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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Mia
Army: Elves
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Species: Elf

Personality: Mia used to be an assassin, assassinating any and all evil she could, she will do her part in helping others. At first, she hated working for others, but when Link approached her, and asked her to join the eleven army to help the army of good, she gladly accepted, she would do anything to help another, no matter what it took.


Assassination: She can create and control all types of toxin, poison and acid, all of which is generated through her body.
Power 1: She can control all materials
Power 2: She can control energy.
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Vina
Title: Second in Command
Army: Dark Elves
Gender: Female
Age: 35
Species: Dark Elf

Personality: Vina is a evil bitter woman, who loves chaos, she will tear at anyone's throat just for war. She will often thrive in people's minds, to seek out their greatest fear, and then use it against them. She is manipulative, being smart and cunning. She thinks things through constantly.


Sour: She can corrupt anything she wants, and make it rot from inside out, she can sense all evil, even if it is only small.
Power 1: She can control darkness, and everything relating to it.
Power 2 Magic
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Midna
Title: Twilight Princess
Army: Good Imps
Gender: Female
Age: 1000
Species: Imp

Personality: Midna is a kind woman, who always tries and do the right thing, in her true form, she can be arrogant, considering her beauty far more amazing then anyone else, far better than skill. She is proud of being a princess, proud of being royalty, although, once she is in her imp form, she stops thinking about the safety of others, and starts thinking about getting revenge, and will do anything to achieve that revenge, even if it means other innocents die.


Twilight: She can control anything and everything which is in darkness, tress, water, everything. She can turn day into night, night into day, she can create portals to the twilight world, she can create a mirror, which reflects the twilight zone through the mirror to the other side.
Power 1: She can change the perception or density of anyone.
Power 2: She change the reality of any object, changing density, giving it special properties and more.
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Hunter
Title: Hunter
Army: Dark Elves
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Species: Dark Elf

Personality: Hunter loves nothing more than a good hunt, for her, a good hunt is somebody who is able to avoid her for a long period of time, or a good fight. She is merciless, not hesitating to kill whenever she has to, or can. She will gladly torture her victims to entertain herself. She is very sadistic and loves others to feel pain that she once felt.


Hunt: She is able to detect any life form from hundreds of miles away, she is able to determine who or what the life form is exactly.
Power 1: She can control the earth and everything connected to it, trees, plants, vines, and more.
Power 2: She is psychic, able to use powerful psychic abilities, teleport, and much more.
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Crow
Title: Spy
Army: Dark Elves
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Species: Dark Elf

Personality: Crow is a selfish evil and sadistic woman. She won't hesitate to hurt herself in order to hurt another person. She is very manipulative, she is also a bit of a control freak, wanting to control others, making their lives a misery however she can,


Servant: She is able to change form of anyone or anything, she is able to see whatever they see, hear whatever they hear by transferring her essence into theirs, while still keeping control over her own body. She is also able to completely take control of them, but they take control over her body, although, she is able to sense danger whenever she is not in control of her body, and can quickly reverse it.
Power 1: She can control water, ice, snow, hail and everything to do with water.
Power 2: She is able to use powerful magic
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Zenok
Title: Griffin Leader
Army: Evil Griffins
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Species: Griffin

Personality: Zenok is evil, he wants nothing more than death and destruction. He wants to jeopardize everything, he wants to ruin everyone's happiness, his ultimate goal is to make a new world, a world of darkness and destruction, he doesn't care for nobody.


Trap: He is able to absorb and trap people's souls in his armor, weapon, wings or any part of him, using the souls, he is able to increase his power by tenfold, he can control all types of poison, toxic, venom, or acid, this is generated through his armor, wings and weapons. Souls of others allows him to gain all memories they contain, if a soul is released, they are bound to him, under his control, if he dies, so do them.
Power 1: He can control everything that darkness touches, he can control all aspects of darkness.
Power 2: He can control all aspects of wind.
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Gloria
Title: Guardian
Army: Griffins
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Species: Griffin

Personality: Gloria is a kind woman, who will do anything to protect another, even if it meant sacrificing herself. She is not afraid of death, in fact, she sees herself as nothing more than a tool to be used, so somebody else can live. She sees her life as meaningless. She believes she doesn't deserve a will, and that she must servant somebody until her dying breath.


Savior: She is able to change the properties of anything she wants, change it's form, shape, density, reality, and more.
Power 1: She is able to control everything the light touches, and all aspects of light.
Power 2: She is able to control all aspects of wind.
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Devil
Title: Impress
Army: Evil Imps
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Species: Imp

Personality: Devil is a manipulative evil and cunning girl, who will always think ahead before she acts, she will often trick others just for fun, although, most if not all her tricks and pranks go out of hand. She doesn't care about the feelings of others, nor does she care if they live or die.


Impra: She is able to sense anyone who has demon or imp blood, she is able to summon anything from anywhere, past, present or future, different dimensions or realms that have demonic or imp blood in them.
Power 1: She is able to use powerful magic.
Power 2: She is able control darkness.
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Ria
Title: Guardian Of Time
Army: Hyrule Warriors
Gender: Female
Age: 1000
Species: Warlock

Personality: Ria is a kind person, who will do anything to help an innocent, although, the majority of her time is doing her job, protecting time and making sure it is undisturbed. She is the pure essence of Cia, her evil counterpart. She gets very angry and annoyed when somebody tries to mess with time, and immediately targets them to punish and teach them a lesson.


Time: Ria can control time, she can slow it down, stop it completely, speed it up. She monitors time, making sure it all flows correctly, making sure it is undisturbed, making sure time does not change, she is also able to break any curse, no matter how strong it may be, she is able to break unbreakable curses uses powerful holy magic, she can also reverse the curse if she wants to, redirect it or change it.
Power 1: She can use powerful magic.
Power 2: She can control energy.
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Cia
Title: Dark Sorcerer
Army: None
Gender: Female
Age: 1000
Species: Warlock

Personality: Cia is the evil counterpart of Ria, she will do anything to get what she wants, which is the power to destroy Ria. She will go to any measure to achieve her goal, even using powerful magic which slowly kills her if she needs to. She often tries to interfere with time to get what she needs or wants.


Curse: Cia is able to use and break powerful curses with ease, she can immediately sense when a curse is in play, and can tell what the curse does and the conditions of breaking it. She can redirect curses, change them or even reverse them. She can sense the weakness of anyone she wants just by thinking about the person in her mind.
Power 1: Cia can use powerful magic.
Power 2: She can control energy.
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Lana
Title: White Sorceress
Army: Hyrule Warriors
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Species: Warlock

Personality: Lana is a protective, and will do anything to help another. She is incredibly smart and think things through before she acts. She has excellent instincts, and can tell if somebody is good or evil. She believes, that one day, everything will be peaceful, and until then, she must work towards her goal until the end.


Heaven: She can control light, and anything that touches it, she can also control all ink, poison, toxin, venom and acid, she is able to control any and all diagrams on walls or paper made from anything.
Power 1: She can control powerful magic.
Power 2: She has aura manipulation
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Skull Kid
Army: None
Gender: Male
Age: 1000
Species: Warlock

Personality: Skull Kid is a merciless villain, who wants nothing more than to cause others pain and misery, he is sadistic, and loves to watch others feel the pain and misery he causes. He does whatever he can to make living hell for all his victims. He tortures them all until they are driven insane by his games.


Misery: He is able to use and break powerful curses with ease, he can immediately sense when a curse is in play, and can tell what the curse does and the conditions of breaking it. He can redirect curses, change them or even reverse them. He can control aura. He can control ink, poison, toxin, venom and acid, he is able to control any and all diagrams on walls or paper made from anything.
Power 1: He can use powerful Magic
Power 2: He can control the elements.
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Volga
Title: Dragon Warrior
Army: None
Gender: Male
Age: 100
Species: Warlock

Personality: Volga isn't necessary evil, he just works for evil people. He is highly honorable, and will fight with honor no matter what, although, he is extremely prideful when it comes to dragons, he believes dragons are the kings of this world. He will serve any dragon no matter if it is evil or good. He will protect any dragons. Although, he will work with anyone who has honor, and is a powerful warrior and leader.


Draco: He is able to shift his body that of a dragons, able to control any and all dragons, he is able to communicate with dragons, know what they feel, and physically be bonded with them, he is able to connect to dragons, see what they see and hear what they hear.
Power 1: He is able cast powerful magic.
Power 2: He can extend and change the form of anything he wants, change the density of it, change the shape or size.
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Wizzro
Title: The Ring
Army: None
Gender: Male
Age: 1000
Species: Magical Artifact

Personality: Wizzro is a bit of a coward, he will work with anyone who is powerful, but the moment they are weak and losing to a stronger force, he will join their enemy. He will rarely fight on his own, always having somebody to back him up just in case.


Necromancy: He can summon the undead, control the undead, and gain all their memories. He can see what they see, hear what they hear.
Power 1: He can use powerful magic
Power 2: He can control aura.
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Zant
Title: Usurps Zant
Army: None
Gender: Male
Age: 100
Species: Twili

Personality: Zant is insane, he constantly laughs hysterically when he is in pain, or sees somebody else in pain. He laughs when he is losing or winning, he laughs when he has a plan, he laughs to everything. He is physically crazy. All he wants is to rule the twilight kingdom, and take Midna's crown.


Death: He can control ink, poison, toxin, venom and acid, he is able to control any and all diagrams on walls or paper made from anything. He is able to sense any and all evil, he is able to corrupt anything he wants, he is also able to use necromancy.
Power 1: He can use powerful magic.
Power 2: He can extend and change the form of anything he wants, change the density of it, change the shape or size.
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Ghirahim
Title: The Demon Lord
Army: None
Gender: Male
Age: 1000
Species: Vampire/Sword

Personality: Ghirahim considers himself as 'perfect' he believes that there is nobody more perfect than his master, The Demise, who he wishes to resurrect. Although, in order to resurrect him, he must first destroy the seal. He is uninterested in the power of the triforce, he doesn't need it's power to accomplish his mission. The only thing he hates the most, is imperfect beings.


Vampire: He is able to drain life energy from anyone or anything, increasing his own, and his power. Using this life energy, he can summon powerful creatures, in exchange for his life energy.
Power 1: He can use powerful magic.
Power 2: He can use necromancy.
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Demise
Title: The Demon King
Army: None
Gender: Male
Age: 1000
Species: Demon

Personality: Demise is an evil being, who wants to destroy hyrule, and make a new world, he believes himself to be unstoppable, there is near nobody who can match his power. He wants a world of chaos, a world full of terror and torture. He wants a world where nightmares reside. He cares for nobody but himself, and even treats his most loyal servant like a tool.


Reality: He has the ability to change the form and reality of anyone or anything, changing their shape and density. He is able to drain life energy from anyone or anything, increasing his own, and his power. Using this life energy, he can summon powerful creatures, in exchange for his life energy.
Power 1: He can use powerful magic.
Power 2: He can control aura.
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Agitha
Title: Bug Queen
Army: None
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Species: Human

Personality: Agitha is a over the top, kind girl, who always looks on the bright side of things, even in the worse of times. She is always cheerful and laughing, and always trying to make her friends and allies do the same. She values the life of insects more so than humans, believing they to be better. She will gladly help anyone who she comes across, no matter if they are good or evil, she is always too trusting and forgiving.


Swarm: She can control all bugs, manipulate them, change their shape or form, making them bigger, stronger, change their density. She can turn herself into a living swarm of insects. She can share the life energy of all insects, see what they see, hear what they hear. She can take all properties of any and all insects.
Power 1: She can control everything to do with earth, plants, trees and more.
Power 2: She can use her life energy to create any creature she wants. She can share her life energy to others if she wishes.
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Eclipse
Army: None
Gender: Female
Age: 1000
Species: Shadow

Personality: Eclipse is all about protecting the innocent, she wants to help others, and make sure things don't get chaotic, She wants to save as many people as she can and she believes, that with her power, she will be able to do just that. She is from an ancient tribe who worshiped the guardian of time, and even practiced the arts of time mastery.


Vortex: Eclipse can control ink, poison, venom, and acid, generating it through her body. She can control the darkness, and everything that touches it, not only that, she has mastered the ability to use aura. Using this, she is able to create time spheres, which are spheres that hold a piece of time in them, she can use the sphere to send anything she wants including herself into the future, or back in time, even through different dimensions.
Power 1: She can cast powerful magic
Power 2: She is able to drain the life energy from trees, plants, animals and anything she wants, increasing her own life and power, she can summon creatures and cast powerful spells using her own life energy, heal herself, or share her life force.
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Pet Name: Sphinx
Pet Gender: Male
Pet Age: 10,000
Pet Species: Traxiz
Pet Appearance:

Pet Personality: Sphinx is a dream creature, a creature specifically created to bring any thought, dream, nightmare, image, illusion, perception or lie a reality. He does this instantly without even thinking about it because he has done it for so many years. This has caused him to cast terrible spells from those who have hearts of black as night.

Dreamshade: Sphinx can cast powerful illusions, change anyone's perception or reality. He can make dreams real, bringing dreams into reality, he can bring images into reality, he can bring illusions he cast reality, he can bring nightmares into reality. He can telepathically enter the mind to find out everything about anyone. He can bring thoughts and lies into reality.
Pet Power 1: Energy control.
Pet Power 2: He is able to drain life energy from anyone or anything, increasing his own, and his power. Using this life energy, he can summon powerful creatures, in exchange for his life energy.
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Ru
Army: Good Drackins
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Species: Drackin

Personality: Ru is quite quiet, he doesn't speak much at all, it isn't because he is shy, he just doesn't have much to say. When he does speak, it is often one or two words. He is incredibly smart, and thinks things through before acting. He is willing to help others whenever he can, however he can.


Destiny: He can absorb the life energy from anything, trees, rocks, plants, anything with life energy, although, he cannot use this power on animals, using this life energy, he can heal himself, creatures creatures to defend himself, cast powerful magic using his life energy, or even share his life energy to others.
Power 1: Magic
Power 2: Elemental Control
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