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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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knight125 said
Once class is dismissed, Ben waits for Nacelle outside the classroom, wondering what Gambit will be serving for lunch.

Nacelle joins him outside with a small and slightly curious smile. "Are you really studying this stuff? I need to take this class, I would ace it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Caits said
Phoebe nodded, which was probably why she didn't recognize the girl. After all, she hadn't been back that long. "What class are you going to next?" She asked, trying to be helpful and friendly.

"Oh. Er... Captain America's class." She smiled tensely. "I've got a lot of catching up to do." It was almost an effort to be polite. Part of her want to draw from this girl's happiness, but she knew that could be disastrous on both ends. "What about you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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With the class dismissed, she sped off, her light-rainbow-self coursing through the huge crowds, phasing through the bodies as her intangible being morphs, bends, curves, and slips through, returning back to its form as she continued to run.

Where to, exactly? Well, she had no idea. Not like there was an announcement or anything. It was late into the year and the school probably stopped the announcements with everyone getting the groove of the flow already. How uncourteous! How rude to their new student, the wondrous extraordinaire.

She noted how everyone went to class in respective rooms. Short of knowing quite possibly everything, Gretchen felt no need to learn any more elementary education.

Instead, she ran to the apex of the Academy, a flag pole, with the flag bearing the insignia of the school. From there, she stood, in physical form, precariously balancing with one foot atop. Up there, she saw the entire campus and its people, as metaphorical and as figuratively, looking like ants to the eyes of Gretchen. How many others are like her? Trapped, forced beyond their will, actually fun? She needed to know if there were people like her. That freak with the guns sure looked like the type, and was something Gretchen needed to explore more. As she stood, she could feel the light intensity of the Sun feeding her, empowering her abilities, somehow rejuvenating the “battery” of her body which held her essence of light.

She focused light into her hands; watching them go invisible first, then glow in a bright light, its luminescence like a prism, refracting all ambient light around it, surrounding her hands with rainbows. She felt powerful, excited seeing just what her powers possibly unveiled upon further exploration. She jutted her hands forward, and out came a burst of light, an anomalous ball of twisted, contorted, fixed, yet ultimately intangible light, hurling its way to the grounds below her, aimed towards a crowd.

The crowd spotted the ball of light, and started dispersing. The ball hit the ground, and an explosion, equivalent of a small grenade. A nearby trashcan flew away from its place, and so did a few of the slower students who couldn’t run away in time. Though they were alive and stood up, they were dazed and rubbing their eyes in what seemed like temporary blindness.

Gretchen, perched high above the Academy, grinned at her new skill: essentially, a flashbang grenade.

”OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAH!”She was cackling away in laughter as the crowd below yelled at her, slipping in a few curse words at her assault, her laughter probably heard from a good way’s yonder.

She was excited to see what else she could do, but she realized she was up here for a longer time than she thought, as a herd of people started leaving their classrooms; class was over. She ran down along the walls of the building, back into the halls, and found one of her classmates just standing there, a girl shorter than her by roughly 2 inches, black skin and dark hair, with a guy next to her, his identity also unknown.

She ran around them in a circle, trapping them in a ring of light, the brightness a blinding intensity, just before she stopped right in front of them.

“Hi! Okay! Bye!” and she ran off to the cafeteria, shoving a few people’s trays into their faces, stealing one away, and sitting down outside the cafeteria on one of the tables.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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Phoebe shrugged, "I chop and change between Capt. America's class, and Dr Connors. If I go to one now, I go to the other later" She said, wondering what was bothering the girl. It was almost an effort for Phoebe to be friendly, because she was worrying if her presence was causing the Devika to be tense. "There seems to be a lot of people who are new, so I wouldn't worry too much about catching up"

Phoebe fell silent, wondering what else she could say. "What powers do you have? I'm usually pretty good at guessing peoples parents, but you don't remind me of any of the heroes or villains I've read about" Then she wondered if this was being to invasive, and said, "Sorry, you don't have to answer"
Kalinda looked up as Romanova started to talk about detecting ambush areas, which was a skill for spotting locations and terrain suitable for ambushes and for being ambused, sort of a guerilla tactic. She also talked about detecting concealment, in other words detecting camouflage, and Kalinda smiled with amusement. When the lesson was over, she stood, grabbing up her things, but made no movement to leave the class room
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Katherin went to her regular class after gym. It was nice to be able to sit and relax for awhile. She wondered about lunch. Should she try to interact with someone new. She had already spoken to the new girl Nacelle. Maybe she would see what Nacelle thought of gym. Or maybe she would see if Phoebe was free for lunch. As Katherin headed for lunch she decided to just see what happened.
Griffin decided to stay in charge for lunch. He wasn't found of large groups, but he wanted a change to meet the girl Zack had talked to. He hadn't had a chance yet because gym had been something that Zack could handle. So although Griffin watched lunch to day he was going to participate in it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Kyra began to wander around campus, her headphones over her ears as she walked, listening to music quietly. She ignored everyone that she passed, and looked like she was zoned out as she stared intensely at the ground, deep in her thoughts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Caits said
Phoebe shrugged, "I chop and change between Capt. America's class, and Dr Connors. If I go to one now, I go to the other later" She said, wondering what was bothering the girl. It was almost an effort for Phoebe to be friendly, because she was worrying if her presence was causing the Devika to be tense. "There seems to be a lot of people who are new, so I wouldn't worry too much about catching up"Phoebe fell silent, wondering what else she could say. "What powers do you have? I'm usually pretty good at guessing peoples parents, but you don't remind me of any of the heroes or villains I've read about" Then she wondered if this was being to invasive, and said, "Sorry, you don't have to answer"

Devika nodded, just trying to keep up as Phoebe talked a mile a minute. Her eyes narrowed, though, as Phoebe mentioned parents. Something about the way she said it got under her skin. Guessing people's parents? Did she expect everyone in the school to just have some automatically recognizable bloodline? She'd had enough of dealing with kids born to privilege when dealing with her parents' many wealthy clients. That sort of person didn't seem to think that their children were anything but reflections of themselves. Phoebe obviously came from the same ilk. "My parents are Anne and Reginald Jones, the best law team in south Florida. You probably wouldn't have guessed that, because I'm not my parents. I guess your mother and father are some high profile heroes, right?" She let out a breath of a laugh. "Not everyone is like you, sweetheart." She turned her back and started to walk. If she didn't leave, she'd be late for class.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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Phoebe blinked. She had just gotten so use to having the other students at the school come from known super families, and she winced, realising she shouldn't assume that. Still, Devika didn't have to have acted like that. "I wouldn't dream to think that everyone was like me" She said, her tone cool, "I grew up in an orphanage, and until recently, didn't know who my father was and, only knew who my mother was because she sent me a letter when I was five, and she's not exactly a hero. I shouldn't have assumed you had super parents, but you didn't have to react like that. I was trying to be friendly, I won't make the mistake of trying next time"

She turned and started away to Dr Connors class, walking faster then she normally did. What was the point of trying to talk with more people? She was angered that, judging by the way Devika had said that she guess her parents were heroes, she assumed Phoebe would be a brat because of it. And really, what did the girl expect, when most were the offspring of at least one super parent? It hadn't been an unreasonable question. Al Phoebe had wanted was to know, so she didn't make a fool of herself. Well, that worked great, She thought bitterly, sitting in her usual seat in Dr Connors class and waiting out the lesson.

When it was over, she headed to lunch, not feeling in the mood now to try and talk with anyone else besides Katherin or Ryan. She grabbed some food, and found a table, but found she wasn't very hungry. She played with the necklace Ryan had given her, and pondered what to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Ben shrugs, "For a lot of the kids here, including me, this class is really helpful. The closest I've ever been to a wild animal is at the Central Park Zoo." As he starts walking to the cafeteria, he asks, "So, Nacelle, what do you think of the Academy?"

At the end of Ms. Romanava's class, Anthony approaches Kalinda and remarks, "Several times during the lesson, you seemed amused by what Ms. Romanava was teaching. Care to share why?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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Kalinda carefully put up her emotional blocks, and stepped back, wary "Just with camouflage" She said, with a shrug putting her hands in her jeans pockets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


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Anthony raises an eyebrow as Kalinda body language shows that she isn't comfortable around him. "Is something wrong? If you don't want to talk to me, I can go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Nacelle sighed, she would have to find this girl that had almost blinded her before. As she sat at her own personal table at lunch she smiled and rested her head on it, now she would be able to rest. That was something she had planned on doing for the longest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Kalinda shrugged, "Just a precaution is all. Last time I was near you, it didn't go so well" She said, "And I'd rather not spend the rest of the day unable to move much"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Anthony tilts his head while asking incredulously, "Really? It doesn't fascinate or intrigue you just how powerful the effects of our combined powers are?" With a shrug, he continues, "Nevertheless, I'll try to refrain from using my powers near you. So tell me, why were you amused by the parts of the lesson dealing with camouflage? Do you think it's unimportant?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Kalinda sighed, "it does fascinate me, but I'd rather not be flat on my arse every time it happens" She said, "oh, I think camouflage is very important. But I can sense people's emotions so I can already detect someone hidden, and I can hide in shadows. of course, people never really paid any attention to me before I came here, even without the shadows, so maybe i'm just not noticeable" She frowned, "So, unless i lose my abilities, I just find it amusing I'm learning it, and paying attention to it. I enjoy this class" .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

"Wouldn't sensing someone else by their emotions require you to lower your emotional barriers" Anthony asks. "From your body language alone, I can tell that you aren't fond of that. Also, if you just plan on hiding in shadows, what will you do against someone who can manipulate light, like Griffin or the new girl? If they're manipulating the light, by extension, they're manipulating the shadows and therefore controlling where you may and may not hide."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I enjoy feeling others emotions, but I have no idea how your abilities work, so like I said, precaution" Kalinda said, "there are no shadows without light, and it doesn't matter where they are, as long as there are shadows, I'm find .I can't tell you how it works, it just does. A small shadow, I can manipulate enough to hide in, and then I'm simply...not there" she said with a shrug
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Anthony smiles as begins walking to the cafeteria, "So you can teleport between shadows? That's useful for running away, I suppose, but I don't think I made myself clear. If they can control where the light is shining from, they can control where the shadows will be. If they're controlling where the shadows will be, then they know you're either hiding there, or you've teleported away and are no longer a threat."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Yes" Kalinda said, "but" she frowned, because she'd just answered her own question of early today, "but it doesn't do them much could, they can't attack me in the shadows, but I can still manipulate their emotions or attack with my telekenetic abilities" she said, starting to follow
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

"For the purposes of this conversation, I'm going to assume you're fighting Griffin and/or Gretchen, whom you've met. I'll assent to the fact that you may be able to affect Gretchen with your emotion-based powers, but she can move at the speed of light, apparently, which is faster than your brain can probably process information. How will you use your telekinetic abilities against someone that's moving faster than you can think? Also, when you affect others' emotions, how do your powers work? Do they spread in waves all around you, like mine, or are they focused and only affect those that you're looking at? And if you were fighting Griffin, you could definitely use telekinesis, but he can fly and is rather strong. Finally, he has multiple personalities, one of which doesn't experience strong emotions. What will you do if he reverts to that personality?"

Anthony sighs and chuckles, "Forgive me, I've deviated from what we were originally talking about and just began pointing out weaknesses you'd have against two specific people. However, it may be something worth thinking about."
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