Welcome Students!
Welcome, students of Supernatural Academy! If you're reading this letter, then you have been accepted into the academy for the supernatural where humans are not allowed! For our vampire who attend we have a special part of the building for you, where we keep our blood donors for you to feed from. For our beloved werewolves, we have a forest in the back designed specially for you when you have the sudden urge to turn and just go for a run! Let's not forget about the woodland creatures for you to eat! We also have many other special things for our other supernatural beings! Our professors works very hard year around to help you all with your academic needs. Please, no fighting allowed on school ground!
On the weekends, Friday through Sunday, we allow our students to travel to town if they desire where we have shopping centers and for our older students, bars and clubs! Thank you for applying to Supernatural Academy and have a great year!
Headmistress Kirova.
This is a RP for the supernatural beings, we'll all be in an academy built and designed especially for the supernatural- so there will not be any humans! There's not much explaining to it, I guess.. you can by ANY supernatural creature you desire to be- vampires, shifters, werewolves, fairies, ghosts, etc. Whatever you'd like!
Rules & Requirements
- No god-modding other peoples characters, please!
- No Mary-sues or Gary-sues.
- I don't mind anime images, but I would much prefer realistic- but I'm fine with either!
- You can be whatever supernatural being you desire to be! I don't mind at all what it is.
- Be able to post at least one or twice a day.
- If you're going to be gone more then a couple days, post here in the OOC to let us know.
- Don't join if you aren't serious about it.
- As of right now, I'm always accepting characters- unless there are just too many then I might wait a little bit.
- Fill out the character sheet as is.
- Before we begin everyone must have their sheet finished.
- You can play up to two characters.
- Get along with others, please! I don't like rude people.
- Most importantly, have fun!
Character Sheet
[Image Here - Anime or Realistic]
Race|| (vampie, werewolf, shifter, etc)
Personality|| (at least a paragraph here)
History|| (a couple paragraphs here)
Additional Information|| (anything else)
Here is the class schedules, feel free to pick out your electives and such. I will also put it in the starter post.
Required Classes:
English- 8:00-8:55
Mathematics- 9:00-9:45
Break- 9:45-10:00
Elective- 10:00-10:55
Ancient History- 11:00-11:55
Lunch- 12:00-1:00
Elective- 1:05-1:55
Science- 2:00-2:45
Supernatural Studies: this is a class to study all the different types of supernatural creatures.
P.E: this is gym.
Artistic Studies: this is for students who like to paint, sketch, play an instrument, dance, sing, etc.
Culinary Arts: cooking class for students.
Journalist Class: if you are interested in journalist or yearbook staff.
This is all I've got for now- so please choose.
I've got times listed in the Required Classes list, you can switch it up if you'd like to, and if you have any questions just ask!
Thank you for your interests! Let your friends know so we can get this going! (=