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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Ahn...Vora," a confused looking Furzai security officer managed to grunt out of his wolf-like maw as he looked between the ID card and the dark cloaked figure that stood in front of him; a mysterious man waiting for the go ahead to continue past the military checkpoint out of the spaceport that he had landed in upon reaching the planet of Elistore by way of a small IGCP transport cruiser.

Well, the image on the card indeed looked just like him, only there was one minor problem. Instead of a face to identify him it was simply a sleek, dark blue featureless looking mask, the same one that he wore now. Wearing a mask when he needed to be identified...what sort of man is he? Oh right, supposedly the captain of a ship called the Exeralune. For all he knew this was some random hobo who had stolen a mask of the same type and wanted to pull a prank. But then again he did have access to a valid ID of this so called captain and exited an IGCP controlled ship, the government in control over this planet and many others. This man passed the most rigorous tests he had at his disposal on his initial, double, and triple checks. This was after the previous security agent had done his own tests and then called in the officer, who supposedly knew how to deal with this type of situation. To put it quite simply he did not. Nobody had the nerve to pull what he had just pulled during the entire time this aging Furzai had stood in command over the spaceport.

"Ugh...well...y-yeah. Whatever. Looks like you pass," he finally answered, scratching the top of his furry head in defeat. The man passed every other test and was indeed arriving at the scheduled time, so despite the odd behavior there wasn't much he could do. He couldn't hold up the captain of a ship if the story did check out. Supposedly the Exeralune was newly completed after being a mere prototype that was on the verge of being scrapped a couple months ago, but was saved at the last minute by being stolen and then later returned with upgrades built in. Looks like the ship was as odd as the captain. They were a match made in Chahara Vee if he ever saw one.

"This better not come back to bite me in my furry buttocks," he security officer thought to himself grumpily as he watched the man give a friendly wave, scoop up his ID card, and then casually stroll out the door as if he owned the place while slipping the card into the dark abyss of the folds that made up his uniform that covered him from head to toe.


A lot of the inhabitants of this old styled marble city of Neress, their capital, turned their heads to look at beautiful white haired Selvan that was walking at a brisk pace through the streets, a sight they didn't see every day around these parts. Despite all appearances, however, and probably unknown to the gawkers, this Selvan was a male who was blessed, or perhaps cursed depending on how you look at it, with feminine good looks surpassing almost any other woman on the streets, although in this instant it wasn't that impressive given how it was originally Furzai controlled and most Furzai weren't known for their beauty pageants.

The fancy looking outfit that he wore also put theirs to shame. Not that it was his goal to show off, in fact he'd greatly prefer not to have drawn so much attention. This was just how he always looked back on his home planet and he didn't exactly have to time to reinvent his style while in the middle of a mission to assassinate an evil, mysterious man cloaked in a dark uniform from head to toe, including a sleek looking mask that he always wore, not allowing anyone to know what he truly looks like. Supposedly he was impersonating a captain or something, so that he could murder all of the IGCP crewmembers assigned to it by blowing the ship sky high. Obviously he needed to catch this vile man before he could reach the hanger near the outskirts of the capital.

His pace increased, impressive given the mobility of a Selvan that he possessed. At last he spotted the man in question exit the smaller hanger and begin on his way to the hanger containing the Exeralune. Not wanting to create a scene he stealthily followed in step with him from a safe distance, waiting until they would reach an area of the city where not many people traveled, and then he'd force him into an alleyway and finish him off. He wouldn't screw up this mission, his very first as a bounty hunter after leaving his well off home at Finora. He could make a living on his own without his parents and make the world a better place doing it. They'd see.


"Infiltration successful. Start planetary bombardment on our mark," A man covered in silver body armor said into his mouthpiece as he exited the forest, now overlooking the majestic marble city of Neress nestled below him. Behind him were a group of roughly twenty others, all armed to the teeth, and from their body language were acting like a predator stalking it's prey. They looked towards the large hanger containing the Exeralune and smiled underneath their helmets, revealing a sharp row of teeth underneath their grey lips. They didn't know what was so important about this ship but they were under orders to have it captured. That's all the motivation that they needed to get to the pillaging and destroying of the surrounding city to make sure nobody was around to stop them in this mission. Not even it's captain could make it out of here alive, having a bounty hunter hired to take him out before he even reached the ship. Despite being young, that Selvan probably had the skills to take him out. How well could someone fight back against a Selvan if all they do is stand around giving orders all day? Even if he miraculously survived the assault he would still probably die in the bombardment. Not that someone as insignificant as him was even worth that much effort, but it didn't hurt to be thorough.


Security personnel M'rayl Lithardeon nervously strolled around the holding room just outside of hanger bay 3 where the Exeralune, the ship she was going to be stationed on, was being fixed up for boarding procedures. Around her was a colorful group made up of multiple different alien races, obvious ones such as humans, faera, and gurran, but also some others that she had never gotten the chance to meet in person before such as a tough looking Blumn, who she heard were experts at close range combat.

"What are you looking at?" The man had said gruffly at her, so she had to quickly avert her gaze and instead focus on some other people. She couldn't help it that she was interested in who her new crewmates, who she'd be spending a lot of time with these next few years, were going to be. She wanted to go up to talk to one but she didn't know who to start with, feeling anxiety settle in even worse then before just as she almost made it over to them to say hi. Would "hi" be too casual? Should she salute instead? There were so many different cultures to consider, although they all had read through a packet explaining the proper default etiquette to use for others. But what if she hadn't read something right and makes someone deeply offended?! Her mind was racing at the possibilities. She couldn't make a bad first impression or else this would be a long trip.

Setting her eyes on another alien standing near here, she took a deep breath and made her way over to them.

"Hi, my name is M'rayl, and I'm a security agent," she said, motioning to her grey colored uniform...which actually made her position painfully obvious, so might be foolish to have introduced herself like that in the first place. She mentally hit herself as beads of sweat began to form on her clammy skin. "Uh, so anyways, what's your name?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shor'Gen was bathing in the stimulus. His sound-based vision was going wild on him, so many different voices and so many different scents. He was excited to be assigned as Lead Physician aboard a new ship named the Exeralune. The assignment officer had told him that the ship was fresh out of the experimental phase, which further excited him. In the two sets of smaller claws below his primary ones, he held a large case, and he had another container strapped to his back.

He sensed something approaching him from behind, and he turned to face M'rayl at roughly the same time she addressed him. He noticed she was perspiring, by her scent, and made a mental note of this. "Hello, Security Officer M'rayl." Shor'Gen replied in his incredibly unfitting voice, his sensory tendrils swaying with the words. It was smooth, like that of a perfectly calm human (if not a bit monotone sounding), and one could find it unnerving how clear it came out despite what Shor'Gen appeared to be. "My name is pronounced Shor'Gen. I am assigned as Lead Physician for this vessel." He continued.

Given his extremely unique body shape, he didn't possess a proper uniform, instead having his rank marks painted directly onto his carapace in easy to see locations. On his shoulders were pinned lapels with the five stars that denoted him as lead physician, and he was wearing his clear de-atmoshperic head covering, the sensory tendrils on his head poking out through sealed ports on the helmet. He was standing in his tripod stance, so he loomed over M'rayl by a good two feet

His head leaned forward, almost awkwardly and uncomfortably close to M'rayl, before he leaned it backwards again. "You're perspiring, and your heart rate's elevated. Is something the matter, Security Officer M'rayl?" he asked in a somewhat concerned voice. He clasped his primary claws together, and placed them under his head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 10 days ago

Among the various personnel of Exeralune, there was one figure in a suit of armor that had on him a spear, a sword that was missing a blade, a strange rifle, and an oddly shaped dagger. However the truth was far stranger then this figure's appearance; the suit of armor was but a mere puppet for the weapons, all of which were alive.

"I believe she is suffering from something called 'sexual arousal', mister tentacle eyes" one of the weapons, the spear Gungnir spoke up

"God I hope not" the sword, Excalibur replied to his comrade "look, she's probably just nervous. I mean let's be honest here people; we do kind of look like a pack of thugs. We don't really paint a picture of a group of adventures out to go explore in the land or rainbows and unicorns"

"Unicorns!!!!!" a high pitched voice cried out

"Well fuck, I just walked right into that didn't I?" Excalibur asked

A deep voice chuckled and answered him with "yes, yes you did"

The high pitched voice from before continued "WEEEEEEEEEEE!!! We're going to find a whole bunch of unicorns and ride them across the rainbow bridge to dream valley!!!"

"Zwill! Unicorns don't exist!" Excalibur yelled at the now named dagger; Zwill

"Nuh uh, they do exist. We saw one before"

Excalibur sighed "I can't believe I have to go over this again" he mumbled before continuing in a clearer voice "Zwill, that wasn't a unicorn; that was a normal horse. It's 'horn' was just a knife that was stuck in it's head. As you most likely don't remember; the pointy part of a unicorn's horn points outward. While with this horse, it was the other way around. Also, and this part is pretty important so try to keep up, it was dead"

Zwill began to sniff "s-so...no fuzzy unicorns?"

"I'm going to have to say no"

It was then that the deeper voice spoke up again "now, now Excalibur, let's not be too hasty"

"Oooooh no Formalhaut, don't you start with me" Excalibur warned the gun, now known as Formalhaut

"I have no idea what you're talking about Excalibur. I just think that it's too early to dash poor Zwill's hopes"

"No! Don't do this Formalhaut!"

"In fact, I know a special song that can summon a unicorn, if you can believe hard enough"

"Really?" Zwill's voice screamed 'wide eyes with sparkles in them'

"You know no such song, there is no song that can possible do that!!!!!"

"Well...there's only one way to find out; we have to sing it, together"

Thinking quickly, Excalibur devised a foolproof plan to save them from the fate the the mad gun Formalhaut would inflict upon them "look Zwill; it's the floor!"

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" the dagger squealed "a floor!" And just like that, he had forgotten all about the magical unicorn song

Excaibur let out a sigh of relief "that was close. Everyone here owes me their sanity." Meanwhile, Formalhaut was chuckling like mad
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Damiann47
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Damiann47 Local Planetary Body

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Daniel just stepped off of the IGCP shuttle that ferried him there. Daniel tugged at the brand new uniform given to him, the fit was fine however he was used to more loose clothing. He shifted the duffel bag that was over his shoulder, it contained simple things some essentials like change of clothes, but also in there he had technical books, and reference materials, as chief engineer he wanted to make sure to keep brushed up. He let out a short whistle as he examined the scene before him, back home it was mostly other humans like himself, so seeing the wide variety of other races was impressive to a somewhat shut in Exendrian such as himself. He made his way down the various checkpoints giving paper and identification as needed, Daniel was also still getting used to his new title, Engineering Officer Daniel Althor, just out of university and already in this kind of position who would have thought he might have ended up here. Finally after the lengthy process Daniel was in the holding room, again so many different personal of so many different races, yet all of them were crew members of the Exeralune. He had some time before he need to board the ship so might have been a good time to do some greet and meet, after all he had to at some point.

After some looking around he decided to approach two others who seemed to be already engaged in their own conversation. One was a Nimin, overall pretty standard to Daniel while he has never met on personally he has obviously heard more then enough about them. The other was strange, looked like some weird insect straight out of a fiction magazine Daniel remembered reading, course this one was civilized and not tearing though swaths of people, most interesting of all he had his rank markings literately painting on himself rather then wearing a uniform, seemed he was the lead physician not what Daniel would have expected. Daniel straightened his back and started walked towards the couple.

When he got close enough Daniel called out, "Hope I'm not interrupting anything important, just figured now would be a good time to meet with each other before its time to board." Daniel held out his hand not to anyone in particular, "I'm Engineering Officer Daniel Althor, going to be in charge of maintaining the ship, nice to meet the two of you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago


This was tricky and Alexis knew he had thought this out more.
He succesfully sneaked into a docked ship on his homeworld, was able to hide out in the vents for the entire and lucky enough short trip.
But he should have thought ahead about the chance that this ship might go to a planet that would be under some kind of large fraction or at least a large military race.
Well he should pat his luck on the back that this at least was a IGCP planet, he would have been killed on a military planet, here he only risk getting thrown in the cell for... Never mind....

Thank something he was born a Glaizart, able to sense peoples live force had given him the edge on crawling out from the ship, who knows how long they would stay docked here and how long their next trip would be.
He was hungry so he needed to move to his next advanture.
But this has proven difficult, the entire dock was filled with people, from behind some crates he could see a girl talking to someone, he could not see against who though, but from the conversation it seemed they were a security member and a medic for some new ship, the medic was out of his sight but his aura was big so he did not wanted to see the man anyway, but the girl could prove a problem if she really was a security member, as long as he avoided the big man the doc wont prove such a problem, but she was trained and had a job to capture stowaways

But this new ship could be useful, if everyone on this dock would be a new crew, then no one would be on the ship and if they meant to depart soon, then it should have enough stock to fill his stomach, after that Alexis can just step out and wait till everyones left before he could leave the dock and explore the planet.
It was not hard to find the ship, it was the only one who looked brand new and had some guards.
Still Alexis was able to get inside without being noticed, he just had to knock some crates over and use his aura sense to monitor the guards movement to find the blind spots.

the hunt for food had begun.

the conference between the Shiira elder and the IGCP has been finished some time ago, but the IGCP members who were present in the conference had gotten curious about The Pillar docked in a space dock on the planets orbit.
They were forced to use this dock as an other one was mostly reserved for some new ship and an other ship who carried supplys, not that his crew cared that they had to use a space dock instead of a ground dock.
At the moment the IGCP members had joined with the Shiira elder and his guards to get an guide though the Pillar.
But Volray was still on the planet, the elder had given him once more the chance to explore the planets market place.
He had seen quite a few interesting objects but decided not to buy anything outside an interesting type of meat wrapped in a beige piece of... He had no idea, but it was pretty tasty.

A lot of people around him were talking about this new ship and slowly it started to rouse his interest, perhaps he would go and check it out soon enough...

Isaac was leaning against a wall, staring at the ship.
From the corner of his eyes he looked at some huge scap talking to some girl and more poeple such as the armored man joining the talk.
At one point he wanted to join, but at an other he just wanted to get inside, check the computer systems and work on some magitech stuff.
perhaps it was the fear that he might expose his Eremend stature or perhaps there was something else but for once he was not all that up for this little mixure.
though if someone would start to talk to him he wont mind it either, he just did not wanted to start a talk or join in an existing one, he rather be pulled in a conversation by someone, makes it a lot easier
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Kukcoo & Gogo Dido

"Gods, I am so bored!" A loud, shrill, and annoying voice entered the warehouse where the future crew of the Exeralune had been meandering. The voice belonged to Gogo Dido, a Korrvain Nymph with a choleric temperament and a stature that Napoleon would chuckle at. She walked briskly, uncomfortably, she fidgeted in her newly fitted "security personnel" uniform as she looked for a crate to settle down against.

"We just got here, Go, please don't have another heart attack." A smokey, sultry voice followed, twice as calm as Gogo's and half as loud. It belonged to Kukcoo Dido, she coolly traced the steps of her cousin, taking off her small red hood in order to avoid possibly offending her future crew mates, she gingerly placed it inside her messenger bag and surveyed the room. Not many fliers, she noted-- that would make escape in the even of a disaster quite easy, the warehouse was large, but only had a few ground level exits, her best bet would be to hope her gravity boots could break the skylight--

"SO YOU NEVER TOLD ME WHY YOU HAD TO WEAR A UNIFORM!" Her cousin's shout brought Kuckcoo out of her reverie. Right, Gogo was here, the events of the past few days had the perfect combination of life altering and mundane, and looking back, it had all transpired at such a breakneck speed, that she didn't really remember all of it. Why DID she not need to wear a uniform?

Mid-thought, her mouth moved before her mind could catch up, "Because, high level personnel receive more leeway when it comes to things like that, also, uniforms are mostly ceremonial, Field Tacticians don't usually get invited to those things-- Oh! And there always that you don't want an IGCP spy actually seen in uniform, that pretty much say "allegiance with enemy, do not trust" when I'm in enemy territory..."

"Ok, geeze, I asked for a reason not a fucking thesis." Crude as always, Gogo. At least she had seemed to find a crate to jump up onto and complain about the wait. She just woke up this morning, found out Kukcoo was assigned to this mission, and applied because she 'wanted quality time with her blood,' outside of some checkpoints and a fitting for the security uniform, she didn't really have a right to complain. Kukcoo had bee in and out of briefings on the galactic importance of this mission and why someone with a 0-death track record like hers was selected. The checkpoints to get this warehouse were a breeze. Comparatively.

No longer having to worry bout Gogo, Kukcoo took the opportunity to really observe the culturally diverse room that contained her soon crew, her stature limited her field of vision, but she could at least HEAR things! And what she could see seemed promising, besides Gogo and herself this room seemed to be full of the absolute best! Maybe she had been too anxious about all this? They seemed experienced, and some of them even struck her as attractive! And if it did suck she could just listen to music in her chambers all day!

Figuring she introduce herself to someone, partly to get to know her crew and partly to pass the time. The closest person to her was a humanoid leaning against a wall on the warehouse, his hair was styled into a pony tail and he had a large scar across his face. "Hi." She said, in a loud voice, bridging the disparity between their heights, "Field Commander and Tactician Kuckoo Dido-- enjoying that view of the ship?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago


As Isaac was taking in the ship he heard someone speak to him.
His gaze left the ship to meet the 2 females standing in front of him.
A field commander huh...

"Technician Isaac Adapt, seems to be a fine ship, wonder how its computer systems work ma'am" he replied politely as you reply to someone of higher rank, or at least how they do it on Marcle, though he did not stood up straight or shifted his position of leaning against the wall.
This no one else seemed to be doing it so why would he?
He thought for a moment but kind of failed to think of anything to say further so he let his gaze wonder to the other female.
"Who is your friend Ma'am?" he asked mixing a familiar and military based rudeness with the polite use of referring to an higher ranked person.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shor'Gen seemed to be oddly captured by M'rayl's nervousness. For the life of him, he couldn't understand why a security officer like her could be so shaky at a time like this. She was projecting an interesting scent, as well. A hint of adrenaline amidst the mostly flat scent of a light sweat. Her mouth was expelling carbon dioxide at an accelerated rate, and it was at that moment that Shor'Gen added "Mysteriously Sweaty M'rayl" to his always growing scent memory. He was about to approach her even more when Daniel's voice cut in (to M'rayl's great relief, no doubt), his attention seemed to be taken away from her for the moment, but he quickly turned his head to face her once again, to give her some parting words, in case she decided to pursue conversations elsewhere.

"As soon as the medical facilities are ready, I will call for you to report for a physical." Shor'Gen stated, before returning to address Daniel.

"A pleasure to meet you, Engineering Officer Daniel. You may pronounce me Lead Physician Shor'Gen. I am quite excited to serve aboard the Exalerune, it is my first extended starship depl-"

Shor'Gen suddenly stopped, going slightly rigid. The tendrils on his head stood still for a moment, and he turned hi head towards The Exy, only to relax and turn to face Daniel again. He could've sworn he heard some crates being toppled. "You must forgive me for my sudden outburst. My kind do not possess eyes, we see with sound, so as you might imagine, this loud starship hangar has me slightly disoriented. It will be good to finally enter the ship. Perhaps i shall spend a couple of hours in silence..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Damiann47
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Damiann47 Local Planetary Body

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Daniel was surprised, Shor'Gen was nothing like what he expected at first glance. Shor'Gen was definitely intelligent, seemed educated and above all was very polite. Daniel had a lot to learn about dealing with other races, appearances alone were fairy deceiving. Pretty interesting to note that his kind couldn't see visible light and had to rely on sound alone one could wonder why Shor'Gen's race adapted that when developing.

Daniel nodded, "I can somewhat understand what you mean, I worked with drones that sensed only with sonar, it can get fairly confusing in places with too much sound. Of course I don't live my entire life that way, must be different for you and your people." Daniel glanced back to the rest of the room, he was wondering when they were going to start boarding, there were plenty of checkups that needed to be done especially since this was to be the first launch.

He returned his attention back to Shor'Gen, "Sorry for spacing out there, I'm just anxious to start checkups for the Exeralune this is my first deployment on any ship, so I do want to make sure everything goes smoothly."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

M'rayl was left speechless out of nervousness the more she took in of this intimidating alien life form that stood before her...or more like leaning before her well past her comfort zone for such an encounter. Not only that but he began to try and analyze her nervousness, making her even more nervous, making the awkward situation stand out even more and cause a cycle of nervousness that would only get worse. There was no way that she could muster up the courage to fix his minor error in that she was not called a security officer; there was no such actual position on the ship, at least by that name. The term officer was reserved for those of higher rank, the Executive Officer being in charge of security, for example. In some languages the term officer could be used for any person working in security jobs such as the police, but in Anolo this was not the case. Perhaps he didn't know of this translation error, but it was still understandable to most people and wouldn't cause anyone to mistake her as being an actual officer in charge of security. All things considered she'd let it go. Perhaps someone else might point out these thoughts racing through her head and spare her of having to explain.

Luckily she was at least spared from the conversation at hand by who turned out to be the Engineering Officer approaching them. Ah, an actual officer, and the hero of the day! Or minute, perhaps. Shor'Gen made one last comment to her about a physical, which caused her to shutter slightly, but that ended their interaction for the time being and allowed her to sneak away and gather her thoughts. She had no choice but to go along with a recommendation for a physical by the lead physician, so she knew that there was no getting out of it, but for the time being she'd pretend that this was all just a bad dream and move along. She didn't even both sticking around to hear what her "hero" had to say. Instead, something about nearby crates caught her attention. Had the crates always been like that? Being with security it would be her job to check out anything suspicious going on and she was the "better safe than sorry" type. That being said she hesitantly made her way over to them, her slender fingers making their way to the IG Enforcer pistol at her hip. She wasn't going to shoot anyone unless absolutely necessary, but if a bad person was around it wouldn't hurt for intimidation factor to have it at the ready.


Arma made his move when the cloaked figure made his way through a currently deserted area of the financial district. It was under some construction and the workers had yet to arrive to go about their daily grind. He silently raised his blades up into position as he rushed at him, intent on stabbing the unarmed man in the back. He didn't like resorting to such tactics to kill people with no chance of fighting back, but it was his mission to stop this madman at all cost so he couldn't take any risk of letting him live. He closed his eyes at the last second, not too keen on seeing the outcome of this fatal blow, even if this man deserved his fate.

...Only he felt himself travel much further than expected with no resistance until her felt a firm grip on his right wrist. W-what?! He dodged?! His eyes opened wide in shock just in time to see himself face plant into a patch of grass off on the side of the cobblestone road where he ambushed the man. He tried to move but was pinned down by an iron grip on his right wrist and the back of his neck, as well as the pressure of the man's knee on his back that ensured he wouldn't be getting up any time soon despite his violent squirming to break free. He expected this to be the end of him for a good couple of seconds until he felt the grip on him loosen intentionally, allowing him to crawl forward a couple of feet and turn around in order to face his opponent, who was surprisingly in a playful looking squat, making no further efforts to confront him. Instead he reached out his right hand, palm upwards, after a couple seconds of silence.

"Need some help getting up?" He questioned lightly, as if they were walking in the park and he was simply helping someone up who had tripped.

Arma stammered, unable to get any coherent thoughts out at the question. What sort of mad bomber was this person? Could he have mistaken this man for another cloaked killer? But how many people would wear this exact outfit at the same time and location of his target? That was too big of a coincidence. So what was this man's motives for playing things casual? Trying to let his guard down? But his guard was already down when he was pinned. He couldn't think of anything but knew it must be a trap of some sort so he quickly swung his right sword at the man's left side, only for the man to raise his left arm up and block the blow against the side of his forearm with a loud clanging sound. Underneath that clothing must have been some very durable material, surprising for how swiftly he was able to move around in it. Before Arma could retract his blade the man had grasped onto it, holding it in place despite Arma's struggling. It quickly dawned on Arma that he had no chance of winning. His eyes darted around to find a clear path of escape.

"I wouldn't try to run without a plan. It looks like they have snipers trained on us just in case you'd fail your assignment," the cloaked man said, his voice much more serious. His mask was tilted somewhere past Arma's shoulder rather than looking at him as he spoke.

"W-what?" Arma managed to get out in his confusion. He turned his head to look in the direction the mask was facing when he was suddenly jerked forward by the grip on his sword. Not a second later a shot rang out, striking the earth where he had just been. A second shot struck the man's location, only now he was on his feet and making a swift get-a-way, dragging Arma in tow long enough for Arma's own two feet to plant onto the ground and allow him to start running on his own initiative. For reasons he couldn't explain he continued following after the man, as if he was his only hope of survival. That sniper shot, if not a horrible miss, was meant to take him out as well. Whoever had hired him meant business and didn't like failures.

Another shot rang out but they ducked into an alleyway just in time to avoid it.

"My name is Ahn Vora, captain of a ship called the Exeralune. I know this may seem odd, but I'd like to hire you to serve on our security team, young sir," Ahn spoke up as they ran.

Sir...so this man was able to tell his gender! That was a first! Perhaps this man wasn't so bad after all, but this was all too confusing to figure out at the moment.

"Y-you ask this of me now?!" Arma questioned, bewilderment flooding his tone of voice. "And why?!"

"Of course I'd ask now. We may not have much time before liftoff," Ahn replied, matter-of-factly but in a teasing way. "As for why, your agility is nothing to laugh at, although you may need a few pointers on some things."

"T-thanks?" He replied, more as a question than anything else. "And not much time because?"

"We may have more visitors than just that sniper..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago


The way to the dock that this new ship was supposed to be dockt was actually not all that easy to find if you dont know where you need to go.
Well Volray only heard about this new ship as people are talking about it and has gotten a general direction from someone but with all these streets going all directions and making turns it became pretty tricky to navigate to a direction.
Eventually Volray sat down on a bench "You know what, never mind, If thing keep going like this I wont even be able to get back to my own ship once I need to return, to bad would have liked to see this new ship"
As he Sighed a sudden sound was heard echoing.
He recognized the sound instantly, he was trained with snipers and this was without a doubt a sniper rifle shot, once, no two shots.

Quickly he stood up, Why would there be sniper shots here? Did people get wounded? Has this to do with that new ship? Is this the start of some IGCP war? If so, would this mean the Shiira need to fight as well as they were talking about joining or are they still not part of the IGCP and with it are they free to go?
Questions run though his heads but in reality he would find out any of these if he were to check it out.
Volray started to run as his training and instincts set in towards where the shots echo'd from.
Since he had heard it navigating though the streets was a little easier.
A 3e shot.. who ever it was aimed for seemed to have some luck. and this one was damn right close, just though this alleyway.

As volray entered the alleyway he stood face to face with 2 individuals, one was cloaked with a mask, the other seemed like a girl.
The girl was clearly alarmed, the masked one was hard to tell.

For now Volray stood on his spot on the other end of the alleyway.
one of his hands were behind his back ready to make his swords if needed while the other activated his shield type device.
"Just to be sure, you guys are the ones being attacked or are you part of who ever is attacking?" of course they could be bystanders but judging the situation and the individuals them self, the mask was suspicious and the other's look on his face seemed like he was fire on rather then seeing it happen.
"I guess your the targets, or at least the lady, would you need some help?" he asked genuine and hoped they could tell somehow, using words was so much harder to bring over honest feelings and thoughts or for that matter so the same with the other way around.

On a different planet in a different section...

An old man was walking trough a large corridor, 4 huge males were beside him as they guided him to the bathroom.
One of the males went inside and came out nodding.
the old man sighed in relieve, he had to go but he also knew someone inside his corporation wanted him out of the way, if he was dead then that person would gain a huge amount of money, it was too bad that there were so many that would get money in large amounts, he could not hire anyone to take that person out himself without risking to kill the wrong man, something that would only drain his money and lower his assets, something he could not risk.
He walked into the bathroom and sat down on the toilet after looking around and confirming that nothing was there himself.
"you need some better guards" A voice said suddenly.
The man looked up at the ceiling where the voice came from, a shocked expression filled his eyes, an angry one followed once he noticed no one was there.
"who is the joker that placed a microphone here" he asked, irritation filled his voice.
"both you and your guard made a mistake then" the voice responded.
Then from nowhere appeared a black robe hanging off the ceiling, 2 blue glowing lights that might fit as eyes were all that could be seen from under the hood.
The man's eyes filled with fear, he knew who this was and he could not believe it, the man knew that he was looking at The Reaper...
He wanted to scream but suddenly his voice cut off, he felt something he could not see, a blade? then he felt something wet slide past his neck, he touched it and looked at it, it was red, it was blood, his blood.
Fear filled his eyes again, he tried to look at what was in his neck but could not see anything, but then as if the reaper wanted to grand the man's wish to see what would kill him it appeared, a large scythe blade with a black gem on its back, it seemed to be attached by a red gem, something felt weird with that gem and then it hit him, the gem was not red from origin, it was just soaked with enough blood though time that it permanently had colored the gem red.. then he noticed the details of the staff of the weapon, skulls and other bones, he had studied a lot of alien skulls in his prime before he was send to this wasteland called the junkyard by his old company partners in order to take control of his old company, and it only seemed normal to find his end by an similar event, still the man never regretted building company's and becoming successful and rich, only thing he regretted was not seeing the signs both times that he was about to be taken out of the game, still those bones, he did not recognize them at all, yet they seemed familiar.
"who, what are you?" was what he asked to the reaper.
he never believed in supernatural things like a grim reaper, but the person had no head, or so it seemed, just 2 eyes, able to stick to a ceiling and become invisible while having a invisible weapon of such unknown origin, it did not make sense.
"I am death, I am your Reaper" with that said the Reaper sliced the man's head of in a single slash, showing how sharp the blade is.
the man only looked with fear when he heard that before losing his live, and ironically at the last second he realized what race those bones belonged to, something the reaper would have wanted to know, something that could have saved the man's live, but both will never know how it might have changed things now...

As the man's lifeless body hit the floor, the Reaper disappeared once more and funny enough just opened the door, letting the guards know something was up, he waited for the guards to enter the room before slipping out himself, sticking to the ceiling all the way he made his way out of the building before disappearing into the night
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 5 mos ago

“Sorry for being late, lad. They haven’t left without me, have they? Heh.” Gunnos Gimga said jestingly to the Furzai security officer while he showed his identification. With his stature, braided beard and Mohawk, it was quite clear that he is who she said he is, and thus the security officers let him through swiftly. They seemed mildly suspicious of him, which is natural considering few of them would’ve met a Korrvain on friendly terms before. Gunnos saw them eyeing the imposing hammercannon on his back suspiciously, but simply acted like he didn’t notice their suspicion, and after completing the mandatory checks he was in.

The Exeralune was unmistakable on first sight, given that the bulk of the crewmembers were already there. And what a crew, too! Many of them were human, but among the group he spotted some kind of stone man, a bunch of giant bugs, a birdman, some armoured figure talking to himself, and more. A fair amount of buxom ladies too, he couldn’t help but observe. This would be a jolly good time, he could already tell. He wasn’t even the shortest person there, so wouldn’t have to deal with being called shorty… probably.

“Good day, lads and lasses,” he announced to no one in particular as he joined the group. “Excuse me tardiness. Drinking makes sleepy, and sleeping makes late, hehe.” He turned his attention to Shor’gen first, for obvious reasons. “Hey big fellow, ain’t seen your kind before. Lead physician, eh? That’ll be a show. Nice to meet ya, bud.” He randomly prodded Shor’gen’s carapace a few times to feel the consistency before turning his attention to the next nearest person, which happened to be Daniel.

“Oh, sorry, did I break up a conversation? Just tryin’ to make friends like everyone. Me name’s Gunnos, security personnel. May I know both of yer names?” His mouth was nearly invisible beneath his beard, but an observant person might notice his smile by the slight lifting of his bushy moustache. Gunnos enjoyed this new company already, and he hadn’t even met most of them yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Isaac said "Technician Isaac Adapt, seems to be a fine ship, wonder how its computer systems work ma'am"

He seemed... Nervous maybe? Not physically intimidated-- she was barely half his size! It could have been a sexual attraction? That would certainly make getting in his pants easier... Couldn't even go an hour with them before you try and get some, could you? As she brushed the thought away, she could the 'ma'am' part of Isaac's response. This guy was no stranger to military manners.

Isaac said "Who is your friend Ma'am?"

"Who, you mean Gogo?" Kukcoo responded, looking back at her 'friend' falling asleep on the top of one of the crates, in a manner similar to that of an Earthling feline. "She's not really what I'd call a 'friend'" She said, air quoting the word for emphasis, "She's more like... An acquaintance by blood," She paused to lean against the wall next to the... man? He looked enough Earthling enough, but she had been to enough Igrissi brothels to know that looks do NOT mean everything.

"Anyway Isaac," she began, not asking if he minded being called by his first name, " 'Ma'am' is what you call my mother and other old women you don't know very well," removing a zero-G cigarette from her bag, she removed the auto-ignition strip and took a puff before continuing, "My first name is fine, I imagine we'll all get pretty close in the coming months, better to do away with pointless formalities sooner than later."

Gogo let out a loud snore before Kukcoo continued, "Technician..." She said, half to herself between puffs of the cigarette, "Tell me Isaac; does being a technician make you happy?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago


"She's more like... An acquaintance by blood" Kukcoo replied to his question about the other woman.
"distance family huh" he said while looking at the one called Gogo "pretty distant by the looks of it" he said to himself mostly noting how, as far as he can tell, the two dont look related at all, one was confident, not bad looking and looked like a nice lady, the other looked like what he had seen in a children book when he was little, a earth troll and a grumpy one at that, lucky enough the nice one was the one talking to him.

Isaac nodded when she said that he could drop the honorifics "Fine with me, but if the cap is around I feel it would be good if I talk to you in a respected manner Kukcoo"
The moment Gogo snored he looked at her "well she is relaxed"
Then he looked back at Kukcoo as she asked him if being a tech made him happy.
"Yes, Its my hobby that became my job, I am in charge of the computer systems as that is my specialty, though I work alone, but outside that I like to try and make magiwave tech, I have yet to make something though, its pretty complicated mixing those two if you dont have an education in that section, I know how it works knowledge wised, having downloaded a lot of data" he grinned a little when he said it as he knew what he meant with it "but putting the knowledge into practice has had its thinks, partly due to lacking the right tools though"
Isaac then looked back a the ship "doubt that will be that much of a problem soon though"
He then looked back at Kukcoo "so, what about you, your a pretty high rank here, how you manage that?"

As Alexis roamed the ship in search of food he came across a window that looked out over the crates he was at not long ago.
He had no idea why but felt like looking only to find the same security lady walking around them as if she was checking something out.
A chill ran down his spine, was she aware of him being here, was she just checking it out, but why, would she check out the ship, perhaps she will look though the window..
he was still standing there in view of she looked up to it.
Quickly he jumped aside, hoping she had not seen him, he had not dared to check first.
"out... I need out... I need to get out of this room, place to hide, crap"

He scrawled across the floor and back in the halls before looking for a vent to hide in......
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(So sorry about this, guys! I'm visiting the family this week from college, and didn't anticipate a couple things. Don't worry, this'll never happen again.)

Shor'Gen released what could have been either a chuckle, or a growl. The line between both was pretty thin, but Shor'Gen made no motion to suggest it had offended him. "Sonar is such a primitive word for it. How can I describe it for you..." Shor'Gen started, directing his head towards the ground. He was like this for a few seconds, thinking.

"It's like I have eyes, but I cannot see color. The tendrils on my head resonate on the atomic level to pick up disturbances in this constant sound I give off. It's nowhere near your spectrum of hearing, and each Yug'Lonian has their own unique frequency that only they can send out, similar to a voice. Anyways, it allows me to see the distortions in my own sound field by foreign noises. What that means is that my hearing sight is so sensitive, I can pick up the waves and distortions caused by noises."

Shor'Gen was pleased with his explanation, and was about to tell Daniel about this uncomfortable experience he once had with a robot that used sonar, before Gunnos interrupted. "I assure you, Security Officer Gunnos, that I take my profession much more seriously than th-" Shor'Gen immediately retreated at Gunnos' touch. The carapace he had touched was tough, and felt like it could stop a laser if it had to. "I would recommend against repeating that action in the future."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Damiann47
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Damiann47 Local Planetary Body

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Daniel listened intently to Shor'Gen's explanation, nodding all the while. The Yug'Lonian were pretty interesting, he made a metal note to himself to try some new project ideas, could perhaps prototype new sensors by imitating the tendrils. Still in the middle of their conversation a Korrvain came bounding in, yet another race for Daniel to get used to. To be honest he hasn't heard too much about Korrvains other then they remind him of dwarfs from earthing fiction, on the subject he figured that calling Gurros a dwarf would be pretty insensitive so may be best to keep that thought to himself.

Daniel's first impression of Gurros is he's very friendly, something that is more then welcomed on a the long voyage they were about to go on, still perhaps Gurros had very little awareness about personal boundaries mainly about how he talked to Shor'Gen and even proceeded to poke his carapace. Could be a cultural thing, whatever the case is Daniel was sure he liked Gurros already.

"Sure I'm Engineering Officer Daniel Althor, and as you know Shor'Gen here is our lead physician." Daniel replied with a smile "Although running up to a stranger then poking them might not be the best way to make introductions even if we all are crewmates."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"well she is relaxed" Isaac said, observing Gogo entering her patented comatose state. Kukcoo wasn't sure Gogo was actually physically capable of relaxation, but still, the deadpan comment got a chuckle out of her. How he responded to her next question surprised her, happiness was something she had yet to achieve in her position, she found herself forgetting that other people did do things like this because it was their 'lifelong passion' or such. In Isaac's case, it was an ascended hobby-- She didn't know everything but it certainly sounded ideal... For a job to also be a hobby.

If only listening to music was a job.

His next question surprised her even more than his response to her own, although she should have anticipated it, "so, what about you, your a pretty high rank here, how you manage that?"

How DID she manage it? Nepotism? Luck? A tiny amount of skill? The question made her more anxious-- incredibly so. She tried not to let her hands shake as she took another puff, she wouldn't let him know how piercing that question was, she could answer it fine.

Out of the corner of her, she spotted (and heard) an Korrvain male make a very lively and jovial entrance. Even though it was a split second glance, she couldn't help but feel the racial resentment... and, the perfect excuse. Perfect, saved by the asshole! Kukcoo feigned surprise and fear, deftly grabbed Isaac's hand, and hid on the other side of him. "Hide me!" She whisper-screamed in mock terror, "I don't want that guy to see me! He might want to..." She pantomimed a gag, "...Talk."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

That's funny. There wasn't supposed to be anyone on the ship right now, right? M'rayl pondered this, the situation ringing alarm bells in her head. More importantly than someone being on the ship, which could be explained, was the fact that the person swiftly ducked out of sight upon noticing her. She began to make her way through the crowd of people to bring this to the attention of the executive officer or captain, whichever person she found first, so that a proper investigation could be made.

"Have you seen the executive officer or captain around anywhere?" she questioned two female korrvain nymphs and the people they were talking too, having little luck finding who she was looking for in the crowd on her own. One of the korrvain was apparently a high ranking member of security so might know. Actually...

"Or if you don't know where they are, perhaps you could help. You see, ma'am, I believe there's someone suspicious on the ship. I saw him leap away from the window..." She pointed to the window in question, a worried expression on her face.


Arma and Ahn came across another armed individual while escaping, although this one appeared to not have an idea what was going on, thus highly unlikely to be with the attackers.

"You can help by getting yourself to safety," Ahn replied calmly. "Running would be a fine strategy for that purpose. Preferably with me or else you might have an unfortunate run-in with an attacker. Actually...you might anyways. Take your pick."

Arma wasn't able to say anything during this time, not in the mood for casual conversation while he was running for his life.


"Sir, our sniper has take multiple shots," one of the silver armored aliens reported to the one in charge of the squad.

"Yes, he always had such hot blood flowing through his veins. I knew he might do something such as this, although it does force us to make our move a bit sooner than expected," the man replied, a hint of eagerness in his voice. Eager for the battle to come, no doubt. "Give the order to the ship to ready their weapons. We're going in."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Isaac smiled when he made the woman chuckle.
But what happened then surprised him as she suddenly grabbed his hand and hide behind him.
Though her comment on not wanting to talk did make him chuckle himself "and what are we doing if you dont want to talk?"


However before he could answer an new person joined the conversation, a albino woman joined asking for the cap or the executive officer, from her rank mark she was a normal security personnel member, so no need for formalities.
"Unless Kuckoo know's of their locations, I guess you have to do with us, I may not be security but I can help with a simple matter as this"

Volray was not so surprised by the masked man's responce, The man would think he was a civilian and all so... and clearly the masked man was a veteran or at least he had his share of experiences, at least he did not seem like a bad guy if he would warn someone that he better run.
"If were running, then let me give you some spare time"

Keeping his barrier device active Volray removed his other hand from his back and put them both up so they both know he wont do anything, though he could instantly make a sword if needed so his hands raised was just a simple gesture.
"my barrier device should keep at least one sniper shot at bay and that is all I need,that is if the sniper is closer then I guess."
Once he was at the end of the alley without getting around the corner he placed his hands on the ground.
Shortly after a crysal wall rose from the ground closing the alleyway.
"unless they got tanks or can fly, this should buy us some time"
Volray turned to the 2 people "off course I am not familiar with these streets so perhaps there are more alleys connected to this one so... yeah, better make haste, you guys familiar with these streets or are we all going to get lost further on?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 5 mos ago

“Ho ho, sorry big fellow. I get a wee too curious at times.” Gunnos said, backing off a step. He wasn’t one to cause trouble, not intentionally that is, and especially didn’t want to anger someone of Shor’gen’s size and appearance. “Both science crew, eh? It’s nice to meet the eggheads, even if I won’t be directly workin’ with ye. I’m sure we’ll all get along once this ship takes off. Now, if ye’ll excuse me, I’ll leave you two to finish yer conversation. I got others to bugger, hehe.” With that, he gave them both a courteous nod and moved on to meet some of the other crewmembers before it’d be time to lift off.

So who was next? Plenty of interesting figures around. There was a pair of Korrvain Nymphs among them, he noticed, whom even he would be somewhat reluctant to approach. There was bad blood between the Korrvain and their smaller relatives, and while Gunnos wasn’t one to hold prejudices, he didn’t know how they would react to him. He would approach them soon enough, he decided, but someone else caught his attention first.

He made his way to the tall armoured figure that seemed to be talking to itself earlier. Korrvain were fond of wearing armour in battle, but this armour looked unlike anything he knew, which intrigued him. “Hey bud, nice suit of armour, you expecting an invasion? Hehe. What’s it made of, a titanium-tungsten alloy perhaps?” He carefully knocked on the abdomen of the suit. Bung bung. Damn, I did it again. Gotta learn to be less touchy. But wait, it sounds hollow, how odd. “Oh, excuse me, I couldn’t resist. Me name’s Gunnos, what’s yours?”
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