Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

The End of an Era

Five hundred years have passed since the time of the sage, his guiding hand now long lost to the world. His beliefs stripped away to facilitate ninshuu's transformation from spiritual practice, to a mere engine of war. While few great conflicts have occurred in the last 500 years, one is sure to occur soon, indeed, for with skirmishes between clan boundaries and the shifting of the world's cycle...change is at hand.

But whose hand guides this change? Surely not the Dragon's claws. For the Phoenix's great talons have once more began to grasp the world, thus is heralded a time of war.

However, for now there is a tremulous peace, for despite the clans' seldom bickering, there exists no real reason for war. Nonetheless, the clans, noticing the influx of conflict, call council, requesting the Land of Iron to host their meeting as a neutral party.

They accepted, and so messages were sent and preparations were made. One by one the clan leaders, representatives, and their bodyguards, arrived at the meeting place. Tension is high and with the Phoenix's flames stoking the fires of conflict, who knows what will occur.

Will there be continued peace, or will tempers rise and lash out?

Who will end these last five hundred years of peace and prosperity; who will be the first to let their jaded ideals further taint the gifts of the sage?

Who will be the aggressor?
The clans have gathered, and in the great tent, its peak 100 meters in height, many powerful men and women sit. People from all around the world have been brought together by the threat of war and the need for change, though few know this is what has called them.

Few are late, and so the council begins, a armored samurai of the land of iron sitting amidst the circle of figures, neutral, unbiased, and steadfast. He is the Shogun, and he sits surrounded by an armed and armored guard of elite samurai. ”Welcome to my great domain,” he proclaims, voice clear and powerful, “Here you may discuss your future, but know this, you all lie beneath the power of the Daimyo, you tread within the shadow of a giant. Do not overstep your bounds,” he grew silent, his face stern, unyielding.

With his message delivered, the great man fell silent, eyes closing, and ears listening closely to what the many leaders would discuss. He was interested as their requests had been sudden. Why a clan meeting now? There was still peace. There were skirmishes, yes, but nothing terribly serious. No breach of territory, no utter disregard for life.

Yet the shogun nonetheless sensed something in the air.

Tension perhaps, or was it something more subtle? He could not tell, but he knew someone else could, someone who had not arrived yet. While not entirely confirmed, it was said that even the Tatasuko clan, a highly elusive people, had sent a representative. This was indeed strange, for why would such a people send one at all? Their numbers were thought to be little, their allegiance nonexistent, but their power...vague. The Tatasuko were shades, plain and simple, and so like shadows, they kept just out of sight, and forever without detail, unknown, undefined.

They were a wildcard, but at least they were a peaceful one. Hopefully this would not change. He did not want to find out what power they held. Not in the least.

Still, oddly, the representative had not yet arrived. He hoped they didn't at all. Things would be better that way, for already were the clanheads on edge, such would only be made worse by an unknown element. Without that dangerous individual, perhaps the clans would come to an agreement and establish alliances. This the Shogun hoped for, for if the clans could coexist, prosperity could reign for awhile longer.

Still, the world was often cruel, so he did not count on it.

As such he remained, sitting silent while the others spoke. Listening...waiting...and hoping that the Dragon, as it once had, now watched over them.

His hope was however, pointless. For it was on this day that the dragon slept.

Too bad no one knew that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Zai stood is a corner not to far from his masters side. He made sure that he could have a perfect view of the whole room, this way he would be able to mark each and every person that could possibly be planning to hurt or attack his master. Zai had taken mentel notes of each and everyone of the rivil clans ninja, admimistators and leader, some were ones to be weary of, but he was mostly unconcerned for the most part, no would dare attack one another in a summit, especially if the Hyuga was involved, and everyone had heard of Zai Hyuga, The Hyuga Dog.

His continued silence was only an intimidating factor, this would unnerve the other ninja and men of importantance, this would make them think twice about even concidering to attack the Hyuga Head. His blade and appearance was also an intimidating factor, his blade was strapped to the left side of his waste, his shinobi standard uniform was hidden under his black clock and his long red hair was tied into a long ponytail with a black ribbion. He stood with his hands behind his back and his legs spread out for easier combat flow when the time came.

Zai could feel the tension in the air as more of the clans walked into the large tent. There was a history of war between the clans, so this was not the best way to look for away to make a future for the clans, stuff a bunch of high clan officials into a room were assaination was a very possible outcome, and then war would ravage the land once again, then the prospect of a future could be to far out of reach. Zai just hoped that the Hyuga clan would not get involved, war was not a pretty thing when they were involved.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadolord


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ryo was late to the party. He walked into the room looking around attempting to place each of the members and all the exits. Ryo was rather certain that his apperance would draw the attention of others in the room. His hair was wild and black, almost the blue of the night sky over a frozen wasteland, His skin was pale as the bones of the reaper. His face hidden away behind a mask that covered everything below his eyes. While his shirt only actually covered his torso his arms couldn't be seen as they were wrapped from shoulder to fingertips in bandages. Even though they were wrapped his muscles still stood like cables on his arms his frame wasn't large and talented opponents would not mistake his muscles for those of heavy hitters they would more fear his speed. His pants had seen better days they weren't in bad condition, but they certainly showed their age. Continuing downwards he actually stood barefoot in the hall with all these elders. There was a sword on his back that actually had a paper tag sealing it the seal had minor wear on it showing that he almost never drew it for combat. The back of his shirt held the family seal of the Takahachi clan.

On his left stood Fenris the first born of Father Wolf. Fenris was a very large wolf that stood a few inches shorter than Ryoskei. The wolf,s fur was every bit as dark as Ryoskei's hair while his underbelly was a stark white with the exception of near his paws was an area permanently stained red by the battles they had fought. His teeth shined like the moon was trapped within his mouth. His eyes were a blue that would remind anyone of ice. Fenris could feel the tension in the room and absorbed it growing tense himself.

On his right stood Father Wolf. Father wolf looked like something out of a horror story he stood from front paw to head a solid 4 inches taller than Ryoskei. His own fur was actually darker than that of Fenris. His hide showed many scars from protecting his family and those they fought alongside. His eyes were the color of amber and seemed to pierce those around him. Father wolf had come inside not only to act as a guard for Ryoskei but also to speak with the clans there were things that people didn't notice but wolves did. He hoped to offer another unbiased view on this.

Ryoskei was here serving a double duty. The first was to act as the representative for the Takahachi clan as he would soon be inheriting it as his uncle was getting on in years. His second was to be the guard of their greatest ally the Wuya clan. He had his own guards outside in the form of 3 wolves who did not follow him inside. This group was running recon around the area that the tent was in.

He walked over to an open seat and sat, while the two wolves sat beside him easily able to see everyone in the room. He did notice someone standing off to the side who was standing among the guards something about him stood out among the others. He had to go figure out why. He stood and with nothing more than a motion of one of his fingers the wolves remained in place holding his seat safe. He was certain none would dare challenge those wolves over a seat. He approached the guard standing near the Hyuga Leader.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 5 mos ago

When Shikako was approached by her father to be a bodyguard for the upcoming summit, she was certainly surprised. Shikako’s skill was little, she was only a Chunin, and she aided none in politics. However, her father made it clear that she should start to learn how to run the Nara clan and that included attending this meeting, for “experience.” Shikako rather call it a safety-risk. If someone were to attack him, the sixteen year old girl could hardly stop it. It was probably because of this reason that Shikako’s father had brought his brother along, even though he detested him. Their skills were evenly matched and it would do well to cause general intimidation. Shikaro, her father, and Shikayo, her uncle, fighting side by side? No one stands a chance.

Standing with her shoulders slouched – even her apprehension couldn’t stop the common indolence to permeate her body, causing her knees to bend and her arms to hang – the brunette attempted to appear bored, as if she wasn’t scared out of her wits to be in the presence of such dangerous enemies. Lethargy was the only thing that kept her knees from clacking and her hands from shaking. To avoid accidentally staring into anyone’s eyes, she studied the tent ceiling, pretending she saw something interesting when it was really an expanse of boring, dull clothe.

“Don’t be so nervous, Kitoushi.” Shikayo drawled, calling her by the moniker she was well-known as…well, well-known in the Nara clan as nobody outside could possibly know of a little thing like her. Unless they were familiar with clan head’s snot-nosed kids which Shikako certainly wouldn’t attempt to learn.

“Oh yeah, I forgot, the powerful Chunin can’t be nervous amongst such weak heathen that run their own damn clan.” Shikako muttered, her toneless voice obviously sarcastic.

“You shouldn’t be so audacious, niece.” Shikayo replied instead of taking offense. “You always had a hard time watching your tongue. Why can’t you be more like Shikashi? My son is always so respectful.”

“Then we know two different Shikashi’s, oniisan.” Shikaro said sharply, turning slightly in his chair to prod Shikako with his finger, signaling that the time for talking was over. Shikako wanted to heatedly tell her father that her uncle started it, but was well aware that he knew and he didn’t care.

“Whatever.” Shikako mumbled, leaning on her heels and glaring back up at the tent ceiling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Neither late nor completely on time; Hato had found himself standing off to the side. Waiting while others filed in and got themselves situated. To have to wait for such an important meeting was beyond aggravating but he suppose to those that sat at the head of clans and whole countries, time was something they had plenty of. A thing that others should be willing to give up for them.

He probably shouldn't think like that but what other choice did he have when they literally walked in late for one of the most important meetings to date, probably the most important of their time. He sighed openly and lightly, his slender hand reaching up to twiddle the onyx magatama jewel in his right ear to calm himself.

Next to him, he heard the deep chuckle of a man; it could only be Akira. A muscular giant who he had called friend for three years now, a man who's 6'7” brawn had not been easily hidden by a violet cloak and stringy blonde hair. “A bit annoyed, leader?”

Compared to Akira, he miles well of been a twig, but if one looked beyond his companion, they'd see he was tense with lean muscles himself. “Aye,” he answer casually, uncaring if his youthful voice reached the ears of the others.

“You should see yourself. The picture of ease in a room full of enemies. I'm jealous O' fearless leader of ours,” Ori plugged in, her own ravenous hair styled in a wavy bangs over her forehead, and a sideways ponytail. Her golden eyes were predatory on her happiest of days. She was damn-near feral in a room of potential adversaries. “I can't wait to tell the guys back home about this.”

“If everything goes as plan, I'll be right along with you,” Akira responded before dipping low to Hato's ear. “I hope you can pull this off, leader. I don't know if I'm comfortable with you sticking your neck out there like this.”

Hato pull the ashen cloak down from his mouth while simultaneously keeping Shinkyo's porcelain blade from shuffling off his back. “This is our only chance of having all the leaders in one spot. I don't have much of a choice,” Answered the careless, bronze haired, youth.

Though she didn't say anything, he could feel Ori's eyes fall on the side of his face. Her slender fist clenching at her side. She was feeling nervous too, what he was going to put forth could very-well cause an uproar, and in the process, with tensions already high, spark a war. He probably should ease her mind a bit.

“Whats the matter Ori, don't have faith in White Wing Hato?” He asked her.

“Of course I do, leader,” She reassured him hastily. “Its the others that I lack faith in.”

“Aye,” He responded, nether agreeing nor disagreeing. “If not in the individual than have faith in humanity. Have faith in Tsubasa.”

Akira chuckled, more like smirked to himself. “It should be easy enough with you leading us Hato. That sharingan of yours is legendary in the Water Country. Sure enough anyone would think twice about attacking us.”

Hato let out a short “Hmm”. Honestly, any of them could had been stronger than him. After all, he was still young and inexperienced. Genetics, charm, and luck could only take him so far. He treated everyday as if it was his last.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

In what business does a Genin have to indulge herself in tedious activities? The young Kunoichi of the Uchiha clan thought, she's neither late nor early for such political meeting. The only reason she ought to justify is that she is an Uchiha.

Reason is justified and shall play its significance for the future of mankind. She is here because she is chosen by her clan leader to witness such countless possibilities of opportunities in this event. Rizumu Uchiha known as "The Artemis" a Genin, the archer of the Uchiha, and a genius in her own right; just attending the summit is a privilege for the young Kunoichi and it will be a valuable lesson for her, she might not realize it now but in the future, she will.

The young Kunoichi stands firm right beside her clan leader and her Sempai. Bearing the Uchiha Clan's crest proudly at her mini-jacket, she breathes with a calm felt emotion, boiling with frost of seriousness and pride, she will not let her selfishness get the better of her.

Frosty and that calm demeanor, it matches well with her buxom figure, what's important is Rizumu learns something; she didn't come here to make friends nor to have fun but to learn and experience socio-political matters and with that straight arrow mindset, she looks forward to the future and her arrow shall pierce through the heavens, may glory shines upon the Uchiha.

"Milord. As our clan sheds it skin, no longer a snake; a hawk takes flight embracing a new beginning. In what way does our clan offers to this..." She asked her beloved leader but her last word was cut as it was in the tip of her tongue, Rizumu remains still and tamed yet feeling a bit bored yet such curiosity binds her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Zai noticed made and more of the clans walking into the tent, some louder and more obnoxious than others but he could not blame them for a second. Some clans were not as well trained as the Hyuga, but that would not stop them from trying to attack the Hyuga. Some clans were jealous, the Hyuga was one of the strongest clans next to the Uchiha when it can to pure skill. Unfortunately, the Hyuga were not very skilled in Genjutsu, but there taijutsu made up for the lacking areas of the Hyuga arts.

Zai's thoughts were interrupted when his master motioned for his ear, he took a step forward and placed his ear near his masters mouth. " Watch for the Uchiha Clan, I do not trust them." He said with a stirn and commanding voice. Zai immediately stepped back and took his original place in the tent, if his master was nervous about something, he would make sure to crush whatever was causeing the nervousness. He made sure to watch for every Uchiha that walked into the tent, one had enter in which he had noticed, but he was harmless at that moment in time.

Zai was still concentratring on finding more Uchiha when he noticed a man walking towards him and his master, more importantly, Zai himself. The man was a member of the Takahachi Clan, he could tell by the seal on the man and the wolves that he brought in, Zai stood his ground, but mentality prepared him self for an attack if need be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadolord


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

He recognized the feeling that was pulling him towards this guard who was a Hyuga member. This fact was obvious in that he was called over by the head of the Hyuga clan. Once the guard had returned to his position Ryoskei continued the approach. He knew the feeling as his instincts marking a predator in the room. He continued at a pace that was meant to not instill a feeling of fear. The problem with this is that his body constantly gave off an aura that marks him as a predator. He reached the man after what felt like an eternity in his own head.

He lowered his mask revealing the wolf head shaped scar on his right cheek. "Hello, My name is Takahachi Ryoskei. With the level of pressure in here I won't be surprised if a fight breaks out. I would actually like to offer my help to you. Should something horrible occur in this tent I am offering assistance in getting the Hyuga head out of here." He paused for a moment more to take a deeper breath and get a better sense of the tension in the room. "Father Wolf the larger of the wolves in the room is quite capable of carrying someone out of here at a very high speed. If something breaks out he would be happy to help get the clan head out, in return i would like to speak with the Hyuga about forging an alliance between our people."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Disapproving Banter

"No one would dare break the armistice of the summit," Chokeichi replied in response to the Takahachi Clan Head. His voice bellowed out, resounding throughout the large table at which everyone set. Everyone knew of Chokeichi Senju, Head of the Senju Clan and the face of all Shinobi from the Land of Fire. Word of his exploits had not only circulated throughout the Land of Fire, but through the whole Shinobi world. He was a master of the Mokuton and an even more advanced variation called the Taketon. More notably, he was chosen by Monkey King: Enma as partner, which was a note to the strength of the man alone. The rumors of his abilities blended truth and fiction, as it was told he could summon a bamboo forest half a continent in size and move through it like a phantom. Some called him the Great Bamboo Sage. Others considered him and his entire family ruthless death. After the murder of nearly three dozen Senju during the Senju Civil Dispute, two things were made known. No one, not even other Senju, will stand in the way of the true Senju ideology; and, Chokeichi, alongside his five brothers, were strong enough to fight five-to-one and win. It was essentially only the Senju Clan that had the authority to call a Clan Summit under an armistice and have this many people show up.

The real question, however, is what would bring all these shinobi together. The original armistice called for an alliance of the Senju, Tatasuko, Senbo and Kamenoko Clan. The Senju-Senbo Alliance had slowly started taking over the entire village, due to their power and financial influence. The other two clans had some of the strongest shinobi alive, above even the standards of Clan Heads. With just a banner of those four clans, it was enough to pressure the other clans into action. The rule here was simple. If a single shinobi is to act with violence while within the parameter, the Senju and Senbo will act to immediately eliminate the threat. The Senbo Clan, truly, wasn't even needed; even the Uchiha were reluctant to face off against the Senju unless absolutely necessary. The Senbo were there, mostly, for the extra patrol. Aside from the Senju-Senbo Alliance, most clans bickered over their borders within the Land of Fire. It was only under direct threat of war did these conventions normally occur, and even then only the involved parties were generally called. This was, for all intents and purposes, a first.

"If someone had the guile to challenge a statement of the Senju," Chokeichi proclaimed, "they would have, and subsequently wouldn't be at this table." Chokeichi likely had the most pride in his clan of anyone in the room. That was the mentality of the Senju. All of them. Chokeichi then grunted and popped his neck, one of the only few standing in the room. He didn't stand tall, but his chiseled body was nonetheless intimidating. He had a single red staff in his hand and a scroll on his back. Aside from that, he had no weapons pouches. No equipment. Just a staff, a scroll and himself. He needed nothing else. "Where the Hell is Zume... he signed the charter to show up and have his symbol on our banner," Chokeichi griped, "he should have the respect to appear on time."

Chokeichi was then answered by Kota Kamenoko, the representative of the Kamenoko Clan and the Land of the Moon. "Knowin' Zume, the bastard is out relievin' his urges before he shows up." The off-color remark was beyond different from what one expected, especially in response to none other than Chokeichi. Kota, however, was an exception. Many considered him the single strongest Shinobi alive due to inheriting the Yama no Kara. Unlike Chokeichi, whose abilities were jaded and rumor, Kota was everything but. The Kamenoko Clan never hid their use of Kaikra; alone, it made them a threat to normal shinobi. The fact Kota had a nearly unlimited supply of it and the ability to replicate even master-level jutsu was no help. Kota, despite his strength, was also incredibly safe. He was the representative for his whole people and his line spent hundreds of years defending the Land of the Moon, but never attacking. Fact was, Kota got to say whatever he wanted, but did very little about it.

The remark caused a scoff from Kubota Senbo, the representative of the Senbo Clan. He sat beside Chokeichi and was one of if not the only nonshinobi present. The Meishu no Shocho, or Leader of the Leaders, from the Senbo Clan was the Head elected by three other Heads. The Senbo Clan, despite their influence, was still only alloted one represenative, and by default it was Kubota. Best be it that way as well. Kubota was every bit as dangerous in discussion as Chokeichi was in battle, and the two oddly got along splendidly. The Smith of Politics, they called him, and his condescending, snide attitude showed it. He added, "his Clan might not be in its shape if those that led it worried about situations like these, not those in their chambers." The response merited a laugh from Kota, and the laughter of Kota was enough to allow a devious smirk from Chokeichi. They, however, were the only ones in this triangle, as the rest of the Clans seemed unwilling to join in when Chokeichi spoke up.

Her eyes gazing across the room from where she stood beside, but behind, the leader of Tsubasa--Hato Uchiha-- the spear wielding head of the Antare clan listened. She didn't like any of them, of this she was already certain. Luckily her clan was something of a neutral party, for they tended to stay in their mountain abodes, far away from the other lands. The Antare clan, known as renowned masters of fuuinjutsu, hailed from the Land of Lightning, having long fortified several mountains in a chain of them in an effort to stave off outsiders. Sōruko, while a member of Tsubasa and one of Hato's advisors, if you could call her that, was also the infamous spearwoman, Hisomeru Sōbi-sha(Veilwielder). Her spear, which appeared to gain weight and sharpness with each battle, was almost more well known then even she was.

Had she not been sighted fighting alongside Hato to stymie numerous small conflicts and remove innocents from them, her skills would've been seldom known. She, overall, found the banter between the Senju, Senbo, and Kamenoko annoying and rude. "At least the Tatasuko have kept their people from quarreling amongst themselves like children," she retorted in response to Chokeichi, uncaring of his status or his clan's influence. She was confident that the Senju could not touch the Antare, not because they were superior offensively, but because they were so well fortified.

If the Antare were infamous for anything besides their utter dominance in fuuinjutsu, they were known for their ability to seemingly negate most jutsu entirely. Little did most shinobi know that this too was the work of seals, incredibly complex seals, which they spread throughout the area around their clan compounds. This, along with their ability communicate and travel over long distances, put them in an advantageous position, at least when it came to defensive fortifications. As such, she stood fearless, unyielding, even under the eye of many powerful leaders. Such was her way.

Before Chokeichi could even reply, in which he would likely have simply spouted off a rant about the pride and capabilities of the Senju, or its size, or its influence, or its heritage, Kota retorted, "I know precisely who you are. I know your clan. I know your spear. Let me tell you what you don't know. If you believe that my banter was meant with any ill-regard, you are wrong. Zume was present for my coronotion, albeit late. Zume has been to eight of my last ten birthdays, did you know? Zume is one of my life long friends, and Zume promised he would be here because I was. If I speak of him like a devil-in-the sheets, miss, it is because he is my friend and I have the right to do so." Kota grinned playfully as he added, "but to speak ill of such a tragedy as what happened to the Senju is rude. We meant no harm by what we said of the Tatasuko, and even Zume would know that. Don't let ignorance get in the way of an important meeting; keep in mind, I traveled the farthest of anyone here because of rumor of a threat to even me. Mind your tongue." At this remark, even Kubota stayed quiet. There was no rightful addition to this, as there was a definite line between Kota and the alliance, but chances were, this would spark intrigue among the Clans.

Gritting her teeth with annoyance, the woman fell silent, closing her eyes despite her brow being screwed up in frustration. She had not been talking to Kota, but to Chokeichi, nonetheless the insufferable man had replied. After a brief moment a smile came across her face and her eyes opened. Her smile was which managed to barely conceal her anger, but not her hatred. "Thank you Kota for so rudely interrupting. Nonetheless, I see no reason for further discussion with you three," she then took to surveying the rest of the room, from the Uchiha's leader, to the Hyuga and Takahachi. Much more respectable men in her eyes, at least compared to the other three.

Kota only laughed in response to her. It was a lighthearted laugh, in all honesty. Kota, despite all his power, was truly a jovial person. Sitting on the opposite side of Kubota and beside Chokeichi, he even nudged the Senju leader and muttered, "ya only get one. She obviously isn't too fond of you." Kota then returned to address the woman, smiling back. He said, "well, you'd see the point if Zume were here to begin the important conversation. In any case, miss, I believe we have began things on the wrong foot. Believe it or not, I'm part of no alliance or coalition. I came here because of a threat. I assure you that getting me off my island and into the Land of Fire to discuss business that is not mine requires a real important topic. I am here and I am here on serious business, but we can't engage in that yet. So, with that said, has anyone ever told you that you have the most adorable way of hiding your rage? The smile is cute for a Kunoichi."

His voice drew her attention again, his smooth, annoyingly calm voice. She already regretted engaging him in conversation, then struck his compliment. She stood there, the words registering after a few moments of processing, causing her to whip her head back in his direction, trying to decide whether to glare at him or say thank you. She couldn't make a decision and had no way to graciously reset the conversation, granted it didn't help that she knew he was toying with her, for while she may have been hot tempered, she was certainly not stupid. So she exhaled, trying to remove all bitterness from her attitude before even attempting to reply in some manner, though she knew there was no real way to ammend things, or take back what had already been said. Perhaps she had grown too detached from the needs of her clan in the time that she'd been away, working with Tsubasa.

"Thank you, Kota, your words are...appreciated," she stated a bit awkwardly, feeling a fool. "It is good that you take these matters into consideration, although I hope you do not take them as seriously as you do your banter." There was a hint of sarcasm in that statement, for despite her efforts she simply couldn't help but be herself. Yes, that had been one of the few aspects of her position as clan head, which she had failed at. This was why she'd had advisors and ambassadors. Sadly, this meeting had been more specifically geared towards clan leaders or representatives and since Tsubasa had been coming, she had opted to represent the Antare, rather than attend and allow someone else to do so.

It would have been a bad side to show others, though...perhaps this was worse.

She wasn't certain.

Chokeichi was far from a fan of how Kota had taken the conversation away from him, but this was also the first time he had ever seen anyone from the Antare back down in such a manner. Chokeichi decided to remain silent, although he did scoff. One could say he was a bit of a brute, but that wouldn't be true. He was a brilliant tactician, although more or less in single fighting as he had another brother that acted as their general of sorts. Put in a position such as this, however, and his more forceful nature was apparent. Chokeichi preferred to solve problems through the most effective means, and as a man of great power, force tended to be that method. Kubota, however, saw the brilliance of Kota. The man was far from a perfect politician; he was obviously still a young, flirtatious bachelor. Regardless, his smooth, persuasive tactics were noted. Any formal politician would have ended the conversation when Kota brought up tragedy, and when that didn't work he approached from a completely different angle.

"You are lucky, famed Spearwoman of the Antare, that I am nowhere near as serious with my courtship as Zume," Kota added, grinning as he did. "Else, I might have offered you a formal spot in the Land of the Moon." At this point, Kota was playing on words and going far beyond the norm for cementing in the awkward, flirtatious oncomings he had for the girl in front of every Clan Leader. At the same time, he returned to the topic of Zume. Everything had came full circle, and there was a reason for that. More than anyone in the building, Kota could feel his pressence. Zume was near, and as he neared, they all grew closer to the looming topics ahead of them. Despite his jovial nature, there were true threats. Kota leaned back in his chair and chuckled before saying, "unfortunately, we at Kamenoko prefer just one wife, so I have to choose wisely." Kota ended the entire conversation and added what would have been a humorous element to the air as he balanced on two chair legs. At this point, he knew Zume was just waiting. Assessing the situation. Listening. It wouldn't be long. No. Not long at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Almost instinctively, his eyes strayed to the famed Senju: Chokeichi. Like a primordial reaction, he felt something in his blood cringe at the sound of his excessively loud voice. He couldn't imagine why anyone would want to be that loud; it was unsightly and deplorable. But he had to admit that the man was strong; rumors of his strength spread through the Lands like deeply plug roots; stretching out; conquering.

His bronzed colored brows furrowed just a bit as the other two chimed in. The words they spoke of the Tatasuko was near insulting but he could tell from the tone that they spoke fondly, not hatefully. He turned his head from crowd, from the others. It was his duty as Tsubasa's leader to maintain focus but he had always found that difficult. Since the death of his family, it had become increasingly challenging to remain ground to reality. It had become near-impossible to fence up his daydreams as well.

He dreamed of a place where his family and he idled their time away, splayed out on a peaceful prairie; listening to the wind carry true and utter bliss through the trees. This was the optimistic vision that he carried in his heart. A place where peace reigned and happiness flourished; or better yet bloomed. For everyone had the potential in their hearts, everyone wanted peace in one form or another.

He was just open to the truth.

Peace would not, could not be created by one man alone. It needed to be heralded by a force of incomprehensible strength, it needed to be carried by something akin to a God. But if that God was an alliance of humans, it still held no hope. They would eventually grow old and somewhere down the line, some greedy ancestor or piece would cripple that alliance; that God of peace.

Soruko had drew him back to reality and in the process managed to garner a smirk from him. She had always been that way; direct and confrontational. That kind of behavior would had usually put a up a wall between said person and himself, but he found her way of dealing with the situation chivalrous, tasteful almost. It was deserving of that comment.

However, Akira and Ori almost had heart attacks. The lumbering man pushed himself off the wall and gawked at the woman in surprise, even Ori had seemed a bit shaken by the outburst. It seemed they had apprehensions about confronting the three at the table.

“S-Soruko,” stammered the giant, his large hands trembling comically.

“Soruko's going to get us killed before we even get a chance to pull this off,” whispered Ori, though she smirked towards Soruko with a certain amount of pride.

“Leader, do something before this gets out of hand,” Akira whispered urgently, his voice being drowned out by Soruko and Kota's small ruckus. “She is with us after all. We can't have the Senju-Senbo alliance and Kota aiming for our throats.”

Hato blinked and between the folds of his arms, lifted one index finger to hush Akira's worries. As they listened, the conversation turned easy, boarding flirtatious towards the end. “Chokeichi just announced there would be no fighting, Akira. I'm sure that applies to them as well. Besides, now we have a ace. If Kota ever comes up against us,” He leaned in lightly towards Soruko. “We just send our dear Soruko to court him into surrendering,” He jested, the short chords of a hym leaving his lips as he chuckled.

Ori smirked along with him, Akira simply sulked in his own forgetfulness and leaned up against the wall.

He had to admit that he was happy that Soruko had tagged along, it would had been a handful for just Ori and Akira to keep him under-wraps should he lose himself in daydreams. It took a woman like Soruko to bring him back down from the clouds. She was direct and had a heavy hand with great knowledge in its palm. She was a great asset to Tsubasa. That much was true.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Shikako couldn’t keep her hands from shaking. The intensity from the clan leaders was so palpable, Shikako truly believed for a second that she could cut it with her kunai. Next to her, her father clenched his fingers and narrowed his eyes, but otherwise looked relaxed. Uncle Shikayo sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets. How could they be so relaxed? What if a fight broke out? Danger seemed to be hanging over their heads due to these clans dispute – why weren’t they preparing themselves? Shikako swallowed and laid her hand on her kunai pouch, lax. But would somebody take it as a threat? Would someone attack her? Shikako hastily removed her hand.

When the tension finally broke, Shikako breathed an audible sigh of relief. Her nerves relaxed and she rocked on her heels, staring at the ceiling once more. Next to her, she could feel more than see her uncle’s smirk as he thought of how inadequate she was next to Shikashi, her stupid cousin. Biting her lip, Shikako refrained from saying something insolent, like reminding her uncle that Shikashi was a warmonger. No, she shouldn’t stoop to something so petty. Still, the urge remained.

The whole situation was just…

“Troublesome.” Shikashi said aloud before her eyes widened. Did anybody hear her? Please, let it have been said quieter than she meant. Would anybody care? Would they take offense? Relax, relax, not relaxed! Damnit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Zai had tried to take into consideration Takahachi's unusual offer, but the answer was too obvious. Zai would not risk putting his masters life in the hands of a boy and his dogs, if he needed to evacuate the tent, he would take his master with him and leave the rest for dead. "Your offer is a kind one, but is not effective in any way. I cannot trust that your dogs would not just kill him them selves, if we need to leave the tent if fighting happens to break out, I will carry him out myself if need be. As for a talk with him, that is of his choosing not mine, but I warn you Takahachi Ryoskei, if I see any changes in your chakra, I will not hesitate to cut you down. " He said darkly with hard eyes and an ominous aura coming from his figure.

Zai do not like giving out threats, he would much rather act than talk, but when the summit begun, there was no place him to be speaking. There were heated debates starting up, words being flung back and forth between one another, he would not be surprised if one of the leaders snapped and fighting broke out. Zai preferred if that would be the way this summit went, is would make all this much more entertaining. Unfortunately that was not the case, and this was the matter of the future of there world at work here, those thoughts had no place in his mind that this time. Zai continued to stand still near his master at the ready.
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