Final Fantasy VIII: Tempus Veneficarum
Many centuries ago, the world lay at the mercy of the great Sorceress Hyne, first and most powerful of all Sorceresses. For many lifetimes she ruled the world with an iron fist, extinguishing all resistance with might and magic. After countless failed revolts, the people of the world united under one banner to overthrow Hyne and in a great battle that saw the death of thousands, the great Sorceress finally fell. But her power lived on, passed down to a handful of young women, a blessing and a curse. From these few Sorceresses all others would follow and the gift of magic was passed on from generation to generation.
In the present day true magic is rare, yet anyone with the right training can wield its distaff cousin; paramagic. Born of science rather than mysticism, paramagic is used for everything from warfare to powering cars. It relies on sources of energy, sometimes electricity, fossil fuels or more esoteric sources. The world stands at a crossroads and war is on the horizon; the great Republic of Galbadia continues it's decades long expansion across the western continent, prompting its neighbours the Dollet Dukedom and Balamb to prepare for the worst.
Balamb has no security forces, no army. It's only line of defense lies with Garden, the world's premier military academy. Garden recruits its best and brightest graduates into its own elite mercenary organisation, SeeD, famous for its deadly efficiency and use of the Guardian Force in combat. The GF, part magical battery, part guardian angel, provide SeeD operatives with phenomenal combat power and longevity.
With the world on the brink of a new war and hints of a mysterious presence behind the scenes, a class of Balamb Garden students is preparing for their final test, the last hurdle to becoming a SeeD. Now is their chance to prove themselves worthy, to earn their place alongside the best warriors in the world.
In a nutshell this RP takes place at the beginning of the original FFVIII game, with the characters preparing for their field test to become SeeDs. From there the story will branch out to follow the original plot very, very loosely. At times I or a co-GM may contact players by PM to facilitate certain plot points, but that's far enough into the future that we don't need to worry just yet. There are player 8 slots, including myself. Anyone above and beyond 8 will be put on a waiting list in case anyone drops.
Many centuries ago, the world lay at the mercy of the great Sorceress Hyne, first and most powerful of all Sorceresses. For many lifetimes she ruled the world with an iron fist, extinguishing all resistance with might and magic. After countless failed revolts, the people of the world united under one banner to overthrow Hyne and in a great battle that saw the death of thousands, the great Sorceress finally fell. But her power lived on, passed down to a handful of young women, a blessing and a curse. From these few Sorceresses all others would follow and the gift of magic was passed on from generation to generation.
In the present day true magic is rare, yet anyone with the right training can wield its distaff cousin; paramagic. Born of science rather than mysticism, paramagic is used for everything from warfare to powering cars. It relies on sources of energy, sometimes electricity, fossil fuels or more esoteric sources. The world stands at a crossroads and war is on the horizon; the great Republic of Galbadia continues it's decades long expansion across the western continent, prompting its neighbours the Dollet Dukedom and Balamb to prepare for the worst.
Balamb has no security forces, no army. It's only line of defense lies with Garden, the world's premier military academy. Garden recruits its best and brightest graduates into its own elite mercenary organisation, SeeD, famous for its deadly efficiency and use of the Guardian Force in combat. The GF, part magical battery, part guardian angel, provide SeeD operatives with phenomenal combat power and longevity.
With the world on the brink of a new war and hints of a mysterious presence behind the scenes, a class of Balamb Garden students is preparing for their final test, the last hurdle to becoming a SeeD. Now is their chance to prove themselves worthy, to earn their place alongside the best warriors in the world.
In a nutshell this RP takes place at the beginning of the original FFVIII game, with the characters preparing for their field test to become SeeDs. From there the story will branch out to follow the original plot very, very loosely. At times I or a co-GM may contact players by PM to facilitate certain plot points, but that's far enough into the future that we don't need to worry just yet. There are player 8 slots, including myself. Anyone above and beyond 8 will be put on a waiting list in case anyone drops.
Oh how I love writing rules...
- While debate is always encouraged, GM's word is final. I won't be using this unless I absolutely have to though.
- It goes without saying, but no godmodding or controlling other people's characters without their express permission. Common courtesy boys and girls.
- No canon characters (even NPC characters will be OC) or expy characters. Please. This RP is about seeing the story from a different perspective. We don't need a Cyther or Kwiztiz.
- Romance is expected (Final Fantasy after all) and I'm not too fussed if it's yuri, yaoi or straight. Just keep it PG-13.
- If you are going to be away fro more than three days, tell us and we can work around it IC. Similarly, if you want to withdraw TELL US, don't just leave.
- This is a Casual/High-Casual RP, but I'm not expecting walls. Two to three paragraphs is a good average, if you can post more, great. If not, don't worry. So long as the content, spelling and grammar of your posts are up to scratch, I won't complain.
- Last but not least, enjoy yourselves! Don't be afraid to do crazy things! If I don't see at least one drunken T-Rexaur fight in this RP, I shall be deeply disappointed.
Story So far
To clarify, this section is months out of date. It will be updated... eventually...
Final Fantasy VIII: Tempus Veneficarum is an ongoing RP set in, unsurprisingly, the world of Final Fantasy VIII. We've been going for a few months now and have lost a few folk. The story has reached a perfect point for introducing new characters, so I'm opening up two or three slots for new characters. Here is the OOC, so come say hi.