With the front page having become uneditable, this will serve as an up-to-date character list for the time being. Anyone who joins after this is created may post their CS below here, but there’s no need for older CSs to be reposted, because I prefer to link to the characters’ wiki pages if available. To keep it orderly, please don’t post any OOC chatter here. **Active characters** In alphabetic order. Ahn Vora (Captain, played by ImportantNobody) Alexis Zeke (Stowaway/temporary ally, played by Drake Baku) Arma Alvinion (Bounty hunter turned security personnel, played by ImportantNobody) Astraia Hartwell (Combat medic, played by Luminosity) Daniel Althor (Engineering officer, played by Damiann47) Gunnos Gimga (Security personnel, played by Lalliman) Isaac Adapt (Technician, played by Drake Baku) M'rayl Lithardeon (Security personnel, played by ImportantNobody) Shor'Gen (Lead physician, played by Daglobster) Terra Straight (Technician, played by CirusArvennicus) Volray Zables (Temporary ally, played by Drake Baku) --------------------- **Inactive characters** Characters that have become inactive due to absence of their players, but may still return some later time. Kukcoo Dido (Field commander, played by Darcs) The Cardinal Arms (Security personnel, played by Card Captor) ----------------------- By lack of a better place to put them, i will temporarily place the links to our two Piratepads here, even though it doesn't really make sense. Episode voting page Collab page