Vortex said
If this was historically accurate she probably would have been assassinated by now
Pretty much or married off to someone much older.
Vortex said
If this was historically accurate she probably would have been assassinated by now
Slendy said
>_< the hostility! By the way how old is everyone's character. Toby's 22.
Slendy said
Yep he's up there.1. PedoBear2. Olaf
Slendy said
Toby: :'( Why do I always fail.Hey wait what is Olaf planning to do after he get married?
Vortex said
Fortunately for you this isnt real life. It is true that there have been child rulers throughout history but alot of them were revered as gods (Which is common in many cultures) and if not most of them died (either naturally or not so naturally) and most who survived were boys. So if this was real you would be at a significant disadvantage
OppositionJ said
True she is a girl, but her nation is very religious. If you hadn't noticed Mandisa is kinda based off ancient egypt and a female ruler, Hatshepsut, took the throne at age 12 and ruled for over 20 years.
Slendy said
=_= wait a minute. You mentioned something about your future plans but my borders and a......army was apart of it.
Vortex said
Yes, I took the hint that the people and culture are religious and are based off Egypt. However I did not realise she was based off Hathshepsut (does that mean she will wear a beard?) or that Hathshepsut got the throne at 12
Slendy said
=_= wait a minute. You mentioned something about your future plans but my borders and a......army was apart of it.
OppositionJ said
Well she isn't really gonna do anything like Hatshepsut. Haptshepsut is just an example of a successful young female leader.