Batman returns Kijani's glare and replies, "Ms. Ryane, would you like to know two other things that are not acceptable at my school? Constantly trying to convince others that they're somehow inferior to everyone else, and petty grudges. I believe it was you that reprimanded John for the way he was treating his 'betters'? Dr. McCoy told me about the little spat that you two had in gym today, and that makes it quite obvious why you tried to put yourself into the fight. Your motive wasn't noble like Connor's attempt to defend a friend, yours was completely selfish. All you wished to accomplish was getting back at John for arguing with you in gym. Because of that, your punishment will be nearly as severe as his. Brock, please explain to the others what mental restrictions are."
John groans and explains to the others, "Mental restrictions are one of the most severe punishments at the Academy, second only to expulsion. Professor Xavier puts a mental block on the part of your brain that controls your powers. If you don't have powers, and instead rely on martial arts or gadgetry, he temporarily erases your memory of them. Either way, you end up like an average human until the punishment period is up."
"Thank you, Mr. Brock. You are to be restricted for two weeks. Ms. Ryane, you'll be restricted for one week. Connor, you'll be restricted for two days. Connor and Kijani, report to Charles' class immediately and tell him my decision. If I find that you never went to him, or that you lied about the punishment lengths, you will seriously regret it. Get going. John, you will remain here so I can speak to you and Austin alone."