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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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[IC | OOC | Character Sheets]

Prince said "HAND of Fate was created by a community for the community. Neither a roleplay or community is dictated by its leader, but by the sum total of those involved. This roleplay is the sum total of all those involved in it, and it will continue on even if those from the original interest check do not. It will continue on without the person who started it all. Where one head is cut off, two will take its place. This roleplay nor community will die until the sum total of all those involved leave it behind, thus it is up to all of those involved to help keep it alive. I wish you the best of luck, and know I would be there if I could."

Setting Overview
Useful Links: Wikipedia: 1920's, World War I, World War II, Prohibition; History.com, 1920-30.com, Slang, America 1918-1939
The year is 1923. The era is known as the Roaring Twenties, and for most is a time of excitement. New journalism techniques have brought forth a surge of attention to sports, with famous athletes like Babe Ruth being heralded throughout the states. Jazz music has swept through most of the nation, eating at fundamentalist ideals while simultaneously giving birth to a whole new generation of swingers and parties. The invention of the radio, although a slow integration for America, has even allowed the spread of news and culture to diffuse from coast to coast faster than ever. Many claim there will never be a better time to be alive. Many ignore the obvious faults of the generation as well. Crime and poor work environments are often covered up or gone entirely unattended. Prohibition brought forth a whole new insurgence of gang activity, with new mobsters such as Al Capone leading the forefront in bootlegging, prostitution, murder and even drug trafficking. Child workers still fill the labor force, although efforts are slowly being made to improve those situations, and the entire nation allows its Rose Colored Glasses to keep it from seeing the faults within it. Without a doubt, this era is roaring. Not just with loud music, but with gunshots and sirens as well.

Roleplay Status: Introductions and Initiation
Recruitment Status: Open
Preferred Group Size: 4
Preferred Posting Cycles: 4 days (variable to group)
Preferred Post Length: 2-4 paragraphs
Preferred Collaboration Site: titanpad.com

Currently Looking For Group/Squad leaders that will act as sub-mods in the sense of leading their groups through their introduction and initiation while fleshing out the world and the struggles against mutants.

Plot Overview
The Roaring Twenties gave birth to far more than regular criminal syndicates. On the horizon was a whole new national threat: mutants. Almost every major city was slowly becoming infested with them, and there was no pinpoint reason. Federal scientists from city to city found area-isolated leaks, traces in tapwater and even drug distribution of a substance known as BZ014, also called Bolt. The substances gave the user a euphoric high in large enough doses, but its true purpose was significantly different. Synthesized near the end of World War I in attempts to create a super-soldier serum, the substances was mass produced to be mixed with amphetamines and shipped to European countries to aid the war, but its long-term side effects halted that project and furthermore forced the United States to enter the war. Bolt, as it became called, worked by altering the DNA of homo sapien to a superior construct, eliminating defects such as asthma, cardiac disease and other often-genetic issues. The problem became that genes often didn't 'stop' mutating and often became unstable. Mutations included deformities and death, but more notably, some included what could only be called magic. Abilities ranging from telepathy to self-multiplication to the manipulation of fire, water or air and even the ability to almost instantly heal from injury. These alone were the side effects of Bolt, the most common variation. Test subjects for later substances, proven stable, such as BZ015, 16 and 18 all mutated even further. The project was put on hold, shipments were stalled and a new plan had to come into action. Several of these shipments and samples were stolen, leading authorities to believing that is the cause of many of the outbreaks we see today. Several were disposed of improperly. Some are even picked up genetically from carriers. All of these cases gave birth to a secret, new branch of the military...

H.A.N.D. (Homeland Armament and Neutralization Division) was created as a result of the mutant outbreaks. It is a secret organization within the United States with connections in almost every major branch of the government and every other department. Its purpose is to keep the mutant outbreaks hidden from the public and preserve the image of the Roaring Twenties. Prohibition itself is claimed to have been passed by the request of H.A.N.D. as to create a criminal diversion to cover up these outbreaks. H.A.N.D. is now in charge of all mutant-related research and activity. H.A.N.D. has even successfully stabilized the formula into the new CA04, known as the Cat serum, which is now administered to its agent. Their goal is to perfect the super soldier serum while also hunting down and controlling the mutant outbreaks, using media manipulation via the radio and tabloid prints as well as dubious methods of eliminating threats to public welfare in the case recruiting targets or neutralizing them peacefully is not an option. The Agents of H.A.N.D. are some of the most well-trained and capable in the world while others have been outsourced or recruited and/or requested for personal reasons or interest in the mutants. The ultimate goal of H.A.N.D. is to uncover those who stole the BZ014 and eliminate any and all causes of mutant outbreaks.


Mutants have existed all throughout recorded history, but have either been referred to by different titles or weren't recognized as humanoid. A mutant is not merely a result of a mutated series of DNA, but the result of a dormant, recessive genes. Unlike genes that would later be labeled, the three primary genes related to these mutations were given proper names: the Instabelis Magna, Stabilis Magna and and Superior Magna. Not only were these genes recessive, but the incredible traits and abilities they could grant were impossible to replicate without pairing them. Mutants with abilities were the result of either dual Instabelis Magna and Stabilis Magna genes or a perfect Superior Magna gene; without the perfect gene or a perfect pair, the traits still remained dormant. Geneticists have failed in replicating or even further identifying the Superior Magna gene as the only natural pre-mutants that carry it are either too illusive or too powerful to capture. That said, all current known, captured or cooperative pre-mutants carry a balanced set of IM and SM Genes, which proves important. There exists a dualistic relationship between the two:

Balance of Genes refers to the ratio a mutant has been Instabelis Magna and Stabilis Magna genes. A ratio must remain relatively balanced for an organism to even live; if either gene manages to be prevalent without the other to counterbalance it, death normally occurs in-utero. This balance also dictates the possible skillset of a mutant. If the balance is in favor of Stabilis Magna, then the traits for that gene will be stronger; vice versa for Instabiles Magna. No living mutant has a complete favor towards one side.

Instabiles Magna is the more difficult to control of the two genes and is the one responsible for the "super-powers" agents and mutants often have. The greater in favor this gene presents, the more powerful a superpower will be and the more genetic potential a mutant will have in that field. Instabelis Magna gains its name as this gene is the one responsible for further mutation as an organism ages, which results in the Balance of Genes being tilted so greatly a mutant becomes unstable, ie the reason for its name.

Stabilis Magna is the gene responsible for the "super-soldier" capaibilites H.A.N.D. is capable of now. Once this gene is set, it rarely changes its value, thus rarely results in genetic instability. This gene is responsible for the self-repair of others as well as the enhanced physical capabilities. This gene, however, has no relation to the "super powers", "abstract abilities" or other traits associated with Instabelis Magna, resulting in no known science being able to control super powers beyond luck.

These particular mutants are found in nature and have evolved over time. It is believed that many of the mythological creatures throughout time, such as the Fae, Witches, Nymphs, etc. were actually pre-Mutants. These mutants often are the result of intense inbreeding or highly specific environment influences resulting in a repeated or single-occurrence balance of the Instabelis and Stabilis Magna genes. Pre-Mutants are also the only known mutants to have the Superior Magna gene, found only in minor traces while hunting down powerful mutants. Pre-Mutants are often more genetically stable and unlike synthetic mutants are often capable of reproducing effectively, often giving their children their same genes. Unlike science, which has little to no power in influencing the Instabiles Magna gene, selective breeding of pre-mutants or simply following their genetic lineage can be used to attain the desired result of certain mutations and abilities. Geneticists presently have found a less-invasive technique of activating dormant genes in those with Pre-Mutant ancestors instead of altering existing DNA, often resulting in a higher genetic potential than synthetic mutants.

Bolt Mutants
Bolt mutants are the result of the experimental drug BZ012, which alters homosapien DNA to create a forced balance between Instabelis andd Stabilis Magna genes. In large enough doses, BZ012 also acts a euphoric drug as it rapids the brain's neuro-structure, releasing endorphin as it does. Bolt mutants do not stop mutating, which often results in genetic instability due to their Instabelis Magna Gene eventually tilting their Balance of Genes too greatly. This can cause mental and physical instability as well as the suppression of the Stabilis Magna Gene, which then can result in organ failure, internal hemorrhaging and ultimately dead. Due to the nature of Bolt mutations, they often have stronger "super powers" as their Instabelis Magna Gene is greater, resulting in more of their genetic potential being allocated there. Bolt mutants often become aggressive and highly defensive. Due to their nature as synthetic mutants, Bolt mutants often cannot reproduce.

Cat Mutants
Cat mutants are the present agents of H.A.N.D. and are the later results of a drug known as CA04. CA04 was made more stable and diminished if not entirely eliminated the factor of the ever-growing Instabelis Magna Gene by primarily focusing on the Stabilis Magna Gene. Cat Mutants have inhibitors on their genes that slow their aging and cap off their Instabelis Gene, resulting in it being as low as possible in the Balance of Genes. This results in Cat mutants often being the physically strongest and best fit of all mutants at the cost of almost negligible or weak "abilities." Certain mutants, however, push their inhibitors to the maximum in an unexplained reaction to CA04, resulting in a higher-but-still stable Stabilis Magna gene. Called CA04a Mutants, or Cata-mutants, these mutants are often considered the "elite" of the Agents and have more potent abilities at a detriment to their physical fitness. Although rarely documented, it is still possible for Cat or Cata mutants to become degenerate. Due to their nature as synthetic mutants, Cat and Cata-mutants still cannot reproduce.

Genetic Potential
Genetic potential is how we will bridge the IC relationship of genes to powers to the OOC necessity to label and understand them. Within the four types of mutants, traits will be as shown:

Pre-Mutants Most versatile in both genetic potential and balance of genes. Requires a back story and explanation as to how became an Agent of H.A.N.D. Basically, you can analyze the syntehtic mutants to understand how their genetic traits work, and apply them as you see fit. The idea is that pre-Mutants are MEANT to be more versatile and at this time incapable of being consistently replicated, thus they have an advantage in both stability and potential over synthetic mutants.

Bolt Mutants Highest Genetic Potential on average at the cost of long-term stability and sanity. Often having the strongest and most notable superpowers, but less durable. Bolt Mutants often cannot successfully "train" their superpowers as doing so can dangerously tilt their Balance of Genes, resulting in stability and death. This does not immediately mean that training and honing abilities in either other synthetic mutant can reach the potential of a Bolt Mutant.

Cat Mutants An almost standard genetic potential, but technically the lowest. Cat mutants are the most stable mutants and are often the physically strongest and best fit, but with weaker superpowers. Cat mutants have the best muscle memory and can often, with training, complete superhuman tasks and push their own limits, resulting in "trained" or "learned" powers over time. (Example: a marksmen or shield thrower could eventually become adept at inhuman trickshots and geometric calculations instantaneously, without realizing what they're actually doing.) [The latter muscle memory addition is to balance out their often-lack of superpowers by giving them a badass, physical skillset alternatively.]

Cata Mutants Have a slightly higher genetic potential than regular Cat mutants, but only due to their natural acceptance of the CA04 formula. It is speculated that Cata mutants have extremely distant, pre-Mutant ancestors, but don't show the gene markers substantially. Cata-mutants have a higher Instabelis Magna Gene, which results in their genetic potential being allocated to a superpower and cut out of their physical traits. The balance is in fact in favor of their superpower, but they are still above average humans. Each case is unique, but these agents will be the ones with superpowers. Cata mutants, like Cat mutants, can safely train their abilities and enhance them due to the inhibitors placed on their genes.

As you can see, these are rough outlines. I considered making a "stat system" and in fact will make a stat system if you, the roleplayers, request. I would prefer not; as at least one of you have advocated trusting my roleplayers and their literary competence, I can say I agree. I tried to allow flexibility, understanding and some options. I also tried to make it more clear why Bolt mutants are a threat: their ever-growing instability. I also created Cata mutants essentially to provide some plot elements (due to speculation), but also to provide an alternative to those whom do want more super-power oriented characters instead of the just the physical traits. Additionally, I altered the physical traits of Cat mutants to allow some development and personalization through training. As with everything, this isn't quite set in stone, but it's getting etched in their pretty deep. Please provide feedback and suggestions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Sorry, been buried under college stuff. I am still up to this if we can get it going again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Erebos


Member Offline since relaunch

I had figured it was likely a lot of college/family obligations that had caused everyone to disappear into thin air.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Yeah my life is: 10% time to myself , 10% sleeping, 35% working, 45% college.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Yeah, I think I'm going to call it quits guys. I have zero interest to continue this at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Erebos


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I'm talking to Prince and he said he'd like to help if there are enough people for at least one team. So I'll ask here and in the previous thread if there is any interest? I have one person confirmed (besides me) so far.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 7 mos ago

I am sorry, late on the draw, I wouldn't mind going forward with this. Like I sade before: free time=very little.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Erebos


Member Offline since relaunch

Well, I was thinking we'd start after the new year, as originally intended. That should give everyone more time.
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