Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guile
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In a world much like our own, but different in many ways...

On the planet called Leviia(Lee-veeya), it's earth struggles for survival. The lands are scared forever with footprints of war. War is common and one would say that it is the way of life. The powerful countries of Saji and Corus are mortal enemies, but are brought together by a treaty that forces both lands to trade needed goods with one another. Instead of warring directly, the countries participate in proxy wars within the one country that stands between them, Levania. Levania is said to be the birthplace of all life. The land is considered sacred, but its land is used as a neutral battlefield.







Know one truly knows how old Leviia is as most of its history has been lost over time through countless wars. As the countries fight for the remaining resources, there are scientist who are developing ways to recreate lost elements, seeds, animals, and even water. These scientist are highly valued and make up what has been dubbed the "Tech Age." The scientific field has been the number two job field, second to the role of the Samurai. What little materials and metals they have left, some countries have been able to design powerful weapons and vehicles with their help. Vehicles that run off steam, instead of fuel.

To save supplies and resources needed to outlive another war, a back up plan was implemented. Man would fight with man-made weapons and use their ruthlessly trained skills to defeat their enemies. Some warriors refused to fight for their countries interest and sought to live by the way of the warrior( Bushido ). They have become the police of the land, specifically Levania. Some Samurai chose to return to their old lives after mastering their skills and now fight against what they once stood for. Some leave their clan, becoming ronin or mercenaries. Samurai are greatly feared amongst normal people as stories of their adventures have transformed into myths of magical nature. Both countries Saji and Corus see the Samurai as a threat to their interest, but attempt to recruit them if possible.

Little is known about this phenomenon dubbed "Ether". What is known about the mysterious force is that people who become infected by it display unusual gifts. It is consider an infection because people who have obtained Ether are known to carry a dark blue mark on a part of their body. With each use of their gift, a cold sharp feeling of pain can be felt where the mark is located. Ether energy orbs are known to randomly appear or rise from the earth. What could this mean?

In Levania, the pieces of was war are beginning to combine. Emperor Nuberu of Corus, has launched a small piece of his army to search for the source of this mysterious force called Ether. In actuality, these movements are the first stage of Corus's secret invasion of Levania. Even though the country is an agreed neutral land, one who can control a Ether source can increase the might of their country. The Samurai clans are now caught in the middle as not only are they fighting against proxy armies from surrounding lands, but Corus's real military has entered the fray. Soon Saji will get wind and enter their own force into the country. Another great war is on the loom, but can it be prevented?

1. This is a hardcore rp. Rated R language(besides sexual) is allowed, but don't over do it.
2. Your characters personality and abilities should be reflected from their character sheet and into the IC. No surprises.
3. Battles should be realistic and no GODMODDING
4. Have fun.

ETHER INFECTED?: Y/N (If yes, describe Ether abilities)

(The links above are to pictures that give you an idea of what the landscapes of respective countries look like. I prefer not to go into full detail as I really don't have the time to)

-Rules have been added
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Essence


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NAME: Eri "Eddy" Yamaguchi
AGE: 31

PERSONALITY/TRAITS: Eddy is an intellectual at heart, and prone to attempting to solve problems by talking. That said, he has a great rage about the unfairness of his situation (see below) and is prone to bouts of temper that rival any professional wrestler's, particularly when he meets people who are completely not interested in listening to his (in his mind) always ingenious solutions to their problems.
OCCUPATION: Scientist turned Samurai

BRIEF BIO: Eri 'Eddy' Yamaguchi was a scientist working on high-tech solutions for continuing human life in the face of a rapidly approaching Malthusian limit as well as a high premium on clean air. His funding was cut as he was looking for a healthy, strong young man to test his biotech on, and in a desperate effort to keep the government from shoving his prototypes into a box somewhere and vanishing it, he paid off one of his assistants to operate on him. His prototypes were 'installed' in his own somewhat out-of-shape body, giving him immense stamina bordering on regeneration, the ability to survive on almost no inputs, and access to a basic communication system (cellular?) in his head.

Unfortunately, this left him mildly disfigured and a traitor to his country. He couldn't risk getting IDed, so he didn't dare get a job as a scientist, even for another country. But he could -- and did -- get a job as a samurai. He was born to the right kind of family, and had always been disrespected for his choice to become a scientist rather than a warrior. Well, now he was going to fulfill his blood destiny regardless of everything he wanted for himself and for the world.

At least, until such time as he could find the means to scrape together an independent laboratory and create another set of prototypes. Provided, of course, that the ones in his body keep working well enough to keep him ticking until then...

PIC/CHARACTER DESCRIPTION: Eddy's assistant -- the one who did the implanting -- wasn't exactly a plastic surgeon. The operation left Eddy's face mildly disfigured; in particular, the communications array pushes his mandible forward making his chin protude and his face look enlongated:

He's pretty upset by this, because he used to consider himself good-looking, so in general, in public, he arranges his clothing and headgear to obscure most of his features:

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guile
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You are accepted!

NAME: Raizen Kusanagi
AGE: 25
PERSONALITY/TRAITS: Raizen takes his role as a Samurai very seriously. He stands by the Bushido one-hundred percent. He is calm and collected, but can sometimes make rash decisions based on emotions.
BRIEF BIO: Raizen was born in the country of Saji. He grew up in a small village of farmers before his parents fled the country. Raizen's father, Raizo, was drafted in to the Army and would be forced to fight for a cause he didn't believe in. To protect his family, they fled to Levania where they were welcomed to the Kusanagi Clan. Raizo and his family were "adopted" into the clan and chose to embrace the life of a Samurai. As Raizen got older, he followed into his father foot steps.

Now a grown man, Raizen, alongside the Kusanagi Clan participate in the proxy wars. Tired of endless battles, he hopes that one day, the world will give birth to peace again. Until then, he is a protecter of Levania.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Feed


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Name: Jiao Hai

Age: 27 years

Gender: Male

Personality/Traits: Jiao Hai takes what he wants within the limits of his code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts. He cares about tradition, loyalty, and order but not about freedom, dignity, or life. He plays by the rules without mercy or compassion. He is comfortable in a hierarchy and would like to rule, but is willing to serve. He condemns others not according to their actions but according to their race, religion, homeland, or social rank. He is loath to break laws or promises. This reluctance comes party from his nature and partly because he depends on order to protect himself from those who oppose him on moral grounds. He does have particular taboos such as not letting children come to harm (if it can be helped) or singling out the warrior that appears the strongest, even if it means fighting his own “allies”. He imagines that these compunctions put him above unprincipled warriors. He schemes to expand his power and exploits those around him. Beyond being willing to hurt others for his own ends, he takes pleasure in looking for the strongest fighter and striking them down to improve his skill or find an honorable death.

Country: Saji

Occupation: Ronin

Brief Biography: In the beginning Jaio Hai was one a well-renowned member of the Kawachi no Fumi clan, which is still a well maintained house and clan in the Suji province. Of course, it was not because he was particular skilled with a sword or his competitive nature but because ruthless and unforgiving attitude. Known by a name that is no longer spoken in the presence of the clan and typically only spoken of in hush tones around the province, Jiao Hai was known for injuring his sparing partners and responding to petty insults with great disdain. However, the Kawachi no Fumi clan has always been known for their dedication and resilience the Patriarch found little use in merely abandoning Jiao Hai and thus regularly continued his training despite the difficult his attitude produced. However after a confrontation with the Patriarch, Jiao Hai was expelled from the clan and disowned. Without a home, Jiao Hai turned to the wilds to pave his way, relying on his dastardly reputation to carry him into the despicable being he is considered today. Reviled by most, his skills are greatly appreciated in battle when persuaded generally by the offer of coin, equipment, and women. Jiao Hai has no allegiance. He functions strictly on the basis of the highest bidder. Quite frankly, his only intention is to become a better swordsman with the intention of returning to Suji province and eliminating the members of his clan one by one.

Character Description:

Ether Infected: Yes – As a result of his travels through Levania, Jiao Hai stumbled across an orb of Ether sprouting through a narrow chasm that tore across the Earth. In doing so not only did it scar his back with a ashen cerulean scar that appears as though a great tiger drew its claw across his flesh but it also took his sight, effectively blinding him in the traditional sense. However, it has given him a certain level of second sight allowing him to see life in a new way. The ether has allowed him to see the life force of the those living things around him, and using that life force as it radiates from their hosts is capable of making out most things in one form or another. However, it is not a free attribute as he lives with the constant agitation of pain that radiates from the scar on his back. Of course, it is not the only gift that has been imparted on him by way of the ether. Jiao Hai is capable of both absorbing and expelling this life energy. By coming into bare contact, that is skin to skin he is capable of absorbing life energy from another individual or living being and in doing so weakening that being or killing that living thing. He does not necessarily require sustenance in the form of dead food or drink but effectively lives by this measure. As he becomes stronger his body requires more and more life energy to sustain his own force.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leodiensian
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NAME: Haru (Formerly Togashi Haru)
AGE: 29
PERSONALITY/TRAITS:: Haru is a highly cynical man, as you would expect from his trade. He is distrustful of authority and tends to see samurai as bound by oaths of fealty - though sometimes he does envy the support they get from their clans. In conversation he comes across as sarcastically charming and sardonic, who realizes almost everything is a joke and laughs at it. He does not hold to any particular ideology or clan loyalty, save himself. He is not cruel, but he sometimes plays with his opponents in order to make his life a little more fun. Recently, he has found himself thinking about the place of ronin in this world and of gathering many of them together under one banner..
COUNTRY: Levania (Formerly Saji)
OCCUPATION: Ronin Mercenary/Assassin
BRIEF BIO: The Togashi Clan were a samurai clan held on retainer to several elite families and organizations with the nation of Saiji. Their main role outside of the battlefield was to be yojimbo - bodyguards, duelists, settling civil disputes through armed combat. They practiced controversial two-sword fighting styles that they closely guarded the secrets of and which other Clans considered unsporting, an unfair advantage. Haru was born out of wedlock to one of the members of the elite families that the Togashi protected, and so he was adopted by the Clan as he was illegitimate and not a member of the patron house.

Over time, Haru learned the art of blade, of fealty and loyalty to one's lord and master. He learned to fight other people's battles and not think for himself. He took orders, fought and spilled blood. He was even pretty good at it. This went fairly well until one day, he was reassigned from guard duty to active combat during one of the proxy battles in Levania. He saw active combat against a regiment of Corus samurai, cutting through them until something went wrong. A monstrous samurai lumbered out of the mist towards him, challenged him to a duel. The man was more like a demon, swollen and pulsing from within by some unknown force. They crossed blades and Haru was victorious - but at a cost. The demon samurai's tainted blood splashed him in the eyes. He reeled back in pain and his squadmates pulled him back out of the field for medical care.

Things did not go well from there. It seemed at first that the beast's blood might have been acidic and burned his eyes, but he had healed within days - and no-one had expected him to heal at all. His eyes had also changed color - going from a normal brown to a decidedly unnatural shade of silver. Haru seemed to be seeing even more clearly than before, in fact. One day, Haru observed from out of a window a friend of his tripping and hurting himself in the street, so he hurried down to help him back up - only to see him walking along, then tripping exactly as Haru had seen. He had seen the future. When he came forward with this discovery, he was rejected and reviled as a freak, tainted by the blood of the monster he'd killed. He was offered the chance to purify his soul through ritual suicide, which Haru rejected. He chose instead to become a ronin, a masterless samurai. He rejected his clan name and departed Saji to reside in Levania full time, the only place for an exile such as him.

Now he works as a mercenary and assassin, using his deadly skills for the highest bidder. Though the Togashi no longer consider him a member, some of the patron families remember his skill and covertly made contact with him in order to take out contracts. Where once he was a bodyguard, now he was a hired killer, totally abandoning his former honor. He would journey to the other countries to strike people in their homes, or ambush target samurai during their missions in Levania. Untouchable by his opponents, now more at home in the night than in the day, he soon build quite a legend around himself..


Haru's eyes have been changed by the contact with another Ether-infected individual's blood, giving him heightened accuracy, hand-eye co-ordination and advanced sight - he can see in multiple spectra of light, including infrared and ultraviolet. He also has limited local precognition; so long as he can see, he can perceive the events that will occur around him a few seconds into the future. This only applies for as long as he can see and does not extend to anything beyond a few seconds. In practical terms, it means he can anticipate danger very well, predict his opponents' attacks etc - but he can't see how large scale battles will turn out, if someone's going to betray him next week or anything that will occur where he can't see etc. However, like all Ether-infected individuals, this power comes at a price. As his vision's sensitivity heightened, he began to find everyday light painful and blinding, forcing him to resort to wearing shaded goggles in order to function normally in daylight. While he can see perfectly well in darkest night, he would now be blind in the day without his goggles.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guile
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nice profiles guys. Both are accepted!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Feed


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Excellent! So now that there are four of us, why not get this show on the road?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guile
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Feed said
Excellent! So now that there are four of us, why not get this show on the road?

We will, I am now working on the first post.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Feed


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Excellent, the posts look good so far. I'll be posting in the near future. Probably tomorrow at some point int time. I have some things potentially going on so I won't have much time tonight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallen Muse
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Fallen Muse Where's my Obi Wan?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Mitsuko Ishikawa
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Personality/Traits: A kind hearted, caring woman Mitsuko is a fierce Defender of the peace, and a sincere teacher
Country: Levania
Occupation: Samurai, Head Sensei at a school of Bushido for Women
Brief Bio: Mitsuko was born in the city Nikono in Levania. Nikono being a mining town the men were coal miners and didn't know how to swing a sword. After multiple raids during battles taking place nearby the women of Nikono hired a sword Master to train five of their girls. Of the five Mitsuko was the best. She and the other girls started a sword school having developed a style all their own called Yugana Tori. This was a style created for women only. Mitsuko began training women to be protectors of the town and nearby towns.
The Armor she wears for battle.
Ether Infected: Yes. She is able to disable mechanical items and vehicles within a fifty yard diameter of herself simply using her mind. Her Ether Mark resides in the small of her back shaped like a diamond about the size of her palm
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guile
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Muse, where is your character's Ether Scar located? Add that and you are good to go.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallen Muse
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Fallen Muse Where's my Obi Wan?

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallen Muse
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Fallen Muse Where's my Obi Wan?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So I was thinking my forces would arrive mid battle on horses about 64 strong
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guile
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Fallen Muse said
So I was thinking my forces would arrive mid battle on horses about 64 strong

Accepted! Haha, 64 on horses? We have ourselves a war! Go ahead.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Feed


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Man... Do I need to work on my combat writing skills. I'm quite rusty if I do so say so myself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Feed


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Given that it may have been a busy week for some I'm going to give it another day or two before I post again. I don't want anyone getting bumped out before the interaction between Raizen and Jiao Hao gets too deep. But it appears as though this might turn into a onexone lol
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Qirin


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I was wondering if there was any room left for another character, or has the story already developed too far?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Feed


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Well, technically we are only on round three but have really only covered about ten or fifteen minutes worth of action. Feel free to drop a character Qirin. I can imagine that we are about to lose some players very shortly here. You stand a good chance at acceptance.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Essence


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I'm waiting on the mikado lady to reply so we can continue our duel.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Qirin


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hoping to be accepted, Daigen's character sheet.

NAME: Sanada Katsuhide, dharma name: Daigen; he goes around using his dharma name in most situations
AGE: 24
GENDER: male

PERSONALITY/TRAITS: Daigen is a stern and introvert man. Slightly aloof, he doesn't get along with many people, bearing a specific dislike to loud and unruly characters. Although he has been an initiated monk, he holds no religious zeal and doesn't preach at all. His sole religious acts are a simple set of prayers and mantras said when he comes across a shrine. Furthermore, he greatly enjoys the presence of women, contradicting his pious education. This doesn't mean however that he's some kind of playboy, his introversion stands in the way.
Still, some values of his monastic teachers have rubbed off on him. He offers his aid to any and all that might need it, asking only a bowl of rice or a place to spend the night in return, and stays away from alcohol or excessive eating. He never charges to attack somebody and displays a great tolerance towards insults. Furthermore, he has learned some basic medical skills with a decent knowledge of medicinal herbs. He also has studied martial arts, an integral part of his education as exercise cleanses and strengthens the body. He is proficient in hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship and wielding the naginata.
Being a wanderer, he holds no loyalty to anyone and has no sworn liege. He would however be willing to bind his destiny to that of another, if the other person proves to be benevolent and his cause is just, in the eyes of Daigen.
If possible, he enjoys practicing combat skills with a sword or a polearm, writing poetry and meditating at sunrise. He greatly enjoys tea ceremonies, as they bring him some kind of inner peace.

COUNTRY: Levania
OCCUPATION: Wandering warrior monk
BRIEF BIO: Katsuhide was born the third son of Sanada Iekatsu, a notable samurai in Levania. Because of his noble birth, Katsuhide had been educated in the way of the warrior, till the age of fourteen. During that time he learned how to wield weapons, mostly swords, how to hold tea ceremonies and how to write poetry. While not excelling in all three of those disciplines, he did greatly enjoy them all and harbours good memories about his childhood.

A few months after his fourteenth birthday, his father died of a chronic liver disease, thought to have originated from his alcohol abuse and rather lavish lifestyle. This event had influenced Katsuhides life in two ways. Firstly, he has since had a great distaste for alcohol and excessive and extravagant meals. While at younger years, he might have been seen nipping away a cup of sake when his parents wouldn't notice, he completely abandoned the beverage out of his life after his fathers death.
The second influence Iekatsu's death had on Katsuhides life was his introduction to a local monastery. His father, being the family head of a rather distinguished family had designated Katsuhides 10-year older brother his heir. In order to protect this position, the brother sent Katsuhide to said monastery, where he began a secular life.

While he didn't feel much for the religious preachings of his teachers, Katsuhide did enjoy the life at the monastery. He had come to appreciate the view the monks had on life and greatly enjoyed the serenity of meditation and martial arts. When he reached the age of seventeen, he was given the name Daigen, meaning Great Mystery. Under the tutelage of one of the monks, master Tenshin, Katsuhide learned how to apply certain herbs to the body in order to heal all kinds of ailments and injuries. He was also introduced to the many healing rituals using sacred stones, though he did not get the hang of that as much as he did to healing with plants.

After his eighth year in the monastery, a group of wandering farmers came by seeking refuge, after a group of raiders had sacked their village. It was by talking to those people that Katsuhide learned that there were many more people in need beyond the safe walls of the secluded holy place. He decided then to leave and journey through the countryside of Levania. He first went to visit his elderly home, where he had received a hearty welcome by his brother, who gave Katsuhide a horse and lavish amounts of traveling equipment and a protective lamellar armor. After two years of traveling the countryside, Katsuhide, by then having fully adopted the name of Daigen, arrives upon the scene of a great battle...

Daigen is a tall, lean man with an athletic build. He has short dark hair and no facial hair. His eyes are dark brown and lay deep in their sockets, making him in combination with his slanted eyebrows have a rather hawk-like look to them. His nose is rather sharp and his mouth is rather thin, having little to no lips. His chin is rather strong and pronounced, as are his high cheekbones.

When traveling, he wears simple dark-blue robes, sandals and a straw hat. His only visible weapon is his naginata, whose blade he keeps covered with a leather sheath and doubles as walking stick. Besides a naginata he also has a katana and a bow, both of which he keeps packed on his horse, together with the armour his brother had given him.

ETHER INFECTED?: No, though as part of character development I would like him to get infected during his upcoming travels.

note: in order as not to hamper any action of the current battlefield, I'd choose Daigen to take the role of spectator for the moment.
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