Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

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Im going to vote reboot. I will be leaving soon for the army and have a volunteer work assignment coming up soon. So I will be dead for like 6-7 months.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Mhm, that is the thing if we reboot I'd like to do it soonish as when I join the RAF(If I get in, and I will) I won't have as much time to set it up. Still enough to run it and such just not enough to set it up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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I think a Time Skip would be better than a Reboot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

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Hm~, I'm leaning more toward what you guys are saying now...
Time skip also sounds kinda neat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Well... I think that a Time Skip would be a LOT more beneficial. A reboot would have us start again so that we can weed out who's still interested from who isn't, whereas a time skip would allow us to do the same, whilst still continuing the story.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chapatrap
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Chapatrap Arr-Pee

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I'll do whatever you guys want to. I've been inactive over the last week because Dishonoured and posting order.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Chapatrap said
I'll do whatever you guys want to. I've been inactive over the last week because Dishonoured and posting order.

Ah, games.

I personally today just geeked out on TF2. This morning I watched videos made with source filmmaker, some of them are pretty good. Then I played it :P

Also guys, what I'd likely do is make it a bit more open if we did reboot so non-Jedi can get in on the get go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chapatrap
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Chapatrap Arr-Pee

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By 'reboot', do you mean going from the start again or continuing from where we left off?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Hey, I'm fine with whatever we do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Chapatrap said
By 'reboot', do you mean going from the start again or continuing from where we left off?

A reboot is a restart. Back to Zero.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

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Redoing everything is all good, I guess... I'm either for that, or timeskipping a while like Matt thinks is a good idea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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mattmanganon said
Well... I think that a Time Skip would be a LOT more beneficial. A reboot would have us start again so that we can weed out who's still interested from who isn't, whereas a time skip would allow us to do the same, whilst still continuing the story.

Main reason I am entertaining the idea of a reboot is a couple of important and dedicated characters had to give up at one point or another.

As I said. I will go with the consent of the players. 2 in Favour of Reboot, two in favour of timeskip. Place your chips on the table.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chapatrap
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Sep said
A reboot is a restart. Back to Zero.

Yeah, I'm okay with that. I might re-make Balkk to be a bit more neutral but you can expect me to stick around anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Sep said
Main reason I am entertaining the idea of a reboot is a couple of important and dedicated characters had to give up at one point or another.As I said. I will go with the consent of the players. 2 in Favour of Reboot, two in favour of timeskip. Place your chips on the table.

Timeskip would be my vote. If we're rebooting, I'm probably out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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3 for Reboot.
3 for Skip.

A couple of people sitting on the fence who could swing the vote.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chapatrap
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Chapatrap Arr-Pee

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This is probably more important than the Scottish referendum :o
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Chapatrap said
This is probably more important than the Scottish referendum :o

The difference here is that this vote actually makes sense... Scottish Referendum is the classic case of the dog chasing a car. They might succeed, they might not, either way, in the end, if they do get it, it'll make no difference to their lives, as they won't know what to do with it... I mean, have you seen what they want if they do get independance? Not only do they want to stay in the Commonwealth and have the Queen still be their official head of state, but they also want to keep the Pound Sterling.

Really, I suspect that this is just a way to make it look like the Scottish Government has more power, and that they ARE actually doing something, rather than just sitting around with their thumbs up their asses... Sorry, I have no confidence in Fitzpatrick's ability to lead a government, whatsoever... Sadly enough, I suspect that he only really got the votes he needed, because of his chest-beating, and the fact that he's gay... Lots of governments seem to be doing this nowadays. "Look at us, we're not racist, we've got a Black President." or, in this case "Look at us, we're not homophobes, we've got a gay PM."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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mattmanganon said
The difference here is that this vote actually makes sense... Scottish Referendum is the classic case of the dog chasing a car. They might succeed, they might not, either way, in the end, if they do get it, it'll make no difference to their lives, as they won't know what to do with it... I mean, have you seen what they want if they do get independance? Not only do they want to stay in the Commonwealth and have the Queen still be their official head of state, but they also want to keep the Pound Sterling.Really, I suspect that this is just a way to make it look like the Scottish Government has more power, and that they ARE actually doing something, rather than just sitting around with their thumbs up their asses... Sorry, I have no confidence in Fitzpatrick's ability to lead a government, whatsoever... Sadly enough, I suspect that he only really got the votes he needed, because of his chest-beating, and the fact that he's gay... Lots of governments seem to be doing this nowadays. "Look at us, we're not racist, we've got a Black President." or, in this case "Look at us, we're not homophobes, we've got a gay PM."

'scuse me mister. Only a minority want the Queen and the currency is still a point of debate. We've actually discussed having our own Scottish Pound. It will make a big difference sirah cause for once when we vote for a head of state our vote matters. In terms of west minister we get very little say, for example a lot of scots are very anti-nuclear weapons (We prefer beating people with our fists) yet our taxpayers money keeps going into funding for nuclear weapons when it could be better spent on education or healthcare. We also have an abundance of natural resources at our disposal in terms of eco-power which would create jobs but the big thing right now still seems to be nuclear power.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chapatrap
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I don't mind the Queen. She don't really effect me over here but tiocfaidh ár lá and all that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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In my honest opinion Royalty is about as necessary as Celebrity Culture.
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