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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

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Force sensitive cyborgs, like you already mentioned, are not uncommon. Anakin and Luke were cyborgs among the most powerful force-sensitives of their times.... Although Anakin was weakened after he became the cyborg we know as Vader, still a very powerful individual.

I don't think cyborgs have any less of an opportunity than any other force sensitive, they have strengths and weaknesses too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Zeroes said
@know: It's not on the Yavin moon, it's going to be on Corusant. And the Luke thing should be fine, but it's better if it isn't Luke. Also, it isn't plausible since Obi-Wan is, well Obi-Wan and I don't think he's going to sleep with a prostitute. He's also a major character and the consistency is off.

Nah. If you read the Kenobi novel he sticks to the tenants of the order religiously still.

reem said
Force sensitive cyborgs, like you already mentioned, are not uncommon. Anakin and Luke were cyborgs among the most powerful force-sensitives of their times.... Although Anakin was weakened after he became the cyborg we know as Vader, still a very powerful individual. I don't think cyborgs have any less of an opportunity than any other force sensitive, they have strengths and weaknesses too.

Because the Force is from life, the fact that Cyborgs have less living cells their connection to the force is weakened. Depending on how many body parts missing depends how much. Those who lost arms and such didn't notice a major change, the only reason the likes of Darth Vader and Luminya noticed it is they lost a lot of their original bodies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roxx


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Sep said
Because the Force is from life, the fact that Cyborgs have less living cells their connection to the force weakened. Depending on how many body parts missing depends how much. Those who lost arms and such didn't notice a major change, the only reason the likes of Darth Vader and Luminya noticed it is they lost of their original bodies.

This is what I was looking for. Thank you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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Name: Lokk Vao

Gender: Male

Race: Twilek

Appearance: Blue, scrawny, and usually wearing jedi robes.

Personality: A peaceful man, he tries to solve every situation without violence, but some times you have to use violence. He is more neutral in his use of the force than the Jedi of old would have him be, as he recognizes that there are times when Fear and anger, dark side emotions, are an appropriate response, and times when light side emotions will not help. He is always careful to not let these darker emotions consume him, knowing that they will only result in violence.

Backstory/History: Born to a prostitute on Nar Shadaa, he grew up fast, always trying to earn money any way he could. When he found that he had a gift for negotiation, he used it in much the same way. He made money through trading. Though he sometimes lost money, it was usually because he thought that more could be made in the long run if he sold the space captain cheap power cells, or gave the refugees food at cost. His dealings with so many sentient races taught him several languages, including Basic, Huttese, some Mandolorian, and even Sheriwook.
When he was thirteen he found out that a local starship mechanic owed a lot of money to a local Hutt, a being notorious for his underground fighting arenas. Lokk talked with the Hutt on the man's behalf and reached an agreement. In exchange for sparing his life, the man would work part time for the Hutt repairing the damage the fighters and patrons did to his arenas. Out of gratitude the man offered to teach him how to make simple repairs to many technological devices for a price, a deal that Lok took, knowing that refurbished ship parts brought quite a descent price compared to non-functioning components. He even managed to recondition an old R1 droid, though he couldn't find anyone willing to pay much for it. He kept it at home, letting it do the cleaning that he didn't like doing.
When a local rivalry between two Hutts heated up, he started studying medicine, knowing that soon their would be a huge demand for many medicines. He learned to craft many medical supplies which functioned well enough, though they weren't up to the standards of the local hospitals. Made from local chemicals and organics, he sold them to both sides, and used his skills as a negotiator to keep either side from caring that he was essentially double-dealing.
One day a ship landed on Nar Shadaa at a nearby landing pad carrying a Jedi Knight. The Knight saw how skillfully he manipulated the situation he was dealing with, a bar patron that had run up a substantial tab from drinking too much Juma Juice, and wondered if the boy, might have been unknowingly manipulating them through the force. He tested the boy, paying him a few credits for his trouble, and found that the boy had a somewhat impressive midichlorian count. He asked if the boy would accompany him back to Corruscant for further testing, and he agreed, realizing that the ability to use the Force would open up whole new worlds to him and, at the very least, would aid him in his negotiations.

Strengths: He has a strong will, making his abilities stronger, and he is able to find compromise is almost every situation. He is a skilled trader, and knows a little about anything of value, letting him find things that are rare.

Weaknesses: Bad with a lightsaber and combat in general. He is often forced to runaway from dangerous situations, and doesn't return until he either has to or he believes he knows of a non-violent way out of the situation.

Abilities/Skills: Tech and medicine savy, but by no means an expert.
Force healing: Heals minor injuries on himself and others.
Revitalize: Resuscitate the unconscious or the recently deceased. Doesn't work if they are too injured.
Knight speed: Uses the force to enhance his movement speed.
Mind trick: Can make people, especially the weak willed, accept simple things. The more it goes against their view and beliefs, the harder it is to manipulate them.
Force stealth: Hides his strength and alignment in the force from other force users. With enough concentration, he disappears from force senses all together, though he isn't skilled enough yet to move or even look around in this deepest state, as it requires deep meditation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roxx


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TheUnknowable said

Why do you say that?

EDIT: Ignore the empty quote... apparently my phone didn't like quoting.

EDIT 2: Fyi I'll be making a female who is an exceptional force user soon... I'm having trouble thinking of how to make her a bit unique though so it might take a little time. Expect it by late tonight/early morning tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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I was going to be making a Miraluka.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Soraya Reem
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 17
Appearance: Slender, beautiful, fair skin, rosy cheeks, pink lips, long brown hair, hazel eyes. She usually dresses in the simple attire of the Mandalorian people, wearing pants, shirts, tunics, and dresses often white in color, though shades of blue. Though she has a wardrobe she may choose pink, red, purple, green, and yellow for formal situations. She dresses for occasion, though she can typically be found wearing her white cloak over her Mandalorian armor in keeping with traditions of her people. She doesn't always wear her helmet unless on missions.

Personality: Kind, caring, and respectful of others--Soraya has gained a significant amount of intelligence over the years due to her love of knowledge, providing her with an amazing vocabulary, active imagination, and an open mind. She is very confident and outspoken in her opinions, and seldom likes being told what to do. Despite all this, she does not have very many friends due to her smarts and being a free thinker. Soraya isn't concerned about hers or other's appearances, and is able to look past how people appear and into their hearts. Soraya is somewhat an independent spirit and refuses to be mistreated, undermined, humiliated, demeaned or controlled by any man. However, Soraya willingly listens to, looks up to and admires her father and master. She is quite obstinate when it comes to stating her points, upholding her opinions, and maintaining her ideas. She frequently dreams about a life of adventure and romance, not realizing that sometimes adventures might take a turn for the worst. Soraya realizes that having dreams is great, but sometimes you need to look beyond them and find what you're truly looking for.

Backstory/History: Soraya never knew her real parents. They were killed aboard a starship when pirates attacked, she was rescued by an old Mandalorian who took her into his clan. Mandalore rich with inhospitable deserts became the only home Soraya knew. Soraya grew up in the domed city of Sundari, learning the language and culture of the Mandalorian people. Her adopted father taught her how to defend herself and trained her to be strong. At the age of eight she began training in military and survival skills; also how to hunt, fish, shoot, and fight. Soraya learned loyalty to Clan Reem, discipline, courage, and respect for her bew heritage. Soraya always worked close with her father on missions and she grew a strong bond with him, teaching her how to be a proficient warrior. He trained her to be disciplined, physically and mentally tough. When she was thirteen, she passed the trial of the verd'goten, a test of acquired skills in fighting and surviving in tradtition of the Mandalorian rite of passage. Soraya loved her father, but she had dreams of being something more than a mercenary's daughter. She would spend her free nights in the city library reading about planets and places she had never traveled, she loved listening to stories of her father's adventures.

After a dangerous job, her father never returned after meeting a contact on the Bog moon of Bogden. Following her senses Soraya pursued after him alone and found him trapped by the moon's ruler. After much negotiation the king agreed to release her old father on one condition: that she must remain his personal slave. She agreed, and began a life filled with sadness until a Jedi came to her rescue after raiding the kingdom. Before suspending judgment on her captor, Soraya surprised the Jedi by defending the king. The king never harmed her and treated her well, though he was a dark man. The Jedi recognized this selfless act worthy of recognition, he discovered her hidden talents of being gifted with the Force, something Soraya knew nothing of. He offered to train her in the ways of the Jedi. She agreed, though she would miss her father, she gave up her life for her dreams to be able to defend the helpless and serve others. She dedicated her life to the ways of the Force.

Weakness: naive, lack of training Force and experience that others have
Strength: Intelligence, Courage, Selflessness
-Physical endurance, Soraya is a great runner. She loves sports and working out at the gym.
-Fluent in over a dozen languages (being able to read, write, and speak) including Mando'a, Concordian, Kerestese, Aqualish, Huttese, Ryl (Twi'leki), Shyriiwook (Wookiee, though she can't speak it)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Personality: Reserved, Quick Witted when not shy, strategist and survivalist. He will typically stay back from conversation and interaction with others in a way that makes him seem anti-social. However once he becomes more confident around people he becomes quick witted and loyal to those around him.

Strengths:Has trained in Force Sight since birth, due to lack of eyes. Can effectively see through objects, sense someones alignment (Unless they are concealing it). Has a more or less 360 visual perception, time pilot training, can see through Force Illusions. Can follow trails in the Force or pinpoint the epicentre of a force action more easily than others.
Weaknesses: In areas where the force is blocked he has no sight at all, cannot see colour, if someone is capable of removing their presence in the force he cannot see them, in crowded areas he has to limit his range of sight to avoid confusion,
Force Sight - Due to lack of eyes he has become proficient at this skill, being taught it since birth he is more adept at it than non-Miraluka who attempt to learn this ability.
Telekenesis - Standard Jedi push/pull and lifting abilities
Proficient in Soresu
Excellent Fighter Pilot
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

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Name: Gregur Grein (Gregor green)
Gender: Male
Race: Kiffar/Mirialan
Appearance: 5'6" 120 left handed and often wearing several layers with thick gloves but stops before it looks out of place. For now the only tattoos on his face are a series of forest diamonds in a single stripe across the nose and cheeks of his emerald skin.

He wears as many layers on the outside as he does on the inside. Due to his sensitive nature and natural ability to read an object by mere touch, he avoids physical contact to prevent an accidental reading. He seems curt in conversation, saying the minimum needed, but in truth he is more distracted than rude by keeping his mental walls up. If allowed to just be himself, he is a kind and empathic soul who has learned to enjoy himself by sitting in a room and just listen to whatever anyone has to say.
Son of a Guardian Of Kiffar and a passing Mirialan scoundrel she had arrested for being far more than just lucky. She raised him as a single mother could on a cops salary, taking up a desk job in the evidence room where she could keep an eye on him as needed is where he first showed signs of his psychometric powers, a racial ability he wasn't expected to inherit due to his impure blood. He told his mother of what he saw when he touched a box, images and sounds mostly, but what he described helped turn the case over to an arrest. For the next several years, his mother helped train and focus his abilities to a powerful edge the guardians could use to keep their people safe. A psychometric was uncommon but not any more than one in a hundred, what set him above was his skill that sat on peer with full adults while he is only a teen.
Soon enough his sensitivity was considered more than just a racial paragon and soon hw was off to the new temple to see if he had what it would take to be a jedi.
He is highly empathic, reading peoples body language and facial ticks makes him a fair combatant by being able to read the telegraph of the incoming attack as well as a negotiator to tell when he is gaining or loosing a target.
He is skilled at controlling himself and sensing others, but the skills needed to alter his surroundings seems to evade him at every turn.
As strong as his psychometrics are, he's witnessed a murder through the eyes of the victim, it haunts his sleep and has made him warry of physical contact to not catch another accidental reading.
Psychometric: A racial ability of the his mothers Kiffar clan magnified by his anonymous fathers force sensitive bloodline. He has the potential to be one of the best since Quinlan Vos.
In order to avoid an over reliance on the psychic skill, he has studied proper forensic pathology through the planetary police force in order to be able to gather data from his environment. That was before his life decided to take a step to the left.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zeroes


Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

@Reem: Fine except you need to expand the skills and strengths/weaknesses sections.

@knighthawk: Accepted!

Updated the setting, go check it out where I left a placeholder. Also, I got the ooc up, go nuts there.

Anyone want to be Twi'lek, Togruta, or anything like that? That would be pretty cool to add to the rp.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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Zeroes said
@Reem: Fine except you need to expand the skills and strengths/weaknesses sections.@knighthawk: Accepted!Updated the setting, go check it out where I left a placeholder. Also, I got the ooc up, go nuts there.Anyone want to be Twi'lek, Togruta, or anything like that? That would be pretty cool to add to the rp.

I'm a twilek. It's not done yet, but you can read what I wrote so far.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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I suppose I won't really be able to join then. I'm not informed on the New Jedi Order, really.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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I finished my character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zeroes


Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

@TheUnKnowable: Not the most grammatical and skillfully written cs, but it does fit the requirements and that's good enough, accepted!

@Corrupted: Sure you can, you don't have to be that informed. (I read like 2-3 series of NJO only.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

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I'll add more later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roxx


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Zeroes- Would having a character who has a particular knack for future-sight be too far-fetched? This character would be a strong force user but extremely physically frail.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zeroes


Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Padawan=Future sight is still manifesting. They can but yes they will be physically weak and the power will be weak.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Is this pre or post Yuuzhan Vong War? Or you going to ignore it's existence? Kinda important to my CS :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roxx


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I, uh, went ahead and modified my first app. Casey (Now Chase) is now the Jedi in charge of my Padawan. If this isn't cool with you, just let me know. Also, let me know if my second app is alright. I was a bit stuck at the strengths/weakness/skills area. I'm not sure if I did them correctly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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Do I need to make a CS for my character's master now?

Zeroes said
@TheUnKnowable: Not the most grammatical and skillfully written cs, but it does fit the requirements and that's good enough, accepted!

What's not "skillfully written" about it?
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