I have heard a few people dislike how I roleplay. Now this hurts as everyone roleplays in their own way. Its also a great time to tell me. I am 3 months pregnant and currently a witness in a stabbing. I am either leaving this rp or changing my character to a boring, ugly nobody as people are moaning that I make not of how certain things make my character look. She is a pretty girl, I'm sorry if this makes people think their girl characters have no chance or if people don't understand. Its what I wanted this character be and I have been roleplaying since 2008 and made a lot of friends and had many good rp's on this site. I wish people wouldn't judge how a roleplayer roleplays when others can simply kill people etc. Not at everyone just the several who have made a gang up to hate on me.
(By the way, first time someone on this site has made me cry before. Hope your happy)