Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Pain. That was the first thing he became aware of as his consciousness returned. He first noted it as no more than insistent aching in his arms, his legs, his chest, but it slowly seemed to spread and grow, until even his head from throbbing.

He couldn’t... quite recall what had happened. He remembered the cliff, the Heart of Zygarde shattering into pieces, the looks of horror on the faces of the temple guards, a feeling of smug satisfaction at his victory... but trying to recall anymore made the pain in his head worsen.

He opened his eyes, but had to quickly close them a intense light entered his vision. He waited a moment, then opened them again, slower this time. It took a moment, but he soon adjusted, and light gave way. He could see now, see the world around him, yet what he saw puzzled him. He seemed to be lying in field, pretty empty of any signs of life or people. The grass has grown pretty long in this area, weeds and flowers of all variety surrounding him. It would have been a peaceful area had it not been for the fact that he had no idea where he was. He started to try and sit up...

Then he saw the claws... his claws. Not hands. His legs, shorter, covered in grey fur. His tail... he had a tail now, composed of three coral-colored feathers...

Something was wrong. He had... changed.

“Oh Arceus...”


“Care to explain what this is?”

Willow’s usually composed face twisted slightly as a sheet of paper was shoved under nose, blocking the view of the book that she had previously been reading.

She had heard Sergeant Arcanine coming up the stairs, of course, had heard the little bell ring as he shoved the door open, and had even called an absent-minded “Welcome” to him as he came stomping through the rooms in search of her, yet she had remained seated, concentrating on her work despite the fact she knew she would be interrupted any second.

“Well?” the Sergeant demanded, standing above Willow’s desk in his most intimidating manner.

“I believe,” Willow said, in her softest and most controlled tone. “That it is called an advertisement.”

This caused the Sergeant to let loose a snarl and viscous bark. “Don’t get smart with me, missy!” he shouted. “What exactly is this about an ‘Adventurer’s Guild’?”

The advertisement the Sergeant had pushed into Willow’s line of view was one she knew well. After all, she had written it herself only a week before, and it was only one of many copies she had made.

It read as follows:

For many weeks now, a string of strange and unexplained phenomena have been occurring. Natural disasters have been occurring in many area, causing many Pokemon to lose their homes and in some desperate cases, even their families. Some Pokemon, once as kind and humane as the rest of us, have gone wild, attacking others they may have once considered friends. Finally, there have been the appearances of the elusive Mystery Dungeons, perilous areas which seemed to twist and change at will.
None of this is normal, and is causing the suffering of many. That is why I have decided it is time we say “no more”. I intend to get to the bottom of this but I cannot do it alone. You’ll find me at the old library to the north of Sunny Town. Come find me, and together, we will start our quest to get to the bottom of this.
The Adventurer’s Guild needs YOUR help.
Signed Willowisp

“It’s just as it is says, Sergeant,” Willow said with a shrug before pushing the paper away and returning to her book.

“Listen here!” Arcanine yelled. “What you have written here is an insult to me and my police department!” He glared down at her. “It’s as if you’re saying I am incapable of doing my job.”

Willow said nothing, simply turning over the page.

“Are you even listening to me!?” Arcanine shouted, slamming one of his front paws down on the desk.

Willow sighed before raising her head to look up at the Sergeant. “I have no idea why you’re getting so upset,” she said. She motioned to the room around her. “After all, no one has actually shown up.” There was a slight bitterness to her tone as she said that and even the Sergeant, as angry as he was, couldn’t miss that.

Arcanine sighed. “Look,” he said, softening his tone as best he could. “I know you mean well... but this is police work. Leave these disasters to me and my force.” He then turned and left, exiting out the library door and making his way down the wooden steps from the treehouse.

When he left, Willow’s whole body seemed to relax as she flopped over her book. “Oh Arceus,” she muttered to herself. She stayed there, head pressed against her desk for minute or so before straightening up. As she did, she caught sight of the advertisement on the table again and breathed out a deep sigh. She hadn’t been lying to the Sergeant when she had said no one had answered. It really upset her, but no one had come to the library inquiring about joining her guild. She thought that someone, anyone, would want to help her out.

She picked the advertisement up and crumbled it up into a little ball. “Stupid...” she muttered to herself before tossing the paper ball across the room. It hit the side of a bookshelf, bouncing off it and then, ironically, landing right next to Willow’s foot. Willow eyed the paper ball angrily and kicked it away from her before returning to her book, a mixture of frustration and sadness building up inside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Lupus's Eyes was slowly Going down the piece of paper he had Torn from one of the Signpost's it layed flat on the ground in front of him. "Da da da Natural disasters Yada yada yada Elusive Mystery dungeons that twist and change at will. Well that's interesting" Lupus said as he read it aloud "Adventurers guild well it would Be full of adventures and new things so its at least worth a look" he finished as he rolled up the paper and held it in his mouth. his eyes Drifted back towards Sunny Town. he had just gone out to sit on the hill. to remember the old times he used to have with his parents Before they disappeared On a hunt for a Soul dew.

Lupus walked slowly through the town entrance The Growlithe eyeing him again as he passed. he used to trick the growlithe by hiding its papers and well they never got along. Lupus Smiled a Grin as he looked around the shops. Their was Murkrow always the antisocial storing peoples items as always. and who could forget Meowth Who would cheat you out of money if she could. Lupus put the Notice back on the floor "so its in a libary north of here" Lupus said glancing north then back to the text before picking it off and Taking off at a sprint he ran past Cafe Magmar where he sometimes ate and the orphanage where he sometimes visited. Lupus Saw Sergeant Arcanine the Leader of the police. and as stubborn as a Mule. Leaving The Tree-house that was also a library.

Lupus looked up and Gawped at it Surprised It was Amazing sure he had seen it before but never so close. Lupus took small steps towards it he had a Excitement like he hadn't felt in a while. He slowly walked up the wooden stairs "Lets hope i don't screw this up" he Said but it was mumbled by the paper in his mouth he had reached the door now Nice and wooden. He dropped the paper which almost fell down the stairs. "For Arceus's Sake" Lupus said as he caught it with one of his paws He stood looking at the took And took a deep Breath Steadying himself for when the door open.

He knocked Twice with his other paw that was free Hoping that someone would answer and let him inside before it got dark.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Wow! This place is so much different from Bedrock Village" the Honedge named Monado marveled as he floated through the streets of Sunny Town with a small bag of food on the back of his sheathe. "This entire place just seems to have this...this...aura of...energy. I just...feel so alive here. I'm having trouble putting it into words!" His old home and been a rather bleak looking place, even the air itself seemed stale sometimes. Sunny Town on the other hand felt so much more fresh and full of life. "I wasn't too sure what to make of the name of this place at first, but now I'm sure; Sunny Town fits this place to a 'T'"

"It does my heart good to hear an outsider say that. However, are you aware that you're talking out loud?" A strange voice asked him from behind

"Huh?" Turning around, Monado found a large Camerupt "Oh hello there! My name is Monado, what's your?"

"Quite a friendly little fellow, aren't you?" The Camerupt chuckled "my name is Quaga. However most people just seem to call me the mayor's son"

"The mayor's son...that means you can help me!" Monado cried out in excitement "see, I just got here looking for adventure and other such stuff. Since you no doubt know this place really well, maybe you could point me in the right direction"

This time Quaga let out a more cheerful laugh "is that so? Ah, your's is a rare kind. While I'd love to help you, I have to ask; do your parents know about this?"

Monado shook his body "I doubt it, My egg was left at an orphanage, and I doubt the people in charge will mind too much that I'm missing. Heck, the only people who will probably care are the ones who used to bully me" he answered in a tone of voice that was far to cheerful for s sentence like that

Quaga looked completely horrified "that...that's awful!"

Monado nodded (read tilted his body) "yeah, it was. But hey, that's all in the past now. Everything's only going to get better from here"

A weak smile appeared of Quaga's face "you are so strong for one so young. If only others could be as optimistic as you." Quaga sighed "as for your request; my first idea would be for you to try the Police Department...or at least it would be if the hard headed Sargent would hire anyone else then a Growlithe" he mumbled the last part "however I think you're in luck. I myself just returned home after some business took me out of town, but I'm already hearing about a young Braixen who's sent up an Adventure's Guild"

At this point, Monado was shaking in excitement "eeeeeeeeeeeeeee" he squealed pure joy

Quaga chuckled at the sight of the little sword "I believe she's set up shop at the old library. I can give you direction is you want"
A bit latter, Monado found himself in front of the old library, just where Quaga said it would be "this is so exciting! I'm one step closer to my dream." Using his sash to knock on the door, he called out "hello! Is anyone in there!? I want to become a heroic adventure and go on lots of quest to save people and beat up bad guys!" In his excitement riddled mind, he completely missed the Zorua also in front of the door
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AnonymousMoustache


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Tina sighed contentedly as she sipped from a cup of tea in the cafe. One of the first things she'd learned after (quite literally) stumbling upon Sunny Town was that the food in Magmar Cafe was second to none, and she was quickly becoming a regular customer. She'd spent the past few days inquiring around town about Zayd, her old friend, but no one had seen him. Sergeant Arcanine had been nice enough to post a notice about it, but she doubted anything would come of it. Still, she tried to remain upbeat. As she finished the last of her tea, she gave a shout of gratitude to Magmar and Magby behind the counter, then turned and headed outside, ready for what the day would bring her!

The first thing it brought her was a face full of ground as she tripped on the way out.

Tina lay there a moment, her eyes going swirly as she slowly regained her senses. "Ehhh... Why do I always do that?" she whined. After a moment, she realized just what had tripped her up: a scrap of paper had been blown this way, and she'd accidentally stepped on it on her way out. Curious, she stood back to her feet and picked the paper up with her ribbon. It was an advertisement for an Adventure Guild! Tina's eyes became wide and full of sparkles as she read through the ad. An Adventure Guild! And it was recruiting! "I wanna join!" she told no one in particular as she began excitedly rushing down the street. An Adventure Guild... If she was gonna have any chance of finding Zayd, that Adventure Guild would be just the way to do it! And she could even help others along the way! So, eager to start right away, she half-ran, half-skipped her way down the road.

It was only after she arrived at the town's limit that she realized she'd been running the wrong direction. With a laugh and a shrug, she turned around and headed back the way she came. "Oh well," she said. "Sunny Town is pretty small. If I keep looking, I'm sure I'll find the guild at some point!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

While in the middle of reading a sentence, Willow suddenly heard knocking on the library door, as well as someone shouting something. She couldn't hear the words exactly, being a few rooms away from the front door, but it nevertheless caught her attention.

Who even knocks on a library door? she thought irritably. She was so not in the mood for this. She slammed her book shut before standing up and making her way to the front door, having to weave round several piles of books in the process. She needed to keep this place more organised, but she wasn't her mother. Willow's mother, Constance, had been a great librarian, opening and closing the library at the scheduled times, keeping all the books in the right order, able to memorise where each book was. Willow just... couldn't do that. A lot of the time, she would just close the library whenever she felt like it and wasn't doing her business any good. Right now, she was in a particularly bad mood and decided, after the Sergeant's little visit, she was going to declare the library closed for several days, starting now.

She swung open the front door and was met with two Pokemon, a Honedge and Zorua, both of which were species she wasn't used to seeing. Had she been in a better mood, she may have shown a little interest in these two, particularly the Zorua as she knew that species has particularly unusual ability with illusions. Right now, however, she couldn't be bothered.

She looked down at the two coldly. "We're closed," she said bluntly. "If you want a book, I suggest you come back next week. We might be open then... or not."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Oh..." Monado's voice sounded disappointed "so the Adventure Guild isn't open right now. I'm...I'm sorry, I'll come back some other time." Just like that, he began to slowly float away, feeling pretty crummy. Today had been going so well. One large string of wonderful things kept happening to him. 'I should have know my luck would run out sooner or later. After all; I'm just a piece of dead scrap. Good things don't keep happening to pieces of dead scrap like me'
One of the first things taught in his village was how to blend into a crowd. The trick was to not look too inconspicuous, since that in fact drew suspicion. Regular Pokemon are never completely completely inconspicuous after all. So as Ame walked through the streets of Sunny Town, he kept to himself, but didn't make any kind of effort to conceal himself. He found himself on the other end of a few stares, but they were purely curious stares. With his entire village missing, he was mostly at a loss as to what to do. His only real option had been to come here in search of whatever lead he could find. As luck would have it, he found one

'It seems almost too good to be true; an Adventure's Guild. That's a far bigger break then I ever dreamed of. While I'll admit that a guild like this springing up so soon to the attack on my village is suspicious, I can't think of any logical connection. It's only just been formed, and by a young Braixen none the less. I can't imagine this guild being in anyway connected to that Lucario. It's like Grandfather always said; there are no coincidences, only chances and traps. I'm betting that this is more a chance then anything else. Sure an exploration guild would have a lot of incoming information about any current events. A safe place to train, as well as wait for information

He was broken out of his musings when a twitchy Sableye crossed his path "yes...the signs...EVERYWHERE! Soon...soon...it will happen. The rocks...the rocks have shown be the truth....and the grass agrees...THE GRASS NEVER AGREES! There is no doubt...coming......it is COMING!"

Before Ame could even question what he just saw, a Slowbro lying in a nearby patch of grass said "oh boy...that Smeagol sure is lively today" he voice droned on in a rather lazy manor "he really needs to just relax. He's way too wound up"

Another nearby Pokemon, a Ninetails, added "ha! Carbuncle, if Smeagol started to relax like you, he'd be completely unrecognizable"

"Maybe" the now identified Carbuncle admitted. Then, with a yawn he said "I'm starting to get a little tired. I'm going to take a little nap" and with that, he fell asleep almost instantly

'Well...that was an interesting experience. Seems like Sunny Town has quite a colorful cast of characters. I miss my home even more' With an internal sigh, and guild advertisement in hand, Ame made his way to the old library
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AnonymousMoustache


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Tina continued to wander around the village for a while, still searching for the elusive Adventurer's Guild. She did, at one point, ask an Officer Growlithe for directions, but he simply growled at her and told her to stop bothering him. After that, she decided to find it on her own. After finally passing the shops for the third time, she finally gave up and admitted it: she had no idea where to go. Still, she was determined, so she kept up her patrol, keeping a sharp eye out for anything that looked like a guild hall. At last, her diligence was rewarded, as she came across an old tree that had apparently been remodeled as a building. Currently, a Zorua and a Honedge were standing at the door, with a somewhat unhappy-looking Braixen just inside. She almost sang with relief: maybe one of them could help.

"Excuse me!" she said, trotting up happily. "I'm trying to find the Adventurer's Guild. Do any of you know where it is?" She... may have forgotten where the ad said the guild would be on her second walk through town. Even so, she knew she was getting close!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ngoc


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Russet stared at the empty door frame, his mind still stuck on the image of the cream-colored Pokemon. He hadn't seen anyone like that in Sunny Town the last time he was here, didn't even know what to call it. And to be truthful... gosh, was she (he? Russet found it hard to tell) pretty. It was rude to stare, but he couldn't really help himself. Maybe it was time to settle down somewhere, maybe return to the old farm. Maybe even bring back...

His head slipped from the paw that held it aloft and hit the table, snapping him out of his thoughts. What had he been doing, he wondered as the world slowly regained shape around him. The wonderful dry fragrance of well-prepared Chesto tea hit him, along with a realization. Of course, he'd been at the Cafe, drinking a well-earned cup of tea before heading out... somewhere. At least, before that odd Pokemon came in and caught his eye, he didn't even think that it noticed him. He sure hoped that it didn't notice him. Maybe he'd pick up a job and head out to another town, but first he had to pick his face off from the wooden table. And drink his tea, of course.

Unfortunately for Russet, the tea had already grown cold but it still retained its energizing properties. After giving his compliments to Magmar, he made his way out of the cafe. Time to find a job, he guessed. Come to think of it, he did see some interesting notices posted around town. Something about a guild, and if he knew anything about guilds, they'd probably need something moved somewhere else.

An adventurer's guild, huh? It sure sounded interesting, though not exactly his cup of tea. Worth a shot, he thought. He was sure that the library would be easy to find, he had probably delivered some books in the past. With an eye on the sun, he began making his way north towards the library.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Lupus had a Annoyed Frown on his face. At the Braixen who was gonna close down the library ruining his Chance to join the guild. just as the honedge Began to drift away looking awfully depressed he notice a Sylveon coming up to join them "Excuse me!" The Sylveon said, trotting up happily. "I'm trying to find the Adventurer's Guild. Do any of you know where it is?" Lupus turned to face her "Yea I Thought Here Was Supposed to be the place But i think i might of guessed wrong" he said with a Annoyed tone. Before turning to the Depressed honedge "Wait a minute for Arceus's sake. you might regret it if you where wrong so just wait around" Lupus called at the Honedge his eyes Wide waiting for a response as he turned back to stare at the Braixen Waiting to see if he was right or stupid...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Just as Willow was about to close the door on the two Pokemon, she heard the Honedge say something that made her eyes widen.

"Ad... venturer's... Guild...?" she repeated.

It was at that point that small Sylveon made her way up the steps, also saying she was looking for the Adventurer's Guild... and it appeared that the Zorua also seemed to be therefor the same purpose. Her grumpy exterior quickly melted away she darted out of the door grabbed the Honedge by the handle to stop him from getting away. "Hold it right there, sharp-edge!" she said, picking the Honedge up so they were both as eye-level. She then glanced at the other two Pokemon. "Did I hear you correctly? All of you are here to join the guild? You all saw my advertisement?" The disbelief in her voice so obvious. She had started to give up hope but it seemed that Arceus had gifted her a miracle. She was almost afraid she was dreaming.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rabbit Goddess

Rabbit Goddess

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Far off in the horizon, a small black figure could be seen moving closer at a steady pace. A lone Pokemon with a large black hat slowly came into view as it trudged along a thin dirt road that lead into Sunny Town. Isra looked up from the dirt path for only a moment, giving the town a once over before putting her head back down to block out the overbearing sun. She had made no plans to rest anytime soon and this place was too small to garner any attention from her, but perhaps it had a nice place to fill her belly. The thought of hot food made her mouth salivate, just a little longer belly we'll find some food soon she thought to herself picking up her pace at the prospect of food. She had been walking for quite some time without ever seeing civilization and the few Pokemon she'd come across were either scared of her or trying to rob her. Thinking back to when she was young, Isra couldn't recall so many bad things happening in the world or so many bad Pokemon but she tossed the idea out figuring she was simply naive back then.
After a fair bit of walking Isra had passed a few homes and spotted a larger building off to the side with a sign too far for her eyes to read. As she got closer the sign on the building read simply "Sunny Town Public Library". "No food there" she mumbled to herself absentmindedly when a barking sound made her head snap up to the source, a massive Arcanine began crossing the street directly towards her with his teeth showing. "Excuse me?" she stuttered, shocked more than afraid that some stranger acknowledged her.

"I said, 'what?' As in what did you just say to me." the Arcanine spat out accusingly, narrowing his eyes as he continued his approach. Isra noted a nearby Growlithe had started to approach with his gaze fixed on her. Feeling threatened she turned to simply walk away without saying anymore when she saw a second Growlithe standing a good five feet away from her quietly inspecting her appearance. Isra opened her mouth to speak when the Arcanine cut her off "Who are you? What are you doing in my town?" Isra stopped for a moment and simply began counting in her head one.

"Listen I'm just here to walk through and that's all. Okay? So if you just let me just pass through we won't have an issue." She looked down from Acranine using the hat to separate the eye contact, in her experience if you let these bullying types feel dominant they often accept that as a win and move on but she would come to find Arcanine was not that type. As if on cue the Arcanine's two goons began to chime in. "She's got some kind of guild or cult symbol on her back, do you see that?" one nodded noting the simple piece of artwork in her poncho, "What kind of hat is that? Is that hat part of your cult?" the other added almost mockingly. Isra knew she wasn't getting out of this situation without a little harassment, two she thought to herself yet again counting up.

The Arcanine in front her seemed to think to himself for a moment, she looked up and could see him exchanging glances with his comrades alongside her. Whatever those glances they exchanged were, Arcanine had taken little time in making his decision. His front paws took small steps outward lowering his center of gravity as the muscles in his neck tensed, his voice was cold and firm. "Listen we need to take you in for questioning, lately we've had some problems with suspicious characters. It's procedure." Isra could feel one of the Growlithe's chests press up against her side as they began trying to push her along three she thought for the last time, counting all the way up. She took a few steps with them allowing them all to relax a bit before she chose to act. With both fists balled up Isra tossed out three consecutive Comet Punches directly into the face of the Growlithe to the side of her, away from Arcanine, using this gap in their formation to leap and attempt to break free. She landed a good couple of yards from the trio tossing a look over her shoulder allowing Isra to see the Growlithe still reeling from her blows with the other two helping him, she smiled and continued to run on thinking she might escape.

Isra's feet pounded against the ground with the string holding her hat on tugging at her throat as she charged down the street, fleeing and tossing occasional glances over her shoulder which allowed her to see the Arcanine far behind her use Extreme Speed and began quickly closing the distance between them. Isra turned, planted her feet and smirked as she used Quick Guard allowing the much larger Arcanine to plow into her small figure but oddly enough he was simply blown back causing the two Growlithe behind him to stop, completely shocked. The now furious Sheriff let out a roar that shook windows of nearby buildings and began pounding his feet on the ground again, closing distance between them using rage as his fuel.

Isra realized she might have the speed to outrun him when a third Growlithe appeared from in front of her out of nowhere catching her off guard. He sent his body into hers with a smooth Tackle which cut her legs directly out from under her, sending Isra crashing to the ground hard. She rolled for a bit before stopping herself and popped up on her feet to continue running when the feeling of a thousand needles penetrating her entire body shot through her, the Arcanine had grabbed her in his jaws and used Thunder Fang to paralyze her. The electricity running through her caused every muscle to strain in just a few short seconds. When it stopped she could feel her muscles twitching yet her body was spent and she was exhausted. The torment didn't stop as Arcanine continued to press his jaws around her body squeezing her before he slammed her to the ground roughly. She gasped for air as her captors picked her up with their jaws and now dragged her off somewhere, but where that might be she didn't know.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago

Monado's eye beamed "you really think I'm sharp!? Oh thank you so much, that is so nice of you to say!" he hugged her with his sash."But to answer your questions; yes I'm here to join the guild, but no, I didn't see the advertisement; Quaga, the mayor's son told me about this when I said I was here looking for adventure." Just then, something occurred to him "ohhh...you must be the Braixen he mentioned. Heh, I completely forgot about that part. My bad"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Lupus stood a little Stunned at the Braixen sudden change in Emotion. "yea I saw the Advertisement" Lupus said as he nervously pushed forward the Paper he had taken with him.
"I am Here because i thought i could you know go on adventures and stuff" Lupus said With a wolfish grin. as he looked inside the library it seemed neat and in place but you could see someone was living in their. it looked so homely "So i take it your Willowisp" Lupus said eventually as He looked at the honedge who seemed happy as Heck. ("thank the Legendarys") Lupus thought smiling at the idea of going on adventures and maybe finding his parents.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AnonymousMoustache


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"I'm here to join, too!" Tina added eagerly. She rushed up to Willow and took the Braixen's hand in her ribbons, giving an enthusiastic shake. "My name is Tina! Very nice to meet you!" she said. Her eyes then caught sight of the library behind Willow, and they went wide with wonder. "Oooh, you have so many books!" She quickly rushed past everyone and darted here and there throughout the place, taking in as much as she could in as little time possible. "Wow... This place is so cool!" she said, still oohing and ahhing this and that. She began to ask, "Do you have-" but was cut short as she accidentally stepped on her own ribbon, sending her into yet another face-first fall to the ground. She lay there a moment, then bashfully got back to her feet. "I'm alright," she assured everyone. "That happens more often than you'd think." She took a deep breath, the fall bringing her back down from her hyperactive state. "Sorry, I tend to get excited easily. Like I said, my name is Tina, and it's very nice to meet you all!" She gave a slight bow as she said this. Inside, of course, her thoughts were still fairly hyper: I did it! I found the Adventurer's Guild! Oh, this is so exciting! I can't wait to see what it's like!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Willow blushed slightly as Monado gave a small hug with a sash. It has been a while since anyone had given her hug, now that she thought about. However, she quickly recovered herself just as Tina rushed into the library without being invited. "Huh... hold on now! Don't go rushing in to people's home without asking first!" she called after the Sylveon before looking at Monado and Lupuse. "Yes, I am Willowisp... but, err, just call me Willow, if you please." She then glanced at Monado, who she realised she was still holding, and put him down gently on the ground. She was a little surprised to hear that Quago had recommended the guild to him, thinking that the mayor's son would have scoffed at her attempting to build a guild here the same as the Sergeant did. Then again, she'd heard rumours that Quago didn't entirely approve of the Sergeant, though she couldn't remember what the reason was...

"Well, then," Willow said, putting on a smile. "I suppose we should all go in. I'll make us all a cup of tea or something." Wait, do we have any tea in? she thought. Hmm... I really should keep better stock of the food in the house. "Oh and do mind the mess. I, errr, haven't cleaned up in a long time."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Well er Thank you Wilow" Lupus said as he slowly Walked inside Looking at the array of shelf's each one in pristine condition each book seemed like a trove of knowledge that he had never seen. His eyes wide with awe Lupus walked inside. He noticed the messy desk and smirked. it seemed the Braixen had been doing research. Lupus looked inside a empty room it had a bed thats for sure it seemed like a guest room. Lupus made a mental note to remember where it was. before leaving it in one piece. he didn't want to break anything after just getting inside the guild. Lupus Made a unexpected growling noise "So hungry" he said to almost anyone or anything that would listen. as he made his way back to the others.

"hey Sharp-sword" Lupus said looking at the honedge. "want to work together on the first adventure we go on?" Lupus asked. The sword seemed powerful enough. Sharp even. Honedges where powerful Pokemon that's for sure Lupus stomach growled again louder then before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago

"EEEEEEEEEEE" Monado squealed in delight "best...day...EVER!!!" The animated sword was radiating pure joy. "My first day out of the orphanage and I'm already an adventurer. Not only that, but I have a nickname now." Floating over to the Zorua, he laid on his back with his eye facing up and used his sash to fasten himself to the small quadruped "and on top of that; I have a new best friend too!" At this point, he began weeping tears of joy "they were wrong, they were all wrong; I'm not just a piece of dead scrap. No piece of dead scrap could every feel as alive as I do right now. I've...I've never been this happy to be alive. I love you new best friend!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ngoc


Member Offline since relaunch

Sunny Town Public Library, the sign read. Finding the library had been as easy as Russet had thought it would be, it wasn't difficult to spot the gigantic treehouse north of the town. Come to think of it, the place did seem faintly familiar in a way he couldn't quite place his paws on. Without giving it a second thought, he bounded up the stairs towards the library, only stopping at the door. It had been left slightly ajar and he could hear excited voices coming in from the inside. Seems he'd found the right place after all!

The Furret poked half of his long body through the open door and gave a friendly wave. "Hey, is this the Adventurer's Guild? I came 'cause of the flier you guys left in town."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Willow had to admit she was a little daunted by her companions' enthusiasm and was about to tell everyone to quiet down and make themselves at home while she went to prepare some tea and possibly some food when a new visitor, a Furret, popped his head round the door.

"Erm, hello..." Willow said shyly, suddenly overwhelmed when the Furret announced that he too was here about the Guild. "Y-yes, this is the Guild... why don't you come in?" She glanced around at the assembled Pokemon. "Why don't you all make yourselves at home? I'll be back... in a moment... I'll, err... be in the kitchen..."

Without another word, she scurried off to the kitchen, feeling strangely embarrassed for some reason. Once she got to the kitchen, she closed to the kitchen door and breathed out deeply. "So... many..." she muttered, trembling slightly. She realised now that she actually been around that many Pokemon in a long time she suddenly felt very shy and out of her element. Taking some calm breathes, she slowly regained her composure. "Stay calm, Willow," she muttered to herself. "Everything is fine. No... better than fine! This is exactly what you wanted! No freaking out!" She exhaled and tried to relax herself. "Okay... tea... I better make some tea." She started up the kettle and began preparing some food and drink for her guests.
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