the comedy plays superbly into that aspect. But the drama and the emotional ride is where it really shines for me. It's never overly done, and being a sitcom set in a hospital they can really address the theme of death without it feeling too shoehorned in there. Plus it gave two of the best TV and funniest characters their chance to shine....okay three, Dr Kelso, Dr Cox and The Janitor.

5. This is England '86 - The sequel TV show of This is England. This is a rather interesting pick for me, and something I wasn't going to choose due to the fact it's more of a miniseries. But damn, it's fantastic, the emotional weight behind this series was marvelous and very hard hitting. Basically following from the movie, it shows us what most of Woody's gang is up to now. Again, like This is England, you will laugh and you will be stunned. it's a damn good show.

4. Misfitsb - I got into this show a little later than most, but my god it's so damn good. It has an interesting set up and some of the best characters in a british show, especially compared to the shit we hav thrown out. It's hilarious with some serious moments and some surprisingly emotional rides too, the development of characters is superb. There's a lot to like about this show, and it offers some of the funniest super powers you will see.

3. Avatar: The Last Airbender - This show is why I love animated series. it brings together a rich, beautiful lore based upon many eastern myths and legends with martial arts and magic, blends them together into one superbly made brew of epicness. Character development is nigh on perfect aside from a few character breaking moments, and the pacing was just top notch. it's easily my favourite animated show of all time, definitely and I can rank it up high on this list too. I love Martial Arts anything and eastern Folklore/Mythology.

2. House of Cards/Breaking Bad -I couldn't choose between these two awesome shows so I lumped them together. What's been said about has already been touched up by Jorick xD. It's easilly one of my all time faves, and damn god Kevin Spacey plays Frank Underwood so god damn good. Again, there's many things I love about Breaking Bad, Bryan Cranston slowly turning into a Villain was one of the best transformations I've seen on a TV show.

1. Game of Thrones - Another series I was late on the party, but by god damn holy shit fuck! it's easily topped all of my faves so far. The political intrigue, the characters, the world itself, to me it's perfect. I absolutely love this show and I eagerly await each new season with a child like wonder, waiting to see what happens next. It's 9.8/10 an A++++, a 5/5 in my books.

Honorable Mentions: Legend of Korra, Luther, Sherlock, Babylon 5, Dexter, Heroes, From Dusk Till Dawn, Twin Peaks, Hannibal, The Walking Dead, Futurama, South Park, Fairy Tail, 8 out of 10 Cats, Nevermind The Buzzcocks, QI, Defiance, Adventure Time, Bojack Horseman, The Thick of it, Farscape, Fargo.

The list is bound to change once I've completed some of the shows and started a few of the new ones that are coming out.
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