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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Helpful Links

Andreemea Wiki - This wiki contains tons of helpful information based on the galaxy/lore of Andreemea. For example, different races, planets, technology, etc. can all be looked up on the wiki if they're important enough (and we've gotten around to adding the page). Feel free to join the wiki and add any information of your own that you create.

Main Chatzy - This is the main Andreemea chatroom that you guys can use as desired. It's good for more rapid fire discussions rather than cluttering up the OOC and continually refreshing the page to look for new posts. Keep messages you really want people to see long term in the OOC because the chatroom gets rid of comments eventually. More chatrooms will be opened up if you guys feel this one gets too crowded.


The galaxy of Andreemea was in a relative state of peace for some time now. A group of alien races called the IGCP, short for Intergalactic Coalition of Planets, is growing more influential, aiding those in need and increasing the overall well being of the quadrillions of inhabitants that call it their home. However, there's still much work to be done and there's slowly becoming a trend of decreasing stability in various parts of the galaxy, threatening to undo, or even outright destroy, the peace that they're working so hard to maintain. Relations are turning sour as of late with their deadly rivals to the east called the GAE, a massive empire lead by the powerful Aunarri race, and there are also mysterious evil beings that, if the legends are true, could actually exist and are coming closer to threatening galaxy-wide destruction. Members of the IGCP are now having to work overtime to try and counter these various threats from all sides.

One of the starships that will be trying to make their mark in all of this is the Exeralune, a ship that will soon be setting off on it's maiden voyage. It just needs some brave young adventurers (you guys along with various NPCs) to join the crew before heading underway to various locations around the galaxy, it's purpose to help out on various missions wherever it may be needed, solving problems both big and small to restore the faith of the common men and women of the IGCP to show them that their government is indeed still out there helping and protecting them in their times of need. Although they will fight if needed, they set out with the hope of creating new futures for others rather than destruction.

During their travels they may unravel hidden conspiracies, meet powerful friends and foes, and most of all, change the lives of not only those they come to help, but their own lives as well as they learn many hard lessons along the way.

Inner Workings of the Roleplay

The way this roleplay will work is that everyone can participate in the roleplay and/or come up with various information/lore of the Andreemea galaxy to help expand and enrich our combined experiences. If all goes according to plan then this information will not only be used for a single roleplay. It's certainly possible to only participate in this one, but if you wish to explore even more of the galaxy then this roleplay will not be the end! If at any point you think, "You know what, this idea might be really cool to expand upon...", then bring it up and we could possibly make a roleplay out of it if other like minded individuals agree with you. For example, say you hear about a certain war referenced during the roleplay, then perhaps you wish for a war based roleplay following those events. It doesn't have to be war, but could be any genre imaginable. The roleplay doesn't have to be created or led by me, but for it to be considered canon, me or another person I delegate with such power can look at it and declare it canon or not. That doesn't stop you from creating any non-canon Andreemea roleplay you desire.

As for this roleplay, it's the main one and will focus on the various content of all of it's creators to ensure that someone doesn't spend dozens of hours perfecting a planet, only for us to focus on some far off war the entire time. That being said, after each story arc is finished (consider it like an episode), everyone in the roleplay will vote on where they'd like to go next. If you wish for your idea to be picked, just make sure that it's so good we feel like we have no choice but to go there and explore it. For an idea, all you need is a basic plotline for us to go by and the planet (or other area we can adventure around in while carrying out the plot idea). The problems we solve can be various. Maybe the prime minister of your world has been kidnapped by angry dog people, maybe everyone's effected by a horrible virus that we need to help contain, maybe...you get the idea, we can do a wide variety of different things. Not even the sky is the limit; space is. You can even suggest a relaxing beach episode on some exotic planet. As long as we enjoy your idea then more power too you!

If we end up getting bored with a plot arc, rather then let that kill the entire roleplay we can just move on to the next one, giving a brief synopsis of what all we skipped over. If you end up leaving the roleplay permanently or temporarily then it will be easy to write your characters out of the next story arcs due to saying they are simply assigned to other duties during those specific missions. That being said you can feel more free to join in if you know that you aren't locked into this long term, only staying as long as you desire, then you can always jump back into the next story arc whenever it starts up and you feel up to it.

I will start the first story arc, which will take place on the planet of Elistore.

For more about the inner workings of the galaxy, such as their technology and magic, check out the wiki in the link at the top of this post. It has tons of important and useful information, and if you don't see the information that you're looking for, all you have to do is ask about it and me or someone else who knows will try to answer the question for you.


1. Forum and casual roleplay rules apply. For example, no killing/controlling other people's characters without permission and be respectful.

2. Make a serious effort to avoid posts shorter than 4 sentences. I doubt many of us want someone only posting one liners that hardly add any detail. You can make short posts on some occasions, but if there's no real good reason for a short post, please make it longer.

3. Nothing too mature (R rating). If you do something mature, fade to black, so to speak, in your post and, if you really want us to read it, post a link elsewhere like to a chatzy page. That way it will only have to be viewed by people wanting to go out of their way to click the link.

4. You don't need to contribute to the wiki if you just want to borrow the ideas of others, but make sure you have the permission of whoever created the idea. Most of my ideas are more then happy to be used by you guys in a roleplay, which is one reason why I made so many races. Hopefully at least some will be to your liking.

5. Make sure your character isn't too powerful. In this roleplay we should all be able to be threatened by any random enemy that comes our way rather than able to mow through waves of enemies like battle hardened super soldiers, not seeming to even break a sweat or have any sense of drama. If you want such characters then there will be other roleplays for that which can be started up. Our characters can still be very competent but leave tons of room for growth.

6. Don't post multiple times in a row in the IC. You should give at least three others time to post between your posts unless you're interacting with less people than that so your rapid posting back and forth doesn't cause things to skip over other people.

7. Post at least once every week, and if your character is needed to move things along in the IC, it would be best to post at least once every three days. If you hold up people for a week without warning, I can control them in some way that is needed to move things along.

8. You can have as many characters as you can reasonably handle. Just don't flood us with so many characters we can't keep track and it distracts us from everything else.

9. Feel free to contribute major plot ideas but make sure not to throw them into the IC without approval. If you are the one behind the certain episode then you can do so, but if it doesn't end up getting approval than that episode will be labeled as non-canon.

10. I can add more rules as needed.

Character Sheet

You may look through the list of races for character ideas or create your own. If it's too difficult to look through every race to find the perfect one (completely understandable), a good idea is to say what you're looking for in a race and ask someone who knows (such as me) if there's one close to it.

Due to some of the races not really fleshed out at the time of this writing, if you see that vital information about the race that you need to complete your character sheet is missing, be sure to bring it up and I'll put priority editing them. I obviously won't post every village of every race, so you'd obviously be expected to be able to come up with your own village ideas for where your character comes from and such. However, if you don't know enough about them to know what their villages would be like in general, that's also a good reason to get me to do some more edits.

Appearance: (picture or written description)

Abilities: (includes magic and other talents)

Biography: (anything else of note about them, mainly their history. You can keep a lot about them a secret to build up over time if desired)

List of Crewmembers

Choose from this list when creating a character. Even if not a security personnel, like all good sci-fi tales, the other crewmembers might still end up fighting so they won't feel left out when we leave the ship. If a position doesn't say how many positions are available then it's only for a single character. If you have multiple characters they cannot occupy the same position and you cannot occupy more then one single position slot no matter how many characters you have. Also, please wait to see if others are joining before posting multiple characters across the board in other positions only allowing a certain number of character spots.

Captain: Ahn Vora
First Helmsman: (Pilot)
Second Helmsman: (Co-pilot)
Executive Officer: (Responsible for security of ship)
Operations Officer: (Responsible for day-to-day operations of ship)
Flight Officer: (Responsible for navigation of ship. Can command pilots)
Engineering Officer: Daniel Althor
Technology Officer: (Responsible for managing those working with the technological equipment)
Communications Officer: (Communicates both outside and inside the ship)
Engineer: (Works under the Engineering Officer. Can fix things that go wrong. 4 player controlled positions available)
Technician: (Works under the Technology Officer. Operates specific systems they specialize in such as engine room, weapons systems, etc. Debatable number of positions avaliable)
Isaac Adapt (Computer)
Security Chief: (Works directly under the executive officer. Takes over their position when he or she is off duty. Following the combat strategy given, they focus more on the tactics to carry out the orders by commanding the field commanders)
Field Commander: (Each one personally commands a squad of security personnel, doing smaller scale orders to carry out instructions given by the security chief/executive officer. There can be 1 field commander remaining)
Kukcoo Dido
(Spot reserved by Drake Baku)
Security Personnel: (Takes part in the most action. May have multiple characters, many of them redshirt NPCs)
The Cardinal Arms
Arma Alvinion
Gunnos Gimga
Gunner: (Mans the turrets during space battles. 2 player controlled positions available)
Lead Physician: Shor'Gen
Medic: (Also called nurses. They aid the doctor or perform more simple healing on their own. Up to 4 positions available)
Fighter Pilot: (Can fly a fighter. Up to 4 player controlled positions)
Prisoner: (They hang out in the brig. Up to 4 player controlled position, 2 per cell)
Head Chef: (In charge of food)
Chef: (Hey, we got to eat something. Up to 4 player controlled positions)
Sanitation Officer: (A janitor. They can only fix basic problems such as broken toilets. Mostly they just clean up after our messes. Up to 2 player controlled positions available)
Ally: (Not official crewmember but hangs out with the crew for whatever reason. Any number of characters allowed)
Civilian: (Doesn't take any normal actions of a crewmember. Any number of characters allowed)
Other: (Give suggestions)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This post is reserved for future use.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(If I'm not supposed to put this here, just let me know and I'll move this post somewhere else)

Name: Unpronounceable by anything other than another member of his race. Insists that the crew members call him "Shor'Gen"
Age: 150 years old by his race, 74 human years old
Gender: Male
Race: Other races call his people Yug'Lonians
Homeworld: Other races call his planet Yug'Lon
Position: Lead Physician
Like all other members of his race, Shor'Gen is inquisitive and highly intelligent by nature. His people are a race of scientists, doctors, surgeons, engineers, and inventors, constantly developing new and utterly alien technologies.

Shor'Gen himself is a bit of an outcast from all of this. His race, usually insular and secretive, are almost exclusively found on their home planet, a single, near pitch-black, nigh-atmosphereless planet orbiting a dying star. He actively seeks to "fit in" with other races, often going so far as to cluelessly adopt the mannerisms of others for periods of time that can range from a few minutes to a couple hours before suddenly discarding them. The Yug'Lonians constantly adapt to the knowledge they receive, so Shor'Gen's personality is always in a slight state of flux. He's always more or less the same, but he's always got a new quirk that he picked up from somebody.

Shor'Gen takes his work extremely seriously, and carries with him a constant eagerness to perform his duties as a doctor. The first thing he always asks of anyone entering his quarters (which he keeps dim and cold) is if they're coming in for a check-up. Despite these traits, Shor'Gen can hold conversations pretty well, despite the fact that his voice sounds smooth and calm, completely uncharacteristic of the giant insect he appears to be.


The two large arms in the front are for self-defense and manipulating large objects, while the two sets below that are for the fine manipulation of tools, performing complex actions, and performing surgeries. The bottom three legs are set on specialized swiveling joints, which are detailed in Shor'Gen's abilities.

-Claws: Shor'Gen's primary manipulators (and the secondary ones) are much deadlier than they appear. The larger pair of pincers are capable of crushing bones and can be used to bludgeon, while the smaller ones can easily disembowel someone if given the chance. In fact, the secondary pair of manipulators can double as emergency surgical tools in the direst of situations
-Multiple Walks: Shor'Gen can walk on his bottom three limbs as if they were a sort of tripod, or he can crawl in a more insect-like fashion.
- Unique Senses: Shor'Gen possesses the five cardinal senses, mostly thanks to the tendrils that stretch out of his head. These tendrils are hypersensitive, and they vibrate at the cellular level to produce unique waves. These waves, when picked up by his tendrils when they bounce back, function as a sort of "super-sonar" that allows him to view the world as a single shade of black with contours and even fine textures distinguished by lines. He cannot see colors, but he can "see" sounds. It is for this reason that he asks for total silence (whenever it is possible) when he is working.
-Carapace: Being encased in a carapace, Shor'Gen is somewhat resistant to physical trauma, and his insectoid nature makes him resistant to injury.
- Acclimation: Unlike most other races, too much atmosphere is harmful to Shor'Gen. Around the ship and on certain planets, he wears a device on his head (Something that looks like a clear casing or helmet of some kind) that actually reduces the amount of atmosphere he takes in. Other than that, his species is a mostly anaerobic one, and they can survive on planets with little or no atmosphere with no problem.
-Flight: Shor'Gen does possess wings, which allow him to hover and dart around like a dragon fly (except nowhere near as fast). Why his race has these despite the nature of their planet is a total mystery that only the Yug'Lonians are privy to, and they're set on never telling anyone.

-Medical Tools: Standard issue medical tools. Everything needed to perform surgeries that don't require an operating room
-Un-Breathing Apparatus: Shor'Gen's atmosphere reducing equipment
-Yug'Lonian "things": Tools and objects brought from Yug'Lon that have seemingly miscellaneous and strange uses. Occasionally, patients in check-ups will be prodded with some of these to no real effect, or Shor'Gen will be sighted staring into devices that produce colorful lights. Crew members get used to it eventually.
-Yug'Lonian Fog Projector: A weird weapon brought from Yug'Lon, these weapons project roiling clouds of choking green mist that slowly disappear after a few seconds, sort of like a flamethrower but with gas. The gas has the unique effect of melting any exposed flesh it comes into contact with, but it requires a charging period before firing and the ammunition is exceedingly rare.

From birth, Shor'Gen has always been different from his usually secretive race. He was social, almost unusually so, and he displayed a great capacity for emphasis. After growing up on Yug'Lon, a single event changed his life. One day, a merchant's vessel came crashing down, and being one of the few Yug'Lonians nearby who decided to help, the experience changed him, and he decided to dedicate his life to helping others. After becoming a doctor on Yug'Lon, Shor'Gen still felt unfulfilled, so he decided to strike out on his own, and better integrate himself with the galaxy at large. After leaving, he applied to medical school inside the IGCP, and quickly became a qualified medical officer in the military. Despite his unnerving shape, his mostly stellar medical service records outshine any prejudices one might have against his form. Due to this exposure that almost no other Yug'Lonian ever receives, he's become more "one" with galactic society.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hi! Did you just find this RP, or have you been around and i just missed you?

Anyways, good character. Yes, you're free to put the CS here. You may also create a page for him on the wiki if you want, characters can go on there too. But it's not a requirement.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Like Lalli said. Cool character. I'll insert him into the lead physician slot after I get done with breakfast. You mention in the sheet "that don't require an operating room", but just to let you know, there will be a operating room aboard the Exeralune as well.

I knew I was forgetting something. I'll add the position of a character into the character sheet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

What I meant by that is that he can perform operations with his tools that don't require the specialized equipment of an operating room. I know there's an operating room on the Exeralune (i thought it was standard), but what I was trying to get across is that unless you'd need something that would only be found in an operation room (like a surgical robot, or something that would help install prosthetics). Field surgery, basically.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alright, the first post has been updated as said. There will likely need to be some NPC filling in certain roles, but if it comes to that I'll allow people to have additional characters to fill up the spot if they desire.

EDIT: I suppose the outreach class scout cruiser that our ship was modeled for would come standard with an operating room, but a lot of ships don't have one, such as normal scout cruisers. Capital ships and of course medical ships would. Otherwise it's a mixed bag of would have one and what wouldn't.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Daglobster, i see you made a wiki page, good.
Though if you plan on making any others, i advise you to read the page categorization guide so you can properly follow the tagging guidelines. In fact, having a look at the guide section in general is a good idea. You don't have to read it all, but it may answer some questions.

Edit: ImportantNobody and i are currently online on chatzy, btw, if you wanna discuss anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Added Security Chief position and 3 Field Commander positions.

EDIT: Added Ally position.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago

just to report. Though he wont start as a a crew member. Volray will take a field commander position once he is on the ship

Also. A rank option idea. Civilian or something like the sort.
a person that is not a crew member and has no real uses for the crew aside being on the ship as a... well civilian. Part of the ships inhabitants for often small reasons such as for their own protection or travelling with them for a while (like traders) amd stuff

or would that fall under an ally. Cause I feel that an ally also has a use for the crew in general)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Civilian position has been added.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Pls halp. I categorized Shor'Gen's page right (as far as I know. His tags are Character, All, and Canon-0), but he still doesn't show up in the Character category. What am I doing wrong?!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I see him in the character category.

Canon-1 is for most of the stuff going on here, not Canon-0. If this sounds confusing, here's a better guide that explains it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago

I have had thr same issue a few times
yet just as with imp the page shows up later

seems the server of the wikia just needs some more time sometimes

can also happen when making a new category type (sonething I do often when making a new race as all my races possess their own category)

Can I also advice you to add your own name or something like a signsture category to your pages so that it canbe easier to find all of yyour own work
its easy to make. Just as you add a category. You just need to type the personal category fully and enter.
then publish
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 10 days ago

Okay, here are my characters. Let me know what you think

Names: The Cardinal Arms; Excalibur, Fomalhaut, Zwill, Gungnir
Age: 1500+ years (they stopped keeping count)
Gender: None, but they identify themselves as male
Race: Living Weapons
Homeworld: Cythy
Position: Security Personnel
Personality: For some strange reason all of them are insane in one way or another.
Excalibur; The defacto leader (because no one else cares enough). He sees himself as a tactical mastermind, when in truth any plan he comes up with is so completely crazy that no one sane would even be able to conceive such a plan (or plan against it)

Fomalhant; The smartest member of the Cardinal Weapons (not like that's something to right home about). He's a snarky bastard with a hint of sadism in him (just enough to thoroughly enjoy what he was made for)

Zwill; The childlike member of the group. Zwill has a seemingly non-existent attention span and is extremely hyper at times. He also seems to have conversations with people and things that no one else can see. Is it because he's crazy...or something else?

...Nah, he's completely wacko jacko

Gungnir; Sees himself as the wise member of the group...this would be false. Many of his so called 'nuggets of wisdom' either make no sense, or just make things worse. He also has a tendency to get metaphors, history, and fiction mixed up


They all have equal control over the suit of armor that carries them around; Garland. They also posses self regeneration, something that Garland shares.

Excalibur; He's basically a lightsaber. This allows him to deflect energy attacks with his blade (ie magic and lasers).

Fomalhaut; Using both his soul, and a special core inside of him made out of a rare metal found only on Cythy, Fomalhaut has unlimited ammo. He fires explosive energy bolts.

Zwill; As light as air. When used, he is able to share this trait with his wielder (or Garland, as is often the case) by channeling his soul through them. This however requires firm contact.

Gungnir; Can expand up to 20 feet longer.


Biography: Forged a long time ago by creatures that called themselves gods (whether or not they really were/are is up for debate), The Cardinal Arms were meant to be the most powerful weapons ever created. They were imbued with artificially made souls to grant them even more power...this was clearly a mistake. Not long after being completed, The Cardinal Arms quickly proved themselves not well in the head, and soon annoyed the 'gods' so much that they got rid of them, along with a failed piece of armor (which Zwill named, Garland). The CA soon (5 days later) found out that they could control the suit of armor. Now with a method of transportation, they traveled around the world on many somewhat epic adventures, until one day they found a strange craft. After borrowing (stealing) it, they soon found that it could fly. They also soon found out that they had no idea how to control it, and ended up leaving Cythy. They drifted in their ship for an unknown amount of time, before they were picked up by a ship called the Exeralune

I normally put more detail into my character's personality on the Cs...but this time was different. I just felt like I couldn't do them justice by simply writing down them, and that what I put was as good as it was going to get. Don't worry, I plan to make them distinct in the RP. Oh, and also; could the ship have a stockpile of movie/recorded TV shows/comic books/video games from Earth?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm assuming they can break enough to stop them until they can regenerate? Being non-living would make them very hard to stop otherwise (for obvious reasons). For example, getting shot too much in his armor body will make him shut down for a bit, and getting shot could knock the weapons unconscious as well.

The ship could access the internet for a near limitless wealth of media (you'd still have to buy the products, of course, because illegal downloads are...illegal). It's likely that the Earthlings would have uploaded much of their data to this galaxy's internet by now so it can be included there. For people that prefer physically getting DVDs, comic books, etc,. they can bring it with them as part of their personal belongings. The Exeralune would have physical media only on important things to save space. Earthling media will be sort of well known by the events of this roleplay, likely due to being fascinating and new. However, other races such as (but certainly not limited to) the Nimin would also have very popular video games to rival Earth. As such it wouldn't make sense to just stockpile Earth media.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 10 days ago

Yes, they can be damaged enough to be hindered. Also, I take it that this means they're in?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Looking through the races to see if any match the kind of character I want now-- If I can't I should post my character before my race, right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll say the cardinal arms are in. I'll just assume for things like unlimited explosive ammo they can't rapid fire it and cause super massive explosions and such.

What kind of character do you want, Darcs? Nothing would stop you from posting the character sheet minus stuff that you would need their race to know, then editing it later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Kukcoo (Pronounced as "Cuckoo") Dido
Age: 33 physically, 46 mentally
Gender: Female (biologically hermaphrodite)
Race: Korrvain Nymph (Wherolf; Lycn)
Homeworld: Nomadic/Asteroid dwelling
Position: Field Commander
Personality: Kukcoo has all the basic mannerisms of a Korrvain Nymph-- She's flirtatious, capricious, lustful, and has a natural disposition towards gambling and taking crazy risks. What sets her apart is a cool demeanor, her personality is one that is disarming and calming in a similar that one's lover might take on to appease any negative feelings. The Korrvain Nymph subspecies tendency towards sensuality has manifested in her both as improving her manner to sooth, but also increasing her flirtation with those she finds suitable, a bit of a double edged sword in the case of asexuals or those who simply don't like the Nymph. Her own Lycn heritage (weak as it may be) has only increased her focus on remaining calm when anger would otherwise be a reasonable emotion to feel, all of her emotions tend to be even more passionate, running the gamut from happiness to depression, but you will almost never see her angry.

Kukcoo is a huge fan of general Andreemean pop culture and trends, and tends to integrate contemporary and post-modern references into her daily life and speech mannerisms. Her upbringing under a Korrvain Nymph assassin and spy left a permanent effect on who she is today-- although not just in the skill department, she regularly measures herself against her father and this has given Kukcoo a negative self image, despite her initial mask, she has no clue what her place is in the galaxy and universe, and she ultimately has no idea what she will do with her (eerily immortal) existence. This scares her to no end. Kukcoo also has a tendency, as a tactician, to run scenarios through her mind on instinct, sometimes the scenarios are irrelevant to the matter at hand, and make her appear as if she might constantly zone out. When not acting as a spy or tactician, she can either be found trying to bed someone, watching or otherwise consuming some form of media or entertainment or generally lazing about, in other words-- "If the situation isn't dire, she is what you'd consider a wild child."


  • Desenrascanço: A Portuguese word that means being able to improvise under pressure, Kukcoo sees this as her most important trait.

  • Korrvain Nymph Physiology: Physically speaking, Korrvain Nymphs are among the weakest living sentient being in Andreemea, being the malnourished, mutated and frailer cousins of the Korrvain. What might merely bruise a human, might critically wound or break the bone of a Korrvain Nymph. As such, the race has evolved to quick and agile, with members finding it easier to preform feats of stealth because of their reduced stature and relative speed. As a nomadic race they find themselves often thrown into the roles of diplomats, ambassadors and traders because of their relative neutrality. They are neurologically prone to high risk taking and romantic inclinations, and have large black eyes that are sensitive to sudden brightness or darkness.

  • Weak strain of Lycn Wherolf genes: A long time ago in Kukcoo's ancestry, an early member of the Dido clan breed with a carrier of a Lycn gene. While potent for a few generations, time and genetic variations have reduced the strength of the Wherolf blood that runs through Dido veins. Members of the current generation of Dido who happen to posses the blood of the wolf can't even fully transform and only reap the benefits of Wherolf "immortality". With effort, upon agitation Kukcoo can grow wolves eyes, wolf fangs, and wolves claws. In this state she possesses the durability of a human with a weak constitution.

  • Espionage experience: Her father, Dado Dido, was a spy and assassin for the IGCP, seeing as he was her sole source of schooling and mentoring, his experience has rubbed off on her. Giving her an edge in the art of subterfuge.

  • Tactition: Following in the footsteps of her father, Kukcoo also found her way into working for the IGCP, eventually settling into her niche as a general strategist. She has commanded small forces in battle and in other operations as a semi-independent agent of the IGCP for nearly a decade now. Those years of experience have only made her better.

  • Equipment:
  • Gravity boots: Exactly what they say on the tin, old fashioned gravity boots! This older model doesn't rely on an internal power source, and they are controlled completely through neurolink and nanomachines, making them a bitch to get on and off-- but in this case, quality over comfort. These boots can either levitate for ease or propel themselves forward at close to 75mph, they can act as gravity mines, forcing small objects to rush towards them at distances as far as 200ft, they can act as ironboots in low gravity environments, planting themselves firmly to the ground, allowing her to walk on walls, or even attract themselves vertically to a target. They are an old Dido family heirloom, and as such are known to occasionally sputter, they are also solar powered, meaning a long enough period without light will cause them to automatically power off.

  • Wonder!Tek multipurpose cosmo hood, in red: Do you like listening to music or the radio? What about watching your favorite movie or TV show? Constant access to intergalactic wifi is a must, as well as constant updates on your body condition and the surrounding area. You still need to keep in contact with your friends! And of course you'd like to do all this while still looking stylish! What if we could promise all of that, and more, while in DEEP SPACE!?!? With Wonder!Tek's newest product, we can! The latest in synthetic technology AND! space travel, the BRAND NEW Wonder!Tek multipurpose cosmo hood will be for you! From Wonder!Tek, who have given us such great products as "Baby's first rocket!" "Baby's first rocket cleanup crew" "Wifi and Audio blindfold!" "Teenage androids" " The real! Sex Doll" "Blast to the past razzmatazz!" and so much more! The Wonder!Tek multipurpose cosmo hood, has woven into it an experimental alloy, that, when combined with the near invisible hyper mesh that covers the front, create a soft, clothesque hood like garment, that is actually capable of withstanding harsh concussive force! And apparently-- makes it possible for the wearer to move around in open space with relative comfort! Scientists are baffled! And quite honestly? So are we! The Wonder!Tek multipurpose cosmo hood can also tune in to most* galactic TV networks, access the Intergalactic wifi, download, watch and listen to movies, podcasts, general music, and galactic radio stations (need to be within frequency range). It also comes downloaded with biolink body condition updates, chat clients (audio, text and video), a 3 dimensional compass, currently known star and planet maps, a beta translator, and it actively maps and provides information on your current location (still in beta). The Wonder!Tek multipurpose cosmo hood is a comet miner's dream! Listen to music or watch a movie during work without your boss knowing! The Wonder!Tek multipurpose cosmo hood comes in a variety of colors and sizes! Get yours today! And remember, Wonder!Tek: Upgrade YOUR gray matter, because one day it may matter! (If your re-breather ever stops functioning properly please contact the Wonder!Tek maintenance division, early contact can allow us to get a worker to your location in one to two months time)

  • Biography: For someone raised by a government sanctioned assassin, Kukcoo Dido had a pretty normal childhood. In between assignments, her father taught her, giving her both a general education and what was basically a mentorship in espionage, survival tactics, and how to maximize her natural talents. During assignments, Kukcoo suffered from ennui and developed an addiction to TV, movies, and music as a way to pass the time, an addiction that she maintains to this day. Her life fit into this uniformity up until her 21st birthday, when she entered the uniformity of university, she escaped by 25 and entered the uniformity of the workforce, following her father-- she found herself settling into the niche of "Contracted Field Commander," acting as an agent of the IGCP in minor conflicts that call for mercenary forces that need a commander and other minor assignments. She isn't particularly satisfied with the position, but then, though she refuses to acknowledge it, she isn't doing this for herself. The Exeralune assignment is just another in a long string of stagnation.
    Name: Gogo Dido
    Age: 47
    Gender: Female (biologically hermaphrodite)
    Race: Korrvain Nymph
    Homeworld: Nomadic/Asteroid dwelling
    Position: Security Personnel
    Personality: Gogo is arrogant and prone to anger easily, this makes her perfect for a position in which she engages in combat-- but awful at pretty much everything else. It unknown how her family tolerates her, let alone strangers.

  • Korrvain Nymph Physiology:
  • Physically speaking, Korrvain Nymphs are among the weakest living sentient being in Andreemea, being the malnourished, mutated and frailer cousins of the Korrvain. What might merely bruise a human, might critically wound or break the bone of a Korrvain Nymph. As such, the race has evolved to quick and agile, with members finding it easier to preform feats of stealth because of their reduced stature and relative speed. As a nomadic race they find themselves often thrown into the roles of diplomats, ambassadors and traders because of their relative neutrality. They are neurologically prone to high risk taking and romantic inclinations, and have large black eyes that are sensitive to sudden brightness or darkness.
  • Combat experience/Grunt psychology:
  • Fairly self explanatory. She has seen combat and has the perfect psych for a low level soldier.
    Equipment: General security equipment

    Biography (brief): Kukcoo's semi-close cousin and long time member of an IGCP merc group.
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