Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by meg360


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Hey, everyone! Welcome to the OOC chat for Nature's Outlaws!

Number of spots currently available: 0

Characters/Players List
The year 2016 was a year of medical leaps and bounds, new waves of discovery being brought on by the idea that humans could benefit from modified versions of animal DNA. With simple vaccines, diseases that had plagued the world for centuries were being eradicated, and with no more than a day or two of bed rest. Economies flourished as citizens who had once lived with horrible disfigurements and disabilities could now live normal lives.

But the practice came with an unforeseen consequences, ones that seemed could only come from science fiction. In future generations, one of every few thousand children born seemed to have strange features. Some had eyes that resembled cats'; others had ears like those of rabbits; some even had claws or tails. As time went on, things only worsened. Some of the children born with these genetic abnormalities were able to communicate with the species their DNA flaws seemed to originate from -- and some were able to shift between human and animal forms. On rare occasion, children that appeared "normal" formed some of these abilities as well.

The public, terrified of what was happening to their children and of what these animal children were capable of, cried for a solution. The government, with no other choice, began to seize the children who demonstrated signs of genetic abnormality. Some parents willingly flung their offspring at the government, unable to accept what they'd created. Other parents went underground in an attempt to keep their kids safe. Most were captured and sent to detention centers. It's unclear to the public what happens to those brought into these facilities. No one who has been brought in has yet left.

The year is now 2038. Where this future time had once been promising, medical and social progress has been slow. Disease became rampant after the medical catastrophes that followed the shutdown of the DNA vaccines and the public fear that came next. Many cities fell to chaos and decay as the military attempted to simultaneously gather the "infected" citizens and keep peace as rioters and dissenters fought back, as well as looters following in the wreckage. Some stability has returned, but there is still much tension. Most seem to harbor hatred for the DNA outsiders, now grown and usually called "Shifters". Some still support those who chose to hide; but those who are caught are faced with severe sentences. The military has developed technology that can detect DNA abnormalities in a person, given a healthy blood sample.

The RP will follow a small group of Shifters attempting to avoid being apprehended by the government. The life of a Shifter isn't easy; most have visible animal-like features that must be carefully hidden. Many military checkpoints exist that test for DNA abnormalities. Work and housing are illegal for Shifters to legally obtain. The current setting is in the outskirts of Chicago. Some Shifters have found refuge in abandoned buildings, others are lucky enough to find someone willing to let them stay for a while. But the military has been receiving more and more reports of Shifters living in the city, and they're cracking down on the fugitives living there.

It's up to your group to decide how they're going to continue to survive.


  • No OOC drama. IC drama is encouraged.
  • Romance/violence/etc are all welcome.
  • Ask to join. Including myself, I'm aiming for a group of 4-5.
  • No Mary Sues/Gary Lous.
  • No GMing or anything similar.
  • Good grammar and spelling are important. I don't mind occasional errors, it happens. But your writing shouldn't be bleeding red pen.
  • No one-line posts. I'm not requiring any certain length responses, but try to be as descriptive as you can. Move the plot forward. A couple of paragraphs would be great.
  • Subtly tell me your favorite fruit when asking to join.
  • Try to post at least once per day. I know life gets in the way and I generally work a lot so I won't be too big of a stickler about it. But let us know if you'll be gone for more than 2-3 days.

About Shifters

  • Most Shifters, but not all, have outward appearances of their animal type.
  • Not all Shifters can...well, shift. Shifters is a derogatory word from the fear of those who can shift. Some only have the appearance or other abilities.
  • Ask before you add any special abilities. These can include speaking to their animal type, having their senses, etc.
  • Shifters only have one animal they look like/speak with/shift into/etc. (Ex: Tiger, wolf, mouse, seagull, turtle, etc)
  • This doesn't include all breeds of a specific type. For example, if your character is a cat type, they can't become a tiger or a house cat or a lion all in one. Your character can only be one, and will be the same color every time. Their animal form is as unique as their human one.
  • Clothes don't shift with your character. When they shift, they will drop/tear their clothes depending on their animal size. When they shift back they will be naked. Plan ahead.
  • Shifters who can turn into larger, more powerful animals can have an upper hand with fighting, but those with more common animals like sparrows or small dogs can be more stealthy (though many animals are routinely tested for being Shifters as well). Again, plan ahead.
  • All Shifters can be identified by their blood. No exceptions.

Character Guidlines
  • Name, age, etc
  • Physical description, photos optional
  • Animal type
  • Abilities
  • Gender and sex (optional)
  • Sexuality (optional)
  • Background (optional)

I think that's about it. Let me know if you have any questions. :) And have fun!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by meg360


Member Offline since relaunch

Oh! Let everyone know what you want to be called, too :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by meg360


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Character Sheet -- Addison Walker

  • Age: 21
  • Sex & Gender: Female
  • Animal type: Large red wolf
  • Abilities: Shifting; When in wolf form, she has all of the heightened senses as her natural counterparts. Her speed however is just above that of natural.
  • Orientation: Bisexual
  • Physical description: 5'4" / 105lbs / Long, red hair / Brown eyes / Large scar on left hip / Scrawny

Addison (Addie to friends) was born in the suburbs of Illinois, an hour outside of Chicago. She is one of the few Shifters that was born without physical abnormalities, and had a relatively normal life until the age of nine. Being bullied on the playground, Addison felt threatened to the point of accidentally shifting into her alternate form, a large red wolf. Her classmates were horrified, and she had to bolt from the school grounds to avoid the authorities. She managed to run home, only to find that her parents were just as revolted, refusing to allow her to stay.

Luckily, Addison's aunt Clarissa took her before her parents could hand her in to the authorities. The pair managed to make their way into the inner city of Chicago, hiding amongst the masses. Clarissa was able to work at a local grocery store and support them both, Addison spending nearly all of her time confined in the safety of their apartment. When Addison was 17, her aunt was shot and killed by a Shifter when she witnessed them stealing food. Addison, with no money and no place to go, was forced to live in various abandoned locations throughout Chicago and its outskirts. She's had multiple close calls, including a serious injury when falling onto a chain link fence that led to a large scar on her left hip.

She's currently traveling alone. Her lack of outward Shifter qualities allows her to blend into crowds for a while, but she otherwise lacks in special abilities when in human form. Her lack of abilities in human form is made up for in her strength and brutal claws and teeth in wolf form, as well as particularly fast speed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name, Age, Etc.
Alondra Pillon, 22 years old, fair skinned, stands at 5"3, lithe yet muscular, fit, weighs 120lbs

Prefers to be called Freedom, Free

Physical Description

She has noticeably long fangs, keeping her smiles small and usually toothless to hide her teeth.
Her speed and agility stand out as obviously not human.
Along her spine runs the hair of her Wolf form, starting below her shoulder blades and following the spine right down to her tail bone. It is long but thin in width and height. Her fur line is very soft and a orange-ish color flecked with black, the tip at her tail bone flicks free off her spine and flows about 2 inches, the free tip a soft blonde color. As long as she doesn't strip naked or wear form fitting shirts you cannot tell it is there.

Animal Type

Maned Wolf: indigenous to south, central-west and south-eastern Brazil

Alondra was always athletic but her speed, agility and quick reflexes developed to a level that surpassed normal human ability. Night vision came instantly for her and at the age of around 8 years old she learned how to shape shift in to her Maned Wolf form. Although she has the DNA of the Maned Wolf, she also can communicate with other types of wolves, as long as they are in the strict wolf family.


Attracted to men

Alondra (Freedom) was born in Mato Grasso, Brazil, living with her two parents who worked hard at their humble jobs to provide for their small family. She grew up with a solid education, proper manners, and a true understanding of hard work and it's benefits, teaching her to be grateful and slow to complain. When Alondra was born the town was quick to make her the headline story. Some called her a sweet miracle, doctors called her a normal albino type of abnormality, others demanded her blood be tested for the animal DNA that was beginning to take over their nation with fear and panic, along with the rest of the world. Alondra's parents kept her safe from the half curious half outraged town. Their daughter was perfect to them. She stood out amongst the others because of her fair skin, bright blue eyes and striking orange hair. Some said he may grow out of the colors, a pigment that would be naturally lost in her development. But Alondra's parents would not take the chance and moved further away from the city to a small secluded village surrounded by many plains. It was a safe and quiet place to raise their unique and beautiful daughter. And it was there that they discovered her full abilities.

Mato Grosso is a rich community full of various culture influence by the Portuguese, the Native Americans, the once enslaved Africans, and even Europeans. But despite the overall eclectic demographic of the state, most people were of darker skin either by birth or by sun, and most definitely there were not many fair skinned, red haired, Irish-esque Brazilians; those were mostly the tourists if ever seen. So when a family of many generations gives birth to a daughter with such drastically different looks as Alondra had it causes questions. But Alondra's family could not hide forever. When Alondra was 18, the rules of the state had been changing at an escalating pace, and eventually rumors were told of soldiers going town to town to knock on people's doors for immediate mandated blood tests of all family members. Once Alondra's family found out they made plans to set Alondra free. If Alondra was found she would be taken for experimentation or killed instantly. They worked with a friend to get her on a boat to the United States of America, where it was not quite as harsh on those with the changed DNA, or the Shifters, as America called them. Alondra made it to the United States of America and never saw her family since.

Alondra was strong and independent because of who her parents raised her. She had her mother's sharp features but her father's intellect and patience. She gave herself a new name, Freedom, and began making her way through the states to the safest places she could learn of. America seemed to have picked up the pace on cracking down against Shifters and her safety was becoming as much of a risk here as it was back home. Eventually though, she made it with a small group of some others to Chicago.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by meg360


Member Offline since relaunch

Looks great, Blox! Should I just call you Blox? lol
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Angel

Dark Angel

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Just call me angel :)

Name: Catherine Conner, prefers Cathy.
Age: 18
Gender: Female

Animal type:

House cat

Abilities: Shifting, agility, enhanced senses (vision, hearing, smell), balance, speed.
Orientation: Bisexual

Physical description:
5', 110, brown eyes, shoulder length brown hair, scar on collar bone. She is short and light, making her able to balance easily and move faster.
She has sharper finger nails than an average human, which she usually hides with gloves. When provoked, she makes a noise that can only be described as a mix of a deep growl and a hiss. If you look closely at her eyes you can tell the he pupils are not normal. Instead of circle she has slits for pupils, just like a cat.

Background: Catherine gained her abilities to shift at the age of ten when she fell off a high wall and reverted to her animal form. When her father, a wealthy man whom owned a corporation spanning half of the globe, found out, he was disgusted, saying that "He would not house such an abomination". Before he could take the shotgun off the wall to kill her, her mother took her in her arms and fled, unwilling to lose her only child. They moved into a small apartment on the edge of Chicago, Her mother, Juniper, taking a low paying job at the local restaurant. Catherine scrounged up money however she could manage, often preforming shady acts as they struggled to make ends meet.
Catherine began training physically, wanting to be able to protect her mother and herself as best as she could.

When she was 15, her mother's boyfriend attacked her, saying that she was a monster who didn't deserve to live. Struggling to defend herself, her hand changed into that of a cat, and she scratched his face, leaving a scar across his right eye. He backed off, and Catherine's mother came in. Upon seeing her daughter in tears and the man on the floor, Juniper was enraged, and grabbed the gun they always kept in the drawer, pointed it to his head and told him he had three seconds. The man left, but swore vengeance upon "That monster you call your daughter". Catherine has since been paranoid and antisocial, opening up only to her mother. She started training with her abilities, taking advantage of her speed and balance to slip in and out of places while stealing.

Other: She acquired the scar on her collar bone when someone tried to rob her, pulling a knife. The scar is about two inches long and faces upward towards her right shoulder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by meg360


Member Offline since relaunch

Thanks, Angel! :)

Hopefully the others get some guy characters ahahaha.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Angel

Dark Angel

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yeah, if I could play a guy I would. I tired once and failed. That is a dark and dank past that I shall not traumatize you with.
Should I just call you Meg?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by meg360


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Yeah Meg is fine :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Man, I was thinking about doing a guy character too. X_x I can always switch or if need be make a new or additional character for diversity.

Blox is fine :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh shoot I wrote my CS last night & it's a female too! I'll rework it for a guy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

There I actually like the background better for a male anyway.

Name: Seamus (he doesn't know his last name)

Age: 21

Physical Description: He stands 5’9” with piercing green eyes. He has a lean/fit body type, and shaggy black hair that falls into his face often but never seems to bother him. He has black raven's wings that have a wingspan of 10 feet protruding from his back.

Animal type: Raven

(If these are approved that is!) Abilities: He cannot fly higher than 6 feet in the air. He can endure conditions twice as long as the average human, such as a desert or snowy tundra (ex. He can go 6 days without water, instead of 3). He also has a sixth sense about things, sensing danger and others moods usually correctly by just a vibe he gets. He is more intelligent than the average human, but not a “genius” per se. He can speak to ravens, but cannot converse with them. For example, he can ask how they are today and they hear him, but he cannot hear their side of the conversation.

Gender: Male

Sexuality Heterosexual

Background: Seamus was captured as a baby from the hospital where his mother gave birth and kept in captivity. His parents were told he did not survive, though this was a lie. Seamus was raised and developed by nurses and doctors who experimented on him. He used to be able to fly higher, but after experiments done to his wings, it is no longer possible. He was found to be very intelligent, complex problems and puzzles beyond his years. As he grew, he was fed different drugs to test his abilities while on them. He eventually became addicted to hallucinogens. As a teenager he was given free roam of the facility he was kept at, because they discovered he wouldn’t leave. He knew nothing besides the place, and his daily drug habit kept him bound without physical chains, just mental ones.

At the age of 17, Seamus and one of the female nurses began a fling. She saw how he got when he was denied drugs for even a short period of time, and began helping him withdraw from them secretly. There were many nights he cried and clawed at his sheets, begging her to just give him a full dose again. But she knew it wasn’t the real him talking. She eventually was able to wean him from them, but it also caused a switch in his personality. He became much colder towards everyone in the facility barring her, and those testing on him noticed. He asked the woman to help him escape, to run with him somewhere else, but they were both afraid. They waited too long and their love affair was discovered.

Seamus managed to escape with no life threatening damage, but he had to leave behind the woman who helped him, hearing her tell him to keep running before a gun shot rang out and she was silenced. Once out in the real world where he had never been in his memories at least, he quickly felt afraid, though his stoic nature refused to show it. He just escaped yesterday and is now wandering dangerously close to Chicago, unaware of the world and how unwelcome his kind truly is, though he has a small idea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by meg360


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Looks great! I feel bad, I didn't mean to make you guys switch up your plans :(
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Don't suppose I could get in on this? I'll bring some plums?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

meg360 said
Looks great! I feel bad, I didn't mean to make you guys switch up your plans :(

Awesome! And it's no problem. I've played male characters in the past.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by meg360


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I'm not sure, 6 might be a bit much.

What does the rest of the group think? Could we do 6 or stick with 5?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I don't think it'd hurt to have another guy CS. And Reminie might not come back (hopefully that's not the case but ya never really know.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Reminie


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Eve Anca

Age: 20

Black hair down to shoulder blades, Red eyes that glow when shifting. 5'9 110 lbs

Animal Form:

White Vampire Bat

Animal type: Vampire Bat

Abilities: If Acceptable:
-Can distinguish someone's blood type through smell
-Extremely advanced hearing
-Can use echolocation to navigate and determine her surroundings

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual

Background: Eve was born in Romania. She was also born blind though nobody could really tell because she didn't show any obvious signs of it. Being raised by a single parent, her mother, growing up was a struggle for them both. Though being an only child, Eve had all the love any one person can get from a parent so she was happy. Unfortunately her dad was killed while her mother was pregnant with her because of debt owed to a loan shark. Eve and her mother made a decent living with her mother having a nice paying job in a big business. She recieved her black hair from her father but no one in her family line had the crimson eyes she was born with. This did not change the way her mother treated her. However when Eve was six years old she started getting up in the middle of the night, hungry and looking through their food to find something to eat, but never craving any of it and going back to sleep. Then when she was eight she started going outside to nearby woods where she'd start catching small rodents. Towards her ninth birthday one night she caught herself a rat and killed it instinctively, she then brought it to her face and smelled it then immediately started shifting into a pure white vampire bat and fed off of the rat.

Eve gradually remembered more and more of these events but always passing them off as nightmares until she woke her mother up accidently one night. As she followed Eve outside she witnessed this event and screamed at the top of her lungs, scaring Eve off into the woods. In human form she returned home, naked, dirty, and cold only to be welcomed by many of the townsfolk. These people, including her mother were ready to tie her up and kill her. The town she lived in was very superstitious and believed wholeheartedly that she was a demonic force. They chased her off and she narrowly escaped to nearby sewers. Living off tiny animals for about two years before she was discovered by another shifter who took her under his care along with a few others. She had lived with her for a year and explained to her exactly what'sog on in the world and what she really is. Eventually they moved to the U.S. and traveling from state to state rescueing more shifters but only keeping the ones that would fight.

This group of shifter group were very close and very aggressive, the core of the group, including Eve had been together for ten years and pulling off many missions having to do with sabotage and sometimes murdering human soldiers. Though this became their downfall when they got raided and the majority killed off and the rest scattered. Now Eve moves around abandoned buildings and sewers around Chicago, holding a deep hatred for all humans despite who they support.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Angel

Dark Angel

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm ok with it if it's convenient for everyone else, I'm not really fussy as long as we don't have 1,837,510 characters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Angel

Dark Angel

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sorry, double post.
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