Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alyss Dolyss

Alyss Dolyss

Member Offline since relaunch

The Entrance

The late morning was cool, and clouds grayed the sky although there was no rain. As the city continued it’s schedule, the real movement was to begin down below. Off to the side down a blocked off road, there was a entrance to the underground...
A man with medium-length hair, dressed casually with a back sack, seemed to be very anxious. The man was Otto Holloway, and he was more impressed with himself than he had been in a long time. Only because Otto had surprisingly made it to the entrance before his sister . Even as an adult, he couldn't wait to tell her all about it. He came to a stop, as he looked the a entrance with the sign in French saying, “Entrance to Paris Catacombs. Soon to be open to public.”

He looked around to see if anyone else was arriving, but no one yet had come. He picked up his back sack and sat on a near by bench. Taking a breath, he signed and put in his hand on the back of his neck and looked up at the sky. Otto found himself letting his thoughts drift along the clouds. He hoped that he wouldn’t be underground too long; he actually enjoyed the fresh air and morning sky. With himself almost gone completely in thought, someone showed up.

“Well, well. Effie? Effie darling girl, is that you?” Otto sarcastically smirked to his just arriving sister. “What’s this? Oh...did I make it here before you? Quick! Tell the press!” he jumped from the bench enthusiastically. Effie Holloway shot a smart look at her brother, obviously not impressed with his joking. “Get off me.” Effie snapped. “Since when did you ever care to be somewhere early? You’re the one late to your own father’s funeral.” she growled. Effie was known for her stabbing words, and that’s why Otto said she would never find a husband, or have kids, or even really have a dog who could stand her. Effie was also dressed casually, with her outfit themed of the color blue. She also seemed to look a bit more prepared than her brother. She was a little shorter than average, and her short hair made fitted her attitude and face.

“I've miss you too, little sister.” Otto narrowed his eye but smiled at her. He loved his sister, but he honestly questioned if she did the same. Effie never got along with much people, but she seemed to become painfully bitter due to the recent death of their father. But Otto not caring how is sister was acting, he gave her a suffocating hug. Effie pushed him away and her cheeks became hot. “Oh Effie, you’re still a girl under that sour shell you've gotten.” he smirked. Otto went back to his bench, while Effie kept her distance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

As the clouds rolled steadily overhead, the girl quickened her step. She dreaded the thought of getting caught outside in a storm. Hiking up her much-too-long skirt, she broke into a gentle trot. Not too far ahead, she spotted the tenement that was her home. In spite of her parents’ wishes, she had taken a job and purchased a place to call her own. She thought her father too old fashioned, as he had wanted her to go through with an arranged marriage. The girl simpered to herself, holding her head high with pride. Well, she had shown him! She was doing just fine on her own. She didn’t need any man to—

The girl let out a gasp of surprise. A hand darted out from a narrow alleyway and seized her by the arm. She was jerked into the darkness and the grasp of a stranger. She tried to call out in alarm, but the unknown man’s second hand moved swiftly, covering her mouth. She squirmed and tried to get a look at her captor, but his grip held firm.

“Don’t try anything,” he whispered menacingly. The girl trembled as she felt his hot breath on her ear. “If you scream, I’ll kill you.” Even though she hadn’t seen a weapon, the threat was enough to frighten her into silence. The man seemed to sense this. He slowly uncovered her mouth and shoved her roughly against the alley wall.

Oh, father, the girl thought helplessly. How wrong I was! She squeezed her eyes shut and waited for the man to attack her further. Instead, she felt the pressure of his grip suddenly cease. Curious, she opened one eye to a narrow slit. Her kidnapper lay on the ground with a new man standing over him. Her apparent “hero” nudged her captor’s body with a boot and gave a soft whistle.

“Oops,” he murmured in an accented voice. “Didn’t mean to hit him that hard. He’s out cold.” He paused, seeming to notice her presence for the first time. He flashed her a warm smile and offered her a hand. “Well hello, love. This brute didn’t hurt you did he? He has a nasty reputation for these sorts of encounters.”

The girl frowned. ‘Encounter’ wasn’t the word she would have chosen for what just took place.

“Who are you?” she queried. “Did you come to save me?” The man seemed to find that amusing. A smirk turned the corner of his lip.

“Sorry to break it to you, love,” he replied. “But I didn’t come here for you. You see, I’m a detective of sorts...” he paused. “I suppose I’m also something of a bounty hunter now.” He reached into his coat pocket and retrieved a crumpled piece of paper, unfolded it, and showed it to her. “Recognize this? You should. You just met him a few minutes ago. Here.” He grabbed her hand and shoved the paper into it.

“What’s this for?” the girl said, cautiously eyeing the wrinkled paper.

“What? It’s not going to come to life and bite you,” the man said with another smirk in her direction. “Think of it as compensation for all your trouble.” He nudged the body with his foot again. “He should stay conked out for a good long while. Just turn him in to the next officer you come across along with that wanted poster. You might want to hurry up, though, love. Looks like there’s a storm coming in.”

“B-but why are you giving it to me?” the girl said in surprise.

The man lifted a finger to his lips in a secretive gesture, “Because I’ve got bigger plans.” And with that, he spun around, leaving the girl standing alone in the alley with a ransom poster in her hand and an unconscious criminal at her feet.
Killian Novak yawned and raised his arms over his head in a luxurious stretch. He’d only been in Paris for five hours, and yet it was already turning out to be an eventful trip. He couldn’t wait to find out exactly what he had been called to do here. He knew some general information but was severely lacking in details. Oh well, this wouldn’t be the first time he was ill-equipped for a job. He would just have to cope. “Adapt, adopt, overcome.” That was his motto in life, and it had served him well over the years.

Up ahead, there was a blocked off road. Supposedly, this was where he was to meet the other explorers who would be accompanying him on his journey down under. Killian just hoped they weren’t all a bunch of oddball scientists. He could only handle so much crazy when trapped beneath layers of rock deep within the Earth.

Killian hopped the barricade in the street and approached what looked like the mouth of a cave. Two other fellow explorers were already loitering around nearby. He did a quick analysis of the two strangers. A man and a woman. They didn’t appear to be lovers of any fashion, judging by the distance between them. Siblings, perhaps? Now to decide what ‘role’ to take… He settled on something not too different from his natural personality –just in case they were together long. It would be difficult to keep up an act over a long duration of time— and yet something just different enough that he wouldn’t reveal anything about himself.

“Hello,” Killian called in greeting. He offered a flourish of a bow. “Fancy meeting you here at the gates to Hell. My name is Killian Novak. And who might you be?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vigild


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The soft grind of carriage wheels against cobblestone echoed through the cool night air with a low hum as there was not much noise coming from any other sources to interrupt it from being the loudest noise. Frami was beginning to believe he'd ridden in to the catacombs already the place was so deserted. He supposed night wasn't really the time of day for a leisure stroll, he knew that well enough, but the thought of taking a walk under the veil of night spitting distance from a place rumored to be haunted now that was just a walk for the suicidal or stupid.

The carriage driver brought the mas to a slow stop accompanied by the whinny of horses kicking at the ground to come to rest. The driver looked back at him expectantly knowing his end of the deal had been met and was expecting compensation for getting him this far. Frami could simply high tail it now as the man seemed to be hesitant to go any further choosing to leave him close to his destination, he wouldn't follow him. It was his first time in Paris, he thought, at least make the first transaction he had genuine then that way any succeeding guilt would be wiped clean, that was street math for you. He pulled out his wallet and placed the agreed amount in the driver's open palm. Just as he was about to dismount from his seat the driver gave him one final word. "God Bless you." Frami exchanged a quick smirk with his parting words and says "He's already done it once."

With a brisk walk he'd made his way to the catacombs never once dropping his guard or keeping his vision static. If his neck wasn't moving one way it the going the other and he kept close to light sources to be able to see the shadow of a potential attacker should they be behind him.

He was dressed slightly better than usual, hell he had to impress the people of Paris. He wore a long sleeve button up shirt with the sleeve rolled to the elbows under a black vest with matching black slacks and combat boots he'd snagged from a cobbler in Italy. From his forearms down bandages wrapped around found their way, he had a tendency to get into fights, the bandages around his arms were there for insurance against hurting his hands, or at least that's what he's learned.

With a small grin he'd noticed the three standing near the entrance to the place of the hour. All three of them looked rather well off financially from a first glance and all quite the lookers by his interpretation. Well doesn't he feel special to be surrounded by such pretty faces, lets see if there was a brain attached to those looks, there usually isn't. "Well hey there slicks, here to risk life and limb for a little adventure like I am?" he grinned but spoke rather genuinely trying to put his best foot forward.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sweetsound


Member Offline since relaunch

Tiana stretched her arms out, glad to be walking again after a long carriage ride. She pulled her waist length red hair in a tight bun and replaced the hat and light veil that covered her face most of the journey. She started walking, following the street signs and directions she was given previously. Immediately her thoughts began to wander, retracing the past few weeks as she kept an even pace. Tianas mother was sure to be angry, as her only daughter was whisked away out to do mens work without a single raised finger from her father. She thought of the possibilities, staying in her home, getting married and raising kids for an man arranged for her to marry, living out her life knitting and cleaning and cooking, having tea with so called friends. Or, complete what she was doing beneath the gaze of bias onlookers and continue with her fascination of the past, and the people in it.

Her father approved, after having four sons it was hard to treat Tiana any differently. He agreed whole heartedly on a new era, where woman can complete as daunting of tasks as men could mainly because as he watched his daughter grow to best all of her siblings in most mens work. He had helped her through schoolings, and as it were, reach the top of her class despite all odds.

The streets started to show life as shop merchants began their every day lives, and Tiana picked up her pace. She didn't want to be late to her first encounter with this team. First impressions dictated the entirety of a relationship after all. Street by street passed and the redhead wondered why she agreed to be dropped off so far away of the entrance. Superstition was a completely irrational fear, but it was the only way she would get passage at all.

Tiana sighed, picking through possibilities of the superstitions to actually be real, and then quickly dismissing them. She rounded a corner and there stood what she could only gather to be as her future team. Not breaking stride at the sight of the men and woman, Tiana focused on her main objective. Convince them that she was a worthy asset in their adventure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Taza had been in France for a couple of days now, he knew enough french from the traders who used to stop by the tribal lands to get by and rent a room, walking down the stairs he proceeded outside and into the cold french streets, people were just starting their day just like Taza, but the native doubted that any where doing what he came here to do explore the infamous catacombs, he had talked with people about why they were made, and the history was dark, but it didn't stop Taza from going in, but perhaps he was a little more prepared than other treks he had taken.

Walking through the streets Taza couldn't help but smile to himself at all the weird looks he was getting, most of these people have never even heard of a native, much less seen one, but here he was walking through the middle of the biggest city in France sticking out like a sore thumb in his buckskins, he must of been contemplating for longer than he expected because he made it to his destination in no time at all, people where already here and already waiting so he just kind of fell in with the group trying to act natural.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nobodyman123
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

The day would have been hot, but the smoke and fire of discharged rifles made it far worse. David counted out his last six bullets as he reloaded his revolver. Smith, Wilkes, and Wallace were down, and the rest of David's men were down to their last rounds. Before he could order his men to reform the line and fix bayonets, the chanting started again. David had just enough time to tell his men to make ready before the wave of Matabili warriors surged forward again. One of them, a brutal looking tribesman holding a short spear, seemed to charge straight at David. David empty's all six rounds into him, but he just kept running, spear leveled. As the warrior fell on David, he kept yelling David's name. "David! David?!"

"David!" the older MacDonald yelled, shaking his son awake. David tried to hide his fear from his father, but he had no idea how well he did so. The older man stepped away from his son. "We are pulling into Paris harbor now. Help me get the stuff to the hotel room." The older MacDonald always commanded respect from his son, and the scarred soldier got up from his bunk and started getting the bags together, all the while cursing boats, and whoever invented them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ink-berry
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Léonard, as usual, at woken up much too early that morning. And, as usual... he found himself running late.

He tapped his foot against the floor of the carriage impatiently as the horse pulled trotted at (what seemed to him) the speed of a snail. I'd better not be late, he thought, but then hesitated and shook his head. No, you are not going to think about it. Léonard stuck his head out the window to check on the horse. ...Godamned thing needs to lose some weight. No wonder I'm probably going to be la-

He smacked himself on the head. No, he was not going to think about it. No. No.

Eventually, after a few more minutes uncomfortable minutes of fidgeting in the carriage, he decided to get off early. Léonard got the driver to stop the carriage and hopped out. He didn't bother exchanging any polite words as he just shoved the money into his hand and hurried off. There were numerous reasons why he'd gotten off a few blocks away (as inconvenient as that was for him and his low stamina), but the main cause was most definitely paranoia. Léonard was immediately on his guard just thinking about it. I swear they're all watching. They'd all sell whatever information they have on you, no doubt. Shaking his head, he took a few shortcuts as he made his way towards the location.

A while later, a slightly panting Léonard found himself nearing the blocked off street. He slowed down as he approached the group, briefly stopping to catch his breath. Léonard, you idiot, you're late now, aren't you? The rather gangly male, in his mid twenties, could've easily been mistaken for someone much younger, with his relatively short stature and stunted growth. (Not that he hadn't tried to grow taller, but that'd all just been in vain.) He was currently wearing relatively plain clothes, more suited for laborious work than for impressions, and was made of, unfortunately, burlap. Léonard adjusted the collar of the shirt uncomfortably.

As he surveyed the rest of the group, he narrowed his eyes as his gaze darted from one member of the group to the next. Wait - why were there so little people here? Ha, they ran out of funding, didn't they? Either that or... "Am I early?" he asked incredulously, not noticing he was thinking out loud.

Wait... did I just say that out loud? Léonard smacked himself on the head for second time that day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 2 mos ago


The morning air felt damp and the sky had a certain gloom to it as the two brothers approached the waiting group in a festive and confident stride.

“HUP HOO HUP HOOO,” they chanted heartily as they curled massive iron weights in synchronization. Their massive arms bore a vascular strain as they had been at this lifting competition all night, waiting for the other to give. Sweat dripped from their perfectly waxed mustaches as their eyes began to study more than their own forming biceps, noticing the tiny group before them.

“I say Gerkin, it appears we have found our angular collaborators!” Olaf spat out in deep voiced jest, dropping his iron weights down by his sides.

“Yes I certainly agree, an odd group from off shores, I do query, which one of you is the mediator?” Gerkin also dropped his weights, he had many at home and didn't plan on carrying them. With a huff, he and his brother searched around eagerly for something heavier to carry.

“I say,” Olaf softly remarked, pointing a thick finger at a man who was wearing all buckskin, “how much do you think you weigh?”

“I could easily throw him, like a large stew pot.” Gerkin exclaimed “Do you think you couldn't? I think not!” He said extravagantly to his brother, his thick accent strong and apparent.

“HO HO,” bellowed Olaf excitingly, a smile crescenting below his mustache “why don’t you give it a go?”

Gerkin rolled his broad shoulders and looked the man up and down, his expert eyes being able to judge the man's weight just from this look alone. It was a skill he had mastered over many years of picking up large men and African animals.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alyss Dolyss

Alyss Dolyss

Member Offline since relaunch

In the middle of her sour mood towards her ‘immature’ brother, Effie looked up to see ladies and gentlemen gathering around. Her eyes started to spark, it was the team. Although she had to admit there were many different kinds of people, and not as many as she thought. But this place was “taboo” according to the locals. She wasn't going to complain, so she quickly dusted off her royal blue skirt (even though there was no dust) and put on a sweet smile to greet.

A man who Effie could almost sense his charismatic personality leaking from his skin, greeted him very kindly. She reached out and shook his hand firmly, “Good Morning, Mr. Novak. Effie Holloway. It’s a pleasure.” She looked him in the eye and smiled brightly, father always said smile nicely she thought. She let go of his hand and made her way to another woman with red hair. Effie lowered her head in a bow, then shook her hand tightly, but not as tightly as a mans. “Hello dear. Effie Holloway. Glad to have you here.” she smiled sweetly. She turned to the man who said ‘slicks’ and she gave a bark of a laugh, it was a sharp ha! “Yes, life and limb it is good man! Hopefully we won’t actually lose life and limb , eh?” she gave him a grin and hook his hand.

Effie continued this cycle to assure everyone their welcome, she didn't like doing this honestly. Her mother should be proud, and her father would've teased her. She saw a native man, whom her eyes grew wide. She believed she once heard of him in gossip, and she had respect for this man. She gave him a small smile, held out her hand, and shook it firmly. “My name is Effie Holloway. Pleasure to work with you.”


Otto Holloway followed his sister, but she was so into making a nice impression she didn’t notice his teasing. “The name’s Otto Holloway, good man. And that’s my shrew of a sister.” He shook Killian’s hand and gave him a smirk of a smile. He heard Effie and her comment of ‘lose a life and limb’. “Don’t be so dark, Effie.” Otto’s attention turned to the twins, and a child like charm came across his eyes. “Look at that. Out of all the people, I didn’t think I’d see men like these. Effie! I bet these men could throw you like a stick!” Otto laughed.

But again his mind was a leaf in the wind, and he heard a voice asking “Am I early?” His smile was cocked, “No sir, you’re just in time!” and proceeded to shake his hand as well.

The siblings greeted everyone in a kind or humorous manner, then Effie spoke up. “Well, since I think most or all here, let’s get started. First, everyone make sure you have what you need. Mostly you will need a light source, it’s very dark down there. You shouldn’t have to worry about your flame blowing out because I believe there is no wind down below.” Effie smiled kindly. Otto spoke up, “And don’t forget your prayers!” he winked. Effie looked at him sharply, “Now we are here for research and to get the job done. Enough of that hogwash.” she hissed at him. Even though Otto’s silly smile remained, his eyes had a different expression than his mouth...
Down Below - Main Tomb

Lighting her lantern and checking everything twice, she began to make her way down the first set of steps and walked down a wet, closed corridor. Her steps because slow and the tunnel only became darker. The smell went from the hint of sewer, to stale and moist. She knew this darkness was going to last a while, she wished she looked up at the sky a little longer. A little ways on her journey, she saw a torch perched on the wall. Opening her lantern, she let the flames lick the wood and grow. It’s flame became enlightening with it’s light drifting further in the distance. And there it started. Looking at the edge of the light, she saw the bricks changing. “We’re almost to the entrance of the main room.” she called back.


Otto followed down the steps and onto the road he was already regretting, honestly. This place was unholy. No rumor or urban legend had to tell him that, it was obvious. Six million people, he thought. History was dark, from the plague to war, so many people. But he still continued with his lantern as well. He basically saw Effie booking it down the way like it was a Sunday walk! “Effie, good lord! Let’s just stroll around like it’s a field of tulips!” he rolled his eyes at her, he doubted she could see it or care. “Don’t tell me you’re picking off the dirt of a skull for samples…” Effie turned to see the lantern and her brother, “What’s the matter with you? Don’t historians love this kind of thing?” Otto squinted at her, “Historians have respect, Effie. We don’t go around tombs and collect dirt samples off dead remains for the sake of alchemy!” “I wasn’t picking dirt samples!” she growled. “I found a torch! Bloody hell, Otto.” she pointed her lantern, “Look, you see that? The skulls are starting to form with the walls. The main room is near. You go ahead and I’m standing by this torch to make sure we all get to the main room before we take action.” Otto sighed and reluctantly walked ahead, “You probably shouldn't say ‘bloody hell’ down here.”

Otto walked a little further, when he came to a halt. He saw the light glowing off the walls with a stone carving above them. The stone engraving said,

Arrêté! C'est ici L'Empire de la Mort

Stop! This is the Empire of Death.

Otto looked up, then held out his lantern into the dark room. What light did glow, he saw nothing but bones lining, practically making the wall what it was.

“My God.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
Avatar of Rogue Sloth

Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Killian observed the rest of the group in thoughtful silence. He had stepped off to the side after greeting the first two people. He didn’t feel like announcing himself to the rest just yet. There would be time enough for introductions later when they were exploring the catacombs. For now, he simply contented himself with making first impressions of the others.

The first man to approach the small group seemed to have similar intentions. He looked upon them with a scrutinizing gaze. He was likely gauging them for their potential usefulness in the underground. However, the most notable detail about this new arrival was the bandage wraps around his arms. Killian wondered what kind of marks or damage he was hiding underneath them.

Next, a girl with bright red hair rounded the corner. She walked with haste as though fearing she were late. A man in a buckskin jacket followed her. Killian couldn’t help but raise a brow at his appearance. The man looked sturdy enough, but not nearly as professional as the rest of the group. Then again, perhaps this man was better prepared to face unexpected situations than his better-dressed companions. Killian glanced down at his own frock coat and regretted that he had not packed a more comfortable outfit to change into later if he needed to. Well, too late to do anything about it now. He just hoped the cavern wouldn’t be too muggy.

Killian roused himself from his thoughts when yet another young man joined the group. His breathing was labored as if he had just sprinted the distance to meet them. Perhaps he had. Killian made a mental note of the man’s apparent insecurity. One could never tell when such information would be useful.

The following two arrivals were the most unlikely duo Killian could have imagined for such a job. Carrying heavy weights, the two men –he guessed they were brothers– just oozed with unnecessary masculinity. They scanned the crowd and locked onto the buckskin-wearing man, then began a loud debate over whether one of them could throw him or not. Killian edged farther away from them, not wanting to be the next victim.

He glanced back to see the two siblings were already making their way down into the tunnel. Well, he couldn’t just let them go start without him. Killian wanted to be present when any large discoveries were made so he could take at least some of the credit. He slipped in after them, blinking in the darkness as his vision adjusted. The girl –she had introduced herself as Effie, he reminded himself– lit a lantern, revealing damp cavern walls surrounding them on all sides. The closed-in space made him feel slightly claustrophobic.

Killian trailed after the siblings a few meters back, saying nothing while they bickered with each other. It occurred to him that they probably didn’t notice him go after them. He smiled. It brought him pleasure to know he wasn’t out of practice.

The two siblings halted suddenly up ahead and Killian very nearly ran into the brother –Otto. He squinted in the lowlight to make out what they were gawking at. What he saw was disturbing, but hardly surprising. Human bones lined the walls in patterns. He briefly marveled at the thought that someone had gone to the trouble of arranging the bones in such a morbid fashion.

“That’s catacombs for you,” Killian said, momentarily forgetting that he had been following the siblings uninvited. “Macabre designs everywhere you look –oh?” He spotted the odd engraving above them. “Does anyone know what that says? I can make out a couple words, but unfortunately French is not a language I’m fluent in.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vigild


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Frami found himself charmed by the dynamic between the twins and their banter in rebuttal for anything the other would have to say, these kinds of things were what made a traveling circus, entertainment regardless of the location and the strife between siblings was certainly an interesting and humorous thing to perceive. He chuckled at Otto's respond to Effie's comment on his greeting "I'll find myself agreeing with him. We may find ourselves amongst the dead doesn't mean we have to be part of a matching set."

Speaking of matching set and circuses the pair of inordinately large and flaunting men approaching them certainly fit the description to a hilarious T. Frami burst forth laughing at their banter as well at the fact that within seconds of arrival they were already postulating challenge and getting the poor clueless native involved. "You should feel honored they picked you first. Is that how they greet fellows in the circus?" He said after regaining his barrings from the impromptu hilarity.

Besides the now airborne and ruckskin adorning native and the two Mcliftsalot brothers the other participants for this particular misadventure seemed rather normal, or at least as normal as anyone can be until you get to know them better. A rather lanky Frenchmen had just stumbled upon them and seems like he needs a moment to continue hyperventilating before he can participate with the rest of the group, he seemed to be adorned in a burlap garb that was reason enough for Frami to put him out of his mind as far as gain, someone who couldn't afford to spend money didn't have any to get hustled from him. This other charismatic looking fellow who had just curtly introduced himself seemed like a more valuable person to have around as well as the non flexing twins. The woman with a vibrant ginger hair stuck out to him as she rounded the corner to meet with the rest of group as that was not a hair color he was quite accustomed to seeing.

From the corner of his eye he could see Otto and Effie begin to make their way towards the damp expanse that would soon lead to the reason he'd made the pilgrimage to Paris. He saw it fit to at least announce his name should any of those present see fit to call him "Oh and the names Frami. Frami Anthonio Zeppeli. Don't say it all at once though or your tongue will end up in a knot."

He followed briskly behind Killian as he was not about get left behind before their expedition even officially started. He blinked in rapid succession the torch ignited by Effie cut through the dim gloom of the corridor painting the walls in the glow of a warm fire and the shadows that stretched from objects that caught it. He stayed relatively close to the two that actually seemed like they knew what they were doing while taking passing glances to those that would choose to follow. "Ohh, this travel is going be set to a lot of that, isn't it?" he grinned as he commented on the sibling's back and forth.

Frami blinked at the pairs sudden halt as one look around him told him the reason as to why without the need of them expressing their reaction in words. That is until Otto uttered the words 'My God' then he had a relatively stronger clue. "You sure he can hear us from down here?" he responded to Otto. Despite his jest the grimace that plagued his face was prevalent at the sight. He supposed it was to be expected after all this was exactly what he signed up for but it didn't make it much easier to observe. Killian's request was able to allow him to pry his eyes from the tapestry made of human remains "That says 'Stop! This is the Empire of Death', kind of nice to give the warning, little too late if you're already in this room if I do say."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Olaf and Gerkin heavily stepped down through the catacombs with the group, admiring all the fine ‘liftables’ as they entered the very pale, and very dead hall of bones. The twins both began to think how many bones there may be, at least twelve, maybe six, but no more than three.

Either way, they watched as their new companions paled at the sight of the pales, and Olaf abruptly hollered, “HO HO HUP HO,” with a blazing smile, “you all look the shade of snow!”

“It may look eery, but there is no reason to be teary!” Gerkin exclaimed to the group, attempting to read the writing on the stone.

Olaf nudged in front of his massive brother and squinted at the symbols called letters, “As i expected,” he said with a pseudo frown, “My reading skills were sooner or later going to be tested.”
“But what luck!” He laughed, “I don’t give a…”
Gerkin cut him off sharply,”DUCK!”

With that Olaf dove to the ground with an amazing hud, throwing dust particles thick through the musty air as Gerkin laughed heartily, “I ought to give you my boot,” snarled Olaf as he rose to his feet, “for getting me covered in soot!”

“Everytime dear brother, you fall for that” Gerkin chimed “Now get off the floor, you look a prat.”

Gerkin suddenly heard another member of the group read the stone carving, and Olaf joined him, shoulder to shoulder once again, “AH french writing,” he mutter, clearly defeated in the area of reading, “let’s get a move on, this leotard is biting.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sweetsound


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~~Collab between David and Tiana~~

The city of Paris only slightly improved David's mood. The people didn't seem interested in the Scotsman and his father as they made their way through. After getting their luggage (including all the books that the elder MacDonald insisted on bringing), they finally made their way to the catacombs. Many different teams were already preparing to go in.

"Da, help me check our gear so we can..." David's voice trailed off as his father walked away to examine the architecture. The older man took a small notebook with him, jotting down notes and mumbling to himself. David could do nothing but shake his head. "Or I'll just do it myself." he said as he unrolled his backpack and checked their gear.

Tiana couldn't help but turn and watch as what she could only assume were twins stepped up jovially and make their light quips. She couldn't help but grin at their tandem banter as they introduced themselves, seeming to lighten the mood. She herself kept quiet as everyone was welcomed by the woman named Effie and her brother, Otto.

Once introductions were complete the group slowly walked down the entrance, almost too slowly for Tianas excitement. The redhead felt her jaw drop at the catacomb entrance, her bags hanging on her shoulder and rustling against the side of her light green dress. Quickly she shut it, but never took her eyes off the beauty that was in front of her. She walked slowly, glancing left and right, not watching where she was going.

“Oof.” she grunted, quite un-lady like..

"Are you alright?" asked David as the red headed lass in front of him nearly tripped on a wayward stone. Tiana, I think. he thought to himself. The young scotsman himself wore a simple jacket with his holstered revolver underneath. He couldn't imagine wearing a dress down in this hell hole. Not that he was going to question her fashion sense. She seemed more than capable of taking care of herself.

As he waited for Tiana to right herself, David looked at the catacombs that surrounded him and asking himself important questions like, "Why in god's name did he agree to do this?" "Was Duncan MacDonald a complete nutter?" and most importantly, "Why didn't I bring more bullets?”

Tiana righted herself, hiding her embarrassment with ease from practice, skirts were not her favorite attire. "Yes thank you, David, right? To answer at least one of your questions, I don't believe the dead will be needing your bullets." She thought of the preposterous idea of the dead becoming, well, undead, and laughed to herself. "I am sorry to blunder in like that." she gave one last condolence before turning away to follow the leaders of the group.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alyss Dolyss

Alyss Dolyss

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Effie turned to Killian, in a way she almost forgot this was a group. She was about to answer his question but Frami took the words out of her mouth, and she gave a quiet laugh at his comment behind it. “But this is pretty spectacular…” she trailed off holding her lantern up “So many people. It is morbid but what do you expect?” She began to walk in to the room, where Otto was already snooping around. Inside the circle room, there was a what Effie thought looked like a bird bath. “Why in all hell is there a bird bath down here?”
The Circle Room ~ Tunnels

Otto turned to see he had company, but then looked at his sister who was about to touch what she said was a bird bath. “Effie, don’t you do it.” he warned. He walked up to the wide dish on the small stone column and looked into the liquid. A drop of water from the ceiling of the room fell directly into the bowl. But Otto found it strange that it didn’t ripple. “Creepy if you ask me…”

Effie found yet again a few more torches and she light up the room a little more. It was bigger than someone would have thought. And with the room, there were six different tunnels leading in different places. All the walls of the circle room were lined with skulls. “Well, there’s more tunnels than I thought, and those tunnels are bound to have tunnels in them, themselves.” she spoke aloud. “Be sure to check your light sources, the only thing that should be a threat to them is the water down here.”
Then all the flames went out. The light from the torches, the light from the lanterns being held, all gone. Every single one like blown out candles, and everything went black.
Otto turned like stone and froze. He couldn’t see anything, or hear because everything went silent.

Effie started breathing heavily and in a panicked voice, “Where are those matches? Where are the matches!?” It was total darkness. “I can’t see…..” her voice raised in even more panic. “There’s no wind.” she said in a high, small, panicked voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Taza ignored the muscle bound twins and proceeded to follow Effie inside, he liked this girl she was respectful to him, down the stairs and into the accursed place, Taza's hair on the back of his neck stood on end and he felt like a cornered wolf but there was no threat nothing that would harm him or the others. The group stopped at a sign part way in and Effie read it aloud, but Taza couldn't quite understand what they mean by a "Empire of the dead." He had no idea why someone would want to make an empire out of the dead, much less people who died of illness. He shrugged and followed the rest of the group deeper inside.

When Effie stopped he stopped even if others went on ahead he was like a lovesick puppy or her shadow, but he felt like he owed her for her respect, as not many people treated Natives with respect these days, they just used them to add onto their armies or to look nice, or to shove off to places that had barely any resources to live off of. When the group stopped at the six tunnels and lit it up a little bit Taza was deciding which one to go down, when all of the lights went out and threw them in complete darkness, Taza's heart raced a million miles a minute but he was on the ball he threw his bag down and opened up the right pocket and pulled out a clumping of sage and lavender and a match and struck it. The little clump went up casting a little light and also filling the tunnel with the smell of sage, an almost peaceful scent "In my culture sage and lavender smoke helps repress any ill will towards someone from evil spirits or bad luck." He said fanning the smoke towards Effie and her brother and then the rest of the group. "Perhaps i should of done this before we went down into the dark." He said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Killian nodded thoughtfully at Frami’s explanation. Empire of Death, huh? He felt a thrill of excitement. Never one to believe in silly superstitions, Killian took such warnings to be a defense against pesky thieves. More likely, the person who set up the sign had something he was desperate to hide. Something Killian was determined to get his hands on.

He casually strode around the tomb, tracing a finger lightly over the faces of the skulls he passed. Some people might think of his actions as disrespectful, but the owners of the bones were dead, so what did it matter if he did a little poking and prodding about? He paused and glanced back at the others, who had now flooded into the room, and scoffed under his breath. The musclebound twins were busy playing about while the rest of them were just standing around the entryway. Well, if you need something done, you just have to do it yourself, he decided.

It was then that he noticed the object Effie had referred to as a “bird bath.” Killian abandoned his post at the sinister grinning skulls to see what had piqued the siblings’ interest. He peered over Otto’s shoulder. A single drop of water worked itself loose from the damp cavern ceiling and plunged into the stagnant pool. To Killian’s amusement, the surface of the water remained as still as glass. There wasn’t even a ripple to show any disturbance from the falling droplet.

“Fascinating,” Killian breathed. He moved around Otto to lean over the dish. “What do you suppose keeps it from moving?” The question was directed more towards himself than to anyone standing nearby. Killian reached a tentative hand out towards the surface of the water, curious as to what it would do if he tried to touch it. He was just centimeters away when the room suddenly went black. Someone was calling out for matches.

“Here,” Killian called in reply. He breathed an inward sigh of relief that he had come at least somewhat prepared as he dug around in his coat pocket for a match. Finding one, he struck it against the stony edge of the “bird bath” and a dim glow emerged.

Killian squinted against the inky darkness in search of a torch. He spotted one hanging on the wall back near the entrance and took it down, and then lit it with the remains of his match. The brighter flame cut through the black so that he could see everyone’s faces again. He noticed that the raven-haired man had also lit something that had a funny smell to it.

Killian stepped back over to the others, a cryptic grin set upon his face, “Seems like someone doesn’t want us here.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vigild


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Frami once again lets loose another laugh, this one being more contained as they were not really in a place that inspired humor. These twins obviously proclaimed that fact that they were entertainers. Finally a day at the circus he didn't have to sneak his way into, the price of admission being treking through the abandoned crypt but hell he'd take his entertainment where he could get it.

"Maybe there are some bird skeletons in here and the builder was being courteous?" Frami replied to Effie's inquiry as to why a bird bath would be in a place like this. He was none the wiser as to why such a thing would be prevalent here but he was foreign to the likes of Paris, maybe it was a strange custom? His futile deliberation was cut short as all of the light sources had been stifled and only the gradual panicking from Otto and Effie filled the dim expanse of the room. That is until the native and the frenchman had the bright idea of making it bright again.

Frami put a hand on both Effie and Otto's shoulders resisting the urge to put his hands to their mouths in order to silence them. "Ssh ssh ssh, it's alright. See, no need lose it just yet. Most of us came prepared." He went for a supportive tone as plain telling them to shut their traps would not be conducive to getting their good favor. "Mmm, that scent is nice. Better than the scent of death we were working with before. Got anymore of that Mr.?" He asked as Taza had yet to give him his name. He looked over to Killan with a grin "What gave you that impression?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sweetsound


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Tiana breathed a sigh of relief as she hustled past her new acquaintance. She could tell her cheeks were slightly flushed, but the lighting wasn't well enough to tell, no matter how many torches were lit. Her thoughts of the man she ran into were quickly forgotten as she looked at all of the skeletons. She barely breathed as she got so close one of the skulls could have bitten her if it were to have moved. Tiana gazed around the rest of the room, letting her focus settle on the bird bath in the middle. She watched from closer to a wall rather then join the rest crowded around the bath.

As her light blew out Tiana held down a startled gasp. There was no wind to snuff her torch and logical thoughts and reasons not only hers but all torches and lights went out quickly became a very small list. Gulping, Tiana returned to a completely worthless thought. I hope I don't trip again, that would be a complete mess
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alyss Dolyss

Alyss Dolyss

Member Offline since relaunch

Circle Room ~

Effie looked up and saw that Taza lit sage, and the turned her head to see Killian lighting a torch. She was breathing heavily and she looked down at her hand to see she was clutching the matches this whole time. She swallowed and straightened herself up without speaking a word.

“I’m fine.” Otto smiled at Frami’s comment about the dark, “Now that one over there, turn off the lights and she’s done for.” He looked at the bird bath again before walking to Effie and took the matches out of her hands. “How about that wind , Effie?” Otto raised his eyebrows at her.

Effie looked up at him, “Put it out of your mind, Otto. That’s a load of horse--” “Yeah yeah, Effie. You don’t have to finish that. I know your bloody opinion.” Otto interrupted her, rolling his eyes. “You might want to start thinking like that, could save your damn life.” He walked to the far tunnel on the right, “I think it’s obvious we should all split up. We’ll mark our paths and come back here when we are done. Then you have it! Job done.” He stood at the entrance and took a few steps into the tunnel. He managed to relight some of the torches and he was carrying one as he looked down the tunnel.

Effie brushed off her skirt, with a stiff face. She didn’t like the fact Otto found it funny to mess around about the dark and his supernatural hogwash. She gave a small smile to Killian in appreciation, then she turned to Taza. “Sage… even though I don’t believe in the need for the ‘blessing’ part (because there’s nothing down here), it’s…. Brilliant.” She smiled at him and told him thank you quietly and looked down. She walked over and snatched Otto’s matches back and then lit a torch of her own. She walked over to the far left tunnel,

“Divide and Conquer, it is then.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

After Taza lit up his sage, and Effie said something about divide and conquer he saw something, something that wasn't of man or beast he did what any Denae man did when he saw something that defied explanation. he panicked, stepping back he slammed into Effie, her contact against him caused him to jump and shout "Stay back!" He was on edge about something and when anyone got to close he would shy away from them "Stay back" He would shout, he was in hysterics. Here was this warrior who was now little more than a frightened child trying to get away trying to hide. "Have to get out of here, wheres the exit?" He shouted his voice filled with fear.

Eventually Taza stopped shouting but he was a wreck, he was sitting there against a wall far away from any exposed dead bodies and muttering "We aren't alone in here." All the while his voice trembling. Not moving, not responding to anybody just staring blankly ahead his eyes seemingly staring through people looking for something in the darkness something that wasn't there. Maybe he imagined it, or maybe just maybe he was right.
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