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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mystyltainn


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Twilight. The time where light and darkness meet as one to paint the skies with purples and reds. It is at this time that you find yourself at the top of a grassy hill, the long, slender grass swaying lazily in the breeze. A small campsite lies below you, lighted by naught but a few lanterns, and with only three tents to its name. You hesitate a moment, before descending the hill in a brisk jog and walking up to the biggest tent, taking a deep breath before gently pulling back the tent's entry flap and peeking inside. There's a young man there, dark-brown, unkempt hair held up with a pair of goggles, sitting at a desk towards the back of the tent and going over several sheets of parchment with a look of slight boredom.

"Hm?" He looks up, noticing you for the first time. "Oh, hey, new recruit, right? Here, here, come on in." The man says, getting up from his chair and ushering you in with a smile. "Drink? Ale? No? Alright, straight to business then."

The man pulls up another chair from the the back of the tent and places it in front of his desk, motioning for you to take a seat as he goes to sit back in his own chair.

"So, I take it you read our notice? Don't answer that, of course you did!" The man spits forth with a beaming grin. You pin him down as the type who goes his own way forward, regardless of anybody else, but when presented with his charming smile and easy-going demeanor, you're not entirely sure that's a bad thing. You sit down on the proffered chair and wait for him to finish speaking.

"Well, I'm certainly glad you've taken an interest in our little group, here; we're running across some hard times, being so under-manned, and all." He continues, laying his chin to rest on folded hands. His eyes widened in realization, though, as the subject of payment came up.

"I-it’s not that we wouldn't be able to pay you for your services!" The man quickly corrected, hands waving in front of him reassuringly. "Quite the contrary: with more people, we'll be able to take on more jobs, which means more money for all! And as we grow in size, I'm sure that, in time, we'll be able to do some great things!"

The man grinned again, running his fingers through his hair as he calmed himself down. You can't tell whether his bravado and optimism is all part of an act, or not, but his calm gaze seems to falter for a bit, showing a hint of sadness as he does. Perhaps the weariness of the world had found its way through even his carefree demeanor, as well.

"Still, we're a small group. I won't deny that. The work's quite dangerous, and I can't say that we won't be getting our hands dirty, either; a job like this entails some dirty work, every now and then." He goes on, mood suddenly serious, before reverting back to his former lackadaisical nature and shrugging with cheerful smile. "But, hey, that's the life of a mercenary, am I right?"

He looks you in the eye for a long, pensive moment during the ensuing silence, that lazy smile never leaving his face, before speaking once more.

"So... are you in?"

You look to the man, his hand outstretched in a gesture of camaraderie, as you contemplate your answer...

Hey everybody! This is actually an RP I started up on the old Guild, but, unfortunately, real life issues started popping up and I eventually had to cut it short with how little time I had to run it. Still, I’m ready for another go this time around, and with the new Guild finally up, I think it’s high time I tried getting this started up again, as well.

As for how the actual RP will work, this is also an idea I got from a previous RP on a different site, where we have Fire Emblem-esque battles with a map and everything. Think something like Dungeons and Dragons, except Fire Emblem style.

For those who have played Fire Emblem before, the whole basis for map games is that we're playing out battles on maps, like there's a grid and stuff, and you would call out your moves and I'd put em to action on a photoshopped map complete with sprites and everything. Something like that...

For those who haven't played Fire Emblem... go play it. And stop making my job harder! But no, seriously, basically it's a turn based strategy game, every player would have a unit or two they would control on a grid based map, and you move around and attack enemies and try not to die... and we'll be doing this on this forum. The key difference between this and actually playing the game, tho, is that it's multiplayer, and we'll be roleplaying out what we do in between fights (or even during fights!), so it'll be equal parts RP and game (at least, in theory).

I suppose I should also include some stuff about the world here. It’s your basic high-fantasy world, different races and epic places and such. Think of a DnD setting, and you’ll basically have the right idea of it. The story will be a lot more about adventure and exploration, rather than politics and warfare like most Fire Emblem games. I’ll put up some lore and more information on locations once the OOC is up, so look forward to that.

Sooooo, yeah. Just PM me if anything isn't clear, and if enough people express their interest, I'll have an OOC up in a few days time!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

For those who haven't played Fire Emblem... go play it.

I'm on board.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Penultimate_Pi


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Already played Fire Emblem before.

I'm interested to see how this may turn out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mystyltainn


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kool, with that we have 3 prospective members on board. Still working on the OOC, will hopefully have it up by the time we get a bit more interest!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krauxis
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Krauxis Who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alright, you've suckered me in. Count me interested. I'd really like to see how this plays out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 7 days ago

I had a similar idea a few days ago, but figured it'd be too niche of an audience to get it going. Count me in.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alkeni Synair
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Alkeni Synair Servant of Hecate

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Interested. Which generation of Fire Emblem classes/etc will be setting the general structure of options?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MUG


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I can definitely see myself in this kind of thing. I'm down.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mystyltainn


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Awesome, that's eight people, including me! I might just cut entry here; if some people drop out there will be more room, but eight seems like a pretty good number, for now. I'll try and have the OOC up later today, still working out some balancing and stuff.

@Alkeni Synair: Take your pick from any generation of Fire Emblem you choose. Classes will not actually come into play all that much other than to give you some sort of label to be named as; I'm thinking more of a build-your-character type deal where you allocate your own stat points and such every level. I actually have a quick draft for the character sheet done, so here ya go:

Also, don't feel as if all this information is set in stone. If you have an idea about some other race you want to be, or there's a certain weapon you might want to use that's not on the list, talk to me and we'll work out whether or not it can be allowed. Though I am basing most of the stat and battle system off of Fire Emblem, the actual game will play more like D&D (or any other tabletop game), so if you have any suggestions just throw it my way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alkeni Synair
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Alkeni Synair Servant of Hecate

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Two questions then: Are there any pre-established places/kingdoms/etc of the setting to keep in mind for writing our character backstories?

And do you want us to do character creation here, or will you be making a separate OOC thread?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mystyltainn


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Uh, lemme get back to you on that. xD Feel free to just name some random place or setting when making your backstory, I'll just incorporate that place into the world (since I don't actually have anything on that done, yet >.>). I'll get to work on setting, now, too, so if you don't have any ideas just give me an hour or so and I'll have a decent place set up.

And just post finished character sheets here, I still have to go through them all to see if they're correct.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rethel34
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Rethel34 Inverted Archery

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Whoo! I'm in if you're okay with me joining. So this is like we're legit playing the video games? Like, with all the mechanics and everything? Dude, if this all works out, Respect +10! (I also can help with maps if needed.)

BTW, long-time-no-see.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mystyltainn


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hey, Rethel! If it's you, I suppose one more on board wouldn't hurt. =w=

Yeah, hopefully this all works out. I do want to make a note to everyone, though, that I still want roleplaying to be a big focus, so even though we have this whole combat system and stuff going, don't let that drag down writing quality. I'm usually not too much of a stickler on post length and stuff, just keep in mind the usual Advanced guidelines and we should be fine.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rethel34
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Rethel34 Inverted Archery

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Cool. Got a bit of a CS here already.

Name: Shivian Edgebolt

Age: 26

Race: Human

Personality: Shivian is a man of few words. The most he will usually says is to correct those who mistake him as a woman, due to his long hair, at which point he will simply explain that his physical design is very much masculine, with the exception of his beautiful hair. He's not one to get angry often, and seems to have no interest in romance. He is often calm in the midst of battle, sometimes even appearing laid-back. He moves with a serene grace in battle that seems very much like he is dancing.

Class: Myrmidon

HP - 20
Str - 6
Mag - 1
Skl - 7
Spd - 8
Luk - 4
Def - 4
Res - 3

Armor Type: None

Shield: None

Affinity: Thunder

Weapon Levels:
Sword - E
Dagger - E

Adept (?): (Activation: Skl/2 %; Grants an additional, consecutive attack)
Vantage (?): (Activation: Always; Get the first strike in all battles)

Slim Sword
Slim Sword

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krauxis
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Krauxis Who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'll have something like a CS up likely later today, although if I don't have it up today, it'll be sometime midday tomorrow due to work.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alkeni Synair
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Alkeni Synair Servant of Hecate

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Cerian Quilor

Age: 25

Race: Human

Appearance: WIP

Personality: WIP

Class: Dark Pegasus Knight


HP - 20
Str - 0
Mag - 8
Skl - 5
Spd - 5
Lck - 3
Def - 3
Res – 3
Mov – 9

Armor Type: None

Shields: None

Mount: Pegasus

Affinity: Dark

Weapon Skill: Daggers – E; Dark Magics - E

Feats/Abilities: (Will select when I know what my options are)

History: WIP
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 7 days ago

Bit of a wip. What exactly is a dreamwalker, though?

Name: Luna

Age: 18

Race: Dreamwalker (+2 Magic +2 Luck)

Appearance: What you look like. Description or picture, either is fine.

Personality: How you act and such.

Class: Dark Mage

Stats: Your stats. Each character starts out with 30 stat points to distribute between any stat (except Mov), with each stat starting at 0 (except HP, which starts at 20). No more than 8 points put into a single stat, please.

HP - 20
Str - 0
Mag - 10 (8)
Skl - 4
Spd - 4
Lck - 5 (3)
Def - 8 (6)
Res - 5

Armor Type:

Medium: +2 Def, 5 Mov


None: None

Mount: Determine whether you want a mount. Mounts give movement bonuses, but also decrease the base stat points you get.

Horseback: +2 Mov, -4 Base Stat points
Pegasus: +3 Mov, -8 Base Stat points, Flying (Flying lets you ignore terrain movement penalties and unit collision with the enemy)
Wyvern: +2 Mov, -6 Base Stat points, Flying

Affinity: Dark

Weapon Skill:

Daggers: E
Dark Magic: E

Putting one point into a weapon type increases it by one level, which are denoted by letters. For example, putting a point into lances would put your weapon skill at Lance - E. Weapon skills go from E -> D -> C -> B -> A -> S. Also, Thieves and Bards/Dancers sacrifice their first weapon skill point to get their respective special abilities. This means that they’ll will be stuck with a dagger for a while!



Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mystyltainn


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Link to OOC!

Cool beans, err'body! More detailed character stuff, background story, and location lore in the OOC, so check that out.

@Asura: I was thinking human-looking, but very pale and spirit-like. Kinda like ghosts, but corporeal. They do get some special abilities and such (as do the other races), but I'm still working on that, and I'll have a full thing detailing the races in the OOC, soon.

EDIT: On another note, you can choose whether you want to be a new recruit or an already existing member of the Company for your background.
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