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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Malikoy
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Malikoy The Pizza Dark Lord

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

This RP will take place in the modern world, current timeline. I will accept 3 players with a character for one each only. That's 4 characters, and Dracula. The focus is the close interactions and intimate sense of role play between the characters. This RP's Dracula will be based on the original version belonging to the original creator, Bram Stoker. Taking place in modern time Transylvania, Romania.

Drop a character sheet, the best 3 will be chosen, so make it the best you can. Here are the requirements and expectations I have from an accepted player:

- Willing to post actively, at least enough to keep the RP lively and the other players engaged.
-guarantee that you will stick by for quite some time, if you feel like you are gonna drop out soon please don't join.
-Well written and creative posts, this is high-casual. A paragraph or two with details and character development.
-being nice, don't want you to end up fighting your fellow RP'ers, we should all be friendly in the OOC.

Character Sheet:

Age: (before dying and becoming a vampire)
Appearance: (all kind of pics accepted) add weight, height...etc
Bio\history: (your life before dying and becoming a vampire, an adopted child of Lord Dracula, your story after being turned and adopted will be told in the IC. Just give me a good bit on your character before being bit and killed in here)
Specialty Power: (invisibility, transfiguration, telekinesis, conjuration of fire...etc)
Other: Add as much as you'd like, better characters get accepted!

Personality shouldn't be included in the character sheet, it will be explored in IC.

good luck! :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Platinum Cobra
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Platinum Cobra Gamer4Life

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Name: Jack Ripper
Age: 27

Bio\history: As an average guy who went to school no one really know's why Jack was changed, he just was. He wasn't the popular one though he wasn't the nerd at school either, he always seemed to be just average. Though the one thing he was good at was football. He was a wide reciever for his school's football team and he was one of the best one's they had, though he didn't make that his whole life and didn't brag about it. He would enjoy the game when he played, hang out with the team after, and then always go home. The only night he did anything really interesting is Saturday when him and his girlfriend would always go out on their date night to a steak house or wherever and have the time of their lives.
Specialty Power: Invisiblity, transfiguration
Other: My character is shy, though when you get to know him you find he is very talkative and outgoing wanting to try new thing's but he is always afraid about being rejected by everyone he talk's to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 21 days ago

Definite interest in this. I'll get a CS up ASAP
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Miss24601


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Bianca Maria Reid
Age: 24
Sex: Female


She is about 167cm tall.

Bio\history: Bianca was born in Romania, and was a bit of a scandal from birth. Her father was Malcolm Reid, a wealthy businessman and her mother worked in a renowned brothel. I am sure that you can guess what happened. But when it came for Malcolm to return to England, he acted as though nothing had happened, not daring to tarnish his career or his reputation.
Bianca's mother was horrified to find that she was pregnant, and even more horrified when she attempted to contact Malcolm only to be told that he was simply not interested. Tania, for that was her name, was distraught, as she had thought that Malcolm returned her romantic feelings. Nine months later, when Bianca was born, Tania was obviously far less successful in her, erm, business than she had been before.
Through her pregnancy, she had developed depression, and, tragically, took her life only a few weeks after the child was born. Malcolm somehow managed to learn of this, and, fearing that people may connect the dots and note him as the father, he adopted the child, and claimed that it was simply a baby that had been abandoned on the side of the road. With his vast wealth, he was easily able to cover up the scandal, and so raised the child as his own. In a way. Actually, it was mostly nurses, nannies and governesses that looked after little Bianca.
Bianca was always curious about her past, and, when she was fifteen, decided she would finally learn the truth about that nameless pair that apparently abandoned her. It took a long time, and a fair few miracles, before she found out the truth about her mother. And, when she did, at sixteen years old, she left her father with only a suitcase and a couple of vulgar words.
Bianca ended up being a bit of a drifter, never staying in the same place for too long. She made money by doing a multitude of different jobs, never the same as her mother, of course. When she was twenty four, she was working as a bail-bondsman, tracking down a man that had embezzled a huge amount of money from his company before taking off. That was when she was Turned, and her life changed forever.


Power Absorption: The ability to absorb another vampire's abilities, both leaving the vampire powerless and giving herself their abilities. Depending on the power of the vampire, and her own strength, this can last for varying amounts of time. She can control this ability fairly well.

Manipulation: Once again, the effects of manipulation depend all on the strength of the vampire. The ability isn't necessarily mind-control, although it is pretty close to it. Instead, manipulation involves purely influence. The weaker-willed the victim is, the more effective the manipulation.

Shield: Bianca herself is immune to powers such as telepathy and mind-control.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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Strawberry425 Proud Parront

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Extremely interested...but out of said interest, will this be based on the classic version of Dracula? Bram Stoker's? That's pretty critical in my intention of joining or not. Passionate about the novel, not a fanatic about the new adaption, or very familiar with said novella's many other movie adaptations.

Renee Miller



Height: 5'6"
Weight: Medium Frame; 135 lbs
Renee, was, previously, a common shade of Caucasian, if that what you want to call it. Not tan, not in the least bit. But not translucent, vein printed white either. Just…balanced. Her eyes were a warm shade of blue, her hair stark black, and straight to a point, though if you asked Renee (and referred to the chart of hair textures), Oriental straight would be too straight to describe it. After her transformation, her skin slowly paled, to a more Dracula-esque tone. By that time, she had cut her hair quite short.

The later years of Renee’s previous life was one burrito of strange events after the other. But, for consistency’s sake, she likes to recount her life from the very beginning, lackluster childhood and all.

Renee was born to your nuclear American family; overtly polite parents, blinding blond haired brother, and dull little brunette sister. Pure blueblood American, she couldn’t speak of a family tree that went further than the golden soil of the U.S. of A. Where everyone else had the blessing of speaking about their Italian roots, or their English roots, Renee only had Great-Great-Grandpappy Johnson (on her mother’s side) who was theorized to have moved up from Ireland (on account of his fire red hair) to New York as a chubby balding, roll faced man, likely with roots in England on account of that out of place last name. All theory, of course.

Renee was the oldest of the three siblings born to the Miller family; all expectations were dumped on her, from high grades, to stellar good looks, to sports skills. Renee promptly decided, by the time she was eight, that she definitely did not fit the bill. Average in class at best, tom-boyish and dirty, and with little interest in excelling in the physical department, Renee quickly became the blend-in-with-the-crowd child, and didn’t bloom into any full potential till the beginning of college.

And so, between elementary and high school, Renee Miller melted into the crowd and did very little things of significance. Aside from struggling with boys, struggling with grades, and struggling with typical teenage obstacles, Renee at the very least made a good dose of friends, had a successful career in remaining under the dean’s radar, and never had a day of detention in her life.

She did service in high school, volunteered at the local library, and disappointed her parents on the daily as her youngest sister excelled in the sixth grade, farther than Renee or her blonde brother ever had done when they had been in the sixth grade. But, then and again, her brother was running off playing American Football, exceeding six feet tall, and lifting weights a 1 mile per second. So, as usual, Renee faded into the background at family get together’s, giving her talented siblings the limelight whenever possible, and avoiding the prickling suspicions by Aunts’ and Uncles’ that she was a high school dropout.

Finally, College reared its beautiful head and Renee found her place in the world. She quickly jumped into the “real world”, securing a part time job at the Library, and focusing her energy on the studies she believed would push her into success. And for a long while, she was climbing the ladder, reaching those heights. She changed her image; maybe, not exactly to sexy confidence, but she could be called beautiful at the least. She got A’s and B’s and kept her GPA steady. And, she finally began exercising. (Working out would be too strong of a word…more like running on the treadmill and taking walks in the park to keep fit.)

Things went weird at graduate school as she continued to work on her English Major. She got a boyfriend; and not just any boyfriend. She’d had boyfriends before. But this was a different type. This was a steady boyfriend.

Long, painful, story, short, fast forward a year, and you find a pregnant and single Renee taking two semesters off to become the single, struggling mother she never believed she would be. Renee halted school to have and take care of that child. But she didn’t give up.

Needing a vacation from New York, and fluent in several different languages, Renee decided to splurge and take a trip round the world with her 3 year old baby, Jane. First destination: Transylvania, Romania, beginning of spring. Beautiful, rolling, green hills, nice fresh evergreens, and quaint classic little houses situated on those rolling green hills.

That’s where Renee Miller met Lord Dracula. Old timey and charming, Renee quickly fell into good favor with the cultured man. Their relationship was hypnotic, in a way. It was too easy to like the man, as if Renee weren’t controlling herself. And day by day…things changed. Every day, she would awaken with two holes in her neck. Time went by, and her skin became paler, sickly. Her canines sharpened tremendously, and Renee was ashamed to admit she cut her tongue once or twice on those things. She would have a consistent fever; enough to frighten her half to death. The sickness had already taken her the other half there, after all. The doctor could find nothing, and Renee became dreadfully resigned to her faith.

All the while, Lord Dracula stood by her side. She couldn't understand his...fascination, so to speak, with her, nor could she comprehend her compelling attraction to that polite well-bred gentleman. But, in the end, who else did she have to count on but fast friend Dracula to take care of little Janie. And…soon enough, she and Mr. Dracula would be closer than ever.

Has mastery over several languages, and a great grasp on English. She's young, recently turned, and so there's much else that she will still have to learn in the years of life ahead of her.

Speed – Renee has significant speed, even when in ‘human’ form, which allows her to traverse long distances in short spans of time.

Transfiguration – With this power, Renee often assumes the forms of animals, popularly, dark colored wolves and horses, as well as spooky little vampire bats. The power can probably be used in many more diverse ways, but she has preference for spooking people with black sharp-fanged wolves. She goes out many-a-night to give a fright to the sorry pedestrians that walk only or in small pairs; find its extremely humorous to watch a man run with a trail of piss leaking down his pants.

Hypnotism – (Tell me if this one’s too much; will happily change it.) Renee has the ability to transfix others, though, depending on the person, her influence can be weak or strong. The closer she is, the harder it is to break her control. This is far truer of mortal creatures; humans, animals. Her vampire comrades are much less susceptible to this power, and she can only…seduce them in a way. Tickle their brains. She can’t control them, but the hazy effect it causes them is a nice addition if she needs to make an escape for some reason.

A daughter named Jane Miller. The little girl is only four, and has been hosted with the vampire family since the turn.


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 21 days ago

Name: Viktor von Gesner

Age: 35

Sex: Male


Wardrobe Style: Perhaps considered 'vintage' for this day in age, Viktor makes sure his choice of clothing remains austere and formal. Favoring dark, caliginous colors, Viktor's typical attire consists of either a black overcoat or sports coat over a dark dress shirt/waistcoat combo with matching suit pants, black leather shoes, and a black leather silver-buckled belt. In any outfit he's seen wearing, he keeps a dark-colored scarf neatly tucked into his collar and usually dons a pair of black leather gloves, more for appearance's sake than actual utility.

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 154 pounds

Bio\History: Born in the German Empire to the Von Gesner family in 1883, Viktor lived the early part of his childhood moving from house to house. His father, Ludwig made little money as a carpenter, and struggled to make ends meet. However, when Viktor was only a young boy, his father received a letter from his brother, Markus in America; an invitation for the small family to come and work for him at a family-owned sawmill.

Boarding an immigration ship to America shortly after receiving the letter, the Von Gesner family found themselves enjoying the best part of the Second Industrial Revolution, as new technologies became available for labor, making work easier and production rates increased. Because of this, the family ended up becoming far wealthier, enough for Viktor to receive an education.

Finding himself enamored by history, Viktor applied himself to these studies, enough to journey onto university to receive a graduate's degree in history and a minor in archival science. Shortly after his graduation, however, his father, a longtime smoker, died due to lung cancer, leaving Viktor a moderate inheritance for him to make something of himself - a future.

Leaving America to head back to Germany in 1906, Viktor, now a young adult, found a comfortable job working at a history museum as a historian/archivist. He stayed in this position for a number of years, achieving moderate success as a hardworking citizen, just as his father would have wanted. But not all was to last. In 1914, World War sparked up between all the major powers of the world, causing mass chaos to erupt. Viktor did his best to remain out of the war, preferring his job as a historian to the soldier's life.

Avoiding the four-year conflict until it's end, Viktor decided that leaving Germany during the aftermath of the Great War would be best, and quickly set off to Transylvania, Romania, intrigued to see what historical marvels the region would have to offer.

There he met the enigmatic and mysterious Lord Dracula, a man of such refined mannerisms and grace that Viktor felt a certain connection to him, as though he wished to always be in the noble's presence. The two of them formed a close companionship that lasted for many weeks, until the fateful day that Viktor awoke to find puncture wounds in his neck...

Overcome by a debilitating illness that left him bedridden for days on end as he underwent the painful and severe transformation into a Vampire, Viktor died in his sleep, with no one to mourn for him.

He remained in a death-like state for only a few hours before awakening again in a rush, overcome by a terrible hunger, a hunger not for food or drink, but for blood. Contacted yet again by Lord Dracula, Viktor was promised he would receive answers to all his questions if only he returned to the lord's castle for an extended stay. Finding himself enjoying immortal life the longer he lived it, Viktor stayed at the castle, becoming one of Dracula's children.

Skills: Expert knowledge in the fields of history, archival science, and English, fluent in both German and English, charismatic and eloquent, almost an inhuman amount of patience and willpower.

Specialty Power(s):

Other: Though a native German citizen, Viktor's years spent in America, coupled with his century-long-life thus far as a Vampire have caused him to lose the majority of his accent, though a hint remains in his voice, and he will occasionally throw German words into his speech. Also, despite his growing misanthropic/cynical views on humanity, Viktor still holds ties to his own youth in the 19th and 20th Century, oftentimes found listening to music from the 1930s/40s/50s, as well as enjoying a good discussion on the politics of those times.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Malikoy
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Malikoy The Pizza Dark Lord

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


This RP will be based on the original Dracula with an alternative take to his story, but the character is still Stoker's. Same history and everything. In the original novel Dracula was killed, in this RP it will be brought up through story how he came back. The RP takes place in modern Transylvania, Romania.

Your character is very interesting, and I liked the effort creating it, it is more than likely you will be accepted! As for the story bit with Dracula I liked what you did, and you may keep it, even Renee's daughter is quite a good addition. But please change it so that it is Lord Dracula, I know in the original novel he was a count, but it is modern times now and he changed his title to a Lord.

For hypnotism just keep it balanced and use it sparingly IC and we should be good! :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EsmetheGreat
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EsmetheGreat a swarm of bees

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Very interested, shall be posting a cs today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EsmetheGreat
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EsmetheGreat a swarm of bees

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Cornelia Harvey-Pavel

Age: 22

Sex: Female

Appearance: Standing at a height of 5'6 and clocking in at 152 pounds, Cornelia retains a pale complexion due largely to her preference of staying indoors. Her hair is a dark-blonde and usually lies loose or in a simple ponytail.

For clothing, Cordelia prefers solid, dark colours and ranges them across a series of simple button-ups, cigarette trousers and various cardigans and jumpers. On her feet she wears sneakers for daily use, and cuban heeled boots for occasions. Her most constant item of clothing is her black duster jacket, the first item of clothing she brought when she moved to Bucharest.


Born in London, England, Cornelia is the lasting result of a short, but fairly successful marriage between Nicolae Pavel, the previous First Secretary at the Romanian Embassy in London, and Denise Harvey, a celebrated Curator of Prints and Drawings at the British Museum. Due to the divorce of her parents and the subsequent reassignment of her Father back to Romania shortly after Cornelia entered infancy, Cornelia grew up largely centred in her Mothers way of life in London, the majority of communication with her Father being through phonecalls, letters and the occasional weekend visit. Quiet and studious, Cornelia never felt particulary invested in the emotional aspects of her familial background, never recognising her parents separation as difficult or a hindrance to her life. Instead, Cornelia carted herself along through life at a fairly mundane pace, seemingly uncaring of social engagements, and became diagnosed with depression at the age of 13.

Cornelia's first visit to Romania was at the age of 14 when she was invited to attend her Father's second marriage in Bucharest where she found herself enchanted with the city, the trip recieved as a breath of fresh air amid Cornelia's ongoing battle with depression. Due to her interest in Romania, Cornelia found herself carted back and forth between England and Romania over the next four years, distrupting her studies but allowing her a more exciting and invigorating dynamic from which to grow creatively. Through this, Cornelia discovered she had inherited her Mother's passion for the Classics, and decided to settle down again in London, entering the Courtauld Institute and committing to an Art History degree.

Following graduation, Cornelia attempted her previous back-and-forth between England and Romania again, and decided to permanently relocate to Romania, seeking to continue her studies there. Although at first she lived at her Fathers house in Iași, Cornelia opted to move to Bucharest following disagreements with her Stepmother and a resurgence of her depression, deciding to try 'going it alone' in her social and cultural treatment. Though she dabbled in a Masters Programme at the UNArte, Cornelia ultimately dropped out and now instead spends her days at home, wandering around the city or teaching English at a small informal school in Central Bucharest.

Cornelia came to being turned due to her penchant for late night walks around the streets of Bucharest, where one night she happened to come across a charming and exceedingly approachable gentleman over coffee at a 24-hour cafe. Although she wasn't romantically drawn to the man, Cornelia did appreciate his ease at conversation and availability, and was grateful to gain a friend in a city where she didn't really have anyone outside of her students and the occasional neighbour she'd nod to. Over the next few weeks they entertained a friendly and refreshing relationship of museum visits and cafe stops until Cornelia's aquaintance announced that he would be leaving the country for a while, departing with a short kiss to the corner of Cornelia's lips and a set of twin holes in her neck.

Overcome by a sudden fever following her friends departure, Cornelia confined herself to her apartment, unable to escape the brutal waves of illness enough to even venture outside to seek medical assistance or pick up the phone to call for help. Over the course of mere days Cornelia suffered through an agonising and bizarre metamorphosis, where her heartbeat raced up to uncalculatable speeds one minute before dropping to one beat every three seconds the next, and where her fingernails dropped off only to periodically grow back sharper and cleaner. The entire debacle soon cultimated three days into the ordeal where a frail Cornelia passed her last breath hunched over a toliet rim following a grim bout of vomiting. Her turning complete, Cordelia awoke two days later, throat burning and eyes blinking at the new light.

Skills: Researching and reading, Illustration

Specialty Power:

Telepathy - Standing in stark contrast to her lack of interest in most other people, Cornelia finds herself bombarded with the ability to peer into their most guarded and intimate thoughts. Though she can activate this ability through her own will, her mind-reading ability usually acts on it's own, delivering other peoples thoughts to Cornelia against her will at a continuous and sometimes vicious pace, making traversing through crowded spaces difficult and even torturous for Cornelia post-turning. With some keen practise however, she could definitely get her ability under control.

Drifting - Similar to Invisibility, Drifting is a form of traversing under little to no detection, however in place of total concealment under Invisibility, Drifting can have anyone glimpse Cornelia by chance, usually for a second and mostly just out of the corner of their eye. This helps to instill a sense of paranoia in the individual as they question their own perception and whether or not they actually did see Cornelia. This ability can have darker properties of assisting in mental torture, however, Cornelia's prefered use of her ability is to help her escape quickly and seamlessly from crowded places when her Telepathy escapes from her control.

Other: Though not a seasoned cook, Cornelia is skilled with pasta dishes and soups. She likes to listen to either Classical music or Indie Rock, and is a fan of the band Of Verona. Cornelia, whilst not an Atheist, has never been particularly religious. Cornelia is Asexual. She likes pets but doesn't live in a building that allows them, fufilling the need instead by caring for a small collection of cactus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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Strawberry425 Proud Parront

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Malikoy said
This RP will be based on the original Dracula with an alternative take to his story, but the character is still Stoker's. Same history and everything. In the original novel Dracula was killed, in this RP it will be brought up through story how he came back. The RP takes place in modern Transylvania, Romania. Your character is very interesting, and I liked the effort creating it, it is more than likely you will be accepted! As for the story bit with Dracula I liked what you did, and you may keep it, even Renee's daughter is quite a good addition. But please change it so that it is Lord Dracula, I know in the original novel he was a count, but it is modern times now and he changed his title to a Lord. For hypnotism just keep it balanced and use it sparingly IC and we should be good! :)

All right, nice to know it will be keeping with classics (assuming I get accepted :p). Also thanks for the character compliment! And I'll change it to Lord right away. Wasn't sure before, so I just stuck with what I knew. And no worries with the hypnotism; I'll limit its use as much as possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 21 days ago

Hey Malikoy, just wanted to let you know that if Precognition is OP or too much of a power, I'd be more than happy to change it :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Malikoy
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Malikoy The Pizza Dark Lord

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Strawberry425: Renee Miller is Accepted! Also it'd be great to have a photo of her daughter now that she is a member of the family!

@Ghost Shadow: Viktor von Gesner is more than great, I loved that he was from a different time and was among the first adopted vampires of Lord Dracula. ACCEPTED!
And yeah you can just tone down Precognition to something he just has and doesn't really rely or use much often.

@EsmetheGreat: Cornelia is an interesting character, I will wait for a day or two to see if anyone will drop more characters. And shoot me a PM as to how you plan to have her become a vampire child of Lord Dracula.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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Strawberry425 Proud Parront

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Awesome! Added a picture; it's a bit hard to find young actresses or pictures of 4 year old's, as many of them are private family pictures that come up, so I did the best I could. Also tweaked her skills to reflect her previous life talents.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

Member Seen 21 days ago

Thank you very much for the compliments, Malikoy :) I edited Viktor's CS to change his specialty power to one that's a bit more useful :P Now to avoid tipping the scale or becoming overpowered, I'll make sure its limited in use and balanced to keep all fairness, should you approve.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Malikoy
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Malikoy The Pizza Dark Lord

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

OOC is being worked on, you may subscribe, I will PM you all when it is done ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 19 days ago

Name: Mitchell Shae Garmen
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Appearance: Mitch is an incredibly tall, thin and lanky young man, with the build of someone who remains casually active, neither built of muscle nor scrawny. His jet-black hair is just long enough to partially cover his ears and nearly reach his eyes, and always seems to be shuffled carelessly. His eyes are a dull blue-grey, and his skin a healthy tone, not tan, but not unhealthily pale. His features show distant French heritage, and he tends to walk with a slight stoop.
Mitch has a scar running diagonally through his left eyebrow, angling down toward the outer corner of his eye.
Height: 6’7
Weight: 165lbs
Bio\history: Mitch was a child unwanted, born of a failed home attempt to miscarry. His mother and father, while having a fine relationship with each other, saw Mitch as little more than free labour and the occasional menace. He often would find more interaction from patrons in his parents’ computer store than his parents themselves. As a result, Mitch turned his attention to the computers he’d been taught to fix, and developed a love for technology.
As he got older, he got more and more angry about the way he was treated by his parents. However, instead of taking it out on them, he just up and left one day, not bothering to look back. He spent a while living in assorted places around the city, growing accustomed to the seedier side of city life. He was almost too easy a target, so it was no surprise when he was attacked and turned.
Skills: Mitch is especially proficient with technology, having spent far too much time tampering with computers. He’s also decently limber, having taken on freerunning as a fun way to get around the city.
Specialty Power: Mitch has an… interesting way of avoiding people. He has the ability to become invisible, but that’s not all. When he activates this ability, he leaves a shadow, a doppelganger of sorts, in his place. This illusion will continue whatever action Mitch had been performing at the time of its summoning. These shadows are impossible to differentiate from the real Mitch, but dissipate when touched or after a few seconds. While invisible, Mitch has somewhat heightened speed and reaction time, but nothing significant enough to stand as its own ability.
-Born in Canada, he lived most of his life in the city of Vancouver. After he was turned, he was brought back to Transylvania under his new patron.
-He speaks French near-fluently, seeing as it was spoken by his mother, but he doesn’t tend to use it much.
-Mitch is smarter than the street rat he seems to be, despite having dropped out of school before finishing high school. He has a passion for learning and retains the ideology that knowledge is power.

It is VERY possible that I will be editing this sheet in the hours to come. I don't know, my mind is weird. Malikoy, I held back a bit on the details of Mitch's relationship with Dracula. I'm going to PM you, as I don't want to screw up your canon.
Also, might I say that this looks fantastic.
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