Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sarafene


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The rain poured heavily over the city as people tried to scramble to get out. It was starting to go under quarantine and it’s unknown how it was started. Just that it happened and now, there were people biting other people. Dead people to be precise, ones that died in the hospital. No one knew that it would come to this, no one knew that people would start infecting other people. At first it was thought to be some random infection, but the most trusted people to take care of the disease got bitten themselves and it sent people into a state of panic.

Now though, now there was a large line of cars on the highway, trying to get out of the city, people thinking it would help.

There were law enforcement on the road today, to ensure that no one infected got out.
Sarene sat quietly in her car, a little miffed about the traffic. The white haired girl glared at the line, hoping that she could get out of the town soon and go to another hospital to continue her internship. She was one of the lucky ones to have survived. She hadn’t gotten bitten yet and that was something that was good. She put her car in park now, knowing this would take a while before she’d be able to get out of the city.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"How are you out of guns?" Danielle groaned, resting her head on the counter in defeat, the Irish and rotund man behind the counter viewed the lithe girl with pity in his eyes, her responded to her in a gruff voice.

"Look, sweetheart-- Denny, I've known you your whole life--"

"I know!" She cut in, "I know you have, Pete." Her voice was soft, but passionate, filled with a new desperation, "Pete, please help me. I know you've got something back there."

Pete saw the people running through the clear doors of the shop, and licked his lips. He hadn't been keeping up with the news, business today had been too good. All he knew, was that people were leaving town for one reason or another, and they were buying like crazy. They had all seemed urgent, but none quite struck him with the same anxious fear as little Denny. She was good people-- she wouldn't come in here like this... Still, it wasn't the end of the world!

Pete's beady eyes darted around before he responded, "Y-you don't even have a license! I can't just--"

"Pete." touching his arm lightly with the word, Denny looked the pawn shop owner in the eye.

He let out a low growl sounding noise from the back of his throat before pointing a meaty finger at the woman, a stern expression on his face, "Now don't you say I never gave you nothin'." The large red haired man left Denny standing at the counter of the small pawn shop as he marched to the back through a door, looking for something. She looked around. The pawn shop was familiar, Pete's Pawn! She had been going here her entire life, her Father had first brought her here... years ago now.

The noise of the rushing mobs brought her back to reality, people were running outside-- looting, she was lucky to be here. Safe behind cheap neon and bullet proof plastic. She didn't know what was happening, the radio mentioned a virus and the possibility of hysteria... but this...?

She was lucky she had Pete. She barely survived the mob over here, it'd be hell getting out of the city, especially on foot.

A slight cough gave told her Pete was back, she turned from the door to face him with a grin, "Alright--" He said, hoisting a small gray backpack onto the counter, he looked at her with his bushy orange eyebrows furrowed and continued, "I, uhh, I y'know, but some basic stuff you'll need to get out the city, survive on your own-- you know, some extra clothes you might need, unmentionables, hygiene, stuff I had in back might help you, uhh, few bottles of water..." He wiped his eyes before going on, "Y-y'know, stuff you might like, might need, might uhh, help you, in leaving the city," He sniffed and rubbed his eye, as if wiping away a tear.

Daniele leaned in, concern in her voice "Pete..."

He laughed and shook his head, "Nahh, I'm good," he reached into his back pocket, pulling out a small pink gun, ".308... to help you out... sorry it ain't black..."

She hugged him.
The freeway now. She had somehow made it out of the riotous city and was walking alongside the cars trying to evacuate, they weren't moving at all. She sighed as she continued walking, moving faster than the parked cars of the evacuees.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AngelNoire
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AngelNoire Lovecraft Divine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

All those people freaking out outside, and not a one really grasps the gravity of this. You don't really know how dangerous these things are until you've faced one that you used to know. I've killed my entire damn family. First my stepdad gets bit and we keep him in the house because he has a fever... next thing you know my little siblings and mother are trying for my throat. If my reflexes weren't what they are... I have an idea now whats going to happen. People are going to misunderstand this epidemic and unless someone in power figures it out soon enough (which I am deeming unlikely at this point, considering that they are suggesting people crowd in the cities like idiots,) then this is gonna spread. I have to leave the city. Now. Attaching my swords to me using some lanyard rope I use for expressly that purpose, and dressing in a hoodie, fashioning a cowl from a thick scarf I own, and some thick jeans and boots with cut soles (for freerunning) I leave the house. Despite the rioting and violence outside I manage to get ahold of some things no one would think of stealing. Those dumb "survival rope" bracelets, I got about ten, A shit ton of off brand batteries, six toy walkie talkies, whetstones (people buy a ton of knives from the cutlery but dont think "hey! I might need to sharpen this one day!") Some vacuum belts (Sturdiest industrial rubber band you can find), Some PVC Pipes about 2 feet long, a hammer (That was the hardest thing to find on the list and all I found was a damned roofing hammer... I hate these things),Some nails, which in as high demand as they are, there were still alot of them in the hardware store, and alot of crap dollar store toys. An odd list for a potential apocalypse, but generally easy to get ahold of and smarter than most would figure. Unscrewing the batteries from the jeep and the hybrid, I load them into the monster GM Acadia in my driveway. Siphoning the gas and loading all the food from my house into the trunk, I take for the less populated nearby valleys of Colorado.
Here's hoping I get there without too much incedent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Wayne Anderson was a fairly reasonable and calm person, but when the CDC came around and started forcefully deputizing him and his crew to start collecting bodies... He had not signed-on for this sort of shit... and now they were dragging-in Nat'l guardsmen to make sure the CDC's wishes were enforced.

Five years on the job and now this... He reasoned it was time to quit; if the mayor thought it was so goddamned important to drag more bodies into the town to make sure this would happen, let those bodies do it. Of course, the town just happened to be going into quarantine and martial-law at the same time, so simply ignoring the plight would likely land a loud knock on the door... So he'd elect to pick-up his family and run before they'd start looking for him.

This would be his first mistake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ishamel wiped his brow with his forearm as he breathed a sigh. Held his favorite cap by the brim as he did looking at the engine of the sedan he was looking over. "Turn it!" He yelled up to the driver and within seconds the engine roared to life, good as new. Breathing a relieved sigh, Ishmael closed the hood of the car and grabbed his toolbox as the middle-aged owner thanked him excessively and passed him a wad of bills as a reward. He didn't know if there was still value in the American dollar at present but the man seemed pretty insistent so he accepted it with a nod and wished the man and his family luck before returning to his idle 1968 Dodge Charger. Even though he had managed to fix the man's car it still didn't change the fact that they were all still stuck on the freeway. At the very least now he he didn't have to worry about being stuck behind a broken down car.

He had spent at least twenty minutes fixing that sedan and the traffic hadn't budged an inch. Up a ways from his car he could see some men getting into an argument. Just great now things were getting violent. His eyes trailed to the glovebox and he hesitated whether or not to open it and retrieve what was inside, but eventually decided against it. "Just in case..." He muttered to himself pulling out a Djarum Black cigar from his jacket pocket and lighting it with his cheap plastic lighter. The familiar taste of the clove cigar filled his mouth and he smoothly blew out a stream of smoke out side of his window. Hopefully the traffic would clear up soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Andre


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tom was at home when the chaos began. Unfortunately for him, home meant the very top of a 28-storey tower. And to make the situation worse, every single person below them was scrambling to leave the building. All the ten elevators will not be enough for everyone to get out immediately, and the fire exits started getting crowded. He stood just by the elevator doors, waiting for his brother and father to show up. After a while, he started doubting that his father even had the intention to come back for them, and he knew that with that man, it was possible. His father must have also convinced little Troy to abandon him so they can run off without having to go through the trouble of taking Tom with them. He took a breath and went off to the office. Inside, there were a set of monitors showing the feeds from the cameras around the building. Most of the higher floors were deserted, but the lower floors were overcrowded. There was almost no more space between the workers trying to leave. The fire exits were jammed. Tom figured it would take more than an hour before everyone was out, and he was at the very back of the line. Even when he would take the exclusive elevator, he'd still get stuck in that crowd. The only other way out would be through the windows, but everything from the first floor to the seventh was bulletproof. The jump would kill him if he tried. So he sat there, helpless, watching the panic going on downstairs. After thirty minutes of staring at the monitors, the third floor was already empty. Tom went to the window to see the heavy traffic, that the cars weren't even moving anymore. Citizens ran carrying huge bags. Store windows were smashed in. Somewhere farther, thick black smoke rose from a structure. Bad things were happening all at once, and where was the people in charge?

After seeing the situation, Tom rushed to his father's room. He knew where the pistol was hidden. Seeing the briefcase was still there, he was able to take a breath of relief. He grabbed the gun, but it only had a few ammo inside. Next, he ran to get a backpack and filled it with essentials. One black hoodie, an extra shirt, a water bottle, a flashlight, a lighter, and some cash. The last thing Tom grabbed was a golf club in his father's kit. For bad situations. He decided he'll get more stuff when he's out of here. He made his way to the elevator. In less than a minute, he was on the lowest floor. It was spacier now, and he struggled to squeeze through the crowd. He desperately got to the doors by shoving some people off his path. A few of them must have recognized him as the boss' son, and reacted by yelling and cursing at him from the crowd. He was already outside, but took one glance behind him to see some familiar faces of some adults who were nice and polite to him before this. But he bottled up the guilt that he felt and joined those who were outside. It was worse than he expected. In fact, his view awhile ago now seemed peaceful compared to what he was witnessing now. A lot of people were on foot too, since the cars weren't moving. They were headed to the highway. So Tom also ran.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sarafene


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The police were ordering people back into their cars, and if they weren't in cars to find someone who would take them. They were turning people away by the moment, telling them they needed to be checked for possible infection but the rioting on the highway, now it started and people were starting to get a little more violent.

Insistent on getting out of the city one man pulled a gun out and shot at the cops, killing one by shooting him in the head, the man was then gunned down, though not a headshot. Moments, only moments later the man stood back up and made his way towards the police officers. It is though that he might have been infected too but who honestly knows.

The man made his way up to one of the cops and bit him, only for the man to then be shot down.
Alysia was in the car with her aunt, who unfortunately had been bitten herself and was running a fever by now.

“Auntie, you’re going to turn into one of them aren’t you? They’re not going to let you by are they?” Alysia asked.

“No honey, but to get you out of here safe, that’s the goal, that’s the goal,” The aunt stated. Alysia nodded and then turned her attention towards the shooting and her eyes go wide.

“T-That man, he was shot and came back up… m-maybe there’s more to this virus… maybe we’re all infected… maybe-“

“Hush Alysia, that man was probably bitten before he was shot down,” Her aunt stated.
Serana cursed as she saw the man shot down.

“Well fucking god damn it! We can’t even walk? Screw them,” She snapped before looking around. What was she to do? She needed to get out of the city just like the rest of them, and sure, going by foot would get them out, but on the same token, the police weren’t allowing it. They had the road barricaded, blocked until they checked each and every god damn car.

“And look, people are getting violent now…” She shakes her head, pissed off herself at the situation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ishmael almost dropped his cigar when he saw the man get shot shot down. His hand hovered near his glovebox warily. The gunshots had made him uneasy he guessed he wasn't quite used to them like he used to be. Hesitantly he opened the glovebox and removed his S&W 686 revolver Feeling the cool metal of the gun and texture of the grips on a gun after having not held one for so long filled him with a wild nostalgia. He shook the thought from his head and made sure the safety was on before laying it next to him. He wanted to be able to reach it in case something went down and he sure something was about to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AngelNoire
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AngelNoire Lovecraft Divine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Damnit!" Miykael exclaimed upon seeing the line of cars in front of him. Pulling the four wheel drive off the road he drove in the ditch beside it, hoping to get around before the steep highway cliffsides Colorado was so well known for appeared in the side of the road. Instead he found police blocking the road, stepping in front of his path and holding up a hand for him to stop. Rolling his eyes, he pulled over. The officer walked up to his window and tapped a knuckle on it.

Rolling his eyes, Miykael rolled down the window and in a mocking tone said, "Is there a problem officer?"

"Yes sir I'd say there is. Are you aware that it is against the law for you to be driving off of the road like that?"

"No officer, I was completely unaware of that. I wonder, is it also illegal to go above the speed limit?"

"Okay smartass, license and registration."

"I don't have one."

"I'm sorry?"

"This is a state of emergency and I know how to use a car. I dont need a license by law."

"Sir that may be true in a state of emergency, but this little epidemic has not been declared a state of emergency."

"My parents and siblings killed eachother in a fit of fever and there were no emergency services available to help us. I'd say that constitutes a state of fucking emergency."

"What's your name son?"

"Why dont you figure it out. My dad's license plate is five feet from you."

"Fine asshole, we'll do this the hard way." Stepping in front of the Acadia, the officer pulls out a walkie talkie and starts to call to his partner. "Yeah Jack... We've got a... 499b... Uh-huh... Nah he's just being a little prick is all..."

That was the last thing he said before 3 tons of Aluminum, Steel, and Plastic ran him down, and barreled through the checkpoint. My window still down, I shout to the cars in a standstill behind me. "Well? Do you want to live or not?" And I start driving away at top speed before a damned police puncture strip caused me to skid into the ditch at the side of the road, followed closely by the first dozen cars behind me to start up. The result was catastrophic.The cars ended up in many different positions along the road, but the eventual result was a pileup three vehicles wide blocking the road and any chance of going around it was cut off by a deeply forested area to the right, and a bridge gap to the left. The road was officially closed. There was no way anyone was getting through that in a car...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The phone buzzed rapidly against Francine Hanson's thigh, they weren't moving in this traffic so she didn't find it much of a risk to her daughter in the seat next to her. "Hello?" she answered the phone, "Yes mom, we're on our way but we're stuck on the highway, they aren't letting people move at all, I've been inching forward every 10 minutes or so but besides that nothing." Francine continued her conversation as Ferra glanced around the area, she was frightened and quite not sure what to think of at this moment.


A fist came down on the passenger window, scaring both the women half to death as a man stood near by, "Roll down your fucking window!" the man yelled out, slamming the window a few times. "I'll call you back Mom!" Francine said putting down the phone and yelling at the man in return, "My daughter is the car! Get out of here, we don't have anything!" the man begin moving around the car and going down the center aisle, swerving between vehicles and other people that began to get out of his car. "What a lunatic." Francine commented to her daughter, reaching her hand over and embracing her daughters. "It'll be okay sweetheart."


This time the sound came from the front of the line where the man had made his way to. Francine watched in horror as the police officer slumped to the ground and the man soon was shot. "What's happening momma?" Ferra called, not being able to see to the front of the cars much less the dashboard of the car. The man began rising from the dead; The news had been right, this virus was defying all things we once knew. Francine turned to her daughter and spoke very quietly and seriously. "Ferra, something very bad is happening. No matter what happens to me, you have to get to your Grandma's house. She will protect you. We gotta get out of here though baby." Ferra's dark eyes began to tear up, this was overwhelming for a child.

Francine took out a map from the glove box and drew out the lines for the trip there, writing down instructions in as easy English as possible so that her daughter if need be could easily read them and direct herself. Ferra had been excellent at school, but even a ten year old had her limits.

Starting back up the car Francine tried to inch forward just a little bit more in this chaos as the cars in front of them began moving quickly forward.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Andre


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tom was still sprinting when something in front of him caught his eye. Immediately, he was too shocked to move, and he wildly stared at what was happening in front of him. His 11 year-old brother was sprawled on the sidewalk with a trail of blood that showed his body was dragged from the middle of the street. The little boy's eyes were lifeless, as if gazing up to the sky. Then there was Tom's father, crouched over Troy while screaming out for help.

"Dad?" Tom choked out, stepping closer.

His father spun to look at him in surprise, and then relief. But in that second, something happened. Troy moved. In a moment, the boy's teeth have already sunken into his father's shoulder. Tom watched, every part of him paralyzed that he wasn't capable of even yelling. He got himself to look at his brother, and it dawned on him. His fingers wrapped tight around the golf club. It felt heavier than it should be when he went forward and raised it.

With a loud, terrified yell, he swung down. On Troy. It hit his chest, but he still managed to move. Tom closed his eyes and took another swing. And another. And another. He felt the blood that splatted on his arms. When he opened his eyes, Troy's head was a mess on the concrete. He realized his father was screaming again. The man tried to hit Tom in rage, but he was still weak from the bite. Tom took advantage and banged his father's head with the end of the club. He didn't pass out, but fell to the ground.

"Bye," Tom whispered, before running off to the highway.

Soon, he slowed down to a walk and saw the police blocking the way to check every single person. He stood still, watching as one man gets shot down, and he saw it again - the man was back up, and attacked a cop. Tom started to walk again when a cop stopped him. "GET IN YOUR CARS!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sarafene


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The cops, they meant well, they really did but the rioting on the highway was drawing attention to the people there and unfortunately for them the horde started approaching the highway. Several people who had died during the start, during now, during everything in the last 2 days started making their way up the highway, undead walking up the highway.

This is when the police panicked. They started to run upon seeing the horde, leaving behind the people to do what they will. Not bothering now to stop anyone. But it was too late, there was a horde and 3 way accident that wouldn’t allow cars to pass.
Sarena saw it from her rearview mirror, the horde, and she had seen the car accident as well. She got out of her car, grabbed her backpack and then started to run as fast as her legs could take her. On her way she stilled near Tom and looked at him.

“Come on, we gotta get going, the cops ain’t gonna stop us now, we gotta run,” She said, not knowing why there was an urge to get him moving, but something told her he could be useful to her if they were to team up.
“Get out of the car Alysia, you need to run okay honey? You need to run, I’m already dead,” Her aunt said and the girl nodded to this.

She slid out of the car, grabbing her suitcase and started to follow suit after the white haired girl. She didn’t know what to do, but she was going to have to find someone to help her survive, she knew that much.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AngelNoire
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AngelNoire Lovecraft Divine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Something was moving... the crowd? Were they going to risk walking?
More screams...
Miykael looked at the pileup next to his car...
Oh God... What have I done?
Then he saw the swarmers.
Oh God! What have I DONE?!!?
There must have been hundreds... and their numbers were steadily growing as people who hadnt yet clued themselves in thought the undead were more refugees. People were difficult to convince like that.
Quickly reaching back, he stuffed as much of each of the materials he brought as he could into a backpack, slung it over his shoulder, and stepped out of the totaled vehicle. Pulling out his two longer swords, he moved his way through the crowd of running people. Alot of the swarmers were distracted by the easier targets. People who realized too late and those unable to escape their seat belt traps in time. Miykael didn't run. He walked. He had no one and nothing to run for... and every person he watched get eaten might have been safe if it werent for his car accident. A large burly man stepped in front of him brandishing a small revolver.
"Look... I'm sorry about this man, but... I gotta have that bag and those swords... It's for my wife and kids... I'd prefer you handed them over williingly so we can take them and go."
Miykael looked up at the man, and instantly saw the detail he needed to be certain of the man's intentions.
"Your wife and kids? Why arent they here?"
"Theyre in my car man. I didnt want you being near them with those swords. Now hand your bag over..."
The gun clicked as he cocked the hammer back. Miykael slipped off the backpack and laid it on the ground between them, stepping back a few feet. As the man crouched down to pick it up, Miykael jolted forward, then sidestepped, shocking the man into firing and missing his shot entirely, instead hitting the trunk of someones car, with his arm extended straight out in reflex. Moving quickly he slashed up with his wazikashi, flicking the blade toward the wrist of the man, cleanly severing his hand from his upper arm.
As the man screamed and fell back in horror, Miykael picked up the hand and tossed it to the man in sarcastic revelry.
"Hey lefty? Married men wear rings."
Those were the last words that man heard before he was speared through the head with 48' of steel.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Andre


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

---nvm double posted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Andre


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tom was staring at awe at the horde that was approaching them. For a second, he forgot to move again. Then he realized someone was speaking towards him. He immediately turned to the voice to see a white-haired girl. Although she wasn't familiar at all, he didn't think, and started running after her. He figured he needed some company for now if he wanted to be one of the living left in here.

I need to stop spacing out. Especially now.

Ahead of them, he could see a boy holding swords. What the fuck? In a moment, one sword was already inside another man's head.

"What about those people..." Tom stammered, taking a glance to the people who were way behind them, just in time to see a woman getting bitten down by an undead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MysticFox


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Charlie sat in front of her window sill, her forehead pressed against the chilled glass as she silently listened to the broadcast. She was both listening and watching the world go to hell. The house was silent while she stared at the lifeless corpses that lined the street. Why wasn't she scared, or even sad? Death had always been a part of her life, why was this any different. Charlie saw something moving out of the corner of her eye, her attention turning to the rotting flesh who had it's teeth sunk into a little boy. Her stomach dropped.

She was out the door within the next few minutes. A back pack filled with supplies was slung over her shoulder, a baseball bat in hand as she walked down the sidewalk of her street. She wore a black baseball hat, an army jacket along with jeans and black combat boots, her appearance not her concern of the moment. A small radio was shoved into the pocket of her pants, headphones plugged into her ears while she walked down the street quickly. She remained almost unnoticed by the dead due to her keeping a distance between them. Was she afraid? Yes.

Charlie roamed the empty streets, looking around for any signs of life. Trash blew around in the air and along the streets, the stench of the air burning her nose. God, this is awful... She brought the sleeve of her jacket up to her nose and coughed, stumbling over a few bodies here and there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Mr. Anderson was returning from what he hoped was his final day of civic-duty as 'lo and behold at the outskirts of town was a 3-car pileup and massive police-roadblock keeping him away from his family. He Set his old truck into park, and took the keys with him as he stepped out to investigate; several people on the other side of the roadblock appeared to be doing the same.

That was when he heard the screams.

Then he heard a shot. And he caught the glimpse of a large hunk of polished steel going into somebody's head.

Quickly, he turned back for his truck. Naturally picking-up his pace a little to avoid whatever insanity he was witness to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AngelNoire
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AngelNoire Lovecraft Divine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Already Miykael felt inhuman. He had killed more people than he knew with that pileup, and none of them even knew it was his fault.
That man he just killed though... it was personal... someone was threatening him, he eliminated the threat. It made him feel different...
He felt like a contradiction. The invincibility his skills and training made him feel he had, but he knew wasnt there was nerve wracking.
He knew that he was human, anything could come along and mess him up, so long as it really tried. But that didnt stop him from walking straight towards the first group of lumbering dead-ones, maybe seven or eight in total.
One after another he slashed them down. and it wasnt until one nearly bit his shoulder that he snapped out of the trance he seemed to be in, and he looked out at the swarm infront of him, which he was now facing alone, only a few fleeing stragglers left to escape their grabbing hands and tilted walks.
It was then that he saw his mortality. He saw that what he was doing now was about to kill him...

And he laughed and fell to his knees, sobbing. He got it now. It was a cruel joke played by heaven. they all had to look forward to this for the ends of their lives. Truly, much like them, we were just lumbering along towards our deaths, to which there was no escape... It was a parody. God's last joke, the unfunny bastard...

I get it though. I hope you think you're clever...

The dead may be walking...

But we are The Walking Dead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AngelNoire
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AngelNoire Lovecraft Divine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

[This post has been removed by SOPA. If you have a problem with it, thats too bad]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Francine inched forward in the car, other cars around them impatiently pulled forward as the car was hit from the driver side; pinning Francine in. The person in the wreckage next to them mangled began to claw at the driver window, as Francine frantically unbuckled Ferra's seatbelt and shoving her daughter out the door. "Go!" she screamed, as Ferra swung open the passenger door for it only to be ripped off by a racing by car. "I can't!" Ferra sobbed, and her mother screamed in agony in return, "My leg is caught Ferra! Go! Run baby, run as fast as you can!"

Looking back for any more cars that would decide to speed by, she lurched back towards her mother and gave her a hug and kiss before taking off. The stress was unbearable as the 10 year old took down the road, running. Her feet were already hurting, the fabric of shoes rubbing against her delicate skin. Ferra was a petite child, barely 4 feet tall and light on her feet as she ran and dodged the crowd and anything that seemed dangerous. She was blinded by her salty tears, her stinging tears of defeat. Her school backpack was against her back causing her to sweat through her clothes. If she were going to survive she was going to need to find someone with some sort of a protection.

Ferra's first gut reaction was to turn to the police, but with most of them now gone or turned into these clawers, the police were now useless. A few feet in front of her she saw a girl who couldn't be too far from her age. "Hey you!" Ferra yelled, out of breath to the girl in front of her. This young girl might not be much of a help to protect Ferra, but as far as she knew the girl would probably have a family that could.
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