Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

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Kat looked outside to see that any light that might have lingered from the day had long since evaporated into the night. Hel was probably growing more and more irritated by the minute. She spared a glance at the dwarf who had just entered (was he a dwarf? He seemed a bit tall for that.) to evaluate him and then turned back to the table. Reaching out, Kat grabbed four silver coins from inside the purse and slipped them into her pocket.

"Keep the room," she said to the older dwarf. "I won't be needing it." She turned her attention then to her new traveling companions. "Whatever horses you get, make sure they're the calmest you can find," she warned. Kat might not know much about horses, but she knew most animals didn't take too well to massive carnivorous beasts like Hel. "Have fun making friends with each other."

With that, Kat turned away and started making her way to the door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Tense girl, isn't she?" Ernst muttered lowly, referring to Kat, with one brow raised upwards in perplexity at her unfriendliness and shaking his head lightly in disapproval. Being surrounded by nobles and strange folk aside, he had found himself in a bit of a good mood at finding a job from a good employer. Moving with unashamed excitement towards the table, he procured three silver from the most recent purse. "This coin will be for equipment, this one will be for food, and this one is for good luck," he said, clutching onto them with a smirk. "Now where can I find... oi, tavern keep! You wouldn't happen to have a needle and thread on you now, would you? And how much for a pint?"

He planned to sew one coin to the underside of his gambeson. To have a bit of your wealth attached to your clothes at all times was bound to bring good fortune in terms of finance, and added upon the effects of additional lucky charms a Northerner might have. And Ernst was indeed in possession of another one: a little shield-shaped icon made of pewter was pinned to the breast of the cloth shirt he wore under his armor. It was said to give one favor in matters of trivia, like in outwitting someone or in that the inn's food was better-tasting than usual. Mostly, he just wore charms to help reassure himself since his taking part in the Exodus. In the low of poverty, men would do much to convince and assure themselves of their own control over their lives, and seeking help from the mystical was one such act.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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"Are you serious? MarcoPolo couldn't believe that this dwarf, expected him to share 1 gold and some amount of sliver. It was 10 of them, 11 if you were to count the dwarf son. MarcoPolo didn't know how to live without at least 3 gold to use. He knew that this would be a test, so he just gave up. He had to change his attitude or he would never get anywhere, and the Gods would be disappointed in him. So MarcoPolo took his share, 10 silver would have to do for now. "I'm going to go to bed, if anyone needs me, please knock first." MarcoPolo wasn't going to do anything but sleep, he still didn't want anyone to just barge into his room. This hunt was not going so good, MarcoPolo wanted to go on adventures but he didn't know they would be this tough. Can't wait till tomorrow, was all MarcoPolo could think while heading to bed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Vidic watched as the rest of the group signed the contract, some even voiced arguments about the contract and their very journey but in the end still signed the contract. He listened to the dwarf as he explained what powered that the black dragon had and Vidic raised an eyebrow at these powers. How were they supposed to take on a creature that was able to corrupt anyone that came to face him with a mere ten people when a whole city of dwarves could not bring him down. Than a younger looking dwarf came into the tavern and was introduced as Guringar's son and the leader of the expedition which was fine with the rune mage since he wasn't much of a leader as long as the person he was following was a competent person who knew what he was doing. "I am off to bed now. I will see you all tomorrow bright and early." Vidic said as he stood up from the table and grabbed seven silver out of the pouch.

On his way toward the stairs a board with a few papers nailed to it which caught his attention as they were all wanted posters and he saw his name in bold letters on one of them. This always caught his attention because he liked to see how much the Empire was offering for his capture every time he killed a group of their assassins and it looked like it was higher this time than the last time he was in a village.

Vidic Meyvant
Dead or Alive
Extremely Dangerous
Wanted for crimes against the Arcazia Empire and mass murder
Distinguishing features: Red eyes, grey hair and scars on his arms and back
Height: 5'8"
Reward: 100 gold

He read over the poster and smiled to himself at the reward they were offering, if they were offering 100 gold for his capture than he might just turn himself in for the gold. He wished he could take down the poster or at the very least alter it so that his picture was posted in front of all the people he was about to set out on a journey with, granted the drawing that they had put up of his wasn't the best drawing but it was close enough to put two and two together. He decided the he would cross that bridge when he got there and decided that he wasn't tired just yet and could use a drink with some of his new found money. He went to a table near the stairs and orders a mug of ale while he waited for the rest of the group to disperse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

For a handful of coppers, you could get a good drink. For a silver, you could spend a night with the finest whore in town. And for four, you could buy yourself a brand new hauberk made of fine iron. So what was the beast going to do with ten of them? At the very least, it didn’t up and run away like a thief as he half-expected, but something gave Ernst an inkling that perhaps the Kunite was a bit of a wastrel…

Regardless of it, needle, thread and ale had been acquired, and the woodsman thought to strike a conversation with Tregon, the younger of the two dwarves present. ”Are you going to be our captain, ser? Need any help with skinning those deer?” he kindly offered, tankard in hand already half-empty. “I’m a fellow woodsman, see. That’s a good catch you have there, three beasts as you said! But isn’t hunting deer ‘round these parts illegal? Something about the… ‘Emperor’s Venison’?

He was glad he resisted the urge to flee some minutes ago when Marco had entered the tavern, and further gladdened by the fact that he was now employed. He was given bonus money and a job to do, with a bunch of strange folk that, while not exactly friendly, would make fine companions. Indeed, this was going to be a most welcome reprieve from poverty and the vulnerability of being alone. And this dwarf before him, Tregon -- he looked like a fine commander, and his claim of three large game in a single hunt had already left a good impression on Ernst!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Desk Lamp

Desk Lamp

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He let out a low, nervous chuckle as the dwarf explained what they were dealing with. A dragon capable of corruption...Jespir's claim of facing ten dragons suddenly seemed more weak with that info in mind. But he wanted that treasure, and he already signed the contract. He couldn't just give up at the start.

He picked ten coins from the pouch and made a mental checklist. Food, an extra coat, a sleeping bag, and perhaps even a good load of booze. Getting a horse was questionable. He hadn't ridden a horse since--well, ever! Jespir recalled watching his half siblings gallop without care around the city on horses. He had tried asking if he could perhaps join in on their fun. Their answer was to try and run him over. No, ships were more akin to Jespir's best form of transportation. And with half his ship laying scattered in a forest somewhere, it appeared that, unless he found another source of transportation, Jespir was walking.

He watched as a younger dwarf, their employer's son apparently, walk in. Jespir gave a small nod of approval. Tregon was his name, and he looked capable to lead an army. Or in this case, a ragtag group of adventurers. He was going to be a good leader, Jespir could tell. Better than his former captain at least.

Fatigue itched at at he elf's drooping eyes. The long walk to the village was taking its toll, and with the dark swallowing the light, it was time to rest. "Well," he said with a yawn, "there's been enough excitement for one day. I believe it's time I rested." He waved goodnight before heading upstairs with a cheery hum on his lips.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ehluria gasped at the ability Belthar used to conquer the ancient city. It felt unstoppable, and with the increasing amount of adventurers and warriors heading it's way, The Black Dragon would either corrupt them or finally meet its end. She was glad the power of corruption was something she need not worry about, both for her sake and the worlds. She could see no consequence to her end goal, and sole purpose for deciding to embark on this seemingly suicidal mission. Tregon, the one who would lead them, seemed to put a confusing look on a few of the other strangers. Ehluria had seen many crazy things in her travels, especially when it came to odd jobs. She could tell Tregon wasn't just a Dwarf. His height was proof enough of that. He did, however, seem like the 'leader' type, which Ehluria assumed was because of the massive beard. Must be a Dwarf thing.Her thoughts were quickly interrupted when Kat spoke, but when the white-haired girl walked by her, there was an overwhelming scent that immediately grabbed her attention. It was almost intimidating. She took a few steps back to follow behind Kat before turning around and ignoring the other strangers, or companions now.

Ehluria brought herself next to Kat before she could walk out the door. As imposing as it may have been for someone who seemed to be irritated at anything, Ehluria didn't care. They were all going to have to work together. She didn't like the idea of having to possibly get close with people, but she had become used to interacting. She could let go if it had to happen down the road. Three steps were all it took for Ehluria to figure out how she would grab the interest of this dark girl. She didn't make eye contact, rather she stared straight ahead and extended her hand to push open the door, allowing space for Kat to walk through. That's when Ehluria finally made eye contact.

I don't suppose your friend has a problem with small animals?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The taller woman's words made Kat pause before she stepped through the door. Turning her pale eyes to fully take in the person who had spoken to her, Kat raised an eyebrow. The woman was at least half a foot taller than her, and wickedly beautiful – she had fierce blue eyes above a veil that covered the lower half of her face and an enviable body that she didn't bother to hide from the world, even in the chilly night air. Kat didn't know how this stranger figured out she had a… traveling companion, but perhaps this band of misfits wasn't as hopeless as she thought.

Tilting her head to the side and letting the corner of her mouth twitch up into a smirk, she replied, "Not at all. He's especially fond of rabbits – he loves them as a light snack between his meals." Kat glanced back over her shoulder at the various people still floating around the tavern. Some, like the wolf and one of the elves, had decided to retire for the night, while others, like the beggar, were attempting to make conversation. She certainly had landed herself with an odd group, hadn't she?

Kat turned back to the woman in front of her. "What, got a pet you're worried about?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Richard_III


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Osla watched as members of the group took various amounts of coin from the pouch, of course the nancy wolf boy took a rather large amount from it, from what Osla had seen he was some rich brat with no proper experience of combat. She could see no reason that the Dwarf had invited him to the group other than money. She took a single silver coin from the pouch and slid it into her sword's sheath, it might scrape the blade as she moved, but it didn't really matter to her.

She took the pitcher from the centre of the table and filled her tankard before placing it back down. She took a swig and was surprised to taste that the contents tasted a bit more costly than your average pitcher of grog. A small smile reached the corner of her mouth as she took a second drink. If no one else was going to drink the tasty pitcher of beer then she sure would. She looked to the new arrival, Tregorn and then to Ernst.
"It's technically illegal, but the law is too lazy to actually check up on that kind of stuff." She looked back down at her tankard and took another drink.
"Kind of stupid to introduce a law and then not properly enforce it, emperor can't eat all the deer anyway so I don't see why it should matter."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Unless Kat was good at reading eyes, to which Ehluria's had a slight arc,she wouldn't have known that underneath the mask was a smile. Whether is was a threat or her kind of humor, Ehluria chose to believe the latter, given the situation and lack of knowledge on one another.

"My uhm," she paused for a moment, "animal's meat might be a little tough."

The air was brisk, and while the little hairs on her arms perked up, the bite of the air was a minor threat. She kept a decent pace, glancing at the people walking around town. The number of folk had decreased since her arrival, most of them probably in their homes or holed up at the INN. Ehluria herself would seek shelter a midst the forest, where she was most comfortable. The forest always had an escape route, at least for her. She looked to Kat, smiled again under her mask, and pointed toward the forest.

"You rejected the free room. Plan on sleeping elsewhere?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"My 'friend' doesn't like towns," Kat replied. "And they tend not to like him." A little smile tugged at her mouth as she remembered the last time Hel had even attempted to follow after her into a village. It didn't go well. "I told him I'd be back within an hour, but the big lug worries too much." Kat reached into her pocket where she had stored her silver and fiddled with the coins. She considered hunting the town for provisions, but any reasonable shops would be closed by this hour. She almost went looking anyway, just to draw out Hel's patience.

"Kat, by the way," she said, bringing her attention back to the woman next to her. "Suppose you might as well know my name if we're going to be stuck together for the remainder of our lives." Her voice carried a tone of wry humor as she thought about the ridiculous 'mission' they'd signed up for. "What about you, didn't feel like shacking up with the rest?" Kat asked as they got closer to the forest. She saw a glint between the trees and knew it was Hel watching from the shadows. The great predator was hidden, eyes trained on Kat and the stranger next to her, ready to pounce if he thought his human was in any danger.

Kat gave a discrete shake of her head and was careful to keep her posture as relaxed as possible. Honestly, Hel was the worst sort of worrier she'd ever met. She doubted the rest of her traveling party would take very kindly to a giant snow leopard mauling one of their members before they'd even set out.

"Just a warning," Kat said, voice low, "you're about to meet my friend. He doesn't take too kindly to strangers."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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The fact that this girl was willingly having a conversation made Ehluria feel a little more at ease. By the way Kat talked, it could be expected that her friend would be monstrous. She watched as the girl pulled out a her coins and pondered something. Probably what she could buy with it. Ehluria was shocked when the girl introduced herself so quickly, but understood why when her mocking voice spoke the net few words about being stuck together. She chuckled and nodded her head. The mission certainly was dangerous and crazy, but where there are outrageous rewards, people will follow.

"My name is Ehluria," she said as she performed a walking curtsy.

She looked back at the tavern for just a moment and shrugged when she turned back toward the forest. "I don't sleep indoors if I don't have to." After a bit more walking, Kat had warned Ehluria of her friend. On any normal day, she would have worried. However, given the scent radiating from Kat, Ehluria had a feeling she would be fine. Although, with as big a worrier this animal is made out to be, Care and subtlety should never be underestimated. Ehluria was prepared for the worst, but it was a blip in the back of her mind.

"I have a way with animals," she said softly. Glancing at Kat, she gave a look that told her I know your friend is a big ass, territorial animal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kat looked up at Ehluria out of the corner of her eye and smirked. Turning back to where she knew Hel was lurking in the forest, she gave the smallest nod she could manage. They were far enough away from the town now, she decided. The streets behind them were bare, so there was little chance of anyone raising an alarm so long as they didn't kick up too much noise.

At Kat's signal, a massive snow leopard, easily twice as big as it should've been, launched itself out from the tree cover and landed in front of the two humans. Razor fangs bared, as long and sharp as the daggers Kat carried, Hel gave a rumbling growl as he took in the stranger.

"Hel, Ehluria," Kat introduced, voice raised over the sounds of the beast's warning. "Ehluria, overdramatic sourpuss." Hel's growl hitched up a notch at Kat's words and his glare temporarily turned to her. Kat just rolled her eyes and walked forward, placing herself between Ehluria and Hel. "I'm fine, I'm safe, I made friends," she drawled as the snow leopard's growls quieted. Hel gave one last warning look to Ehluria and then proceeded to sniff at Kat, verifying what she said was true. He gave her a look at the scents he was picking up – surprised at the foreign smells of the elves and goblin, no doubt – and wasn't satisfied until Kat huffed and pushed his large snout away from her head.

Having decided that Katelia was indeed intact – more or less – he turned his attention to the other woman again. Leveling a glare at her, he curled his tail around Kat's leg in a clear sign of protection. Ears pressed against his skull, Hel sniffed the air around Ehluria and paused. Head tilted, he sniffed again, and looked into Ehluria's eyes. Something… did not seem right with this human. She was not as she appeared. A low rumble started in the back of his throat again as he watched her.

Kat glanced between Ehluria and Hel. Yes, he was overprotective and excessive, but a warning from Hel was usually best observed. After all, she still knew nothing aside from this woman other than her name. With this in mind, Kat was careful to keep her stance relaxed and face neutral. "Honestly," she said, "what is it now?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alchemical Chimera

Alchemical Chimera

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The goblin warrior had an uneasy feeling about this whole scenario. They'd given up their coin, only to get it all back? It had to be a test. If one couldn't give up their own coin purse, how could they stand a chance against the temptations of something known as "The Corrupter"?

Still, this team seemed most unusual. He suspected that they would need to fight together in order to truly get to know one another. But, until such a time, conversation would have to suffice.

Judging Osla's action as most appropriate, the short green mercenary echoed it and took a single silver piece. He then continued to follow her lead, getting a drink and sitting at the same table.

"You'd be surprised at just how pointless many laws in Arcazia are." Ekindu added to the conversation before looking around and asking all of those remaining "So, has anyone here ever fought, or even seen, a dragon before?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

”I guess the law is kind of stupid, but then again… isn’t the Emperor on the throne by divine sanction? Oh well, I guess it isn’t illegal if nobody catches you, eh?” Ernst took another swig from his tankard, giving a sigh of relief, before refilling it with a nearby pitcher. ”Oh yes -- a real drink! Haven’t had that in how many weeks! Bloody hell, the times are hard, aren’t they? It sure shows, when I can’t even get my nightly ale and especially when a noble girl like you would make a mercenary out of herself like this. At least you’re being sent against a dragon, miss. Be a good story to tell to mom and pop if ever we survive, for sure.”

He brought the tankard to his lips when his eyes mildly widened and he paused for a moment. ”Say, I’m not the only one who saw that talking dog, right?” he said with a smile. “What the hell’s up with that, eh? Thank the Gods it’s actually a bit civilized.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(Accidental double-post. Stupid website. Can't even delete your own posts...)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Richard_III


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Osla's eye twinged for a minute after Ernst called her a noble, but her rage was soon subdued by her loud and boisterous laughter. She practically fell off her chair in her fit of joy. She soon regained her posture and replied to Ernst.
"I'm about the furthest thing from a noble" She said before taking a swig of ale.
"And I don't much like talking to dirt so I'll probably refrain from telling my 'mom and pop' about this" She grinned before continuing on about their new Kunite companion.
"I met a few Kunite before when I was on the road, crazy bunch from what I've seen" She looked over her shoulder to see if Marco was actually listening in. He wasn't.
"They all think they can talk to gods or some shit, the common ones are usually alright blokes from what I've seen, but from what we've seen tonight, the nobles can be a real pain in the arse" She took one last swig of her tankard before starting to fill it up again.
"Still, good to have some arrow fodder on the team, especially one big enough to take more than one"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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MarcoPolo couldn't sleep is thinking too much about the soon to come travels. What would they see? Who would they meet? Could they really beat down a dragon? Well MarcoPolo with the grace of Hero, the god wolf of speed and shadows; MarcoPolo would be alright. That was the god that MarcoPolo could transform into, he was perfect for him. MarcoPolo wouldn't transform until he trusted those "people" better. He really didn't get a good vibe from the Osla girl, and Ernst...forget about it. Feeling restless, MarcoPolo went back downstairs, passing by wanted posters. MarcoPolo couldn't picture out the drawing, whoever did it had less writing and drawing capability then MarcoPolo. "Hey Bar Keep, can I have your finest piece of meat, maybe that'll make me tired." Walking towards the bar, MarcoPolo slipped one of his coins onto the table. If he was going to be with these folks, at least he could eat something good; to get the bad taste of them out of his mouth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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The moment had finally come when the two women approached the treeline. Ehluria was careful in the way she carried herself, making sure not to make any sudden movements. She knew the animal was just beyond and ready to protect Kat if the need arose. The white-haired girl made some kind of signal and with it, a violent rustling of leaves and grass, shortly after, a beast. The size of this monster was more than what she was expecting, but she still wasn't worried. Kat introduced the two. Ehluria smirked when Hel reacted to the name. The two obviously had a strong bond. After Kat reassured her safety to her friend, the beast seemed to study the stranger.

Ehluria took a single step forward before bringing herself to one knee, her head still up and keeping eye contact with the beast. She had encountered many types of animals, each of them requiring a specific tactic. Hel was an over-sized cat with a supreme sense of protection. A creature like that must feel in control and it has to have all the power. Especially when it came to their territory. Still kneeling, eye contact ever strong, Ehluria extended her right hand to the ground. She was careful not to tap the ground, as Hel might tihnk she was calling him to her. She would let the beast approach her on his own will. She smiled, no sign of fear. She was confident that if something bad were to happen, she had an escape. She always did. There was a moment of silence. For a moment, the night critters even refused to make a sound.

The moment of truth
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DAWNSTAR
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DAWNSTAR A literal Type 0 Super Luminous Star

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"Well, my good companions. I don't give a warg's arse about the king's laws. He is no king to me. These two deer," Tregon says this as he waves his left hand at the deer, "will help feed the families of those in this town who can't afford to buy food for the night. What they don't eat will be salted or dried out and sent along to another town who isn't as lucky." Tregon takes a chair from the bar as the bar keep passes a large lamb leg to the kunite. He looked around at those who were still in the bar and was amazed. It wasn't a mercenary company but it would do. "You would be surprised about what Guringar does for you humans. He doesn't need your money so that he can leave you to die, he needs it so that those who are in poverty can eat. Even the dwarven cities in the Spine have issues with poverty, though it is not quite like the poverty here." Tregon says as he waves for the owner to bring him an ale. Tregon handed the owner a silver and took a draught from the cool ale.

"Nobody here is likely to know how to beat a dragon. Heck, even I don't know how to kill one! That is why were are going to Vargiz. A man I met there claims to know how to kill a black dragon. Though, I am not sure he is trustworthy. He is best we have at this time. Just a warning though, we might not be able to get everybody into Vargiz." Tregon says to those still in the bar. He stops for a brief moment to take a sip of ale and pull his tobacco and pipe out. Tregon puts a small bundle of tobacco into the pipe and lights it. "Vargiz is currently under martial law after an outbreak of ashen. Seems that nobody is let in or out of Vargiz without express permission of General Teag or Nobleman Courbit. So, we are going to have to find a way into Vargiz quickly and quietly. Plus, we have to get to the passage to Kal'Draguraz in two weeks otherwise we will have to wait three months for another chance to get there." says the young half-dwarf. As he finishes his statement, he lets out a large ring of smoke followed by two smaller rings. The tobacco was mostly for calming his nerves than it was for the purpose of smoking. Tobacco had always calmed Tregon down though it wasn't all that good for him to smoke.
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