Apologies for the double post, but I was looking at Caboose's last post again and it occurred to me... what knights are Krayton referring to?
Gat dropped out. Heat hasn't posted in 2 months. So if we assume Kalmi and Rego aren't with them, then our only knights are Kraytan and Vor'loch (who has a PC padawan already). Plus our jimmy knight, Deja. We have Master Sorni and then everyone else is writing a padawan (Erin, Kolinn, Alaric, Jerek, and Keilara... if Jaeda is still with us, she hasn't posted in a bit either).
So we have 4 padawans, 3 knights, and 1 master. That breaks even, if we include Caboose's NPC knight Deja. But that's not counting the PC youngling. If we toss in Zak, then the numbers no longer work, whether we count the jimmys or not. So, the only way the concept of pairing up works is:
Option 1: A knight/master is allowed to have more than one apprentice.
Option 2: A padawan advances and takes an apprentice for themselves.
Option 3: We move to a three-tiered apprenticeship in which an apprenticed padawan is allowed to take a youngling as his/her student-to-be.
Option 4: We unleash Spaceballs 3: Attack of the Jimmys and create NPC knights for our student characters.
Am I looking at this right or have I missed something?