Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

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Kyle chuckled. "Are you in the hallway near David's room?" he asked, smirking.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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"Um, no, I walked in the opposite direction of that. But I've made a couple of turns." Konsa replied, taking a glance around him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kyle laughed. "Wow... so you really are lost..." he teased. He loved how Konsa was hopeless for some reason, but he couldn't help it. It was so adorable.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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Konsa growled, "Ha. Ha." Konsa said sarcastically, stopping by the window. He glanced out, realizing that it would be getting dark soon. "Argh, whatever." Konsa grumbled to himself as he opened the window, clamoring through it clusmily. "That's a far drop..." Konsa murmured, "I have to go, bye." Konsa said, hanging up on Kyle before jumping out. He shifted into his dragon form, beating his large wings and missing the ground by an inch. He rose above the dorm building and breathed in the fresh air. Konsa took one last look around before bolting off towards the academy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kyle laughed slightly, hanging up. "Well, at least he'll be safe." he murmured to himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Konsa flew high above the ground, up in the clouds to avoid being seen by anyone. He only slowed when the academy came into sight, and he lowered himself by the dorms. He quickly shifted back, landing on his feet. He breathed a sigh of relief at the fact that he didn't land on his face. "Great..." He murmured to himself, taking a look around the school. A part of him didn't want to leave, but the more sensible part knew the academy was more reliable. But he wasn't sure what to believe at this point and only ended up feeling conflicted. Konsa entered Kyle's dorm, knocking on the door when he reached the room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kyle looked over at the door. "Hey, Konsa." He smiled, standing up. He set his hands on Konsa's shoulders. "Are you okay?" He asked, looking him over carefully.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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Konsa nodded, "I just feel tired." He said, shrugging. He slipped from Kyle's grasp to lay down on the empty bed. Konsa rolled over to his back, staring up at the ceiling.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kyle nodded, walking over to were Konsa was. He bent down, kissing his forehead. "Rear up... I'll be having to answer some questions of why my own roommate disappeared. " he said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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"Hm, I didn't think they would notice." Konsa said, sighing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drakon rilt
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Drakon rilt

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David smiled, "just looking over the academy trying to clear my head for once and relax."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 6 days ago

[Ugh...I hate auto-correct.. XP]

Kyle shrugged. "Well, they did.." he murmured, walking over to his own bed.

Ari smiled at him. "Good. You've seemed a little stressed over the past few days..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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Konsa rolled over onto his side, back to Kyle. There wasn't much else to do but lay there for now. But even then, Konsa did not feel like he would be getting any sleep.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kyle looked at him, smiling. "If you need anything, just let me know, okay?" He murmured, walking over to his desk.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlazingxLynx
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

~Earlier today~
Kaede Taylor arrived at the school with her things in hand, coming from the Outerlands, going inside the building to get herself situated. She was a new student, starting off late but it didn't bother her in the slightest. After finally getting her things together and getting to her dorm room, Kaede placed her clothes and such away but she kept her jacket on. It would be the only thing that she wouldn't change..it was her favorite jacket and it was a reason why she kept it.

She attended her classes like it was normal, going through the introductions then went straight to work. Being how she is, the girl was mostly to herself and not making much friends throughout the entire day. After all, it is her first day of school so it's alright for her to be this way. But the thing is that she is normally like this and has very few friends back home.

She showed her worth with how she easily solved math problems in her class, doing well in history and decent in p.e. Though she lacks around in the writing/english department, only because at times she couldn't come up with anything to write despite reading many books.
Kaede was walking down the hallways, going towards her dorm room to get ready for some shut eye. It was an okay day for the Soulpeace dragoness and she knows tomorrow would be the same.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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Konsa closed his eyes, "Okay..." He was silent after that, just listening to kyle's movements. After a moment he sat back up, "Um, Kyle? Why are you and Daniel not friends anymore?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kyle stopped what he was doing, his body rigid. He turned his head to look over at Konsa. "Why do you ask?" he murmured, his jaw stiffening.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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Konsa stared at Kyle, eyes narrowing. "No reason." He lied, shrugging his shoulders slightly. "Just wondering..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kyle looked down at the desk. "Well, if you really want to know. I'll just tell you this..." he looked back at him. "He betrayed me while on a mission.... He left me there, stranded, at a high-risk of being shot and killed on the spot if the guards of the place we were infiltrating had seen me...... and he just left!" he growled, clenching his fists. "When I was able to get out, I found him back at base asleep." He cocked an eyebrow slightly. "Now that I think about it.... He did smell funny when I got back.... maybe like a sedative or something of that sort....."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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It became clear to Konsa what happened, but new questions popped in his head. "Infiltrating?" He said out of surprise, what kind of things did Maridella do?
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