Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AllOurPrettySongs


Member Seen 5 mos ago

I mean, really, I was watching movies with a "I can totally watch this three out movie in an hour. It's only one on the morning" mentality.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Quatro
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Will this RP start anytime soon?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Blackwolf said
There is pretty much a demographic on this site haha. was all pretty much fall into the same groups.

Yep. The average age of people on here is higher on other forums as well (from what I've seen).

And yes Quatro, we're working on a first post now and how to start everyone off on the same level. It should be up today (it's 10:50 here, GMT - gives you a guide).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 1 yr ago

you're still younger then me XD but anyways. Yea it's a good thing about this place, less petty shit going on daily. You know, except for me antagonizing Wolver, but I have always found it fun ti rile her up XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Blackwolf said
you're still younger then me XD but anyways. Yea it's a good thing about this place, less petty shit going on daily. You know, except for me antagonizing Wolver, but I have always found it fun ti rile her up XD

You cruel old man!

Well, six/seven years ago the average age seemed to around 15 or so with the only 20+ being the founders/mods. These days a lot of kids aren't interested in this kind of site, enough stuff out there readily available to take up their time etc.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yea I remember not having much to do, dial up internet, and a shitty computer. So couldn't do to much on the internet, so stuff like this was perfect since it was a nice escape, and all the stuff that now days are FUCKING EVERYWHERE and pretty much everybody loves...you got picked on and made fun of for liking...well WE LIKED IT FIRST!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Quatro
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oh. I guess that means I have to make a character then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 1 yr ago

It helps...yes
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Don't feel rushed though, Quatro. We're doing the RP in phases and the first 'Act' is designed so someone can jump in at virtually any point.

Blackwolf said
Yea I remember not having much to do, dial up internet, and a shitty computer. So couldn't do to much on the internet, so stuff like this was perfect since it was a nice escape, and all the stuff that now days are FUCKING EVERYWHERE and pretty much everybody loves...you got picked on and made fun of for liking...well WE LIKED IT FIRST!!

Yeah... remember the good ol' days of DOS? When having a single computer was amazing and schools had one for everyone... now they do lessons on iPads and have pretty much done away with pen and paper. What is this world coming to?!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Quatro
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Can I use this as an ability?

Preemptive Adaptation - The power to instantly develop powers and/or skills in response to unavoidable and imminent threats in the future. The users can either instantly develop powers or abilities to deal with threats or their bodies dynamically learn from experience.

Examples: They can grow harden skin after foreseeing being shot to death or stabbed. The user will even develop a power to counteract the powers of another, such as gaining a Psychic Shield to protect oneself from a soon to be telepathic intrusion. After a certain situation the user's skin may become tougher, they may display increased IQ after a difficult test or fortified emotions after a personal argument. User may be able to read different languages after moments of looking them up or be able to withstand a constant bombardment of radiation.

As for limitations, the ability only activates for imminent or very probable threats to the user and the powers gained are likely to be lost once the threat is gone. Maybe the user may or may not be able to control adaptations. And also, some adaptations may be in conjunction with weaknesses.

Yay or nay?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Have you seen most peoples handwriting nowadays? Hell you're signature means about as much as just spitting on the paper. When I use my credit card I usually "sign" with a bunch of doodles. You know, stick figures fighting dinosaurs and the like.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tell me about it. It's worse when you work in a place that requires you to sign hundreds of contracts - you developed a work signature where the first character vaguely matches the first of your name and then the wrest is just a squiggle.

Quatro said
Can I use this as an ability? - The power to instantly develop powers and/or skills in response to unavoidable and imminent threats in the future. The users can either instantly develop powers or abilities to deal with threats or their bodies dynamically learn from experience.

They can grow harden skin after foreseeing being shot to death or stabbed. The user will even develop a power to counteract the powers of another, such as gaining a Psychic Shield to protect oneself from a soon to be telepathic intrusion. After a certain situation the user's skin may become tougher, they may display increased IQ after a difficult test or fortified emotions after a personal argument. User may be able to read different languages after moments of looking them up or be able to withstand a constant bombardment of radiation.

As for limitations, the ability only activates for imminent or very probable threats to the user and the powers gained are likely to be lost once the threat is gone. Maybe the user may or may not be able to control adaptations. And also, some adaptations may be in conjunction with weaknesses.Yay or nay?

Interesting. Some good weaknesses but how about a time limit for sustained dangers - for example if a large, heavy object (let's say a tank or a building) fell on them they could only sustain the toughened skin for a few seconds?

That or have a minimum gap between adaptations. With sufficient weaknesses/requirements/limits it has my approval.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Quatro
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

In terms of a time limit, the powers would remain until the threat is no more. In the scenario where a tank falls on top of you and you'd develop super strength or toughened skin, I'd expect the abilities to last until you aren't under the tank and being crushed anymore. Any sooner and you'd probably be dead.

As for other limitations, I think having it only activate in the presence of an incoming threat and only being temporary is a pretty good weakness. When not faced with anything, my character would just be a normal person.

Comparing this to the other abilities and weaknesses of characters that have already been accepted, I think this seems pretty fair. The abilities Diego copies seem like they're permanent while only having physical contact as a prerequisite as its weakness; not sure if I missed something though but that doesn't sound like that much of a weakness. Also, if I sound rude in anyway, that wasn't my intention. I just wanted to point it out as an example and this was the best I could find.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 1 yr ago

yea I think he means more like, how many adaptations can he have at once? One, Two, Three?? Also the adaptations them selves would need a weakness, like ok you adapted to block a power, well what if the person is strong enough that they can overcome it, or smart enough that they could figure out a way around it. That is just my two cents,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Quatro said
In terms of a time limit, the powers would remain until the threat is no more. In the scenario where a tank falls on top of you and you'd develop super strength or toughened skin, I'd expect the abilities to last until you aren't under the tank and being crushed anymore. Any sooner and you'd probably be dead.

As for other limitations, I think having it only activate in the presence of an incoming threat and only being temporary is a pretty good weakness. When not faced with anything, my character would just be a normal person.

Comparing this to the other abilities and weaknesses of characters that have already been accepted, I think this seems pretty fair. The abilities Diego copies seem like they're permanent while only having physical contact as a prerequisite as its weakness; not sure if I missed something though but that doesn't sound like that much of a weakness. Also, if I sound rude in anyway, that wasn't my intention. I just wanted to point it out as an example and this was the best I could find.

You make a good point. I'm absolutely fine with people debating their intended powers as long as they present a good case; which you have.

The only real reason I mentioned the time limit was because it was something that could be improved upon over the course of the RP - that's really what the point of weaknesses are here so there's something for a character to work on, as it were.

And Diego's power is that he can only copy - he doesn't master the ability and can only remember a select few at any one time. That may not be clear in the CS but that's been the case in previous RPs with that character.

To sum up: I agree with your points; since the power is a reactive rather than proactive one it has enough built in weaknesses in and of itself. I might still suggest a maximum time limit on a power simply so there's something that can be worked on over the course of the RP but that's entirely up to you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Quatro
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I believe he was referring to both duration and number of adaptations. As for the former, I've already given my opinion while for the latter, I think this doesn't seem like that much of an issue. I doubt their would be scenario that would require more that three adaptations, and I think that's stretching it. There could be certain situations that would require more, but I just can't think of any without exaggerating it.

As for your question regarding someone who is able to counter an adaptation, then good for them. I think that's more of a merit to that person instead of a weakness. Lastly, I don't see why all the adaptations would need weaknesses.

I think Jinxer was more focused on me having sufficient weaknesses/requirements/limits; uncontrollable since it requires the presence of a threat and the abilities being temporary. Like I mentioned, compared to the ability I'm suggesting, I don't think some of the other characters have that many weaknesses and limitations given the power they've chosen. I'm just hoping for some impartiality.

I appreciate your suggestions Jinxer. For the time limit, I think sustaining the ability until the threat is no longer present is a good enough duration since I doubt certain threats last that long. Getting hit by a car, stabbed, or poisoned would require abilities that would only last for a few moments. Temporarily phasing through a car, skin hardens the moment one is about to get stabbed, or developing some sort of immunity for the specific type of poison; several seconds would suffice. However, in the event a threat lasts longer than expected, I'll moderate the duration to not completely counter the situations thrown at me. Would that suffice?

The idea of further developing this ability further is quite interesting and if you have any more suggestions on how to control the initial manifestations of this ability, I'm all ears.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Quatro said
I appreciate your suggestions Jinxer. For the time limit, I think sustaining the ability until the threat is no longer present is a good enough duration since I doubt certain threats last that long. Getting hit by a car, stabbed, or poisoned would require abilities that would only last for a few moments. Temporarily phasing through a car, skin hardens the moment one is about to get stabbed, or developing some sort of immunity for the specific type of poison; several seconds would suffice. However, in the event a threat lasts longer than expected, I'll moderate the duration to not completely counter the situations thrown at me. Would that suffice?

The idea of further developing this ability further is quite interesting and if you have any more suggestions on how to control the initial manifestations of this ability, I'm all ears.

Absolutely. While most situations would be very short-lived, as you pointed out, there might be the occasional circumstance with prolonged danger (for example, being trapped in a burning building or sustained attacks from another Empowered/Unnatural (using my character, Julius, as an example, he could repeatedly throw compressed air at someone)). It's in those infrequent circumstances a 'weakness' might be visible.

The only other 'weakness' that I can come up with right now would be a minimum gap between adaptations - or even more simply a maximum limit within a certain time frame. In terms of effects this could just be a stamina issue, all powers use up energy in a similar manner to physical exercise would and as with physical exercise this stamina can be enhanced and increased by practice. Of course, that's less of a weakness and just a general fact; the more the characters use their powers the more they'll be able to do with them (again, using Julius as an example, in the first RP he could barely create a small breeze and in the latest one he created a current strong enough to throw the explosion of a nuclear bomb into the atmosphere (although this admittedly nearly killed him)).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 21 days ago

You guys don't mind if I appky with this character right?
(Also, if you don't mind, I'll upload a picture later. I always draw my own characters, but lately I haven't had much time to . . .)

Name: Miriam Christa Justus

Alias: "Stigma"

Age: 16

Personality: Miriam, partly due to her upbringing, is usually calm and relaxed, even under intense pressure and horrible situations. This attitude of hers is particularly for when she is around other people; she does her best to seem fine so that other people can relax in turn; only when she is safely out of sight does she breakdown - this is especially hard for her, because despite her normal attitude, she's still a young woman, and is nowhere near as strong as she wants others to believe. Her attitude when it comes to work is serious, methodological, organized and hardworking, but when working with others she has problems being straightforward because she doesn't want to step on anyone's toes. Miriam prefers preventing conflict rather than ending it.
She's also rather religious and conservative, and because she doesn't shove it in your face, she expects other people to be respectful in turn.
For Miriam, she considers her existence to be for the sake of helping other people; her own wishes count for nothing. Her natural (not to mention extreme) martyrdom applies to almost everyone, and she never turns away someone in need. She has deluded herself into thinking she is some sort of messiah. She knows that she cannot save anyone, even is she wants to.
Regardless of all these traits, however, Miriam does not in fact feel compelled to help other people for the sake of her ego or because of some sense of duty; she helps others because to her, it is simply the right thing to do. To ignore other in need is a sin above all others in her eyes, and she will have nothing of it.

Appearance: Long brown hair. During relaxation times, it's usually let loose, but when Miriam is at work she ties it into a single large braid. When going out, she wears it as a low pony tail. Miriam has olive colored skin and light brown eyes. She is short (4'9) and wishes she could grow more. Her clothes usually consist of black and white dresses, a symbol of morning. She only has a few colored clothes reserved for festive occasions. Her one piece of clothing that isn't a dress is a pair of shorts and a hoodie. She always wears a thin wooden rosary around her neck, and never takes it off, even while showering.

Powers: Her alias comes from her power of the same name: Stigma. The ability is in three forms. Self-Healing, Forced-Healing and Nursing.

Self-Healing is exactly as it sounds where Miriam recovers rapidly from injuries and sickness, however this is the slowest form. Forced-Healing is when she uses another persons health and 'transfers' it to herself, effectively switching their health status. The last form, 'Nursing' is the exact opposite of Forced-Healing as well as her fastest acting ability, where she transfers her own health to another person - this ability can be applied to multiple people.

Weaknesses and limitations: Skin contact is required for her ability to work. Self-Healing is the slowest acting of her abilities and can only work when she's at rest (asleep). Overuse of Nursing can kill her, especially so when applied to more than one person and when the injuries are grievous. Forced-Healing is not an instantaneous effect, so contact can be broken off.

History: Miriam was raised at a Christian orphanage, and grew up listening to stories about martyrs and sacrifice. More-so than the all the other kids at orphanage, Miriam was affected by these stories, and for years this was her way of living. It was unknown when her powers manifested, or how they came to be. Was it a mutation? A gift from God? Whatever the case, the people of her orphanage saw her ability - and that of many other kids in the orphanage - as a miracle. For awhile, she was happy, unhated and surrounded even by others like her. That was until the general consensus of what to do with so-called 'Unnaturals' flipped over to the other side of public opinion. The nuns of the orphanage tried their best to hide her and the others, but such abilities where impossible to hid for long.

Eventually, one of the people who had donated regularly to the orphanage discovered the 'Unnaturals' hidden within its walls. The government did a prompt and effective raid, and all the children (and some nuns) where brought to a certain facility . . .

After years of experiments and tortuous situations, they were finally broken out. The one's responsible for their salvation where surprisingly not others like them, but regular people who had worked with the orphanage, who had begged them for help. Some where even higher-ups in the government itself. The operation was successful at first, but it was only natural that they would be pursued. Soon, the jeep that they had escaped in was attacked.

Thankfully, all the occupants got out, but now the group was scattered. Miriam wandered around with two other companions, before circumstance split them apart. It has been three years since this happened, and only now does Miriam hear tell about a growing voice of opposition against the treatment of Unnaturals, and thinks perhaps that she can end her days of wandering about, and perhaps find her missing family - the ones that she was separated from the night their jeep was attacked.

Miriam is an avid reader of all kinds of books.
Her abilities aside, Miriam can also do regular first-aid.
Miriam is a good singer, and can go from contralto, to mezzo soprano, to a soprano robusto. She's also skilled at singing Coloratura Soprano's. The problem with her singing, however, is that though she regularly edits them, she only knows choir songs.
She likes playing in caves.
She has never cursed once. Not even an 'Oh my god!'
Goats freak the heaven out of her. This is because a lot of kids (who where amused by her religious zeal) that the goat was the symbol of the devil, and thus, the goat was an agent of Satan. She never got over it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 12 mos ago

A great character, TheHangedMan. Honestly, one of the best that I've seen with so much detail about the personality, background and nature of the character without over-doing it. I recognise a lot of my character (Julius) in there with regards to her personality but more extreme; it will be interesting to see how they interact.

Yes, that's fine with regards to your image. The appearance detail is more than enough to get by for now, just let Wolverbells know when you're ready to update your CS with an image so that she can manage it in the list.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 1 yr ago

*claps at the CS* Bravo my find sir! Bravo
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