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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Draco was flying about in the sky high above the forest, he was bored, and he needed to train, it made him stronger, and it entertained him. He was an amazing flyery, doing spins and flips, although his wing was already injured and he was pushing himself way too much. It had just turned morning, surely, nobody would be up this early in the morning. He then flew up high and finally swooped down with a spin, although, with so much pressure on his wings, the wind quickly tore up his wing, leaving a loud echoing roar, he smashed into the cave below him which he had called home. He roared again in pain, the blood was quickly covering the floor as it dripped of his wings. It seemed he was being a little too reckless this time. He roared in pain again, his tail swaying slowly. The sound could be heard by miles.


Angel was in the forest, training her magic. She had just come from her hidden cavern, which was located behind a waterfall, of course, she had it protected with magic. She enchanted her spear, and slashed the tree, as she did, it exploded. She nodded. She was getting the hang of it now. She looked around and then looked up. She needed to eat. She was a long way from a village, the forest was huge, and it would take her hours to go there. She hadn't mastered her magic either. She shrugged and jumped up. She used her spear to cut the apple down and grabbed it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Rose was in the villages battle arena practicing her spells and swordsmanship while training the other mages since she had yet to find a replacement commander for the mages in her army after a few hours of training she decided to go for her morning walk to clear her head and blow of steam thanks to Jake's blood lust and hated was seeping into Rose making her very edgy, frustrated and tense so she headed for the forest and once there she heard a loud roar she looked up and saw a huge dragon fall into a nearby cave she smiled thinking ever that dragon was a good dragon was just passing thou and needed help or was her planning to attack the village and needed to be dealt with ever way this was a chance for her top blow of some steam and loosen up a bit so she flew over to the cave and walked inside the cave was quite big and was pitch black feather in the cave but thanks to her link with Jake she could see as well in the dark as a dragon could as she got closer she could smell the dragons blood soon she came up to Draco she approached with a smile and said

"if you are not hostile i wont hurt you so no need to worry as i am her to help well that is unless you plan to attack me or the nearby village because if that's the case me and you are going to have a problem" she then listened to his hart beet so she would know if he told her the truth or not as she approached him
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Dragon King and Shenron

Shenron had gone out, to make sure the kingdom was secure, as requested by the king, but once he heard the roar, he knew Draco had injured himself. He quickly stopped what he was doing, and flew off. he had to get there quickly, meanwhile, Draco got himself up and huffed when he saw the human.

"Leave this place! I need no help from a human, I am the strongest of all dragons. I, Draco, am the Dragon King, and we do not deal with humans here. My injury is minor, begone foul human."

He roared loudly, but then feel back down due to the pain. He growled, and looked up to her. Then, Shenron flew in. He looked to the humans and then looked to Draco.

"Your majesty, are you ok? You were being recklessness again, weren't you? You should be more careful on that wing of yours."

His whiskers moved in waves slowly, as a blue light covered the wing, and quickly began to heal it. He then looked to the human.

"Hello, I would say it is nice to meet you, but we are in a dire situation at the moment. The humans are in danger, I would leave now while you still can. As sadly, Draco no longer holds the crown, his sister does with his entire army, who holds a great hatred for humans. With Draco injured, she will come and finish it. After our death, it will be your turn. You have to escape."

He then looked to the sky, and sighed, took closed his eyes and looked back up to the human. He knew it was best for the humans to help, it was their only option now. If they didn't, then they themselves would die, but, were the humans strong enough, he himself now doubted it. Viper had an army, and she was strong, all they were, were mere humans.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Listened to the dragons ad smiled she was getting a little exited not only was she not only got to get to blow of steam but she was going to get to fight the Dragon Queen and her army but she knew Draco needed help.

"Look its not over yet I am not the type to just lay down and die so this is what's going to happen, I am going to heal you and call my army, you are going to get of your ass and we are going to take back your crown because there is no way I am going to let a human hating dragon lead an army of dragons."

Rose knew Draco didn't want her help so she was going to have to retrain him, she decided to use the dark cave to her advantage, and cast a shadow spell. She created dark chains, which wrapped around Draco, holding him down. Once he was retrained, she walked over and placed her hand on Draco's wing and casted a powerful healing spell which healed his injuries, and restored his energy. Once she was done, she stepped back and released him.

"Now you're healed, get off your ass, and get ready to fight."


Ryu was fighting off Viper's dragons to hold them off, to let Draco escape, once he heard Draco roared, he knew it was time to go, he flew off quickly and reached the cave, he landed softly, and looked to the human as she healed him. He knew Draco wouldn't like being healed by a human, he just stood back, watching what Draco would do now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Draco and Shenron

Draco was suddenly held down, he growled at her, listening to what she had to say. When he was healed, he was released, he slowly got himself up, and turned to Ryu when he arrived, he huffed out some smoke, and turned back to the human.

"I did not ask for your help, human, Like I said, we do not deal with humans here."

He roared loudly, and shot a flame thrower at her in his rage. Of course, he secretly respected her, how she was able to hold him down. Shenron stayed back, he wouldn't interfere with Draco, although, with the human having powers, she could be more help than he thought, and she had an army? He smiled, and watched for now, he wondered how things would play out, and he would step in if needed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Rose saw Dracos attack coming she had dealt with stubborn unruly Dragons before she stepped back and brought booth her hands up in a circler motion blocking the fire blast then she flung both hands down to her side cutting the fire attack in half with each half hitting the ground at ever side of her she then looked back to Draco and Shenron

"i take it you have never dealt with a warlock before cos if you had you would know a elemental attack as week as that would never work now calm down and listen up you have a dragon who has already defeated you once on her way to finish you off and she will likely bring your army along with her now i cant believe you are so stubborn and arrogant that you believe the tree of you can win on your own now i know i look like your typical young woman but i am stronger then i look and my army of warlocks can help now weather you want to admit it you need me you need my army but if you still want to fight i say come at me but i what hold back as i need to blow of a bit of steam now i can unload my stress o you or your sister it makes on difference to me so the only question is what are you going to do now?"

Rose then got ready to fight hopping it would not come to that be she knew that my not be enough to get though to him
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Slade and Archer

Slade woke up and stretched himself out, he yawned loudly, then slowly got himself up. He got his assassin gear on and went downstairs, it seemed Rose had gone out, probably training or letting off some steam. He yawned, and walked out, taking a quick look around, he asked some of the villagers where Rose had gone. Once he knew where she had gone, he followed her into the forest and looked around. It shouldn't be long before he tracked her down, he knew her route now mostly, so he just had to follow it, meanwhile, Archer was in the forest, practicing his magic, when suddenly, he heard a loud roar coming from the caves. He turned around and slowly approached, it wasn't any beast he had ever heard. It was too big to be a bear, he wondered what it was. As he approached, he saw a lost boy enter the forest and wandering around. He stopped for a moment and stepped forward. He had a lot of weapony for being so young.

"Sir, this is no place for children, go back. There is a dangerous beast in those caves."

Slade stopped, listening to him. He smiled and gave a quick nod. He had to guess she would be in there if anywhere. He looked to the cave in the distance, and then back to the archer.

"Then that is where I am headed. My sister is most likely there now."

He smiled, and ran on ahead. Archer watched him and shook his head, quickly following him. He couldn't let a boy like that go into a dangerous cave alone, even if he was armed. They entered the caves, and quickly travelled through. Archer was being more cautious, while Slade just strolled through without a worry. Once they reached the end, they came to Rose and the dragon. Archer's face dropped, he became speechless.

"A.....dragon? Impossible."

Slade looked to him, then shrugged, he stood beside Rose and tapped her on the shoulder. He wasn't surprised, he had been told all about the myths and legends.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Draco and Shenron

Drayko watched her deal with his attack easily, he huffed, and listened to her. He was ready to attack, he was ready to fight, and just as he stood up, breathing out smoke and getting ready, Shenron stepped in, he looked to him and shook his head.

"Draco, just stop! Viper has already captured your mother, with you gone, whose to stop her and her army from releasing the Phoenix Queen? We haven't got time to fight, the humans have power, and if we want any chance of survival now, then we need to accept that power."

Draco looked back to Shenron, and then looked to Rose, suddenly, two new humans came in. He closed his eyes softly and sighed, letting himself calm down for a moment before opening them again.

"Fine, fine. I will accept your help, for now, but remember one thing!"

He looked deadly serious, he got right in her face, and stared in her eyes, with his wings open wide, he huffed of thick black smoke for a moment as he continued to stare in her eyes.

"Remember, I owe you one."

For a moment, there was a tone of respet and kindess in his heart, it was faint, even though he tried to act tough, he was happy that she was going to help. Shenron could easily tell, but he wondered if everyone else did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Rose listened to Draco and Shenron, when suddenly her brother and a stranger showed up. She could tell he was quite powerful as she could sense his magical energy. Then Draco walked over to her, got in her face and in an aggressive tone, admitted, he owed her one. She knew that couldn't of been easy for him but she respected the fact that he swallowed his pride long enough not only to admit it to himself, but to say it out loud. Rose smiled and said,

"Don't worry about it. This may be your war but it isn't just your problem, because the outcome will effect the entire human race. If it makes you feel better, you can remind yourself that we have to help you whether we want to or not because if we don't, we will just have to fight the same war later on without your help."

Rose then turned to her brother and the stranger.

"Slade, run back to the village and tell father and mother that we are about to be attacked by a huge army of dragons led by a Dragon Queen, and to mobilize all of our forces. I want the magic archers set up around the village ready to shoot down any dragon that attacks, but no kill shots as we will be working with the former Dragon King, helping him take back his crown and army. Tell the mages to gather in the center of the village and cast a barrier spell that prevents anything from the outside coming into the village but allows us to shot magic out, and I want the templar's to meet us at this cave as the army will have to pass through here to get to the village. Archer, I want you to go with him as you will be able to keep each other safe. I will stay here and speak with the Dragon King and see if I can find out if the queen has any weaknesses we can exploit."

With that, she turned back to Draco, Shenron and Ryu.

"I need you to tell me everything you know about the queen's powers and the strength of her army and subordinates. I need to know who is loyal to her, and who is only following her orders. So I know who I need to kill and who I have to injure or capture."


Ryu watched and listened to the others, he was surprised at Rose's strength and skill and how she was taking charge of the situation. He was curious to how Draco would handle her taking charge like this. He came down from the roof of the cave and stood by Draco then looked to Rose. He was glad that Draco was warming up to this human, maybe there was hope for him returning to his old self after all as long as things go well between them.

"For telling you all the strengths and weaknesses of Viper, Draco will know more than anyone. Shenron will be able to tell you about her second in command, Midnight. As for the army, you will be facing thousands of dragons of various elements, all with dragon magic but considering you have magic of your own, I can also manipulate the elements, the only question is, who has the greater numbers and who has more power. The only two that will not rejoin Draco if he becomes the king again will be Midnight and obviously Viper. Those two will likely be at the head of the army if you kill those two, the battle is over."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Slade and Archer

Slade and Archer listened to Rose, Archer was a little surprised how he knew his name, but quickly realized she was simply calling him an Archer, and nodded. Together, the two ran towards the village, and before long, got there within a couple of minutes. Slade looked around for a moment, looking for his parents, and soon found them after a minute of searching. He ran over to them, and explained the situation and telling them Rose's orders. Once he had explained everything and gave the orders, he nodded to them. He waited to see if they wanted him to wait or go on ahead. Archer simply watched and waited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Draco and Shenron

Draco huffed at her as she spoke, and simply nodded. He took a deep breath and gave a soft sigh. He watched as she quickly took charge of the situation, and he liked that. It showed her strength, and his respect for her only grew. When he asked him about Viper, the army and who were loyal to her, he looked to Ryu as he talked about the army, once he finished, he stepped forward.

"Viper, is my sister. She is a highly aggressive and violent dragon who hates all species, she wants a world ruled by dragons, where only dragons rule, all other creatures either dead or living in fear, bowing to her. She has strong dragon magic, and she is also psychic. She hates me, as she was denied a chance to fight for the crown back in the royal arena, but that was because she was dangerous, and everyone knew what she wanted. Our mother, she always treated me better, but it was because she knew I liked humans. Viper, she........well, she was always better than me, the only reason I was chosen to fight, and she wasn't, was, merely because I didn't want to kill everyone."

Draco didn't know why, but he was opening up. Even Shenron was surprised. He just ignored it though, this was a big chance for Draco, and he didn't want to ruin it. He stepped forward with a smile on his face.

"Midnight, the second in command. He is an ancient like me. He is old, and our bodies are weak, we won't last too much longer, although, our power is fearsome. To be honest, we could drop dead at any moment. I can feel my body, my time is near, and I want to make sure Draco is safe before that. I think that is the only thing that is keeping me going at this point. Midnight is stronger than I, well, his body anyway. He has ancient magic, some ancient magic has been lost in time, with it being so old. I might not last the whole fight, as it is only a matter of time before I cannot go on."

He coughed softly, and looked back up to her. Anyone would be able to tell he was dying, he was in no condition to fight, but he didn't care. He would do anything for Draco, even if that meant dying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kai and Faith

Kai and Faith were sparring in the battle arena when suddenly Slade ran up to them and gave them Rose's message. They immediately sounded an magical alarm. Signalling all the warlocks in the village to gather in the town center. They ran over there and once everyone had arrived, they relayed the orders. The archers and mages set up the perimeter, Kai looked to Slade and told him to follow him, he then led Slade and the templar's to the cave while Faith stayed to take command of the mages and archers. Faith looked to Archer,

"You look capable with a bow, and I can sense you have magic. If you're willing to help, come with us and help set up the perimeter."

Faith then turned to the archers and shouted loud enough for them all to hear,

"We will surround the village with groups of archers ready to shoot down any dragon, I will be deploying more archers to the east as that is where the dragons will be coming from, but don't spread yourself too thin, we still need to defend north south and west as they could easily fly round and attack us at any side."


Rose listened to the dragons as they all explained the strengths and weaknesses of their enemy. She was more than a little curious when Draco said he liked humans, past tense. She sensed he had some kind of grudge against earlier and she wondered what caused that change of opinion on the subject but it was not the time nor place to talk about his issues. As they finished explaining, Rose realized that Shenron would not be of much use in the coming battle. She didn't like it but she knew of a way he could help give them the upper hand. She looked to to Shenron with a concerned look on her face.

"I am sorry to say this but It's obvious that you will not be of much use in the fight. However, I do know of a way you can help give Draco and our side the upper hand in this battle. I know of a spell that will allow me to transfer your life force and power to Draco, this would not only add your power to his, but it could extend his life span but unfortunately, it would kill you. Obviously, the choice is yours. I leave it up to you and Draco."

As she finished talking Kai, Slade and the templar's arrived at the entrance of the cave, she looked back to the dragons and said,

"Once you made your decision, come meet me at the entrance, and let me know what you decided."


Ryu listened to Rose, he didn't like what she had to say but she had a point. Even Shenron admits he might not make it to the end of the fight, and even Draco has admitted his sister is stronger but with Shenron's power, he would be able to defeat her and he knew he would be able to hold Midnight off long enough for Draco and Rose to kill Viper.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Slade and Archer

Slade and Archer watched as the parents took charge, they both nodded at their orders, and quickly followed them. Archer going to secure the east, and readying his bow, he even drew an arrow ready. He watched the skies carefully, Slade followed Kai, but, he had to wonder what had happened while he was gone, what decision was Rose talking about? Well, he was soon find out. He nodded to her, and smiled. Everything was almost ready.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Draco and Shenron

Draco and Shenron listened carefully to Rose, and immediately, Shenron knew Draco would forbid it. Although, he was willing to do anything to help Draco, even sacrifice himself. Once Rose stepped out, she, Slade and Kai would hear Drayko roar loudly, shaking the cave a little, then, minutes after, Shenron roared, even louder than Drayko. This roar shook the ground a little, it was so powerful. It seemed they were arguing. After a few roars of the two, they slowly stepped out, Shenron sighed a gave a small nod to her.

"It has been decided. I will sacrifice myself, but, one last thing before you do. If I don't say it now, I will forever regret it. Draco, these humans, they aren't like him. Forget the past, please. Put your differences beside. Rose, is a good human. You can trust her, and, I can already tell you like her. Please, don't hold that feeling back. You can let go now, you can open up. You won't get hurt again. I promise you that, and I will always be with you, no matter what. I will always guide you, if in case one day, these humans do betray you. I will be there. I know you are afraid, but don't be."

He looked to Rose seriously, and then nodded to her, Drayko took a deep breath and huffed softly. That was hard for him, anyone could tell that. He slowly looked to Shenron. Whatever happened in his past, obviously affected him. He stepped forward slowly, standing beside Shenron, who were now in front of Rose, ready. He did like Rose, she was strong and he respected that, but, he was afraid, and that was easy to tell. He hadn't opened up in such a long time, he forgot the feeling of friendship, he forgot what it felt like to be open like this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Rose listened to Shenron, once again it was becoming more obvious that Draco had a bad experience with a human in the past. She became more curious about the situation, but she knew there was no time for that. She looked to Draco and Shenron,

"It's funny you should mention that you will always be with him Shenron, as I don't think you know just how true that is. As I stated earlier, this will transfer your life force to Draco, essentially this means your soul and your power will be transferred to Draco, as such your consciousness will exist within him. Now as I have neither cast this spell or had it cast on me, I am not exactly sure what this will mean. Draco may be able to talk to you like a voice inside his head, or you consciousness may just act like a moral compass, meaning whenever he has a decision to make, your consciousness may help guide him, or your consciousness may be trapped inside of him, so you would be like a passenger, simply watching him live his life. If you are both ready, I shall begin the spell."

Rose then walked over, to Draco and Shenron, placing one hand on each of them. She began chanting something in Latin, gradually orbs of light would appear between Draco and Shenron, to those who paid attention, it would be obvious the orbs of light was coming from Shenron and flowing into Draco. Rose turned her head to Kai and explained this spell would take some time, and if they were attacked before she completed the spell, then Shenron would die for nothing.

Kai and Ryu

Kai and Ryu listened to Draco, Shenron and Rose and watched as she began casting her spell. After hearing Rose's warning, they both knew they had to do everything in their power to keep them safe, and buy as much time as they needed to complete the spell. This would not be easy.


While all this was taking place, Viper was readying her army. Once all of the dragons that once served her brother had either sworn undying loyalty to their new queen or been executed for treason, she was ready to take her new army to witness the death of their former king, and now that the number of dragons under her command has increased three fold, she was ready for anything her pathetic brother might try to save himself. She then turned to Midnight and the rest of her army.

"Now you all know your place, it's time to bring down my judgement on that pathetic excuse for a former king."

She then flew off after Draco. He was easy to track, all she had to do was follow the drops of blood, as she flew off, she signaled her army to follow her. It was not long before she came to the cave, she saw her brother and the last two dragons who were still willing to serve him, surrounded by about a thousand humans. As she got closer she saw one of them was doing something with Draco and Shenron, there were strange orbs of light in between them, she didn't know what they were doing but she didn't like it. She stopped in mid air and turned back to her army and Midnight as she pointed to her brother and Shenron.

"There is our target, surround by those worthless humans. Your only job is to clear the way through that herd of cattle so that me or Midnight can get close enough to finish off my useless brother."

With that, the 3000 dragons under her command swarmed together and charged at the humans, firing off a barrage of elemental attacks while Viper flew behind the dragons in the front line waiting for them to create a hole in their defenses.

Rose, Ryu and Kai

Just as the spell Rose was casting was getting started and the templar's had formed a defensive perimeter around them, Viper and her army appeared in the sky. Luckily they were standing in the cave entrance with an army of templar's led by Kai and backed up by Slade and Ryu stood in their way. She knew they were outnumbered three to one, but she had faith in her father's skills as a commander and his power as a warlock and continued with the spell.

Kai and Ryu were getting a little nervous. They were way out numbered and their best chance of winning was combing Shenron's and Draco's power but if just one dragon broke through their defenses, then it would be all over. Suddenly a dark aura formed around Kai, as his body grew, the sounds of bones breaking and reforming could be heard while Kai screamed in pain, his body began to grow. Hair began to cover his entire body, as he grew horns, claws, fangs and a scorpion like tail. Once the transformation was complete, Kai was breathing heavily. He held out his right hand and a large scythe appeared, he grabbed hold of it as he lifted up his head, he took one last deep breath, as he got ready to fight. He turned to Ryu, Slade and the others.

"Obviously, we cannot allow a single dragon to get past us. So I don't care what kind of magic you use, or what forces you tap into, I don't even care how many dragons you kill. Do whatever it takes to stop them advancing."

With that, Kai and the rest of the templar's all cast a simply transformation spell, giving them wings. They all took to the skies and although they didn't fly too high, they now had the maneuverability they needed to defend against the dragons attack, as the dragons swarmed together and swooped in the attack, the templar's flew in front of Kai, Ryu and Slade forming a shield wall. Their shield's were enchanted with powerful magic, it would take some seriously powerful attacks to break through that wall. As the dragons continued their attack and the barrage of elemental attacks smashed against the shields, Kai flew higher and began spinning his scythe in both hands directly in front of him, aimed at the dragons, he created a huge tornado that was heading right for the dragons. It began sucking up all their attacks, making it bigger and stronger. Ryu was amazed, these humans were like nothing he had ever seen. Their powers were on pair with that of a dragons. He started to think they might actually be able to win this war, while Kai and the templar's fended off the dragons attack, for now Ryu stayed behind them acting as a living shield for Rose and the others in case any dragon made it past them. He then noticed Slade was also staying back, he wondered if he was also acting as a last line of defense, or if he was simply staying away from the front lines because he lacked the power to help. After seeing what the others were capable of, he choose to believe that they brought him for a reason. He shouted over to Slade to get his attention the pointed to his back, signaling him to get on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Slade looked to the dragon, Ryu, and then looked to his father who was doing a wonderful job at defending, as well as the other warlocks. He smiled, and then ran to Ryu, after looking to him a little, he looked to Draco. Maybe this would prove that humans wouldn't hurt him. He didn't know the spell, but he had an idea what was going on, with everything Shenron and Rose said, he looked to Ryu, petting him on the head, before getting on his back, he gave a soft smile, looking down at him.

"I have never rode a dragon before. Thank you, do you think, that Draco would allow me or Rose ride him?"

He smiled, and then looked up. He took a deep breath, and then held out his hands, suddenly a large barrier formed around the area, protecting them, Rose, Draco and Shenron. He hoped it would be enough to stop the dragons.


Midnight listened to Viper and followed her, once there, he listened to her again, and when all the other dragons attacked, he smiled evilly, he was ready for this. He casted powerful elemental spells at the first barrier, these spells were much stronger than any other dragon here, since he was an ancient. They were bigger too. He even had the earth underneath crumble and crack to try and break the barrier that way. He knew, that with an army like this, the barrier wouldn't last long.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Draco and Shenron

Draco and Shenron nodded, and awaited the spell, they were both glad that they would be together, Shenron would be able to advise Draco, or at least help him, they both liked that. They had their trust in the warlocks that the spell wouldn't go interrupted. Once Viper and Midnight arrived, things were quickly getting back. Drayko closed his eyes softly, and kept waiting. He was worried, he couldn't see his mother, nor could Shenron. They feared the worse, they both knew what Viper was like. They watched as the warlocks did everything to try to defend them, and then one of then even began to ride his fellow friend. He looked to Rose and closed his eyes again, this was still hard for him. All he could do was sit and wait, he hoped they could hang in there, just long enough until he was ready. He looked to Rose once more, and then nodded to her. He was serious, he would not let her family die because of this war, it was his war, and so, he was going to make sure, if anyone died, it would be his people, not hers. He did not want anyone to feel the loss he did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago


The warlocks were putting up more of a fight than she expected, even with all the attacks her army were throwing at them, they weren't moving an inch, then one of them created a tornado which was sucking up their own attacks and sending them back at them. The elemental tornado sucked in a few dozen dragons as it got closer. Viper flew in front of her men and created a psychic barrier and expanded it, forcing the tornado to disperse, then Midnight's attack broke through the first layer of shields. As her army continued to charge she knew it wouldn't be hard to force open that hole in the defenses. She then took a deep breath, sucking in a huge amount of oxygen, then as she exhaled, she ignited it using her flame breath, creating huge fire blasts aimed at that hole.

Rose, Kai and Ryu.

The three of them knew this was bad. The battle had barely begun and already Midnight had broke through their first layer of defense, Kai immediately flew to where the opening was created, he infused a powerful water spell into his scythe and as he turned to the side and once again began spinning it around, he shot off multiple water slashes at the fire blast, he knew this would do little more then weaken it but that was the whole point. As it got closer, he switched out the element, casting a wind spell as he himself span around, still spinning his scythe quickly moving the scythe between him and the fire blast, the wind around the scythe was enough to suck up the weakened fire blast, he then span his scythe over his head and flung down towards Midnight, the wind that sucked up the fire blast would also serve to strengthen once again. He then shot it out from his scythe towards Midnight. He then flew forward a little and ordered the warlocks to tighten the defenses and close up the hole. He didn't like it but he had no time to grieve, the fallen warlocks that were killed by Midnight and fell into the crater He then looked to Ryu and shouted,

"We need you to help reinforce our defenses. Me and you need to intersect any of Viper's and Midnight's attacks as those are the only two with enough power to break the shield wall."

Hearing that, Ryu flew to the front lines, the templar's temporarily opened up a hole allowing them to fly pass and quickly closed it. Ryu then shot a lighting blast at Viper.

Meanwhile Rose continued the spell, she was putting all her contraction into the spell to speed it up as much as possible but it was harder than she thought with her men dying behind her, and the danger her father and brother faced.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Slade and Midnight

Slade used his own magic, sending a water blast along with the lightning at Viper. Midnight saw this and quickly flew in the way, then casted a shield around himself. The shield broke immediately when the two attacks hit, and even got him a little, but at least it weakened the spell, even just a little. He shook himself and growled loudly. He quickly made a huge electrifying water blast, bigger than Ryu, then he threw it at them. The huge blast was headed straight for them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Draco watched as things continued to progress. It was getting worse and worse, it was like a bad horror movie, he knew exactly what was going to happen before it actually happened, yet it was getting more and more intense as it was about to reveal the finale, he growled, and looked to Rose.

"Let me go now! I am going to help. I have to!"

He roared loudly in anger, he couldn't bare to just watch anymore. He had a bad feeling, he had a very bad feeling something was going to happen, he just didn't know what yet. If he could find out before it happened, maybe, he could stop it. His wings opened wide, as he got ready.
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