Sorry I held you up for so long.
A short summary of the events that took place:
When I was 10, I had a bad habit of consuming unhealthy amounts of sugar and not brushing my teeth. Caused me to get fillings in all four of my back adult teeth. They weren't a problem until about a year ago. When the filling in my rear molar on the top left hand side fell out. It caused serious pain, but about 20 oz of Jack Daniels and Southern Comfort killed the infection and I was cool up until recently. About a month or so ago I chipped my tooth while chewing on something, no clue what, but it broke my tooth. The tooth didn't hurt in the slightest, so I just ignored it. Making sure I cleaned it out with a toothpick and careful brushing.
But then this last week hit, and suddenly the left half of my face started swelling and I was in so much pain that I couldn't think. I had to ask my roommate, TheBiddz, to help me out. (As I currently don't have any money, but that's another story.) I called around to all the dentists nearby and got one who scheduled me for 2 days after I called them. Apparently doctors have a different definition of 'emergency' than I do. Because excruciating dental pain is an emergency to me. As those two days passed the pain got worse and worse, and the swelling is still going down. It was about the size of the palm of my hand. Huge swollen cheek.
I got the tooth extraction and I felt so much relief immediately. About half the day after I had it removed, I realized that my fever had broken. I realized that my fever was caused by the infection in my tooth.
So long story short:
Ten year old me is an asshole, my tooth got infected, and I nearly died due to blood poisoning.