All accepted (Except for MarsAdept, because there's no example post, and I don't know him.), so I'm going to get that done by edited the 'fake OP' post, then make a new thread with the OOC and the first IC!
Yep! There's always room for more! I'm very busy most of the time, however, so the RP is a little bit slow. I'm sorry about that, but I do post every once in awhile.
Ah, okay. I'm new to these parts, and back where I came from we never said that. We just said "App."
And that's no problem. I'm not very active either. I've been more active the last few days than I have been in a long time, but that's going to end pretty soon. Only weather is really going to get me to have enough time for posting.
I used to love snow. But now that I fly, snow is my enemy. When snow comes in around me, I'm not going to go out and take lessons... those times will be the best times for me to post, as that's pretty much the only free times I'll have. That and at the end of the day like today. And holidays.
There are no distinctive dark essences. The Evil itself feels it is powerful enough to handle everything on it's own. It doesn't need to split up into multiple personalities to get what it wants. As for all the good essences being taken up... most people have left. You can fill in one of their spots, or create your own new one! Healing was taken awhile ago, but it's not anymore. And if you can come up with a new one that sounds reasonable, I'm all up for it.