Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

You guys know what to do here

Name: Wolf
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Full Blood Saiyan
Personality: , Wolf is shown to be merciless
Equipment: A scouter, remote for his saiyan pod
Aura/Ki Color: Black
Power Level: ???
Special Attacks/Techniques: Stardust Cannon
History: Wolf and Timber hail from the planet called Silver Moon, the two had been taken to the semi-peaceful planet by their family and other saiyans, the ones that remained after the destruction of the planet. They slowly lifted their naturally high power levels by training constantly against one another. As the planet began to flourish, the Saiyans there lived without worry, the moon that they resided under boosted their levels of power and even changed their Oozaru form from ape to wolf due to the time of being on the planet. The peace had all ended once the Dark Saiyans invaded the planet in what seemed like a swift battle actually lasted hours upon hours. While the Saiyans there were destroyed in the masses, two fought back, their own power dwarfed the Dark Saiyans easily. As the fighting came to a stop, only Wolf and his brother Timber were left, the soldiers had been killed by them with relative ease. The king was impressed by this, the two brothers were taken by him and trained as guardsmen to the royal family. Though despite their roles, Wolf has been sent toward earth.

Name: Timber
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Full Blood Saiyan
Personality: Merciless and sadstic
Equipment: A scouter, remote for his saiyan pod
Aura/Ki Color: Black
Power Level: ???
Special Attacks/Techniques: Stardust Cannon
History: Timber and Wolf hail from the planet called Silver Moon, the two had been taken to the semi-peaceful planet by their family and other saiyans, the ones that remained after the destruction of the planet. They slowly lifted their naturally high power levels by training constantly against one another. As the planet began to flourish, the Saiyans there lived without worry, the moon that they resided under boosted their levels of power and even changed their Oozaru form from ape to wolf due to the time of being on the planet. The peace had all ended once the Dark Saiyans invaded the planet, in what seemed like a swift invasion actually lasted hours upon hours. While the Saiyans there were destroyed in the masses, two fought back, their own power dwarfed the Dark Saiyans easily. As the fighting came to a stop, only Timber and his brother Wolf were left, the soldiers had been killed by them with relative ease. The king was impressed by this, the two brothers were taken by him and trained in secret as guardsmen to the royal family. Though despite their roles, Wolf has been sent toward earth.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Orin
Age: 16
Gender: male
Race: part saiyan
Personality: He is a very easy going, light heart kid and likes to be near the beautiful ocean. his moods sometimes reflects those of the sea, at times he can be calm and at other times he can be harsh. Despite some of his negative qualities he is agood person and will help those in need. He hates people who pollute the oceans and considers anyone who threatens them to be among some of his worst enemies. He especially hates the nation of Iggoria for what they did to his home and family. Because of this he has a deep desire for revenge.
Equipment: a hook-ended staff, a few knives and fishing net, armor [he only uses the armor when he is in a serious battle]
Weapons: he wields a staff with a hook at the end
Aura/Ki Color: light blue.
Power Level: 200,000
Special Attacks/Techniques:
telepathic communication with aquatic life
Hook Slicer
Shark Fist
Deep-Sea Wave
Water Beast
Starfish Canon
Jellyfish Stinger
Electric-eel current.
Boiling-sea Wave.
Bubble Blast
Pressure Palm
Neptune's Wall
Ocean Sphere
Tidal Wave
Frozen Touch
Boiling Sphere

Ocean God 1
Ocean God 2
Ocean God 3
Ocean God 4

History: Orin grew up on a big island named Assor in the west sea where the water beautiful and as clean as it was clear. His father was a fisherman and his mother a fruit farmer. At a young age Orin displayed great potential in fighting and energy. His father told him about a legend of mighty ancient warriors that once lived on their island and that their family was descended from the most bravest and noble of the warriors. What Orin did not know was that these ancient warriors were saiyans who sought to live in peace away from the rest of the world. For most of his childhood, life was simple and great, that was until an army from a foreign nation known as Iggoria sought to conquer their home and use its resources to increase their wealth. Orin's people were not warriors, they saw no reason to fight since their home was peaceful and because of this, they were unprepared to fight the army. But Orin had been training to try and control his energy but he had only a short time of training and wasn't able to fight an army. His master Azoni was the strongest of all of them and he tried to fight off the invaders, but then the Iggorians revealed their secret weapons which were a team of powerful androids. His master was no match for them, and sacrificed himself to allow Orin and as many of his people to escape the island. Orin's father was killed and his mother was taken prisoner by the Iggorians. Despite so many being captured, Orin a good number of his people escaped and wondered the sea looking for a new home. From then on Orin swore to become strong enough to free his home from the horrible nation and rescue his mother. Now that he was older and his power level even greater than when he was a young child, he seeks to bring the vengeance of his ancestors down upon the Iggorians. Seeing the world has changed his views of the world greatly, it was much different than his calm life on his home island, and his journey to become stronger took him to many places. He still wanders the earths waiting to become strong enough to take back his home and free his people from tyranny.

Theme song: Orin's theme

Name: R'yak
Age: 25
Gender: male
Race: Procyoniddian

Personality: R'yak is a wisecracking Procyoniddian who has an obsession with revenge against the Dark Saiyans for the destruction of his race's home planet and causing them to become nomads throughout the galaxy. His hatred for the Dark Saiyans can cause him to do some really crazy decisions in battle. Despite his anger and hatred, R'yak has a good sense of humor although he can be really annoying at times especially when he points out the mistakes of others. He also has a very big ego and can become really arrogant. He does not fear death and will rise up to any challenge that comes his way. He also really hates being called cute.

Equipment: he uses weapon capsules, which store all his guns and explosives. He also has gauntlet that is super computer that he can use to presses and find information he needs from data that it collects on the planets he is on. High tech contact lenses, which allow him to examine the details of objects and environments, they also help focus energy into his eyes to shoot a beam of energy from them. Finally he has a chest plate that has a gravity repulser, which he can use as a form defense and repel some attacks but it only covers him from the front of his body, it also can be used as a form of offense by increasing the power of repulsion and creating a massive shock wave but the more power put into the shock wave, the longer it takes the gravity-repulser to charge up to create the repelling field of gravity.

Weapons: he has a big assortment of alien weapons and the technology of his people allow him to channel his energy into his weapons which make them more powerful and can rival Ki blasts. His big arsenal includes a rocket launcher, powerful automatic energy guns, a high-powered energy shotgun and two semi-automatic photon pistols. He also has a pair of energy-gloves that allow him to focus his energy into powerful beams. He has bombs and sticky energy grenades for extra damage. And finally he has a knife for when things get up close and personal and he can imbue it with energy to make it sharper.

Aura/Ki Color: red
Power Level: 250,000
Special Attacks/Techniques:
Rocket Barrage
Laser fury
Energy Vision
Photon Canon
Nova Fist
Knife Beast
Bomb Field
Sticky Devil
Ion Cannon

History: hundreds of years ago, his race discovered the ability to use the energy from their naturally powerful Ki to power and run their technology and make it stronger and incredibly efficient. This also gave them the tools to create very powerful weapons that rivaled some of the greatest empires’ in the galaxy. Because of this the Procyoniddian civilization flourished and entered a golden age of advancement and wealth. But it all came crashing down when the evil Dark Saiyans because they sided with the ice-jin race during the conflict of the two races. Unable to fight off the Dark Saiyans, the Procyoniddian were forced to flee their planet when it was destroyed and became a race without a home. But one of them vows to seek vengeance on the Dark Saiyans for their crimes and make them pay with blood, his name is R’yak. The priest of his planet said when he was born that he would help save his race and many others. He has gotten word of the Dark Saiyan possibly heading to earth and is on his way there himself, hoping to join with the warriors of earth in defending it against the evil threat and destroy the wicked race for good.

Theme song: R'yak's theme song
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Yu

Age: physically 20 but really around 16 or 17

Gender: Female

Race: Android

Appearance: Yu

Personality: Yu is a cheerful and energetic girl who can be immature and sometimes crass, she can get really bored easily and become childish and sometimes funny, she will get serious during a fight but will sometimes act her usual self. she suffers from amnesia, and doesn't really know how she became an android.

Equipment: A backpack filled with sweets and a small pouch of small beans that fell on her head one day.

Weapons None what so ever

Aura/Ki Color: Red

Power Level: 20,000

Special Attacks/Techniques:

- Blitzkrieg

- Chico Torture

- Dragon Throw

- Phalanx attack ( Alice fires a medium to long range blast of energy )

- Solar Flare

-The mulit-form

- Instant transmission
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 6 days ago

Name: Amber

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Phoenix


Personality: Amber is thick headed, stubborn and overconfident, she'll never back down from a fight even if she knows she'll lose

Equipment: weighted heat resistant clothing

Weapons: none

Aura/Ki Color: fiery red

Power Level: 350,000

Special Attacks/Techniques:
Pyro Barrage: using both her hands placed in front of her, a sphere of flaming energy forms before multiple marble size orbs fire out form them, each full of explosive energy.
Inferno Discs: using ether one or both hands paper thin discs of superheated flaming energy form above her hands then spin up to the point on being able to cut through almost everything.
Blast Burn: using ether her right hand or her left, she charges up a flaming beam of compressed superheated flaming energy that can ether pierce through her enemies or explode into a plume of flames.
Fire Wall: using both her hands held in front of her, a flaming sphere of energy the size of a basketball form in front of her hands, then forms into a large flaming wall of energy which has the capability to ether absorb the energy from enemies attacks or act as a shield from them.
Eruption: using both hands, she charges up energy in them before firing two beams of flaming energy that burn so bright it darkens the air around it from it's power.
Phoenix Blast: using both hand she hold them out to her sides as she gathers energy for her attack causing two spheres of flaming to form in each hand, when a certain amount of energy has been gathered she puts her hands together in front of her fusing the spheres into each other greatly increasing the energy in the attack, then she funnels all her power into the sphere before she fires a large, immensely powerful beam of white hot flaming energy towards her enemies from the sphere.

Other: Theme- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBtn07ATIYo

Name: Maximus

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Race: Machine


Personality: he doesn't like to talk much, but he's a good guy, he's loyal to those he see's as allies, and show's little mercy to his enemies

Equipment: none

Weapons: none

Aura/Ki Color: silver

Power Level: 1,000,000

Special Attacks/Techniques:
Plasma Beam: using ether one or both of his hands Maximus fires a powerful beam of condensed energy.
Plasma Barrage: using both hands he holds them out in front of him before rapidly firing multiple condensed energy blasts from them each filled with powerful explosive energy.
Plasma Bomb: using ether his right or left hand he charges up a large baseball sized sphere of super condensed explosive energy before throwing it at his intended target, when it hits it's target the sphere glows brightly before exploding.
Flash Bang: using ether his right or left hand he charges up a sphere of energy that can ether be thrown at a target or used at point blank range, the attack has all its power put into creating a blinding flash of light and a deafening shockwave meant to stun targets or possibly knock them out, how long the effects last varies on how powerful the target is and how close the attack is before it goes off.
Over-Drive: slightly overclocking his power core, he gives himself a boost of energy increasing his strength and speed, but using it for too long will put strain on his systems.
Maximum Over-Drive fully overclocking his power core, he gives himself an immense boost of energy greatly increasing his strength and speed, but using it for too long can badly damage his systems.
Final-Big Bang-Kamehameha using both hands, he holds them out to his sides to form two spheres of energy to gather power in them, when they gather enough he puts his hands in from of him fusing the spheres greatly increasing the power of the attack, it then gathers more energy bringing it to near unstable levels, then the brings his hands to his right side with the sphere in them, with one final boost of energy the attack is fully charged then he trusts he hands forward and from the sphere a massive beam of sheer destructive energy fires out from it at blinding speed.
Meta-Fusion: this ability is unique, Maximus fuses with another being but not with a fusion dance or potara earrings, his body becomes a suit of armor for the other person fusing with him, his systems become linked with the other beings nervous system, his mind becomes linked to their mind, they become one, adding his power and his abilities to their own.

Other: Theme- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hj2vU2nr5Jw


Name: Alice Briefs (or Dr.Briefs)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Human (mostly)


Personality: Alice is cheerful and smart, she's determined when it comes to getting something done and is against giving up, she cant help but be a bit controlling at times and has some attitude with her, that aside she's a nice caring person

Equipment: Data pad, Dragon radar, senzu bean potion dispenser, emergency suit (basically armor that can withstand immense conditions, from swimming through lava to taking a ki blast to the face)

Weapons: none

Aura/Ki Color: none

Power Level: 500

Special Attacks/Techniques: none

History: Alice is the great descendent of Bulma Briefs, she was a child prodigy and graduated at an early age, she then took over her family's corporation, as well as others, she seemed to lean toward robotics rather then capsules, and decided to spend most of her time making machines to help mankind, in the story's she was told of when she was young, about the hero's of earth, how strong they were, how hard they fought to save earth, she was inspired to make a machine to rival their greatness and thus made her start, Project Maximus.


Transformation Multiplier:

First Form = base X 50

Form 2 = First Form X 2 = base X 100

Form 3 = Form 2 X 4 = base X 400

Form 4 = Form 3 X 8 = base X 800

Fusion Multiplier

Fusion Dance = Total Power Level of Fusees X 100

Meta Fusion = Total Power Level of Fusees X 200
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Name: Android #11/Violet
Age: Physically 23. Chronologically unknown.
Gender: Female
Race: Android
Personality: She is cold, logical, ruthless and self-serving. This is from her military and criminal past more that being an android. Despite this, she is capable of compassion and kindness, just as she was when she was human.
Equipment: Violet carries a standard issue Red Ribbon set of capsules, which contain a hovercraft, a helicopter, a caravan, a cottage and an armored tank.
Aura/Ki Color: White
Power Level: somewhere between 150,000-250,000
Special Attacks/Techniques: Ki blasts, hand to hand combat.
History: Colonel Violet was captured following her betreyal and theft of the Red Ribbon army, and was used as a test subject for Dr. Gero, the new head of research following Dr. Flappe's retirement and desire to do nothing to help his old employer. Android #11 was deemed not powerful enough for Gero's needs and he deactivated her. She awakens many years later due to the machine keeping her asleep finally losing power. She awakens in a world different from the one she had just came from. In the time since she had been out, aliens had come to Earth. Saiyans, Ice-jins, Majins, Tuffles...Her next 'directive' now that Goku has passed was to find out about everything she had missed. There was no excuse for ignorance.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr Ozias

Mr Ozias

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Zekin (Pronounced ZUE-KIN)

Vegetable Pun: Zucchini

General Attributes
- Height: 6,5
- Eye Color: Purple
- Weight: 200 plbs
- Physique: Skinny but toned and fit
- Scars: None
- Hair Color: Black
- Tail color: Deep brown
- Usual dress: Is a combination of earth clothing with Saiyan clothing which starting from foot is a pair of scuffed up black steel framed which are weight for daily training. Going up a pair black earth jeans which have Saiyan infused armor underneath the fabric which provides moderate protection. Around his waist a simple leather belt with no special enhancements. His shirt much like his pants has a layer of saiyan armor underneath for moderate protections. On his wrists he wears a pair of Saiyan armored gloves. An his last piece of clothing is his sunglasses which actually doubles as a new version of the old Saiyan scouter for look and so that it is hidden cleverly as a pair of normal human sunglasses.

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Race: Full Blooded Saiyan

Personality: Zekin is by all means very smart and he has no such problem sticking it in your face if you feel the need to test his wits or his patience. However Zekin has a very high tolerance and is not all that easily annoyed by much. A generally nice guy with a cocky attitude when it comes to fights, he is all around a nice man to hang out with on the weekends if he isn't training. Not shy in the least he is often quite smooth around the ladies and genuinely cares a lot for the people around him and feels almost and inclination to protect when the time calls for it. He likes to joke a lot and is can be extremely serious when the time calls for it. He is loyal to the very end, and a friend that you can depend on in the end.

Equipment: His only real piece of equipment mentioning above would be his sunglasses which double as a more advanced version of the older Saiyan scouter. Other then that he does not carry much on his body and anything he owns is where he currently resides.

Weapons: Zekin is known to carry around a duel set of revolvers which he keeps about himself hidden away usually in holsters underneath his shirt. He does not require them for anything other then to scare away would be robbers without drawing too much attention to the fact that he is not human like everyone else.

Aura/Ki Color: Darker variation of Emerald green

Power Level: 20,000

Special Attacks/Techniques:
- Blast Fist
- Zanku Fist
- Invisible eye blast
- Solar flare
- Energy Shield
- Bang Beam
- Demonic Rush

Finisher moves:
- Zekin duel blast Orbs (The Zekin Duel blast is where Zekin puts out both of his hands and then brings them back to his sides with his elbows sticking out in the back in a v shape, then he draws his energy into his arms which will increase in size during this attack. Once the power is gathered which can take anywhere from 5 to ten seconds depending on the amount of power he is using, he brings both hands forward and two separate balls of explosive energy will leave his hands, this attack is physically draining but is a powerful move that can take down cities if used wrong.

-Zekin Duel blast waves (The same as above except in this instance once he brings his hands forward instead of orbs this will form two waves that can be continuous as long as there is Ki to feed them. The waves are not as explosive but can break an enemies defense if not careful and can cut through most anything human buildings cars etc etc.

History: Zekins history as all together is not currently known, he was not born on earth but his time of coming to earth is predicted to be in his early teens 12 to 13.

Other: Zekins Theme Song - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhbwOd2ETsM
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Glacier

Age: 34 (For her race this is pretty young)

Gender: Female

Race: Ice-jin

Personality: Since the destruction of her people Glacier has really transformed personality wise into a person very much like her namesake. As strong and hard as ice, her personality is really a defense mechanism to deal with the fact that she is now alone in the universe and has had to rely on herself for so long. Since she has never stayed in one place for too long, for fear of being discovered, she has not had a long-lasting relationship since the Planet Trade Organization’s destruction. There is a soft spot somewhere deep inside but good luck chipping away at her frozen heart, a tragedy like she has gone through leaves deep scars.

Equipment: Teal-tinted scouter

Weapons: Who needs a weapon when you have a tail?

Aura/Ki Color: Cyan

Power Level: 200,000 (First Form)

Special Attacks/Techniques: Death Beam, Tail Smash, Death Rush, Darkness Eye Beam

History: A distant cousin of the now deceased Cold Family, Glacier grew up during a time when the Planet Trade Organization had lost its ruling family and had split into warring factions trying to take total control of the once great empire. With the loss of royalty a huge power vacuum occurred in the Planet Trade Organization as subordinates quickly tried to become the new ruler of the Organization. Glacier was raised by a specific faction that was trying to reinstate the Cold Dynasty but one under their control and therefore tried to mold her into their leader and puppet. Glacier however was not as war driven as her relatives and therefore tried to stay out of the civil war as much as possible, letting other relatives battle it out for the throne. She also proved to be quite adapt at realizing the organization’s goals and therefore managed to hold onto her own ideals.

Soon it became apparent that Empress Ica was the true ruler of the organization and she quickly took control. Glacier took on the role of a high-ranking officer in the empire and worked hard to rebuild it after the devastation of war; however this reconstruction of their empire was short lived. Hurt by internal strife the Planet Trade Organization was too weak to defeat the invasion by the Dark Saiyan’s armies. Glacier fought hard but when she realized all was lost, decided to abandon the organization and the Empress to go into hiding, she barely escaped with her life and with her survival managed to avoid the complete genocide of her race.

During her travels Glacier has made sure to keep a low profile to avoid detection by the Dark Saiyan empire and has trained and studied so that one day she could have her revenge on the Saiyans. For years she has not dared to change out of her least powerful form less she accidently reveal herself to the dark ones; unfortunately a rare side effect has occurred that is most troubling, she is currently unable to unlock her true power and at the is moment stuck in her 1st transformation. Troubled by this turn of events she has searched fruitlessly for a ‘cure’ but has been unable to find one, as there is a high probably that the 'disease' is not natural and is in fact a curse put on her during a stay on one of the planet's that had been subjugated by her race. There is one dim light of hope, the legendary Super Saiyan Goku was raised and trained on Earth, a rather backward planet but if he was able to reach such power on that planet perhaps she could find a way to unlock her own power and even expand upon her normal power.

With this mission in mind, Glacier has decided to make her way to Earth in hopes of regaining her power so she can strike back at the Dark Saiyans. Like it or not, there may also be need to find allies in order to exact her revenge, the Z fighters may be gone but perhaps there are still powerful beings on the planet. Of course finding people that might actually help her could prove difficult, considering the possibility that Freiza might be the monster in bedtime stories for many races and he was kind of the symbol for her race.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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Name: Kaliflur

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Race: Saiyan


Personality: Kaliflur is competitive, hot-headed, proud, easy to anger, and always up for a fight, especially if you're strong, but she will not kill unless she has to. Letting your enemy recover and grow stronger themselves is a courtesy in her culture. It is honorable.

Equipment: Saiyan armor, Scouter

Aura/Ki Color: White

Current Power Level: 500,000

Special Attacks/Techniques:

-High Voltage Attack: ki is converted into electricity, which arcs from her body and shocks the recipient.

-Cosmo Grenade: A large white-hot ball of energy highly saturated with ki. It is thrown and explodes on impact.

-Vortex Beam: All the latent potential energy from the surrounding area is sucked up, charged, and fired as a beam from the hand.

History: There were a small band of Saiyan survivors who travelled from planet to planet avoiding Frieza and the planet trade. When word broke out that Frieza had been killed by a Saiyan, they settled down on a small moon, and fought. They developed new techniqes, and almost a new lifestyle. No longer having to conquer planets, they instead fought other races' strongest warriors for fun, becoming a notoriously rough and violent but overall peaceful race.

Their numbers have dwindled over time. Kaliflur, the last female was ordered to leave in secret by the group leader, so that the males would be forced to cross breed, ensuring a new and more fruitful future for the Saiyan race. As Kaliflur travelled, she heard rumors of the same Saiyans who killed Frieza living on a planet called Earth. Interested to see whether there are generations of crossbred offspring on Earth, she slowly makes her way there with whatever means she could find, fighting any strong warriors she met and gradually getting stronger and stronger on her travels.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dingo


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Name: Dobokaa (Anagram of "Abokado", Japanese word for Avocado)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Dark Saiyan (Full-Blooded)


Personality: Quiet, reserved, loner.
Equipment: Cooking utensils.
Weapons: A single, intensely sharp combat knife.
Aura/Ki Color: Black w/ red accents & neon green lightning.
Power Level: 75,000

Special Attacks/Techniques:
  • Spirit Stapler

  • Ravenous Blast

  • Eviscerating Blade

  • Paralysis Palm

  • History: Dobokaa was assigned a planet in her infancy to conquer, as was Sayian tradition. For Dabokaa, however, she was found and raised by two wizard brothers, Baddabing and Baddaboom, who had their own plans for her, hoping to use her to exact revenge on the species that had slaughtered their ancestor, Babidi, many centuries earlier. It did not matter that Babidi was killed by his own creation, or that his adversaries had been pure hearted Saiyans, all that matter was exacting revenge on any and all Saiyans.
    As such, Dabokaa was trained by the wizard brothers for eighteen years, until they deemed her ready to exact their vengeance. She repaid their training with a swift death and the destruction of the world she had been sent to conquer. Upon returning to her pod, Dabokaa departed, only to receive co-ordinates to the planet Earth, where King Tyrus' attention had recently turned. Making the year-long trip to the planet, Dabokaa prepared to be reunited with her kind.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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    Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    Name: Coleton " Cole " Harris

    Age: 20

    Gender: Male

    Race: Augmented Human

    Appearance: Cole stands at the tall height of 6'1, he has short cropped natural white hair on his head and white eyebrows, he has green irises, and youthful but mature, handsome roguish manly facial features, his skin color is a dusky brown. Cole is a barreled chested, and has a slightly muscular solid build with some muscle tone but he's also surprisingly athletic, he has no scars, he does have a birth mark on his shoulder in the shape of the letter x that he thinks looks pretty cool, he has a tattoo of a bar code on his right inner forearm arm.

    Clothing- Cole usually wears a navy blue cotton track jacket, under that he has on a white long sleeved collared button up shirt, with a navy blue thin tie tied in a windsor knot, on his legs he wears a pair of regular jeans, with a high-tech knee brace on his left leg, on his feet he has has black lace up boots with grey strings. Under his shirt he wears a flexible tight muscle shirt, and under his pants he wears boxers, and socks under his shoes.

    -Armor- Cole' armor is a full body, exoskeleton with a navy blue and bright steel color scheme, he stands at the same height when he's inside the suit, it looks like the combination of powered armor and a samurai's armor complete with Samurai helmet that retracts to allow him to talk to people directly, the trim bright steel and, the main armor navy blue. The suit allows Cole to fly, gives him enhanced strength, and speed, and has several built in weapons like grenades, mini rockets, flamethrower, and small robots to distract his enemies. But at the end of the day the armor can fully retract onto one part of Cole's body making it easier to carry and to take off, mostly it would retract onto his arm and become arm armor.

    When he's in Overkiller mode, exoskeleton would start to glow a golden color and the suit would use Cole's energy to dish out stronger attacks, and in the end it would drain him and make him pass out after the fight or if he uses too much energy.

    When in pain killer mode, The suit turns a onyx black but the bright steel trim stays, during this mode the suit becomes almost indestructible and Cole won't really feel any more pain, but the mode only last for 3 minutes and takes a lot out of Cole, and if he stays in Pain killer mode for too long, he could die or be close to death from too much energy use. .

    Personality: Cole has a hard to pin down personality, on the surface he's a super smart, genius that's very nomadic with mechanical intuition and could build a giant robot from scrap and is prone to using jokes to ease his situations out at times. But deep down he's depressed by the deaths of two of his friends and of his parents, he feels as if he's the cause of their deaths and it remembering it makes him extremely depressed or really angry. Cole is a very tough individual, that is loyal to his friends when they need him and doesn't like talking about his complex past.

    Equipment: Powered exo-suit with 2 different modes, Overkiller, Rage mode and Pain killer.

    Weapons: 18 inched machete katana,

    Aura/Ki Color: Dark Blue

    Power Level: 75,000

    Special Attacks/Techniques:
    -Kikoukenjutsu Sword style ( Channel's his Ki into his blade )
    -Full nelson suit self destruction ( Cole can set his suit to self destruct when he's holding someone in a full nelson )
    -Trouble sensing ( Unlike Ki sensing Cole can use his instinct to sense trouble around him )
    -Electric Kamehameha

    History: When Cole was 17 he ran away from home choosing to have a different life, while he was wondering around he ended up joining a dangerous gang, since he was apart of the gang his parents were killed and video taped and mailed to him, a couple months later when he tried to leave the gang they ended up killing his childhood friend, and he destroyed the gang. Afterwards he started to wonder around the land and avoid being in one place for too long, making him a nomad.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

    Yog Sothoth

    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    Name: Baron Von Menace
    Age: 36
    Gender: male
    Race: human

    Personality: cunning, evil, ruthless, witty, greedy, arrogant and extremely intelligent
    Equipment: extremely high tech gadgets
    Weapons: advanced drones, and a staff that focuses energy into incredibly powerful blasts of energy.
    Aura/Ki Color: grey
    Power Level: ???
    Special Attacks/Techniques:
    drone assault
    missile storm
    rail-gun barrage
    fortress annihilation
    energy cannon
    psychic barrier

    History: not much is known about the baron other than that he is the leader of a huge corporation that deals in weapons and robotics of all sorts. his company also has a big hand in technology and research as well as development. he has dreams of world domination and do whatever it takes to achieve them. ever since he was born, he had a very large power level and this knowledge had him go on a long quest to discover the key to utilizing his energy. after he had achieved the goal of learning how control his energy, Baron Von Menace he used his incredible genius intellect to create a huge flying fortress that is never in the same place twice. with his infinite resources and wealth, Baron Von Menace is ready to vie for global domination and will squash any who stand in his way.

    he also has a flying battleship known as the Y.A.D.A.R otherwise known as You're Dead As Roadkill
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

    Yog Sothoth

    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    Name: Iron-Arm
    Age: appearance wise, 23
    Gender: male
    Race: Android

    Personality: cold, merciless, violent and loyal
    Weapons: his metal arm is made out of the strongest metal in the universe and is near impossible to destroy. his metal arm is equipped with automatic guns that he can charge with energy to make them deadly, and his arm can shapeshift into in blades to be used for slicing his opponents to shreds. his metal arm also acts almost like a second brain which allows it to process information at incredible speeds and have him react at insane speeds. the arm can also generate a powerful current of electricity to combat other machines and short circuit electronics. thanks to the Baron's ingenious mind, Iron-Arm's metal hand is equipped with a device that can absorbed the energy from the enviroment to boost his own and the palm of his hand can also create immensely powerful blasts of invisible force kind of similar to the Kiai technique which he can use for both offense and defense. finally he has an assortment of many types of bombs and grenades.
    Aura/Ki Color: dark red
    Power Level: ???
    Special Attacks/Techniques:
    Doom ray
    Electric storm
    Heat ray
    Ultra cannon
    Iron fist
    metal-blade rush
    Bullet storm
    hyper fists
    protection field
    hyper dash

    History: he is one of Baron Von Menaces strongest android soldiers and is one of the most deadliest killing machines on the planet. his sole purpose is to kill things with extreme efficiancy and brutality. his orders are simple, kill any who stand in the Baron's way.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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    Member Seen 3 yrs ago

    Name : Tyrus Yukisora

    Age : 872 (Humanly looks around 23)

    Gender : Male

    Race : Demon

    Appearance :

    Personality : Tyrus appears to be a very carefree individual, often acting on his own whims at the drop of a hat, but despite this attitude can make fairly careful plans. He treats life like a game and while he intends to win prefers to make the game more interesting rather than a clean-cut bore. Because he prefers making life fun he will at times go out of his way to spice things up, even if his actions give him no advantage. Even when he gets serious it can be hard to tell from his attitude.

    Equipment : He carries an ornately designed umbrella. He can take out the center rod which is actually a sword in disguise.

    Weapons : His umbrella hides a sword which is forged from a meteorite. The meteorite from the demon realm had mined from it a special metal which can absorb and conduct ki. The sword is virtually indestructible and is quite sharp, capable to slicing through solid steel when enough ki is running through the blade.

    Aura/Ki Color : Gold

    Power Level : ?

    Special Attacks/Techniques :

    Psycho Barrier : Capable of weaving an incredibly durable shield for approximately three seconds its defensive powers are not to be underestimated.

    Ice Flow : This attack is actually magical in nature and therefore ignores normal conventions for attacks. Tyrus constructs ice out of thin air which he can then manipulate at will. Usually his ice flows contain many jagged pieces which will cut and stab upon impact. The ice flow tends to be rather fluid in nature but he can solidify it more thoroughly on command.

    Dimension Cutter : By charging his blade with a combination of magic and ki his weapon becomes an ultimate cutting tool, capable of slicing through ki attacks and most defenses.

    Demon Storm : Tyrus condenses ki in the air or on the ground. He quickly causes the ki to collapse in on itself, creating a magnificent explosion. Since he creates the ki ‘bomb’ away from his body it can be hard to tell where it is being created, as most fighters are used to attacks coming from the source body.

    Devil’s Maw : Tyrus fires an energy blast seeming from his entire body that forms into the shape of a demon’s head. The powerful blast attempts to devour its target and then explode in a powerful, concentrated blast.

    Demon Breath : A magical assault of ice and ki that spews from Tyrus’ mouth. The ice is charged with ki and when the ice pierces the skin the ki explodes through the tip of the ice inside his foes to cause massive damage.

    History: A powerful demon, Tyrus has bared witness to the rise and fall of quite a few Makaioshin and Madoshi. For instance he witnessed the failure of Shula, a demon world king and his attempt to marry Princess Misa of Earth which was foiled by the appearance of a young Goku who managed to blind Shula and use the opening to escape. Needless to say Shula did not last long as others quickly rose to power. Of greater interest was when the Madoshi Babidi put the Makaioshin, Dabura under his command and went to Earth to unleash Majin Buu. While Dabra died to Majin Buu, which was to be expected, nevertheless there were opponents in that parallel world that managed to fight against Dabra on even ground and this peeked Tyrus’ interest.

    Tyrus decided later on that he had enough of the Demon Realm and that it was time to visit that strange parallel world. Still, cross-dimensional travel is not an easy feat and therefore Tyrus had to seek out the help of a Madoshi to make the jump. With the help of several henchmen he was able to find and coerce one of the hiding Madoshi to help him on his quest. Using the Madoshi’s magical arts, Tyrus and his henchmen managed to open the portal temporarily and slip through the gateway between dimensions. They have been on Earth for a while now, gathering information and the most interesting bit of information were of wonderful artifacts called the dragonballs, capable of granting the collector a wish.

    To make his trip more interesting Tyrus has decided to hunt down the dragonballs, to force open the dimensional gateway between this world and the demon realm. Once the connection is complete he will have access to both worlds’ wonders and the universe will become a much more interesting place. If anyone on Earth tries to stop him, well, it will just make the game more exciting.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

    Yog Sothoth

    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    Name: Djin Ra
    Age: 17
    Gender: male
    Race: Majin

    Personality: Like with most of the Majin species, Djin can have a very bad temper and is not a person you want to piss off. He has taken steps to keep his anger under control through meditation and secluding himself in nature on occasions. He also has a violent side and when angered he will almost never hold back a punch and will do whatever it takes to defeat his opponents. He has a never give up attitude and will keep on fighting until he is either killed or knocked into unconsciousness. Despite his willingness to go to extremes to win, Djin has a big sense of honor and will try to not resort to dirty tactics to win a fight. And finally he does has a good heart and fights for those who are in need.
    Equipment: nothing except his battle clothes which help protect him in battle.
    Weapons: none
    Aura/Ki Color: a deep reddish pink
    Power Level: 100,000
    Special Attacks/Techniques:
    Stomach Hammer
    Majin punch
    Gatling Fists
    Angry Explosion
    Nova Beam
    Destructo Disk
    Super Breath
    Mouth Beam
    Potbelly Attack
    Living Boulder Attack
    History: He is a descendant of Majin Buu and has been a great fighter amongst his family ever since he could walk. His parents were amazed at his great talent for fighting and using energy to create Ki blasts. Djin was amazed by stories of Goku and the Z fighters who had defended earth from many threats and he dreamed of becoming a great warrior like them one day. His life was happy until his parents were killed by an alien menace, in the battle the monster had overpowered him and then killed his parents and siblings in front of him. The sight of their death enraged him and he found his inner power which gave him the strength to destroy the murderer. After that he swore to get as strong as possible and become the greatest protector of earth and make no one else suffered the way he had suffered.
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